6196 Repositories
Rust learn-rust-the-hard-way Libraries
A digital audio workstation for all platforms that is libre, gratis, and awesome
🎹 Dawsome [WIP] A DAW build on React + Rust + WASM Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: pnpm dev Tauri will open a new window wit
Tool for mass import of hosts into Zabbix (and other API functions)
zabbix-tools A CLI tool for interacting with Zabbix API built in Rust. Designed for Zabbix 6.0. Functions added to test API and add hosts manually or
Rust implementation for parsing StarCraft .chk files.
bwmap Rust implementation for parsing StarCraft .chk files. bounding.net uses this library to parse StarCraft and StarCraft: Brood War maps and store
Ocular seeks to be the preferred cosmos client library UX for Rust projects
Ocular seeks to be the preferred cosmos client library UX for Rust projects. It is strongly based on lens, a go client library for blockchains built with the Cosmos SDK.
This is a command line port of the game Wordle in Rust
Wordle.rs Welcome to Wordle.rs! This is a command line port of the game Wordle in Rust. I built this in order to get more familiar with programming in
Next-generation implementation of Ethereum protocol ("client") written in Rust, based on Erigon architecture.
🧬 Martinez 🧬 Next-generation implementation of Ethereum protocol ("client") written in Rust, based on Erigon architecture. Why run Martinez? Look at
An asynchronous API client for a light installation at the University of Kiel
An asynchronous API client for a light installation at the University of Kiel
Artifact collection tool for *nix systems
fennec is an artifact collection tool written in Rust to be used during incident response on *nix based systems. fennec allows you to write a configuration file that contains how to collect artifacts.
A native screenshot tool for wlroots based compositors such as sway and river written in Rust
A native screenshot tool for wlroots based compositors such as sway and river written in Rust. X11 support coming soon.
A high level, easy to use gpgpu crate based on wgpu
A high level, easy to use gpgpu crate based on wgpu. It is made for very large computations on powerful gpus
A blazingly fast command-line tool for converting Chinese punctuations to English punctuations
A blazingly fast command-line tool for converting Chinese punctuations to English punctuations
Rust-port of spotify/annoy as a wrapper for Approximate Nearest Neighbors in C++/Python optimized for memory usage.
Rust-port of spotify/annoy as a wrapper for Approximate Nearest Neighbors in C++/Python optimized for memory usage.
A really basic Cloudflare worker made in rust
Rust WebAssembly Worker. A really basic Cloudflare worker made in rust.
Fast Discord RPC Client written in Rust
Discord RPC Client Examples Big image, small image, details and one button discordrpc -c 942151169185316874 -d 'untypeable nickname' --button-1-text '
A high performance python technical analysis library written in Rust and the Numpy C API.
Panther A efficient, high-performance python technical analysis library written in Rust using PyO3 and rust-numpy. Indicators ATR CMF SMA EMA RSI MACD
A pure Rust reimplementation of libc functions localtime, gmtime and mktime.
tz-rs A pure Rust reimplementation of libc functions localtime, gmtime and mktime. This crate allows to convert between a Unix timestamp and a calenda
⚡ A Blazing fast alternative to the stock windows folder delete function!
Turbo Delete A blazing fast alternative to the default Windows delete. Turbodelete is a blazing fast alternative to the default Windows delete functio
Terminal UI for erhanbaris/smartcalc, a new way to do calculations on-the-fly
smartcalc-tui Terminal UI for erhanbaris/smartcalc, a new way to do calculations on-the-fly. From the README: Do your calculation on text based querie
Rust Kubernetes runtime helpers. Based on kube-rs.
kubert Rust Kubernetes runtime helpers. Based on kube-rs. Features clap command-line interface support; A basic admin server with /ready and /live pro
Serenade: Low-Latency Session-Based Recommendations
Serenade: Low-Latency Session-Based Recommendations This repository contains the official code for session-based recommender system Serenade, which em
lipsum-cli is a small terminal application written in Rust language.
lipsum-cli is a small terminal application written in Rust language. It's used for generating pseudo-Latin lorem ipsum filler text in terminal.
Semantic find-and-replace using tree-sitter-based macro expansion
Semantic find-and-replace using tree-sitter-based macro expansion
This library provides a stable polyfill for Rust's Strict Provenance experiment.
This library provides a stable polyfill for Rust's Strict Provenance experiment.
