Plugin to request a relaunch when uploading a Skyline plugin through cargo skyline



A skyline plugin for allowing cargo-skyline (or other tools) to restart your game without you having to touch your controller.


Copy into sd:/atmosphere/contents/[title id]/romfs/skyline/plugins, where [title id] is the title id of the game you want to enable remote restarting for.


  • Launch your game with the plugin installed
  • Run the following cargo-skyline command:
cargo skyline run --restart

this will build your plugin, FTP it to your switch, and start up logging before restarting your game so your changes take effect.

Also available is the following command for restarting without any of the rest of it:

cargo skyline restart-game

Technical Details

To restart a game from your own tool, connect to the Switch on port 45423 and send an 8 bytes containing a big endian title id for the game you're expecting to restart.

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