4 Repositories
Rust hybrid-pke Libraries
A Rust implementation of Glidesort, my stable adaptive quicksort/mergesort hybrid sorting algorithm.
Glidesort Glidesort is a novel stable sorting algorithm that combines the best-case behavior of Timsort-style merge sorts for pre-sorted data with the
The Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) standard in Python
Hybrid PKE The Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) standard in Python. hybrid_pke = hpke-rs ➕ PyO3 This library provides Python bindings to the hpke-r
A HashMap/Vector hybrid: efficient, ordered key-value data storage in Rust.
hashvec A HashVec is a hash map / dictionary whose key-value pairs are stored (and can be iterated over) in a fixed order, by default the order in whi
Hybrid Traffic Mesh Proxy
Hybrid Traffic Mesh Proxy L7 proxy on kubernetes dependencies: routeagent: refresh proxy routes fetched with k8s sdk register routes curl -v --unix-s