11126 Repositories
Tool that was built quickly for personal needs, you might find it useful though
COPYCAT Produced with stable-diffusion Clipboard (copy/paste) history buffer for terminal emulators, MAC OS gui and VIM* environment usage. Rrequireme
Dinero is a Rust port of Dinero.js (unstable)
Dinero is a Rust port of Dinero.js Dinero lets you create, calculate, and format money in Rust. docs.rs/dinero 📦 Install $ cargo add dinero ⚡️ Quick
Dns subdomain finding tool, based off of the c application of the same name
dnsmap-rs Tool for brute-forcing/scanning for existing subdomains in a domain. Based on dnsmap c application that is packaged in kali linux. Can query
A modern high-performance open source file analysis library for automating localization tasks
🧛 Filecount Filecount is a modern high-performance open source file analysis library for automating localization tasks. It enables you to add file an
Majestic Lisp book and implementation, in Brazillian Portuguese.
Majestic Lisp Criado e desenvolvido por Lucas S. Vieira lucasvieira at protonmail dot com. Seja bem-vindo(a) a Majestic Lisp, um dialeto de Lisp cuj
An educational git clone written in Rust.
rat rat is a simple version control system written in Rust designed primarily to be easy to understand and modify, with as few external dependencies a
A simple tool to test sqlx with postgres. It will automatically create a database and drop it after the test.
sqlx-db-tester This a tool to test sqlx with postgres. It only supports tokio runtime at this moment. How to use it You should first create a TestDb d
L4 DDoS tool (hping3 rewritten in rust 🦀)
Hping.rs - Powerful ddos tool, hping3 in rust 🦀 faster, safer and more powerful than c-base hping3 Language Build on Debian and Ubuntu sudo apt inst
Simple stupid noise primitives for WGSL and Rust (glam/bevy types)
noisy_bevy Simple stupid noise primitives for glam types (Vec2, Vec3) and wgsl. Main motivations are: ergonomic usage with Bevy same results on rust a
A file format-agnostic static site generator
mksite A file format-agnostic static site generator Installation If you already have Rust and Cargo installed: cargo install mksite Alternatively, you
STKLR is a tool to help you automatically link up named stuff in your rust docs!
_____ _______ _ ___ _____ / ____|__ __| |/ / | | __ \ | (___ | | | ' /| | | |__) | \___ \ | | | | | | _ / ___
Library for finding syncmers from &[u8] in rust
Syncmers Library in Rust Syncmers as defined by Dutta et al. 2022, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.01.10.475696v2.full Esp Fig 1b / Algor
A lightning-fast Sanskrit toolkit. For Python bindings, see `vidyut-py`.
Vidyut मा भूदेवं क्षणमपि च ते विद्युता विप्रयोगः ॥ Vidyut is a lightning-fast toolkit for processing Sanskrit text. Vidyut aims to provide standard co
🐝🦀🔥 An ebpf based CPU profiler written in Rust
profile-bee 🐝 🦀 🔥 Profile Bee is an eBPF based CPU profiler written in Rust for performance and efficiency. Aya is used for building the BPF progra
Rust-Rocket framework template Demo
rocketapp Rust-Rocket framework template Demo dependencies are defined in Cargo.toml Clone as: git clone https://github.com/srikantgdev/rocketapp [op
A simple key-value store with a log-structured, append-only storage architecture where data is encrypted with AES GCM.
akvdb A simple key-value store with a log-structured, append-only storage architecture where data is encrypted with AES GCM. Modified from the actionk
Rust implementation of Andrej Karpathy's micrograd for purposes of learning both ML and Rust.
micrograd_rs Rust implementation of Andrej Karpathy's micrograd for purposes of learning both ML and Rust. Main takeaways Basically the same takeaways
A general solution for commonly used crypt in rust, collection of cryptography-related traits and algorithms.
Crypto-rs A general solution for commonly used crypt in rust, collection of cryptography-related traits and algorithms. This is a Rust implementation
Brainf - A brainfuck interpreter written in Rust 🦀
brainf A brainfuck interpreter written in Rust 🦀 . Do not I wrote this in my spare time... but still its good! Run Locally Clone the project git cl
A lightweight, zero-dependency struct diffing library which allows changed fields to be collected and applied
structdiff A lightweight, zero-dependency struct diffing library which allows changed fields to be collected and applied. Derive Difference on a struc
SimConnect SDK in Rust. An opinionated SimConnect Client that encapsulates the C API fully and optimizes for developer experience.
SimConnect SDK An opinionated SimConnect Client that encapsulates the C API fully and optimizes for developer experience. Usage [dependencies] simconn
Cosmwasm in Cosmwasm through ComposableFi/cosmwasm-vm
Cosmwasmception Running Fastest way to run this contract would be through our vm. But note that our vm runs an already built version this contract, so
Rust library to download and run Minecraft instances.
Rust library to download and run Minecraft instances. Build the code To build the library, the do the following command: carbo build Run the example Y
Fortipwn - Forti CVE-2022-40684 enumeration script built in Rust
fortipwn Forti CVE-2022-40684 enumeration script built in Rust. Uploads an SSH public key into authorized_keys, allowing an attacker to SSH into a ser
Docgen - a fork of Doctave intending to continue the development.
Docgen Docgen is a fork of Doctave intending to continue the development. All credit goes to the original Docgen authors. Docgen is an opinionated doc
Nitrogen - a tool for deploying web services to AWS Nitro Enclaves
Nitrogen CLI Nitrogen is a tool for deploying web services to AWS Nitro Enclaves. Given a dockerfile and an ssh key, Nitrogen will spin up an EC2, con
An intent-centric, privacy-preserving protocol for decentralized counterparty discovery, solving, and multi-chain atomic settlement.
Anoma Blockchain prototye This prototype aims to reproduce the following topology: ┌────────┐ ┌───────────┐ │ ┌───────┐ │Sol
The first fully opensource Skyblock mod backend lol.
DWS The first fully opensource Skyblock mod backend lol. Running Features Rest GET /cosmetics POST /broadcast GET /metrics GET /users DELETE /users?uu