431 Repositories
Rust code-coverage Libraries
ClangQL is a tool that allow you to run SQL-like query on C/C++ Code instead of database files using the GitQL SDK
ClangQL - Clang AST Query Language ClangQL is a tool that allow you to run SQL-like query on C/C++ Code instead of database files using the GitQL SDK.
A collection of lints to catch common mistakes and improve your Cairo code.
cairo-lint A collection of lints to catch common mistakes and improve your Cairo code. Usage cairo-lint can either be used as a library or as a standa
Blockoli is a high-performance tool for code indexing, embedding generation and semantic search tool for use with LLMs.
blockoli 🥦🔎 Blockoli is a high-performance tool for code indexing, embedding generation and semantic search tool for use with LLMs. blockoli is buil
Authenticate the cryptographic chain-of-custody of Linux distributions (like Arch Linux and Debian) to their source code inputs
backseat-signed Authenticate the cryptographic chain-of-custody of Linux distributions (like Arch Linux and Debian) to their source code inputs. This
Incredible.dev is an AI Coding Co-worker which can code, fix, document, deploy, test your APIs. One agent to rule everything API.
Incredible.dev Early Github preview, documentation and instruction to run coming soon in a week! Here are some highlights: AI agents that can code, fi
This monorepository contains the source code for the smart contracts implementing bAsset Protocol on the Terra blockchain.
Crll bAsset Contracts This monorepository contains the source code for the smart contracts implementing bAsset Protocol on the Terra blockchain. You c
A AMD64 code generator (like LLVM)
A libary to generate x86-64Bit machine code Error: Jit dosn't work Warning: this libary is currently undergoing big changes so don't use in production
Doing advent of code with CUDA and rust.
advent-of-cuda I want to get better at writing cuda kernels so I plan on doing advent of code with cuda. You can follow along here. This for advent of
My Advent of Code 2023 solutions in the Rust programming language.
Advent of Code 2023 in Rust My Advent of Code 2023 solutions in the Rust programming language. This repository holds a separate Rust project for each
A cli tool to automatically download and upload advent of code problems.
Advent of Code CLI CLI client for advent of code. The purpose of this tool is so you don't have to leave your editor while participating (if you are l
Advent of Code 2023 solutions - #15 on global leaderboard
My solutions for Advent of Code 2023, written in Rust. The code requires Rust nightly to run. Sample inputs from each day are provided. To run with ac
Solutions to Advent of Code 2023 in Rust! :crab:
AdventOfCode2023 🎄 Solutions to AoC 2023 in Rust 🦀 Usage # to be able to download inputs (see fetch.sh) export AOC_SESSION=[value from session cooki
🎄🎅 My Advent of Code 2023 solutions 🎁⛄
🎄🎁 My AOC 2023 solutions 🎅⛄ 🎄 Table of contents 🎁 Table of the days 🎅 Goals ⛄ Quickstart 🎁 Table of the days Day Part 1 Part 2 Language 01 Toki
Solutions to Advent of Code 2023 in Rust 🎄
Advent of Code 2023 Solutions to Advent of Code 2023 in Rust 🎄 Day Part 1 Part 2 Thoughts 1 ⭐ ⭐ As with most early advent of code challenges, it's mo
Solutions of Advent-of-Code 2023 in Rust
Advent of Code 2023 in Rust If you've never heard of Advent of Code, you're missing out. Check it out now at adventofcode.com! I mostly do AoC puzzles
Shuttle.rs Christmas Code Hunt 2023
🚀 Shuttle.rs Christmas Code Hunt 2023 Submissions 🎄 These are my submissions for the Christmas Code Hunt hosted by shuttle.rs This is using a custom
cargo-crev to cargo-vet code review exporter
cargo-crev to cargo-vet converter Crev and Vet are supply-chain security tools for auditing Rust/Cargo dependencies. This tool (crevette) is a helper
My solutions for the Advent of Code 2023.
🎄 Advent Of Code 2023 Hi! These are my Rust solutions for the Advent of Code 2023. Day Name Source Part 1 Part 2 Time 1 Time 2 1 Trebuchet?! 01.rs ⭐
🎄Solutions for Advent of Code 2023
🎄 Advent of Code 2023 Solutions for Advent of Code in Rust. 2023 Results Day Part 1 Part 2 Day 1 ⭐ ⭐ Day 2 ⭐ ⭐ Day 3 ⭐ ⭐ Day 4 ⭐ ⭐ Day 5 ⭐ ⭐ Day 6 ⭐
A Minimalistic Rust library to extract all potential function selectors from EVM bytecode without source code.
