The Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) standard in Python


Hybrid PKE

The Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) standard in Python.

hybrid_pke = hpke-rs PyO3

This library provides Python bindings to the hpke-rs crate, which supports primitives from either Rust Crypto or EverCrypt.

Table of Contents
  1. Usage
  2. Features
  3. Installation
  4. Development
  5. Related Projects



The single-shot API is intended for single message encryption/decryption. The default HPKE configuration uses the unauthenticated Base mode, an X25519 DH key encapsulation mechanism, a SHA256 key derivation mechanism, and a ChaCha20Poly1305 AEAD function.

import hybrid_pke

hpke = hybrid_pke.default()
info = b""  # shared metadata, correspondance-level
aad = b""  # shared metadata, message-level
secret_key_r, public_key_r = hpke.generate_key_pair()  # receiver keys, pre-generated

# ============== Sender ==============

message = b"hello from the other side!"
encap, ciphertext = hpke.seal(public_key_r, info, aad, message)

# ============= Receiver =============

plaintext =, secret_key_r, info, aad, ciphertext)
# >> hello from the other side!


Sender & Receiver Contexts

The Sender Context and Receiver Context APIs allow for setting up a context for repeated encryptions and decryptions. It's recommended whenever you intend to perform several encryptions or decryptions in quick succession.

info = b"quotes from your favorite aphorists"
aads = [

# ============== Sender ==============

messages = [
    b"Two wrongs don't make a right, but they make a good excuse.",
    b"Become who you are!",
    b"Only those who aren't hungry are able to judge the quality of a meal.",
    b"Under certain circumstances a wanted poster is a letter of recommendation.",
    b"Nobody ever forgets where he buried the hatchet.",
encap, sender_context = hpke.setup_sender(public_key_r, info)

ciphertexts = []
for aad, msg in zip(aads, messages):
    ciphertext = sender_context.seal(aad, msg)

# ============= Receiver =============

receiver_context = hpke.setup_receiver(encap, secret_key_r, info)
plaintexts = []
for aad, ctxt in zip(aads, ciphertexts):
    plaintext =, ctxt)

print(f"\"{plaintexts[0].decode()}\" - {aad[0].decode()}")
print(f"\"{plaintexts[1].decode()}\" - {aad[1].decode()}")
# >> "Two wrongs don't make a right, but they make a good excuse." - Szasz
# >> "Become who you are!" - Nietzsche
Mode.AUTH: Authenticated Sender

Auth mode allows for signing and verifying encryptions with a previously authenticated sender key-pair.

hpke = hybrid_pke.default(mode=hybrid_pke.Mode.AUTH)
secret_key_r, public_key_r = hpke.generate_key_pair()  # receiver keys
secret_key_s, public_key_s = hpke.generate_key_pair()  # sender keys, pre-authenticated

# ============== Sender ==============

# sign with sender's secret key
encap, ciphertext = hpke.seal(public_key_r, info, aad, message, sk_s=secret_key_s)

# ============= Receiver =============

# verify with sender's public key
plaintext =, secret_key_r, info, aad, ciphertext, pk_s=public_key_s)
Mode.PSK: Pre-shared Key Authentication

PSK mode allows for signing and verifying encryptions with a previously shared key held by both the sender and recipient.

hpke = hybrid_pke.default(mode=hybrid_pke.Mode.PSK)
# pre-shared key + ID
psk = bytes.fromhex("0247fd33b913760fa1fa51e1892d9f307fbe65eb171e8132c2af18555a738b82")
psk_id = bytes.fromhex("456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961")

# ============== Sender ==============

# sign with pre-shared key
encap, ciphertext = hpke.seal(public_key_r, info, aad, message, psk=psk, psk_id=psk_id)

# ============= Receiver =============

# verify with pre-shared key
plaintext =, secret_key_r, info, aad, ciphertext, psk=psk, psk_id=psk_id)
Mode.AUTH_PSK: Combining AUTH and PSK.

PSK mode allows for signing and verifying encryptions with a previously shared key held by both the sender and recipient.

hpke = hybrid_pke.default(mode=hybrid_pke.Mode.PSK)
secret_key_r, public_key_r = hpke.generate_key_pair()  # receiver keys
secret_key_s, public_key_s = hpke.generate_key_pair()  # sender keys, pre-authenticated
# pre-shared key + ID
psk = bytes.fromhex("0247fd33b913760fa1fa51e1892d9f307fbe65eb171e8132c2af18555a738b82")
psk_id = bytes.fromhex("456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961")

# ============== Sender ==============

# sign with both pre-shared key and sender's secret key
encap, ciphertext = hpke.seal(
    public_key_r, info, aad, message,
    psk=psk, psk_id=psk_id, sk_s=secret_key_s,

# ============= Receiver =============

# verify with both pre-shared key and sender's public key
plaintext =
    encap, secret_key_r, info, aad, ciphertext,
    psk=psk, psk_id=psk_id, pk_s=public_key_s,

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The features available match those supported by hpke-rs.

