The first fully opensource Skyblock mod backend lol.

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The first fully opensource Skyblock mod backend lol.


export BROADCAST_SECRET="supersecretkey"
export PORT="3000"
export HOST=""
cargo run --release


  • Discord bot
  • Cosmetics
  • Checking if players are online
  • Irc
  • Prometheus metrics
  • Discord linking
  • Admin dashboard


GET /cosmetics

  "cosmetics": [
      "data": "&a",
      "description": "Prefix: invis_test1",
      "id": 0,
      "name": "invis_test1",
      "required_flags": 2,
      "type": 1
      "data": "§e",
      "description": "Prefix: supporter2",
      "id": 1,
      "name": "supporter2",
      "required_flags": 32,
      "type": 1
      "data": "§b[l'élite]",
      "description": "Prefix: invis_plexus3",
      "id": 2,
      "name": "invis_plexus3",
      "required_flags": 2,
      "type": 2
  "users": { "41a9b6aa-168a-4be8-8df8-cac17daf7384": 1 }

POST /broadcast

info this is a dashboard endpoint

to requires a list of uuids or nothing to send to all users.

  "message": "Hello world",
  "to": []


GET /metrics

info this is a dashboard endpoint

Returns a bunch of prometheus metrics

GET /users

info this is a dashboard endpoint

Returns the list of connected and saved user

DELETE /users?uuid=$uuid

info this is a dashboard endpoint

Deletes a user from the database

POST /users

info this is a dashboard endpoint

Create & Edit a user, payload:

GET /cosmetics

info this is a dashboard endpoint

Returns the list of cosmetics

DELETE /cosmetics?id=$id

info this is a dashboard endpoint

Deletes a cosmetic from the database

POST /cosmetics

info this is a dashboard endpoint

Creates a cosmetic, payload:


See the insomnia example for more detailed info, Nonces are a optional field


for development none of this validated. server_id is expected to be a hashed server id that is needed for

  "t": "/connect",
  "c": {
    "server_id": "Hello world from irc ws lol",
    "username": "trickedmc"

  "t": "/connected",
  "c": true

Requesting user status

  "t": "/is_online",
  "c": { "uuid": "41a9b6aa-168a-4be8-8df8-cac17daf6324", "nonce": "HI!" }

  "t": "/is_online",
  "c": {
    "is_online": true,
    "uuid": "41a9b6aa-168a-4be8-8df8-cac17daf6324",
    "nonce": "HI!"

Requesting user status bulk

  "t": "/is_online/bulk",
  "c": { "uuids": ["41a9b6aa-168a-4be8-8df8-cac17daf6324"], "nonce": "HI!" }

  "t": "/is_online/bulk",
  "c": {
    "users": {
      "41a9b6aa-168a-4be8-8df8-cac17daf6324": true
    "nonce": "HI!"


  "t": "/ping"

  "t": "/pong"

Update cosmetic

  "t": "/cosmetics/update",
  "c": {
    "cosmetic_id": 1,
    "nonce": "hi1"

  "t": "/cosmetics/updated",
  "c": {
    "cosmetic_id": 1,
    "nonce": "hi1"

Cosmetic Ack event

It is suggested to update cosmetics between 1-5 minutes after this event is received to account for any other updates and to not trigger ddos protection.

  "t": "/cosmetics/ack"


The irc chat can be linked to discord and you can blacklist uuids from the irc using /irc blacklist Add <uuid>, if a user is blacklisted irc messages send by this user will be silently ignored.

  "t": "/irc/create",
  "c": {
    "message": "HI!"

  "t": "/irc/created",
  "c": {
    "message": "HI!",
    "sender": "41a9b6aa-168a-4be8-8df8-cac17daf7384",
    "date": 1668109163235


Broadcasts are only received not send you can view the broadcast post request to find out how those work

  "t": "/broadcast",
  "c": "Hello world"


Errors are only recieved and look like this, errors can include a nonce for when necessary

  "t": "/error",
  "c": {
    "error": "Already connected"


A cosmetics file looks something like this, The ran instance uses type 1 to identify colors and type 2 prefixes

  "cosmetics": [
      "data": "&a",
      "description": "Prefix: invis_test1",
      "id": 0,
      "name": "invis_test1",
      "required_flags": 2,
      "type": 1
      "data": "§e",
      "description": "Prefix: supporter2",
      "id": 1,
      "name": "supporter2",
      "required_flags": 32,
      "type": 1
      "data": "§b[l'élite]",
      "description": "Prefix: invis_plexus3",
      "id": 2,
      "name": "invis_plexus3",
      "required_flags": 2,
      "type": 2
  "users": {
    "a1937b73-ecff-4d6c-aa7b-6702b957dbd6": {
      "flags": 8,
      "enabled_prefix": 8
    "4e29caf5-9317-454b-8863-eca22877e0ec": {
      "flags": 8,
      "enabled_prefix": 12


DWS has a simple dashboard that is enabled by default and on the next port the websocket/api is running this dashboard can be disabled by setting the ADMIN_DASH var to false, It is not secured you are supposed to secure it with nginx or cloudflare zero trust. The dashboard also exposes 4 api endpoints for creating/modifying users, deleting them, and adding cosmetics and deleting those.



Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. To test out the websocket server you can use either insomnia or the provided test.ts tool with Deno, The tool automatically picks up the requests from the README file.


We use the Mozilla Public License 2.0. MPL tries to find a balance between permissive (MIT, Apache, Zlib) and copyleft licenses (GPL, LGPL). MORE INFO

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