EVM Hound A Minimalistic Rust library to extract all potential function selectors from EVM bytecode without source code. Installation $ cargo add evm_
cpa is a cli tool for ultra fast setup of Rust & Python projects
CPA: Create-Python-App cpa is a cli tool for ultra fast setup of new Python & Rust projects. It automates the creation of config files like style & li
Code for my workshop "Production-ready WebAssembly with Rust" presented at RustLab 2023 in Florence
Workshop: Production-ready WebAssembly with Rust A workshop on Rust for WebAssembly by Alberto Schiabel (@jkomyno). 🤓 This workshop was first present
zink! is a library for developing ink! smart contracts with useful Rust macros that extend functionality and reduce boilerplate code.
zink! Smart Contract Macros This is a helper library for developing ink! smart contracts. It contains useful Rust macros that extend functionality and
Catch Tailwindcss Errors at Compile-Time Before They Catch You, without making any change to your code! Supports overriding, extending, custom classes, custom modifiers, Plugins and many more 🚀🔥🦀
twust Twust is a powerful static checker in rust for TailwindCSS class names at compile-time. Table of Contents Overview Installation Usage Statement
An LLM-powered (CodeLlama or OpenAI) local diff code review tool.
augre An LLM-powered (CodeLlama or OpenAI) local diff code review tool. Binary Usage Install Windows: $ iwr https://github.com/twitchax/augre/releases
Manage your dotfiles and packages with ease. Define your $HOME as Code 💻 🚀 ✨
EnvHub is a simple tool to manage dotfiles and packages accross multiple machines. Written in Rust, internally it uses nix/homebrew/pkgx/devbox to man
A museum of code!
museum_of_code A museum of code! Built with Rust, Yew and Tailwind CSS. VISIT HERE! Developer setup Install Rust curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh I
Supporting code for the paper "Optimized Homomorphic Evaluation of Boolean Functions" submitted to Eurocrypt 2024
This repository contains the code related to the paper Optimized Homomorphic Evaluation of Boolean Functions. The folder search_algorithm contains the
🦀 OpenAPI code generation 🐷
Pig 🦀 OpenAPI code generation 🐷 Install cargo install --git git@github.com:truchi/pig.git --locked Usage 🦀 OpenAPI code generation 🐷 Usage: pig [
Make beautiful colored code listings in LaTeX with the power of TreeSitter.
What is this? This is a CLI tool that consumes TreeSitter's output and transforms it into LaTeX code that will produce syntax-colored code listing. If
A library that allows for the arbitrary inspection and manipulation of the memory and code of a process on a Linux system.
raminspect raminspect is a crate that allows for the inspection and manipulation of the memory and code of a running process on a Linux system. It pro
A snapshotting, coverage-guided fuzzer for software (UEFI, Kernel, firmware, BIOS) built on SIMICS
TSFFS: Target Software Fuzzer For SIMICS TSFFS is a snapshotting, coverage-guided fuzzer built on the SIMICS full system simulator. TSFFS makes it eas
Source code of Ferrocene, safety-critical Rust toolchain
Ferrocene is a toolchain to enable the use of the Rust programming language in safety-critical environments. It is a proper downstream of the main Rus
Putting the 1992 Putnam Test question A-6 into code.
Problem If you choose 4 points on a sphere and consider the tetrahedron with these points as it's vertices, what is the probability that the center of
A CLI tool you can pipe code and then ask for changes, add documentation, etc, using the OpenAI API.
AiBro This is your own little coding bro, immersed in the world of AI, crypto, and all other types of over hyped tech trends. You can pipe it code and
Code template for a production Web Application using Axum: The AwesomeApp Blueprint for Professional Web Development.
AwesomeApp rust-web-app More info at: https://awesomeapp.dev/rust-web-app/ rust-web-app YouTube episodes: Episode 01 - Rust Web App - Course to Produc
Rust low-level minimalist APNG writer and PNG reader with just a few dependencies with all possible formats coverage (including HDR).
project Wiki https://github.com/js29a/micro_png/wiki at glance use micro_png::*; fn main() { // load an image let image = read_png("tmp/test.
OpenAPI-based test coverage analysis tool that helps teams improve integration test coverage in CI/CD pipelines
Ready-to-use OpenAPI test coverage analysis tool that helps teams improve integration CoveAPI is an advanced test coverage analysis tool based on the
Original source code for Practical Rust Projects 2nd ed. by Shing Lyu and Andrew Rzeznik
Apress Source Code This repository accompanies Practical Rust Projects 2nd ed. by Shing Lyu and Andrew Rzeznik (Apress, 2023). Download the files as a
The lambda-chaos-extension allows you to inject faults into Lambda functions without modifying the function code.
