tidy-builder is a builder generator that is compile-time correct.


The Builder derive macro creates a compile-time correct builder which means that it only allows you to build the given struct if and only if you provide a value for all of its required fields.

From the perspective of the builder there are three types of fields:

  • Optional Fields which are fields wrapped in an Option.
  • Default Fields which are given a default value through the #[builder(default)] attribute.
  • Required Fields which are fields that do not fall into the previous categories.

Example below depicts these three types of fields:

use tidy_builder::Builder;

struct Person {
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String,

    age: Option<usize>,

    #[builder(default = false)]
    employed: bool,

fn main() {
    let person = Person::builder()

    assert_eq!(person.first_name, "Foo".to_string());
    assert_eq!(person.last_name, "Bar".to_string());
    assert_eq!(person.age, Some(18));
    assert_eq!(person.employed, false);

As you can see, first_name and last_name are required fields, age is optional, and employed takes a default value of false. As we mentioned, in order to call build, you have to at least provide values for first_name and last_name. tidy-builder enforces this rule by creating a state machine and guarding the build function with special traits in order to make sure build is called only in the final state. Picture below shows the state machine created by tidy-builder:

For more info see What if I try to call the build function early? and How it Works.


Repeated Setters

For fields that are of form Vec<T>, you can instruct the builder to create a repeated setter for you. This repeated setter gets a single value of type T and appends to the Vec. For example:

use tidy_builder::Builder;

struct Input<'a> {
    #[builder(each = "arg")]
    args: Vec<&'a str>

fn main() {
    let input1 = Input::builder().arg("arg1").arg("arg2").build();
    let input2 = Input::builder().args(vec!["arg1", "arg2"]).build();

    assert_eq!(input1.args, vec!["arg1", "arg2"]);
    assert_eq!(input2.args, vec!["arg1", "arg2"]);

The builder will create another setter function named arg alongside the args function that was going to be generated anyway. Note that if the name provided for the repeated setter is the same name as the field itself, only the repeated setter will be provided by the builder since Rust does not support function overloading. For example if in the example above the repeated setter was named args, the setter that takes a Vec wouldn't be provided.

Default Values

You can provide default values for fields and make them non-required. If the field is a primitive or a String, you can specify the default value in the #[builder(default)] attribute, but if the field is not a primitive, it must implement the Default trait. For example:

use tidy_builder::Builder;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Point {
    x: usize,
    y: usize,

impl Default for Point {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Point {
            x: 0,
            y: 0,

struct PlayerPosition {
    start: Point,

    #[builder(default = 0)]
    offset: usize,

fn main() {
    let position = PlayerPosition::builder().build();

    assert_eq!(position.start, Point { x: 0, y: 0});
    assert_eq!(position.offset, 0);

Skipping Fields

You can prevent the builder from providing setters for optional and default fields. For example:

use tidy_builder::Builder;

struct Vote {
    submit_url: String,

    name: Option<String>,

    #[builder(default = false)]
    vote: bool

fn main() {
    let vote = Vote::builder().submit_url("fake_submit_url.com").name("Foo".to_string()); // Fails since there is no `name` setter

What if I try to call the build function early?

tidy-builder uses special traits to hint at the missing required fields. For example:

use tidy_builder::Builder;

struct Foo {
    bar: usize,
    baz: usize,

fn main() {
    let foo = Foo::builder().bar(0).build();

On stable Rust you'll get a compile-time error that the trait HasBaz is not implemented for the struct FooBuilder<...>. The trait HasBaz indicates that FooBuilder has a value for the baz field. So this trait not being implemented for FooBuilder means that a value is not specified for the baz field and that's why you cannot call the build function.

On nightly Rust and with the help of rustc_on_unimplemented, the Builder can hint at the compiler to show the message missing baz to inform the user that in order to call build, they should set the value of the baz field. Note that this is behind the better_error feature gate.

How it works

tidy-builder creates a state machine in order to model the behavior of the builder. The generated builder has a const generic parameter of type bool for each required field to encode whether a value has been set for the field or not. For example:

use tidy_builder::Builder;

struct Foo {
    bar: usize,
    baz: usize,

The struct above will cause this builder to get generated:

struct FooBuilder<const P0: bool, const P1: bool> {
    bar: Option<usize>,
    baz: Option<usize>,

The builder will start in the FooBuilder<false, false> state when you call the builder function of Foo:

let builder: FooBuilder<false, false> = Foo::builder();
let builder: FooBuilder<true, false> = Foo::builder().bar(0);
let builder: FooBuilder<true, true> = Foo::builder().bar(0).baz(1);

let foo = builder.build();

assert_eq!(foo.bar, 0);
assert_eq!(foo.baz, 1);

