Accompanying code for my talk "No free lunch: Limits of Wasm as a bridge from Rust to JS" presented @ EuroRust2022 in Berlin


No free lunch: Limits of Wasm as a bridge from Rust to JS

Accompanying code for the talk I presented at EuroRust 2022 in Berlin, Germany

License: MIT

Slides for this talk are also available here.


Although Rust code can supposedly run in JS runtimes via WebAssembly, concepts like serialization, panic handling, and type-safety aren’t supported out of the box. Using a parser written in Rust and consumed by Node.js, we’ll discuss limitations and alternatives to guide you through a Wasm project.

Traditionally, Node.js has delegated the task of writing complex CPU-intensive logic to C++, but the increasing adoption of Rust and WebAssembly has led to a paradigm shift. In fact, Rust code can be compiled to WASM and be imported in a JavaScript (or even TypeScript) source file - for instance, Seed and Prisma follow this approach -, but that doesn’t come without limitations and gotchas, even for relatively small projects that abide to standard Rust patterns. From silenced warnings and obfuscated panic errors to structs that cannot be serialized and typed automatically, the path of porting Rust code to a JS app in production is a steep one, even when we don’t consider the I/O limitations that WASI should address.

In this presentation, we will look at a language parser written in Rust, compiled with wasm-bindgen and interpreted by Node.js, observing some limitations for production use cases and discussing alternatives. There’s no free lunch: WebAssembly - albeit useful - comes with its own set of challenges, and I trust this talk will help you navigate potential issues before they impact your deadlines.

Get Started


Install Dependencies

  • cargo update -p wasm-bindgen
  • cargo install -f [email protected] (the version is important, as wasm-bindgen-cli doesn't yet follow semantic versioning. This version needs to match the version of the wasm-bindgen crate`)

In ./nodejs:

  • npm install


In ./rust:

  • Run unit tests:
cargo test
  • Build the rlib libraries and the demo CLI binary:
cargo build --release

What's in this repository

In ./rust:

  • demo-cli: a CLI binary that uses the rlib libraries of the other demo crates to parse and validate schemas, trigger example panics, and showing serialized data structures with different libraries.

  • demo-serde-wasm: library that defines a set of data structures to be accessed in Node.js via WebAssembly. It uses serde to serialize the data structures.

  • demo-tsify-wasm: library that defines a set of data structures to be accessed in Node.js via WebAssembly. It uses tsify to serialize the data structures.

  • playground-wasm: library that showcases examples of data structures to be accessed in Node.js via WebAssembly. It uses wasm-bindgen to serialize the data structures.

  • schema-parser: library that defines a parser and a validator for a simple schema language inspired by prisma. The data structures for the schema AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) are optionally serialized with wasm-bindgen + tsify via the wasm feature flag. schema-parser uses nom to parse the input.

  • schema-parser-wasm: WebAssembly bindings for the schema-parser library (which is installed with the wasm feature flag). It uses serde-json to convert custom structs in a JavaScript error when needed.


As a demonstration of defining reasonably complex in Rust and consuming it in Node.js via WebAssembly, we will use a parser (schema-parser) for a simple schema language inspired by prisma. Here's an example of a schema:

datasource db {
  provider = "postgres"
  url = env("DATABASE_URL")
  shadowDatabaseUrl = "postgres://optional-url"

This translates to the following value in Rust:

let ast = SchemaAST {
  datasources: vec!(
      DatasourceDb {
        provider: Provider::Postgres,
        url: Url::Env(
        shadow_database_url: Some(

and we expect the same AST to be defined as the following for TypeScript:

/* type definitions */

export type Provider = "postgres" | "cockroachdb" | "mysql" | "mariadb" | "sqlserver" | "sqlite" | "mongodb"

export type Url
  = { _tag: 'static', value: string } // => Static(String)
  | { _tag: 'env', value: string }    // => Env(String)

export type DatasourceDb = {
  provider: Provider
  url: Url
  shadowDatabaseUrl: Url | null

export type Datasource
  = { _tag: 'db', value: DatasourceDb }

export type SchemaAST = {
  datasources: Datasource[]

/* AST value */

const ast: SchemaAST = {
  datasources: [
      _tag: 'db',
      value: {
        provider: 'postgres',
        url: {
          _tag: 'env',
          value: 'DATABASE_URL',
        // shadowDatabaseUrl can be null 
        shadowDatabaseUrl: {
          _tag: 'static',
          value: 'postgres://optional-url',

Let's see how schema parsing a validation work in Rust and Node.js.

Schema parsing/validation in Rust

  • cd ./rust
  • Parse the schema with:
cargo run -p demo-cli -- parse --schema ../prisma/schema.prisma
  • We expect the following output:
Parsing schema...
Schema parsed successfully!
  • Validate the schema with:
cargo run -p demo-cli -- validate --schema ../prisma/schema.prisma
  • We expect the following output:
Parsing schema...
Schema parsed successfully!