Chaos Extension - Seamless, Universal & Lightning-Fast The lambda-chaos-extension allows you to inject faults into Lambda functions without modifying
Code accompanying the 1 Hour Dive into Async live stream.
1 Hour Async This is the code accompanying the 1 Hour Dive into Async live-stream. The slides are here You can watch the recorded event on YouTube Inc
Evaluate performance gains to expect when EVM were to compile hot contracts into machine code
Convert evm bytecode to native machine code and go vroom - just an experiment, probably broken, reach out to georgios@paradigm.xyz to contribute / productionize.
rehype plugin to use tree-sitter to highlight code in pre code blocks
rehype-tree-sitter rehype plugin to use tree-sitter to highlight code in precode blocks Contents What is this? When should I use this? Install Use
Code for blog post "{n} times faster than C, where n = 128"
Code for {n} times faster than C, where n = 128 Actually, n = 290 🤯 Benchmark Setup Rust version: rustc 1.70.0 (90c541806 2023-05-31) Run test: cargo
Yet another code execution engine written in Rust.
exec Yet another blazingly fast code execution engine written in Rust. Paths GET /api/v1/status GET /api/v1/runtimes POST /api/v1/execute POST /api/v1
💫 create beautiful code snippets on ray.so
Rayso✨ [ Generate beautiful screenshot snippets from terminal using ray.so ] Installation 🍀 Source 🍙 $ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/pwnwri
Rusty Shellcode Reflective DLL Injection (sRDI) - A small reflective loader in Rust 4KB in size for generating position-independent code (PIC) in Rust.
Shellcode Reflective DLL Injection (sRDI) Shellcode reflective DLL injection (sRDI) is a process injection technique that allows us to convert a given
Get relevant files/authors for your code - binary written in rust
ContextPilot: All the context, right at your door code step. What is ContextPilot? Use this binary to find top N (all for now) relevant files and auth
Rust code for T-Display S3 AMOLED, ESP32-S3 board with RM67162 AMOLED display
T-Display S3 AMOLED What is it? This is a Rust BSP for the Lilygo's T-Display S3 AMOLED board. RM67162 AMOLED driver in QSPI mode RM67162 AMOLED drive
More beautiful HTML reports for llvm-cov/cargo-llvm-cov
💄 llvm-cov-pretty More beautiful HTML reports for llvm-cov (cargo-llvm-cov specifically). Dark theme support (switches automatically based on your br
derive(Code) simplifies error handling by providing an easy-to-use enumeration of error codes
enum-code Introduction enum-code is a derive macro for enum types. This library generates code that associates error codes with error types. It can be
Write simple proc-macros inline with other source code.
script-macro An experimental way to write simple proc-macros inline with other source code. Did you ever end up getting frustrated at the boilerplate
Continuous runtime observablity SDKs to monitor WebAssembly code.
Observe Observe is an observability SDK for WebAssembly. At the moment we support wasmtime hosts and we output opentelemetry data to stdout. We plan t
Cedar-agent is the easiest way to deploy and run Cedar
Cedar Agent What is Cedar-Agent? Cedar-Agent is an HTTP server designed to efficiently manage a policy store and a data store. It provides a seamless
A simple code that will load a shellcode directly into RAM memory in a new process
「 🔄 」About RustSCLoader RustSCLoader is a simple code that has the intention of loading a shellcode directly into RAM memory in a new process that wi
Tool to convert variable and function names in C/C++ source code to snake_case
FixNameCase Tool to convert variable and function names in C/C++ source code to snake_case. Hidden files and files listed in .gitignore are untouched.
auto-rust is an experimental project that aims to automatically generate Rust code with LLM (Large Language Models) during compilation, utilizing procedural macros.
Auto Rust auto-rust is an experimental project that aims to automatically generate Rust code with LLM (Large Language Models) during compilation, util
Code implementation of DDIA, primarily using Rust and Go languages.
Let's implement DDIA in rust and golang (with some Java and Cpp). This repository contains code implementations for 'Designing Data-Intensive Applicat
Ask ChatGPT for a shell script, code, or anything, directly from your terminal 🤖🧠👨💻
ShellGPT Ask ChatGPT for a shell script, code, or anything, directly from your terminal 🤖 🧠 👨💻 Demo Install The binary is named gpt when installe
A library for building tools to determine if vulnerabilities are reachable in a code base.