When you call the bar function to set the value of the bar field, you cause the builder to transition to the FooBuilder<true, false> state: Similarly, when you call the baz function, you cause the builder to transition to the FooBuilder<false, true> state. So when you set the value for both fields, you end up at the FooBuilder<true, true> state, and it's in this state that you can call the build function(the state that all const generic paramters are true):

The error reporting discussed in the previous section leverages these states to inform the user of the missing fields. For example HasBar trait will be implemented for FooBuilder<true, P1> , and HasBaz will be implemented for FooBuilder<P0, true>. The build function is guarded with a where clause to make sure the builder implements all these traits:

impl<const P0: bool, const P1: bool> FooBuilder<P0, P1> {
    fn build(self) -> Foo
        Self: HasBar + HasBaz
        // Safety:
        // It's safe since HasBar and HasBaz are implemented
        // hence self.bar and self.baz both contain valid values.
        unsafe {
            Foo {
                bar: self.bar.unwrap_unchecked(),
                baz: self.baz.unwrap_unchecked(),

So if you set the value of bar and not baz, since HasBaz won't be implemented for FooBuilder<true, false>, you'll get a compile-time error that calling build is not possible.

  • [suggestion] include `build` method when all required fields are not available.

    [suggestion] include `build` method when all required fields are not available.

    In order for users to know which fields are missing we can do something like this:

    struct Builder {
       req1: Option<usize>,
       req2: Option<usize>,
       opt1: usize
    impl Builder<false, false> {
        fn build(&self, req1: usize, req2: usize) -> ...
    impl Builder<false, true> {
        fn build(&self, req1: usize) -> ...
    impl Builder<true, false> {
        fn build(&self, req2: usize) -> ...
    impl Builder<true, true> {
       fn build(&self) -> ...

    The only problem is that it generates a lot of code and it may not be ideal. But if you are OK with the design, I can send a PR if you want to.

    opened by sahandevs 8
  • use traits for better error messages

    use traits for better error messages

    with this implementation we kinda have better error messages:

    error[E0277]: the trait bound `MyStructBuilder<true, false, String>: HasReq2` is not satisfied
      --> tests/ui/generics_with_where_clause.rs:15:10
    15 |         .build();
       |          ^^^^^ the trait `HasReq2` is not implemented for `MyStructBuilder<true, false, String>`
       = help: the trait `HasReq2` is implemented for `MyStructBuilder<P0, true, T>`

    still not the best error message but at least it points to the missing fields and doesn't require nightly.

    If you are ok with this implementation I will add #[rustc_on_unimplemented] in a separate pull request.

    opened by sahandevs 1
  • implement the feature for skipping default and optional fields

    implement the feature for skipping default and optional fields

    implements the #[builder(skip)] attribute. This attribute allows skipping of optional and default fields meaning there will be no setters generated for these fields. Optional fields will be set to None and default fields will be set to their default values.

    opened by maminrayej 0
  • implement the feature for specifying defaults

    implement the feature for specifying defaults

    implements support for the #[builder(default)] attribute. This attribute has two flavors:

    • #[builder(default)] which requires the type to implement the Default trait.
    • #[builder(default = 0)], #[builder(default = 1.0)], ... that allow the user to specify a default value for types like integers, floats, and boolean.

    Specifying the default attribute on an optional does not have any effect since the default value of an Option is None. Fields with the default attribute act like optional fields in the sense that they don't change the state of the state machine either. For now default and each attributes don't play together which results in each having no effect if default is provided for a field. This behavior may change in the future.

    opened by maminrayej 0
  • implements initial support for repeated setters

    implements initial support for repeated setters

    Adds support for repeated setter fields:

    struct MyStruct<'a> {
        #[builder(each = "arg")]
        args: Vec<&'a str>,

    This adds the arg function in addition to the args function and enables the user to repeatedly push values to the args field. This attribute is also applicable on optional fields.


    The collection that holds the args must be a Vec. It's possible to set the attribute on other collections, but it must be compatible with Vec. For example it must have a new function that takes no arguments and returns the collection. It also must have one and exactly one generic parameter. I'm not going to list everything the macro depends on since I won't officially support other compatible collections in this PR.

    There may be a way to provide a more general implementation for this feature:

    • Be general over the new as the collection initializer.
    • Be general over the number of generic parameters. This enables the user to repeatedly push values to HashMap and other similar collections which is nice.
    opened by maminrayej 0
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