A rust library + CLI tool that tells you when swas will upload new video through complex calculations
A rust library + CLI tool that tells you when swas will upload new video through complex calculations. It also lets you search and play youtube videos of swas and other channels. Searching about youtube channels is also an option. Basically it's a youtube search cli tool written in rust.
A zsh histb browser using skim. Implemented in rust.
A zsh histb browser using skim. Implemented in rust.
🥬 Practical spinner for Rust
🥬 spinach Practical spinner for Rust Install Add as a dependency to your Cargo.toml. [dependencies] spinach = "2" Usage Basic example. use std::threa
A blazing fast command line license generator for your open source projects written in Rust🚀
Overview This is a blazing fast ⚡ , command line license generator for your open source projects written in Rust. I know that GitHub
Rust TUI library - Clipping region is a set of min/max x/y values applied to the existing region
TinyBit Clipping region is a set of min/max x/y values applied to the existing region A TUI lib This is not yet production ready T O D O TODO: bugs: T
SubZero - a standalone web server that turns your database directly into a REST/GraphQL api
What is this? This is a demo repository for the new subzero codebase implemented in Rust. subZero is a standalone web server that turns your database
High-level http auth extractors for axum
High-level http auth extractors for axum
Let's write an OS which can run on x86_64 in Rust from scratch
rCore-Tutorial-v3 rCore-Tutorial version 3.5. See the Documentation in Chinese. news 2021.11.20: Now we are updating our labs. Please checkout chX-dev
A simple MD5 implementation with a focus on buffered reading
md5-rs A simple MD5 implementation with a focus on buffered reading, and is completely no_std. This shouldn't be used in any security-critical softwar
A stable, linearithmic sort in constant space written in Rust
A stable, linearithmic sort in constant space written in Rust. Uses the method described in "Fast Stable Merging And Sorting In Constant Extra Space"
Rust library to scan files and expand multi-file crates source code as a single tree
syn-file-expand This library allows you to load full source code of multi-file crates into a single syn::File. Features: Based on syn crate. Handling
Convert number like 42 to forty-two
num2words Convert number like 42 to forty-two Usage This crate can be either used as a library or a binary. Library Example usage: use num2words::Num2
WIP / POC for using the ESP32C3 wifi drivers in bare-metal Rust
Wifi on ESP32C3 (on bare-metal Rust) About This is experimental and work-in-progress! You are welcome to contribute but probably shouldn't use this fo
A tiny crate to make it easy to share and apply Git hooks for Rust projects
Shareable git hooks for Rust project. Sloughi is a friend of Husky from North Africa! :algeria:
A minimal readline with multiline and async support
RustyLine Async A minimal readline with multiline and async support. Inspired by rustyline , async-readline & termion-async-input.
A library for generating TypeScript definitions from rust code.
Tsify is a library for generating TypeScript definitions from rust code. Using this with wasm-bindgen will automatically output the types to .d.
An Intel HAXM powered, protected mode, 32 bit, hypervisor addition calculator, written in Rust.
HyperCalc An Intel HAXM powered, protected mode, 32 bit, hypervisor addition calculator, written in Rust. Purpose None 😏 . Mostly just to learn Rust
Rust library that helps you change the domain of the link to another domain 🦀🔐
Rust library that helps you to change the domain of the link to another domain, the library helps with privacy. It can be used to change the domain of sites that do not care about privacy to another that does.
A trading bot written in Rust based on the orderbook delta volume.
The strategy based on the concept of mean reversion. We look for large deviations in the volume delta of BTC-PERP on FTX at a depth of 1. These deviations could be caused by over-enthusiastic and over-leveraged market participants.
Extracting react native app source code from apk file.
extract-myreact Extracting React Native app source code from apk file.
High Assurance Rust - A free book about developing secure and robust systems software.
High Assurance Rust - A free book about developing secure and robust systems software.
DDoS Utility which distributes the available resources across different targets
DDoS utility for education purposes only. Allows to specify a number of targets inside a json file and send a tremendous amount of request. The requests are distributed across the specified targets, to allow keeping as much targets down as possible, while limiting the necessary resources.
A NES emulator written in Rust, with a focus on expandability and accuracy
A NES emulator written in Rust, with a focus on expandability and accuracy
Rust library to detect bots using a user-agent string
Rust library to detect bots using a user-agent string
Extended precision integer Rust library. Provides signed/unsigned integer 256 to 2048.
Extended precision integer Rust library. Provides signed/unsigned integer 256 to 2048.