HPKE Modes
  • mode_base
  • mode_psk
  • mode_auth
  • mode_auth_psk
KEMs: (Diffie-Hellman) Key Encapsulation Mechanisms
  • DHKEM(P-256, HKDF-SHA256)
  • DHKEM(P-384, HKDF-SHA384)
  • DHKEM(P-521, HKDF-SHA512)
  • DHKEM(X25519, HKDF-SHA256)
  • DHKEM(X448, HKDF-SHA512)
KDFs: Key Derivation Functions
  • HKDF-SHA256
  • HKDF-SHA384
  • HKDF-SHA512
AEADs: Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data functions
  • AES-128-GCM
  • AES-256-GCM
  • ChaCha20Poly1305
  • Export only

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Wheels for various platforms and architectures can be found on PyPI or in the archive from the latest Github release.

The library can also be installed from source with maturin -- see below.

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We use maturin to build and distribute the PyO3 extension module as a Python wheel.

For users of cmake, we provide a Makefile that includes some helpful development commands.

Some useful tips
  • maturin develop builds & installs the Python package into your Python environment (venv or conda recommended)
  • pytest . tests the resulting Python package.
  • pytest -n auto . runs the full test suite in parallel.
  • maturin build --release -o dist --sdist builds the extension module in release-mode and produces a wheel for your environment's OS and architecture.
  • The -i/--interpreter flag for maturin can be used to swap out different Python interpreters, if you have multiple Python installations.

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Related Projects

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  • Add RFC Test Vectors Suite

    Add RFC Test Vectors Suite


    Ensures comprehensive testing of correctness against the HPKE RFC's Test Vectors.

    api changes:

    • breaking: renames hybrid_pke.default_config -> hybrid_pke.default
    • refactors Hpke.key_schedule to pass default kwargs of None for psk & psk_id params

    internal/dev stuff:

    • decomposes the existing into several different files in the tests/ module
    • adds a bit of work to stop copying Hpke everytime we implicitly use it from PyHpke
    • adds a requirements-dev file to specify dev dependencies, update the Makefile targets accordingly
    opened by jvmncs 0
  • Add HPKE Context and related context export methods

    Add HPKE Context and related context export methods


    allows us to do repeated encryption/decryption with an HPKE encryption, like so:

    encap, sender_context = hpke.setup_sender(pkR, info)
    receiver_context = hpke.setup_receiver(encap, skR, info)
    for _ in range(17):
        ctxt = sender_context.seal(aad, ptxt)
        ptxt_onetrip =, ctxt)
        assert ptxt == ptxt_onetrip

    also adds support for export contexts via Hpke.send_export, Hpke.receiver_export, Hpke.key_schedule, and Context.export

    opened by jvmncs 0
  • Swap out hpke-spec for hpke-rs

    Swap out hpke-spec for hpke-rs


    • rewrites all of the existing functionality to use hpke-rs as our rust backend.
    • breaking change: rename the python library to hybrid_pke
    • breaking change: renames hpke_open -> open and hpke_seal -> seal
    • breaking change: hpke-rs puts the functions generate_key_pair, open, and seal directly on the Hpke configuration struct, so in Python-land these are no longer pure functions but rather instance methods on the python class binding to Hpke
    • breaking change: expands the signatures of open/seal to include info, aad, and optional psk, psk_id, and pk_s/sk_r
    • exposes the underlying hpke_rs::HpkeError enum as a set of custom python Exceptions through PyO3, which significantly improves the experience of handling Rust errors from Python
    opened by jvmncs 0
  • Add gh action for multi-platform CI

    Add gh action for multi-platform CI

    CI checks installation and tests the python binding for python3.{8,9,10} on {manylinux x86_64, windows x86, macos x86_64, macos universal2}. also uploads wheels to be used in a later PR for releases

    opened by jvmncs 0
  • Make HpkeCrypto implementation configurable in Python package

    Make HpkeCrypto implementation configurable in Python package

    Currently, the HpkeCrypto implementation is fixed to Rust Crypto (e.g. here). It would be better if we could make this configurable (at least when building from source)

    opened by jvmncs 0
  • Dis-allow `borrow_deref_ref` with new PyO3 release

    Dis-allow `borrow_deref_ref` with new PyO3 release

    Per the following issues, there is a problem with PyO3's pyfunction macro triggering a faulty warning in clippy:


    In #21 we force allow-ed the faulty warning. The PyO3 PR merges a fix, but it has not yet made it's way into a release. Once a new version of PyO3 has been published, we should revert the lint change we did in #21 by dis-allowing the lint warning for borrow_deref_ref.

    opened by jvmncs 0
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