Validating AST...
thread 'main' panicked at 'Environment variables are not yet supported for database URLs.', schema-parser/src/validate/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
  • We have a panic, but that's expected when using env URLs in the schema. Let's change the schema to use to static URLs:
datasource db {
  provider = "postgres"
-   url = env("DATABASE_URL")
+   url = "static-url"
  shadowDatabaseUrl = "postgres://optional-url"
  • Validate the schema with:
cargo run -p demo-cli -- validate --schema ../prisma/schema.prisma
  • We expect the following output:
Parsing schema...
Schema parsed successfully!

Validating AST...
[rust:error]: Diagnostics { errors: ["\"postgres\" URLs must start with postgres://, received static-url"] }
Error: Custom { kind: InvalidData, error: "AST validation failed" }
  • We now have a managed error that tells us we should use the postgres:// protocol in URLs when the datasource db provider is postgres. Let's fix that in the schema:
datasource db {
  provider = "postgres"
-   url = "static-url"
+   url = "postgres://static-url"
  shadowDatabaseUrl = "postgres://optional-url"
  • We expect the following output:
Parsing schema...
Schema parsed successfully!

Validating AST...
AST validated successfully!

We have both parsed and validated the schema successfully in Rust. Let's now see how the same logic works in Node.js when imported via WebAssembly.

Schema parsing/validation in Node.js via Wasm

  • cd ./nodejs
  • Parse a predefined schema defined as
datasource db {
  provider = "postgres"
  url = env("DATABASE_URL")


npx ts-node ./src/parse-schema.ts
  • We expect the following output:
Parsing schema...

Schema parsed successfully:

  "datasources": [
      "_tag": "db",
      "value": {
        "provider": "postgres",
        "url": {
          "_tag": "env",
          "value": "DATABASE_URL"
        "shadowDatabaseUrl": null
  • Now it's time for validation. We have 3 predefined schemas:
    1. One that is valid:
datasource db {
  provider = "sqlite"
  url = "file:./dev.db"
  1. One that results in a managed error:
datasource db {
  provider = "cockroachdb"
  url = "postgres://jkomyno:prisma@localhost:5432"

datasource db {
  provider = "postgres"
  url = "mysql://jkomyno:prisma@localhost:5432"
  1. One that results in a panic:
datasource db {
  provider = "cockroachdb"
  url = env("DATABASE_URL")
  • Let's validate the first "success-case" schema with:
npx ts-node ./src/validate-ast.ts success
  • We expect the following output:
Validating AST...

AST validated successfully!
  • Let's validate the second "error-case" schema with:
npx ts-node ./src/validate-ast.ts error
  • We expect the following output:
Validating AST...

[node:error] {
  errors: [
    `The provider "cockroachdb" is not yet supported. Supported providers are: '"sqlite"', '"postgres"'`,
    '"postgres" URLs must start with postgres://, received mysql://jkomyno:prisma@localhost:5432',
    'You defined more than one datasource. This is not supported yet.'

- Let's validate the third "error-case" schema with:

npx ts-node ./src/validate-ast.ts panic
  • We expect the following output:
Validating AST...

[node:panic] RuntimeError: unreachable
    at __rust_start_panic (wasm://wasm/000e0f2a:wasm-function[485]:0x2a060)
    at rust_panic (wasm://wasm/000e0f2a:wasm-function[331]:0x295ba)
    at std::panicking::rust_panic_with_hook::hb09154fa23e06c37 (wasm://wasm/000e0f2a:wasm-function[233]:0x26c54)
    at std::panicking::begin_panic_handler::{{closure}}::h6091c197f0d08bf0 (wasm://wasm/000e0f2a:wasm-function[252]:0x27965)
    at std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_end_short_backtrace::h004afb3e6a867c40 (wasm://wasm/000e0f2a:wasm-function[378]:0x29b34)
    at rust_begin_unwind (wasm://wasm/000e0f2a:wasm-function[317]:0x29316)
    at core::panicking::panic_fmt::h9e229748e3ae9f9d (wasm://wasm/000e0f2a:wasm-function[319]:0x29397)
    at schema_parser::validate::validator::validate_url::h660177b70e41ab86 (wasm://wasm/000e0f2a:wasm-function[59]:0x1578b)
    at schema_parser::validate::validator::validate_configuration::h25007314e5f4055e (wasm://wasm/000e0f2a:wasm-function[52]:0x13dbb)
    at schema_parser::validate_ast::h3ba8da369b9e2bb4 (wasm://wasm/000e0f2a:wasm-function[186]:0x240f5)

As we can see, we lose information on the original message passed to panic!, and the stacktrace is not very helpful.

👤 Author

Alberto Schiabel

📝 License

Built with ❤️ by Alberto Schiabel. This project is MIT licensed.

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