🦀️Linkmap file parse library for rust
Linkmap file parse library for rust
A new shellcode injection technique. Given as C++ header, standalone Rust program or library.
FunctionStomping Description This is a brand-new technique for shellcode injection to evade AVs and EDRs. This technique is inspired by Module Stompin
Dangerously fast dns/network/port scanner, all-in-one
Skanuvaty Dangerously fast dns/network/port scanner, all-in-one. Start with a domain, and we'll find everything about it. Features: Finds subdomains f
Yet another video to ASCII animation (in Rust)
Yet another video to ASCII tool (in Rust) Requirements opencv Installation cargo install video2ascii You may also want to add
An easy-to-use generic trainer for Linux, written in Rust.
An easy-to-use generic trainer for Linux written in Rust, with basic memory hacking features. Use it for your games or applications where needed, there is also the tuxtraind daemon which will probe for processes and apply matching trainers automatically.
📦 Port of tauri-bundler
📦 Port of tauri-bundler You can now easily create installers for your Deno apps, thanks to the amazing work of Tauri 💪
Derive macro for encoding/decoding instructions and operands as bytecode
bytecoding Derive macro for encoding and decoding instructions and operands as bytecode. Documentation License Licensed under either of Apache License
Magnesium-Oxide (MGO) a secure file uploader with support for ShareX.
A blazingly fast, ShareX uploader coded in Rust (using actix web) which utilizes AES-256-GCM-SIV to securely store uploaded content.
Playboy is a Nintendo Gameboy emulator for the Panic Playdate written in Rust
Playboy Playboy is a Nintendo Gameboy emulator for the Panic Playdate! Building Playdate isn't exactly a Tier 1 platform for Rust :) As a result, the
A universal, distributed package manager
Cask A universal, distributed package manager. Installation | Usage | How to publish package? | Design | Contributing | Cask.toml If you are tired of:
Drpc-Correct, high performance, robust, easy use Remote invocation framework
Drpc - Correct, high performance, robust, easy use Remote invocation framework
Rust Util Collection, a simple and friendly error-chain
RUC Rust Util Collection, a simple and friendly error-chain, with many useful utils as an addition. The painful experience of using error-chain gave b
OXiDE - A PoC packer written in Rust
OXiDE is a PoC Rust packer. It doesn't do much other than compress the target binary, but if you read the code, you'll find that extending it to do more (e.g., obfuscation, anti-reversing) is very possible!
Symbolically Executable Stack Machines in Rust
Symbolically Executable Stack Machines in Rust Symbolic Stack Machines is a library for implementing symbolically executable stack-based virtual machi
Minimal virus genome coverage assessment for metagenomic diagnostics
vircov Minimal virus genome coverage assessment for metagenomic diagnostics Overview v0.5.0 Purpose Implementation Installation Usage Tests Concept Cl
Magnesium-Oxide (MGO) - a secure file uploader with support for ShareX.
A blazingly fast, ShareX uploader coded in Rust (using actix web) which utilizes AES-256-GCM-SIV to securely store uploaded content.
An experimental real-time operating system (RTOS) written in Rust
An experimental real-time operating system (RTOS) written in Rust
Polydrive an experimental open source alternative to Google Drive
Polydrive is an experimental open source alternative to Google Drive. It allows users to synchronize their files on multiple devices.
A following of the book: Zero to Production In Rust
A following of the book: Zero to Production In Rust
An attempt to rewrite lite-client for TON Blockchain in Rust using ton-labs-adnl library.
An attempt to rewrite lite-client for TON Blockchain in Rust using ton-labs-adnl library.
A block game made in Rust and SFML
septadrop A block game made in Rust and SFML. For packaging instructions, see the build folder. Game Controls 🠔/🠖 arrow keys: horizontal movement 🠕
🖥 Simple Arduino Serial Monitor
Born out of the desire to connect to an Arduino without having to run the whole Arduino suite.
