Cargo-BOJ: test and submit solutions to BOJ problems

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Utilities cargo-boj


Test and submit solutions to BOJ (Baekjoon Online Judge) problems.

Defaults are geared towards Rust solutions, but non-Rust usage is supported as well.


A stable Rust toolchain.


cargo install cargo-boj


The default usage of test and submit commands assume that cargo boj is being run at the crate root with either src/ or src/bin/ being the solution file.


Logging in to BOJ with ID and password cannot be automated because it is protected with reCaptcha. So, the users are expected to log in on their own browser first, and then copy relevant cookies into cargo-boj.

$ cargo boj login
First log in to on your browser with auto-login enabled.
Then copy and paste two cookies for from your browser.
Cookies set.


$ cargo boj login --bojautologin=3b1adXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX --onlinejudge=n00lXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


Tests your code against example test cases for the given problem.

  • Test cases are fetched once and then cached.
  • A colored diff is provided when a test fails with Wrong Answer.
# Test against example test cases of problem 1000
$ cargo boj test 1000
# Test
$ cargo boj test 1000 --bin=sol_1000
# Test
$ cargo boj test 1000 --cmd='python'


Submits your code to BOJ using the credentials provided with cargo boj login.

The default language is Rust 2021 (language ID 113). To submit solutions in other languages, refer to BOJ Help: language info.

# Submit as Rust 2021 solution to problem 1000. Code open setting follows account preference
$ cargo boj submit 1000
# Submit as Rust 2018 solution, with code closed
$ cargo boj submit 1000 --path=src/bin/ --lang=94 --code-open=n
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