Fast PDF password cracking utility equipped with commonly encountered password format builders and dictionary attacks.



Fast PDF password cracking utility equipped with commonly encountered password format builders and dictionary attacks.

📖 Table of Contents

ℹ️ Introduction

pdfrip is a fast multithreaded PDF password cracking utility written in Rust with support for wordlist based dictionary attacks, date and number range bruteforcing, and a custom query builder for password formats.


  • Fast: Performs about 50-100k+ passwords per second utilising full CPU cores.
  • Custom Query Builder: You can write your own queries like STRING{69-420} with the -q option which would generate a wordlist with the full number range.
  • Date Bruteforce: You can pass in an year as the input with the -d option which would bruteforce all 365 days of the year in DDMMYYYY format which is a pretty commonly used password format for PDFs.
  • Number Bruteforce: Just give a number range like 5000-100000 with the -n option and it would bruteforce with the whole range.


$ curl -L -o pdfrip

(Linux AMD x86-64)


Download the executable from Releases for your OS.


Install with cargo:

$ cargo install --git

Install Rust/Cargo

Build From Source


  • Git
  • Rust
  • Cargo (Automatically installed when installing Rust)
  • A C linker (Only for Linux, generally comes pre-installed)
$ git clone
$ cd pdfrip/
$ cargo build --release

The first command clones this repository into your local machine and the last two commands enters the directory and builds the source in release mode.


Get a list of all the arguments:

$ pdfrip --help

Start a dictionary attack with a wordlist (-w/--wordlist):

$ pdfrip encrypted.pdf -w rockyou.txt

Bruteforce number ranges for the password (-n/--num-bruteforce):

$ pdfrip encrypted.pdf -n 1000-9999

Bruteforce all dates in a year for the password in DDMMYYYY format (-d/--date-bruteforce):

$ pdfrip encrypted.pdf -d 1999

Build a custom query to generate a wordlist (-q/--custom-query): (useful when you know the password format)

$ pdfrip encrypted.pdf -q ALICE{1000-9999}

$ pdfrip encrypted.pdf -q DOC-ID{0-99}-FILE

Enable preceding zeros for custom queries (-z/--add-preceding-zeros): (which would make {10-5000} to {0010-5000} matching the end range's digits)

$ pdfrip encrypted.pdf -q ALICE{10-9999} --add-preceding-zeros


Ways to contribute:

  • Suggest a feature
  • Report a bug
  • Fix something and open a pull request
  • Help me document the code
  • Spread the word


Licensed under the MIT License, see LICENSE for more information.

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    performance across PDF versions

    What's the expected performance across PDF versions / types? (Edit: maybe have a table added to the README?)

    For comparison, GPU performance under hashcat on a single GTX 1080, across supported PDF versions, is as follows:

    $ for hashtype in 10400 10420 10500 25400 10600 10700; do \
        hashcat -b -w 4 -O -m $hashtype --quiet; done
    * Hash-Mode 10400 (PDF 1.1 - 1.3 (Acrobat 2 - 4))
    Speed.#1.........:   414.1 MH/s (403.66ms) @ Accel:1024 Loops:256 Thr:32 Vec:1
    * Hash-Mode 10420 (PDF 1.1 - 1.3 (Acrobat 2 - 4), collider #2)
    Speed.#1.........:  6510.0 MH/s (102.36ms) @ Accel:1024 Loops:1024 Thr:32 Vec:1
    * Hash-Mode 10500 (PDF 1.4 - 1.6 (Acrobat 5 - 8)) [Iterations: 70]
    Speed.#1.........: 14044.6 kH/s (30.67ms) @ Accel:1024 Loops:70 Thr:32 Vec:1
    * Hash-Mode 25400 (PDF 1.4 - 1.6 (Acrobat 5 - 8) - user and owner pass) [Iterations: 70]
    Speed.#1.........: 14294.5 kH/s (30.56ms) @ Accel:1024 Loops:70 Thr:32 Vec:1
    * Hash-Mode 10600 (PDF 1.7 Level 3 (Acrobat 9))
    Speed.#1.........:  3128.5 MH/s (423.99ms) @ Accel:128 Loops:512 Thr:1024 Vec:1
    * Hash-Mode 10700 (PDF 1.7 Level 8 (Acrobat 10 - 11)) [Iterations: 64]
    Speed.#1.........:    34875 H/s (586.47ms) @ Accel:32 Loops:8 Thr:256 Vec:1
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