NIP-41 Key Invalidation Proto


NIP-41 Key Invalidation Prototype

NIP-41 is a proposal for a scheme whereby a Nostr identity key can be invalidated to a new one safely. nostr-protocol/nips#158

WARNING: This is a prototype implementation, use it only with test keys!



  • Key state: all predefined keys, plus the index of the currently valid keys
  • Level: one element in the set of keys pre-generated iteratively
  • Visible, denoted vis: the vis (public) keyset of a level, denoted e.g. A
  • Hidden, denoted hid: the hid (secret) keyset of a level, denoted e.g. A'


  • obtain current public key / secret key
  • generate new set of keys
  • generate next level key set from previous level keys
  • invalidate: change current key and return keys needed for verification
  • verify: verify validity of new key
  • create invalidation Nostr event
  • send invalidation event to relay
  • listen for invalidation events, verify them


  • As keys are for Nostr (using Schnorr sig), the type XOnlyPublicKey is used for pubkeys. This has the drawback that the parity is missing, and in verification both options have to be tried.

Building and Running

  • Prerequisite: rust

  • Try following commands:

cargo build

cargo run generate
cargo run
cargo run inv
cargo run



Nostr: [email protected] npub1kxgpwh80gp79j0chc925srk6rghw0akggduwau8fwdflslh9jvqqd3lecx

Sample Output

Some (truncated) sample output


$ cargo run generate
NIP-41 Proto Zero

WARNING: This is a prototype implementation, use it only with test keys!

State saved
$ cargo run
KeyState loaded (256 levels)
Level: 0  (out of 256)
Current pubkey:     	 npub185daavrw5jesnxsdd6hluva8em59c369jkpas9nfkm28z58e6hpqrqya6z  (3d1bdeb06ea4b3099a0d6eaffe33a7cee85c47459583d81669b6d47150f9d5c2)
Previous pubkey:    	 None
Current secret key: 	 nsec1l3gan..yd9ah2  (fc51d9ff63..396749)


$ cargo run inv
KeyState loaded (256 levels)
Level: 0  (out of 256)
Current pubkey:     	 npub185daavrw5jesnxsdd6hluva8em59c369jkpas9nfkm28z58e6hpqrqya6z  (3d1bdeb06ea4b3099a0d6eaffe33a7cee85c47459583d81669b6d47150f9d5c2)
Previous pubkey:    	 None
Current secret key: 	 nsec1l3gan..yd9ah2  (fc51d9ff63..396749)
Invalidation info:
Invalidated:       	 npub185daavrw5jesnxsdd6hluva8em59c369jkpas9nfkm28z58e6hpqrqya6z  (3d1bdeb06ea4b3099a0d6eaffe33a7cee85c47459583d81669b6d47150f9d5c2)
     hidden:       	 npub195v2xzn03nrcvm7ymmllcrc82xft5h0c40c3jkuz7vjwk4zjayzqn9qtky  (2d18a30a6f8cc7866fc4defffc0f075192ba5df8abf1195b82f324eb5452e904)
        new:       	 npub1zhulyeg2d4d0ujfw2mhnf6pzr4x6eg852tmr8d7msfr53ehd0m5svvky80  (15f9f2650a6d5afe492e56ef34e8221d4daca0f452f633b7db824748e6ed7ee9)
Level: 1  (out of 256)
Current pubkey:     	 npub1zhulyeg2d4d0ujfw2mhnf6pzr4x6eg852tmr8d7msfr53ehd0m5svvky80  (15f9f2650a6d5afe492e56ef34e8221d4daca0f452f633b7db824748e6ed7ee9)
Previous pubkey:    	 npub185daavrw5jesnxsdd6hluva8em59c369jkpas9nfkm28z58e6hpqrqya6z  (3d1bdeb06ea4b3099a0d6eaffe33a7cee85c47459583d81669b6d47150f9d5c2)
Current secret key: 	 nsec1t4a8c..2dtqjj  (5d7a7c04d9..5310e9)
verify?         	 true
Invalidation event: 
{"content":"key invalidation","created_at":1680411807,"id":"7d950460b669b3c32b70145c9cb11343815cbc1b350ab976ed78ea6f30da5540","kind":13,"pubkey":"15f9f2650a6d5afe492e56ef34e8221d4daca0f452f633b7db824748e6ed7ee9","sig":"10d004d1e37a25247849a7093c21a83c3fae39777ac1ace609c4e96832a8708a2332251fe58eee637c43b37718cccbfd897904b7c375825dfb7154850265323a","tags":[["p","3d1bdeb06ea4b3099a0d6eaffe33a7cee85c47459583d81669b6d47150f9d5c2"],["hidden-key","2d18a30a6f8cc7866fc4defffc0f075192ba5df8abf1195b82f324eb5452e904"]]}

State saved


$ cargo run verify npub195z34nrkuggzmp0dve4ugs85fdkq5q34n3yxaw98zj7afq9cnp2sncwkch npub1vfxu6eandjw8ufpe0wqhhrr4q86z65777vrs66jvx49l2a5fnyvsycs248 npub1en8lkh8c5ljfgjqutpd6q2ht9wy05psguepr7n6958e8yjh0p7wqg3psj9
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.07s
     Running `target/debug/nip41-proto0 verify npub195z34nrkuggzmp0dve4ugs85fdkq5q34n3yxaw98zj7afq9cnp2sncwkch npub1vfxu6eandjw8ufpe0wqhhrr4q86z65777vrs66jvx49l2a5fnyvsycs248 npub1en8lkh8c5ljfgjqutpd6q2ht9wy05psguepr7n6958e8yjh0p7wqg3psj9`
NIP-41 Proto Zero

WARNING: This is a prototype implementation, use it only with test keys!

