Build a Full Stack App with Rust, and Actix Web


Build a Full Stack App with Rust, and Actix Web

In this article, I'll walk you through the process of building a backend API using the Actix web framework, SQLX, PostgreSQL, and Docker. Once we've created a powerful backend, we'll move on to building a single-page app using the framework. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a fully functional web app that seamlessly integrates the frontend app with the backend API.

Build a Full Stack App with Rust, and Actix Web

Topics Covered

  • Run the Full-Stack Rust App Locally
  • Setup the Full-Stack Rust App
  • Work on the Library Project
  • Work on the Backend Project
    • Setup the Rust API Project
    • Setup PostgreSQL and pgAdmin with Docker
    • Database Migration with SQLX
    • Create the SQLX Database Model
    • Create the Request Validation Structs
    • Create the CRUD API Route Handlers
    • Register the API Routes and Setup CORS
  • Work on the Frontend Project
    • Setup the Project
    • Setup Tailwind CSS for Styling
    • Create the API Request Functions
    • State Management with Yewdux
    • Create Reusable Components
    • Yew Component to Add New Feedback Item
    • Yew Component to Display Feedback Statistics
    • Yew Component to Display Feedback Information
    • Yew Component to Display the Feedback Items
    • Export the Component Files as Modules
    • Add the Components to the Main File
  • Test the Rust Full-Stack App

Read the entire article here:

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