Overview Vuln Reach is a library for developing tools that determine if a given vulnerability is reachable. Provided to the open source community by P
Code-shape is a tool for extracting definitions from source code files
Code-shape Code-shape is a tool that uses Tree-sitter to extract a shape of code definitions from a source code file. The tool uses the same language
Nodium is an easy-to-use data analysis and automation platform built using Rust, designed to be versatile and modular.
Nodium is an easy-to-use data analysis and automation platform built using Rust, designed to be versatile and modular. Nodium aims to provide a user-friendly visual node-based interface for various tasks.
A cargo subcommand that extends cargo's capabilities when it comes to code generation.
cargo-px Cargo Power eXtensions Check out the announcement post to learn more about cargo-px and the problems it solves with respect to code generatio
Projects worked on during Juno Code and Chill sessions.
Juno Code and Chill projects These projects are created during Juno "Code and Chill" session in the Juno discord. Project Description cw721-piggy-bank
dbt Cloud™️ infrastructure-as-code that is friendly to analysts
dbterra dbt Cloud ™️ infrastructure-as-code that is friendly to analysts, bizops, etc Motivation While there are Terraform ™️ plugins that can be used
This is a tool to evaluate or export code from Markdown files.
Evaluate Markdown This is a tool to evaluate or export code from Markdown files. Why? Because I like writing Markdown files with code snippets (it's g
Generate perfect Vyper compatible code headers every time.
headers-vy Generate perfect Vyper-compatible code headers every time. Build You need Rust and Cargo installed on your machine. See the installation gu
Demo app duplicated in 5 languages (Go/JavaScript/Python/Ruby/Rust) showing how to go from source code to container image using melange+apko
hello-melange-apko 💫 This repo contains an example app duplicated across 5 languages showing how to: Package source code into APKs using melange Buil
zzhack-cli is a Command Tool to help you quickly generate a WASM WebApp with simple configuration and zero code
English | 中文文档 zzhack-cli is a Command Tool that can help you quickly generate a WASM WebApp with simple configuration and zero code. It's worth menti
ChatGPT-Code-Review is a Rust application that uses the OpenAI GPT-3.5 language model to review code
ChatGPT-Code-Review is a Rust application that uses the OpenAI GPT-3.5 language model to review code. It accepts a local path to a folder containing code, and generates a review for each file in the folder and its subdirectories.
IDE tools for writing pest grammars, using the Language Server Protocol for Visual Studio Code, Vim and other editors
Pest IDE Tools IDE support for Pest, via the LSP. This repository contains an implementation of the Language Server Protocol in Rust, for the Pest par
The source code of SSPŠ KB discord bot
Workshop bot This repository contains the source code of SSPŠ KB discord bot. Deploying This project is automatically built and deployed with docker,
Using fibers to run in-memory code in a different and stealthy way.
Description A fiber is a unit of execution that must be manually scheduled by the application rather than rely on the priority-based scheduling mechan
Sleek is a CLI tool for formatting SQL. It helps you maintain a consistent style across your SQL code, enhancing readability and productivity.
Sleek: SQL Formatter ✨ Sleek is a CLI tool for formatting SQL. It helps you maintain a consistent style across your SQL code, enhancing readability an
Rust Axum Full Course code.
Rust Axum Full Course source code. YouTube Full Course: https://youtube.com/watch?v=XZtlD_m59sM&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q MIT OR Apache,
ChatGPT powered Rust proc macro that generates code at compile-time.
gpt-macro ChatGPT powered Rust proc macro that generates code at compile-time. Implemented Macros auto_impl!{} #[auto_test(...)] Usage Get ChatGPT API
Rust+OpenCL+AVX2 implementation of LLaMA inference code
RLLaMA RLLaMA is a pure Rust implementation of LLaMA large language model inference.. Supported features Uses either f16 and f32 weights. LLaMA-7B, LL
A brand-new language server for Typst, plus a VS Code extension
Typst LSP A brand-new language server for Typst. Features Syntax highlighting, error reporting, code completion, and function signature help Compiles
Renders typst code blocks in Obsidian into images using Typst through the power of WASM!
Obsidian Typst Renders typst code blocks into images using Typst through the power of WASM! This is still very much in development, so suggestions/bug
Code sample for "Reading files the hard way Part 3"
read-raw-ext4 Rust code sample to read an ext4 partition from Rust, for: https://fasterthanli.me/series/reading-files-the-hard-way/part-3 Usage Don't.
