Evaluate performance gains to expect when EVM were to compile hot contracts into machine code

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Command-line jitevm

JIT-EVM Experiments


Evaluate performance gains to expect when EVM were to compile hot contracts into machine code (rather than interpreting the EVM bytecode)


  • Support all instructions
  • Performance evaluation
  • Error handling
  • Gas accounting

Experiment (MacOS, see Ubuntu below)


  • LLVM 14 installed with brew in /opt/homebrew/opt/llvm


LLVM_SYS_140_PREFIX=/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm cargo run

What it does:

  • Fibonacci sequence calculator hand-implemented in EVM bytecode
  • Runs it in EVM interpreter
  • Compiles it to machine code and executes it
  • You compare that the outputs correspond to the 15th Fibonacci number (which is 377)

How to interpret the output:

  • Modulo indexing convention, 15th Fibonacci number is 377 (says Google)
  • Last line of demo output (this is from JIT VM): return value is 377
  • Scrolling up past the LLVM IR: last state of interpreter has 377 in the 0th stack entry

Tests (MacOS, see Ubuntu below)

RUST_BACKTRACE=1 LLVM_SYS_140_PREFIX=/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm RUST_MIN_STACK=8388608 cargo test -- --nocapture



sudo apt-get install llvm-14 llvm-14-dev libllvm14

Adjust paths above accordingly (leaving LLVM_SYS_140_PREFIX=/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm away entirely "works for me").


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