skyfetch ☁️ a system information fetch written in rust
skyfetch ☁️ a system information fetch written in rust requirements cargo install with curl
An unofficial and incomplete no_std Rust library for implementing the ElectricUI Binary Protocol
An unofficial and incomplete no_std Rust library for implementing the ElectricUI Binary Protocol
Gives custom drugs to your terminal 💊
Linux on drugs 🧪 Gives custom drugs to your terminal 💊 Output random colors really fast Installation 📦 Arch Linux Linux on drugs is in the AUR yay
PM-Tools - a simple Rust util to easily create server directories
PM-Tools PM-Tools is a simple Rust util to easily create server directories or plugins without the hassle of unzipping or creating directories Progres
A dead-simple, extreme fast permission flag system for Rust with no dependencies
A dead-simple, extreme fast permission flag system for Rust with no dependencies
A bundler (mainly for TypeScript projects) made in Rust
TSAR A bundler (mainly for TypeScript projects) made in Rust. Also my first Rust Project! What does TSAR stand for Like phar (PHP Archive) or JAR (Jav
A simple external client made with rust
A simple external client made with rust
Sūshì is a simple but customizable static site generator / blog generator written in Rust
sūshì Sūshì is a simple but customizable static site generator / blog generator written in Rust. Installation Install with Cargo (Recommended) cargo i
Demo of Rust and axum web framework
Demo of Rust and axum web framework Demonstration of: Rust: programming language that focuses on reliability and stability. axum: web framework that f
cargo-lambda a Cargo subcommand to help you work with AWS Lambda
cargo-lambda cargo-lambda is a Cargo subcommand to help you work with AWS Lambda. This subcommand compiles AWS Lambda functions natively and produces
🛂Rust implementation of lavaplayer connector
🛂 mixtape-bot/connector-rs Rust implementation of lavaplayer connector Discord Server Original Implementation 📦 Progress Since I'm basically a compl
Example for Rust Android Native Development
Android console application example project based on rust & cargo-xdk
Fastest autocomplete API written in rust 🦀
rust-autocomplete-api fastest* autocomplete API written in rust 🦀 *probably Run it locally cargo build --release ./target/release/autocomplete-api-po
Cross Platform Rust (crust)
This repository is the code to support my crust series of blog posts on my main Github page which is all about getting an OpenGL renderer up and running using cross platform Rust code.
Create a Python project automatically with rust (like create-react-app but for python)
create-python-project Create a Python project automatically with rust (like create-react-app but for python) Installation cargo install create-python-
Dip editor: Multi-platform Text editor purely written in Rust
dip editor Multi-platform Text editor purely written in Rust, supercharged by Bevy game engine and Dioxus UI framework. heavily in development Why Gam
A pretty, sensible logger for Rust - ideal for running examples and tests on a crate of choice
sensible-env-logger A pretty, sensible logger for Rust - ideal for running examples and tests on a crate of choice. This is a thin wrapper around pret
Chains - a bot written in Rust using the serenity crate
Chains (Rusty) Chains is a bot written in Rust using the serenity crate. Chains primarily focuses on easy to set up, easy to use moderation tools such
Stopwatch lib for rust. Start, pause, reset and lap like any stopwatch.
Chronometer Stopwatch lib for rust. Start, pause, reset and lap like any stopwatch. Nothing special I'm just learning rust. Getting Started Add this l
A desktop application wrapper for CovidValidator.app
A desktop application wrapper for CovidValidator.app Check EU Digitial Covid Certificates with ease and validate them against local or country rules.
Generate markdown comparison tables from `cargo-criterion` JSON output
criterion-table Generate markdown comparison tables from Cargo Criterion benchmark JSON output. Currently, the tool is limited to Github Flavored Mark
A Rust implementation of the Lox programming language. Based on clox, the bytecode virtual machine.
A Rust implementation of the Lox programming language. Based on clox, the bytecode virtual machine.
Fast, efficient, and robust memory reclamation for concurrent data structures
Seize Fast, efficient, and robust memory reclamation for concurrent data structures. Introduction Concurrent data structures are faced with the proble
Watch classic spongebob from the terminal
Watch classic spongebob from the terminal! Remake of the original spongbob cli written in py by TrakBan
A RISC-V emulator supoorting RV32I instruction set written in Rust
32-bit RISC-V Emulator in Rust This is a RISC-V emulator supoorting RV32I instruction set written in Rust, inspired by Francis Stokes's RISC-V Emulato
A handy way to handle sh/bash cli parameters
Argc A handy way to handle sh/bash cli parameters. How Argc works To write a command line program with Argc, we only need to do two things: Describe t
Rust BOFs for Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike Beacon Object Files (BOFs) written in rust with rust core and alloc.
tzdb — Time Zone Database
tzdb — Time Zone Database Static time zone information for tz-rs. This crate provides all time zones found in the Time Zone Database, currently in the
A zero-dependency crate for writing repetitive code easier and faster.
akin A zero-dependency crate for writing repetitive code easier and faster. Check Syntax for information about how to use it. Why? Example Syntax NONE