11126 Repositories
An awesome CLI for SurrealDB migrations (provides commands to scaffold, create and apply migrations).
SurrealDB Migrations An awesome CLI for SurrealDB migrations (provides commands to scaffold, create and apply migrations). cargo install surrealdb-mig
A command-line tool which can move CloudFormation resources between stacks
cfn-teleport A command-line tool which can move CloudFormation resources between stacks. Installation On a Mac you can install via Homebrew: brew inst
Port of the fantastic Iconoir Icon Pack to Rust embedded devices, with a focus on speed, usability, and completeness.
embedded-iconoir - Icons for every device, ever. What is embedded-iconor? embedded-iconoir is a library that allows you to use Iconoir on embedded dev
An experimental RISC-V recompiler
WARNING: All of this code is highly experimental and is a direct result of a two day hacking binge fueled by a truckload of tea. It's definitely not s
🛠️ Uses zkevm-circuits and anvil mainnetfork to prove that a tx solves an EVM challenge
zk-proof-of-evm-execution This is a PoC developed at hackathon that enables a user to prove that they know some calldata that can solve a challenge on
Koi is a simple tool built to let you use ChatGPT through the command line
Koi is a simple tool built to let you use ChatGPT through the command line. It adds the ability to let ChatGPT run commands on your computer in order to help you out, or to help you out with complicated tasks.
This library contains collection of all sorts of useful information for every country.
Keshvar This library contains collection of all sorts of useful information for every country. Package | Documentation | Repository Demo use keshvar::
Renders typst code blocks in Obsidian into images using Typst through the power of WASM!
Obsidian Typst Renders typst code blocks into images using Typst through the power of WASM! This is still very much in development, so suggestions/bug
Typesafe opinionated abstractions for developing Cairo 1.0 smart contracts
Suna Built with auditless/cairo-template Typesafe opinionated abstractions for developing Cairo 1.0 smart contracts. Originally created to facilitate
MidenIR for compiling to Miden Assembly from higher-level languages
Miden IR This repository provides a compiler for the Miden VM, specifically for Miden Assembly. It does this by lowering from a higher-level intermedi
Cargo-BOJ: test and submit solutions to BOJ problems
Cargo-BOJ Test and submit solutions to BOJ (Baekjoon Online Judge) problems. Defaults are geared towards Rust solutions, but non-Rust usage is support
Serde support for n-dimensional arrays from self-describing formats
serde-ndim Overview This crate provides a way to serialize and deserialize arrays of arbitrary dimensionality from self-described formats such as JSON
A secure, real-time, low-latency binary WebSocket RPC subprotocol.
HardLight A secure, real-time, low-latency binary WebSocket RPC subprotocol. HardLight has two data models: RPC: a client connects to a server, and ca
Most useful information about your system in a single command.
mymy Access the most common information about your system using a single command. Mymy is a command line tool that provides the most helpful informati
Learn the helix editor keymap on the web!
Helix Shortcut Quiz A web quiz built with yew for testing your knowledge of helix editor shortcuts. Development Installation Frontend If you don't alr
🚃 lib for CLI utilities, printing, and error handling
axocli Common code for setting up a CLI App and handling errors/printing. Example See examples/axoapp.rs for a walkthrough/example. Some various inter
CLI tool to convert image files.
🐟 F1sh CLI tool to convert image files. 🖼️ Supported formats File Supported AviF ✅ BMP ✅ DDS ✅ Farbfeld ✅ GIF ✅ HEIF ❌ ICO ✅ JPEG ✅ OpenEXR ✅ PNG ✅
subscout is a simple, nimble subdomain enumeration tool written in Rust language
subscout is a simple, nimble subdomain enumeration tool written in Rust language. It is designed to help bug bounty hunters, security professionals and penetration testers discover subdomains of a given target domain.
A template for starting a flipperzero-rs project for the Flipper Zero🐬
flipperzero-template 🚀 A template for kick-starting a Rust + FlipperZero project using flipperzero-rs 🐬 ❤️ 🦀 . Currently supports SDK 14.0 (flipper
A command-line interface for interacting with the ChatGPT API from OpenAI
cligpt cligpt is a command-line interface for interacting with the ChatGPT API from OpenAI. With cligpt, you can quickly and easily generate text by s
CUI terminal software for MSX0.
msxterm とは msxterm とは PC から MSX0 に TCP/IP 接続するための専用ターミナルソフトです。 CUI で主にプログラム作成に使用する事を想定しています。 BASICでプログラムを組む際に色々便利な機能を内蔵しています。 MSX0 の文字コードをフルにサポートしているの
convert images to ansi or irc, with a bunch of post-processing filters
img2irc (0.2.0) img2irc is a utility which converts images to halfblock irc/ansi art, with a lot of post-processing filters halfblock means that each
A multi-instance, Discord/Spacebar API-compatible chat client
Polyphony A multi-instance, Discord/Spacebar API-compatible chat client, written in Rust and Svelte (TypeScript) using Tauri. Explore the docs » Repor
NIP-41 Key Invalidation Proto
NIP-41 Key Invalidation Prototype NIP-41 is a proposal for a scheme whereby a Nostr identity key can be invalidated to a new one safely. nostr-protoco
A tool for chatting using the ChatGPT API, written in Rust CLI.
ChatGPT CLI A tool for chatting using the ChatGPT API, written in Rust CLI. You can use this tool to chat, just by setting your API Key. You can modif
A lightweight new Bing (AI chat) desktop application which based on Tauri.
Bing Lite A lightweight new Bing (AI chat) desktop application which based on Tauri. No more Microsoft Edge, no more Chromium/Electron! Download The l
Linear algebra crate for Rust.
cayley - generic, stack-allocated linear algebra in Rust cayley is a crate that fills a small niche: it provides a generic matrix type that allocates
A simple Rust library for OpenAI API, free from complex async operations and redundant dependencies.
OpenAI API for Rust A community-maintained library provides a simple and convenient way to interact with the OpenAI API. No complex async and redundan