DeArrow Browser
An explorer for the DeArrow database as a web application. Inspired by Lartza's SBbrowser.
Public instance available at
This repository is split into 4 crates:
- dearrow-parser - definitions of structures in source .csv files, reading & merging those into a single structure per detail
- dearrow-browser-server - the backend, keeps the database loaded in memory, provides data for the backend
- dearrow-browser-api - definitions of API structures
- dearrow-browser-frontend - the frontend, uses Yew, functions as a single page application
The logo is a combination of the DeArrow logo and the magnifying glass emoji from twemoji
Running an instance
- Build the image
docker buid -t dearrow-browser .
- Create a config.toml file. Static content (frontend) is available at /static in the container.
- Run the container
docker run -h dearrow-browser --name dearrow-browser -v <path to mirror>:/mirror -v <path to config.toml>:/config.toml:ro -p 9292 dearrow-browser
If you've got a proper mirror set up (instead of manually sourced .csv files), make it make a POST request to /api/reload
with the auth secret as the auth
URL parameter to reload the database. DeArrow Browser should remain usable while the database is reloaded. (assuming we don't run out of RAM)