Invalid vis     	 npub195z34nrkuggzmp0dve4ugs85fdkq5q34n3yxaw98zj7afq9cnp2sncwkch  (2d051acc76e2102d85ed666bc440f44b6c0a02359c486eb8a714bdd480b89855)
Invalid hid     	 npub1vfxu6eandjw8ufpe0wqhhrr4q86z65777vrs66jvx49l2a5fnyvsycs248  (624dcd67b36c9c7e24397b817b8c7501f42d53def3070d6a4c354bf576899919)
New vis         	 npub1en8lkh8c5ljfgjqutpd6q2ht9wy05psguepr7n6958e8yjh0p7wqg3psj9  (cccffb5cf8a7e494481c585ba02aeb2b88fa0608e6423f4f45a1f2724aef0f9c)
Verification result:  true


$ cargo run listen ws://umbrel.local:4848

Connected to relay ws://umbrel.local:4848
Subscribed to relay for invalidation events ...

Received event:  {"content":"key invalidation","created_at":1680473064,"id":"7932f8808754ada34310d7738344a9f279d8944bf49c12e7238d248417b93d89","kind":13,"pubkey":"0333d247f7b0e1dbe7d86cf56a12aeb305a4023832e9cb85c9d7f1cc4b74669b","sig":"bc24dc86f0eb8bb69aed1492cdc803e5a6f8dd9cf78f422767760aafb4664f894913540cfe898053f4a34e6e3281abf084130e7d2f5eeae632ee47b2bb1a8ec0","tags":[["p","cf1bfde74244457f0608ebae4e6c32472e0ee3769b0d7b823d4d558760cd6d2e"],["hidden-key","96653114a1d9ff07e8b4310b93b0a37b541f43f50571f468970fb83d1fe31338"]]}
'P-tag' (invalidated):               npub1eudlme6zg3zh7psgawhyumpjguhqacmknvxhhq3af42cwcxdd5hqr3m0qs  (cf1bfde74244457f0608ebae4e6c32472e0ee3769b0d7b823d4d558760cd6d2e)
'Hidden-key-tag' (invalidated hid):  npub1jejnz99pm8ls0695xy9e8v9r0d2p7sl4q4clg6yhp7ur68lrzvuq8z4k09  (96653114a1d9ff07e8b4310b93b0a37b541f43f50571f468970fb83d1fe31338)
Pubkey (new):                        npub1qveay3lhkrsahe7cdn6k5y4wkvz6gq3cxt5uhpwf6lcucjm5v6dswn37am  (0333d247f7b0e1dbe7d86cf56a12aeb305a4023832e9cb85c9d7f1cc4b74669b)

Invalidate  npub1eudlme6zg3zh7psgawhyumpjguhqacmknvxhhq3af42cwcxdd5hqr3m0qs  in favor of  npub1qveay3lhkrsahe7cdn6k5y4wkvz6gq3cxt5uhpwf6lcucjm5v6dswn37am !

Verification result: true 

Received event:  {"content":"key invalidation","created_at":1680473093,"id":"221a2e767464cca61328031a355c06268291adcff369bdee15df0588dc61c6bb","kind":13,"pubkey":"aad39a3bfd27023d659af43445ee09a84c735b9acac0bbe18498a57514fef383","sig":"d54fb94e4a4a2101e39b36525b42b7b6d791303b350314858610a0d7f5406e218e79a1f29ae3901b7e18a2f4c8630efaabf35e7d29cc0ce62d9d514c393ad4ee","tags":[["p","0333d247f7b0e1dbe7d86cf56a12aeb305a4023832e9cb85c9d7f1cc4b74669b"],["hidden-key","27bcb59fb2c17c25cb57a264b14b97c74466fd5512429bc1d9538196d2623c42"]]}
'P-tag' (invalidated):               npub1qveay3lhkrsahe7cdn6k5y4wkvz6gq3cxt5uhpwf6lcucjm5v6dswn37am  (0333d247f7b0e1dbe7d86cf56a12aeb305a4023832e9cb85c9d7f1cc4b74669b)
'Hidden-key-tag' (invalidated hid):  npub1y77tt8ajc97ztj6h5fjtzjuhcazxdl24zfpfhswe2wqed5nz83pqz863fe  (27bcb59fb2c17c25cb57a264b14b97c74466fd5512429bc1d9538196d2623c42)
Pubkey (new):                        npub14tfe5wlayupr6ev67s6ytmsf4px8xku6etqthcvynzjh29877wps7lpyne  (aad39a3bfd27023d659af43445ee09a84c735b9acac0bbe18498a57514fef383)

Invalidate  npub1qveay3lhkrsahe7cdn6k5y4wkvz6gq3cxt5uhpwf6lcucjm5v6dswn37am  in favor of  npub14tfe5wlayupr6ev67s6ytmsf4px8xku6etqthcvynzjh29877wps7lpyne !

Verification result: true 
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