A compiler to convert Cairo's intermediate representation "Sierra" code to MLIR.
Cairo Sierra to MLIR compiler A compiler to convert Cairo's intermediate representation "Sierra" code to MLIR. Documentation There is an mdbook in the
A domain-specific language for Infrastructure as Code
Skyr A domain-specific language for Infrastructure As Code, with a phased execution model, allowing for expressive and highly dynamic IaC solutions. D
A code generator to reduce repetitive tasks and build high-quality Rust libraries. 🦀
LibMake A code generator to reduce repetitive tasks and build high-quality Rust libraries Welcome to libmake 👋 Website • Documentation • Report Bug •
💬 a CLI for learning to distribute CLIs in rust
axolotlsay 💬 a CLI for learning to distribute CLIs in rust Usage axolotlsay "hello world" +-------------+ | hello world |
Tony Hawk's Underground 2: Remix Cheat Cracker - Performs dictionary attack on cheat code hashes for THU2R
Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Cheat Cracker A simple utility for cracking cheat codes for Tony Hawk's Underground 2, written in Rust. Background This proj
Downloads and provides debug symbols and source code for nix derivations to gdb and other debuginfod-capable debuggers as needed.
nixseparatedebuginfod Downloads and provides debug symbols and source code for nix derivations to gdb and other debuginfod-capable debuggers as needed
🏭 Convert Markdown documents into themed HTML pages with support for code syntax highlighting, LaTeX and Mermaid diagrams.
Marky Markdown Magician 🧙 Features Hot reload previewing 🔥 Conversion to HTML / PDF 🏭 Themes! ✨ Extensions - Math, diagrams, syntax-highlighting 🧩
A simple ngram-based code search CLI.
About codesearch is a simple command-line tool to conduct ngram-based searches on your codebase. Contributing Pull requests are always welcome to intr
This code features a viper-client, which can connect to a viper-server, a custom interface made for Comelit devices.
Viper Client 👷 (WIP) This is code for my intercom; specifically for the Comelit Mini Wi-Fi MSFV. This features a ViperClient which can talk to the Co
Raw C Shell: interact with your operating system using raw C code, because why not?
rcsh Raw C Shell is a minimalist shell with no built in commands. You write entirely in C code and use return; to execute your code. Unlike that silly
Demo provider, source code for the Provider tutorial.
Fiberplane "Catnip" (tutorial) provider This repository contains the final code of the provider built within the "Create a Provider" tutorial. It reli
Blazingly fast Rust CLI app to sync data from a folder of excel workbooks into generated c# code for unity usage
Extensions supported ( .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, .xla, .xlam, .ods ) Speed Test Image shows the results of 5000defs synced from 2 workbooks and 5 she
This repository contains the sample code for Rainer Stropek's talk at Eurorust 2022.
Building Web APIs with Rust - State of the Union Introduction This repository contains the sample code for Rainer Stropek's talk at Eurorust 2022. The
Accompanying code for my talk "No free lunch: Limits of Wasm as a bridge from Rust to JS" presented @ EuroRust2022 in Berlin
No free lunch: Limits of Wasm as a bridge from Rust to JS Accompanying code for the talk I presented at EuroRust 2022 in Berlin, Germany Slides for th
The source code of the 'rg' crate. It is an intentional typo-squat that redirects folks to 'ripgrep'.
This is the rg crate that always fails to compile and suggests that folks run cargo install ripgrep instead. Namely, while rg is the command name of r
Smithy-rs PokémonService API
Smithy-rs PokémonService API
Zinnia is a runtime for Filecoin Station modules. It provides a sandboxed environment to execute untrusted code on consumer-grade computers.
🌼 Zinnia Zinnia is a runtime for Filecoin Station modules. It provides a sandboxed environment to execute untrusted code on consumer-grade computers.
batch eval tool for machine code. eval() but for asm.
yaxpeax-eval yaxpeax-eval is the repo providing yaxeval, a tool to execute machine code with preconditions and report state at exit. currently, yaxeva
Update Twitter profile with a meter showing how close you are to code burnout.
WakaTime Code Burnout Meter in Twitter Profile Inspired by trash's Twitter profile, this repo adds a burnout meter to your Twitter profile. It uses Wa
My Advent of Code 2022 solutions, in Rust.
AoC 2022 My solutions for the 2022 edition of Advent of Code in Rust. Simply run cargo run --release --bin dayXX to solve. Some days require z3, insta