An opinionated modal editor to simplify code editing from the terminal


build badge

(I'm currently refactoring the platform layer. So we have to first finish this cleanup before we're able to continue adding features)

An opinionated modal editor to simplify code editing from the terminal

main screenshot

more screenshots

Pepper is an experiment of mine to simplify code editing from the terminal. It's mission is to be a minimal and fast code editor with an orthogonal set of both editing and navigation features.

default keybindings

scripting api

defining language syntaxes

config recipes



Pepper is open-source, which means you're free to build it and access all of its features. However, to support the development, prebuilt binaries are available for purchase at itch.

This will not only keep you updated with the latest features/fixes but also support further pepper development!

using cargo

Simply running cargo install pepper should get you up and running.

NOTE: for x11 users, you'll need to have both libxcb-shape0-dev and libxcb-xfixes0-dev in your system due to dependencies in the copypasta crate.

from source

git clone [email protected]:vamolessa/pepper.git
cd pepper
cargo install --path .

NOTE: installing from source still requires cargo (at least it's easier this way).

if you find a bug or need help

Please open an issue


  • small, but orthogonal, set of editing primitives
  • mnemonic and easy to reach default keybindings (assuming a qwerty keyboard)
  • cross-plaftorm (Linux, Windows, Mac)
  • customizable through scripting
  • extensible through external cli tools
  • be as fast and reponsive as possible

non goals

  • support every possible workflow (it will never ever get close to feature parity with vim or emacs)
  • complex ui (like breadcumbs, floating windows, extra status bars, etc)
  • multiple viewports (leave that to your window manager/terminal multiplexer. instead clients can connect to each other and act together as if they're a single application)
  • undo tree
  • support for text encodings other than UTF-8
  • fuzzy file picker (you can integrate with fzf, skim, etc)
  • workspace wide search (you can integrate with grep, ripgrep, etc)
  • having any other feature that could be implemented by integrating an external tool


  • everything is reachable through the keyboard
  • modal editing (normal mode also selects text)
  • multiple cursors
  • caret style cursors (like most text editors, cursors can move past last line character and text is always inserted to its left)
  • text-objects
  • macros
  • lua scripting
  • client/server architecture
  • simple syntax highlighting
  • support for language server protocol


In the spirit of Handmade, almost all features are coded from scratch using simple stable Rust code. These are the only external crates being used in the project (mainly because of crossplatform):

  • argh: provides good cli interface
  • fuzzy-matcher: fuzzy matching for the picker ui. it could be replaced, however it's implementation does not get in the way and has minimal dependencies
  • winapi (windows-only): needed to implement windows platform layer

modal editing

Pepper is modal which means keypresses do different things depending on which mode you're in. However, it's also designed to have few modes so the overhead is minimal. Most of the time, users will be in either normal or insert mode.

comparing to vim

Like Vim, you have to actively start text selection. However, unlike it, you can also manipulate selections in normal mode. Also, there's no 'action' then 'movement'. There's only selections and actions. That is, d will always only delete selected text. If the selection was empty, it does nothing.

Pepper expands on Vim's editing capabilities by supporting multiple cursors. This enables you to make several text transformations at once. Also, cursors behave like carets instead of blocks and can always go one-past-last-character-in-line.

comparing to kakoune

Like Kakoune, you can manipulate selections while in normal mode and actions always operate on selections. However, unlike it, normal mode remembers if you're selecting text or nor (think a pseudo-mode). This way, there's no need for extra alt- based keybindings.

Pepper is heavily inspired by Kakoune's selection based workflow and multiple cursors. However its cursors behave like caret ranges instead of block selections. That is, the cursor is not a one-char selection but only a visual cue to indicate the caret location.

development thread

It's possible to kinda follow Pepper's development history in this twitter thread

big features todo

  • linux platform layer
  • mac/bsd platform layer
  • language server protocol (in progress)
  • debug adapter protocol

support pepper development

Pepper is open-source, which means you're free to build it and access all of its features. However, to support the development, prebuilt binaries are available for purchase at itch.

Please consider purchasing in order to support both the development of new features and bug fixing. I'll be forever grateful :)

<iframe src="" width="206" height="165" frameborder="0"> pepper by Matheus Lessa </iframe>
  • LSP Support

    LSP Support

    Hello, in features in README there is information about LSP support, but I can't find any more information about this, is it working? By the way, awesome project, I'm really looking into replacing neovim in future.

    opened by gbaranski 9
  • Crash on 0.26

    Crash on 0.26

    Just installed 0.26, and get thread 'main' panicked at 'could not spawn server', /home/defaultuser/.cargo/registry/src/ note: run withRUST_BACKTRACE=1environment variable to display a backtrace

    Using SailfishOS (mobile). Previous version worked fine...

    opened by levone1 7
  • Yank/Paste does not work on macOS

    Yank/Paste does not work on macOS

    I just noticed that I can't yank (y) or paste (Y) on macOS even though my copy-command is set to pbcopy and paste-command is set to pbpaste. Nothing happens when pressing y and Y just clears the selection without every pasting anything from the clipboard.

    opened by hovsater 7
  • pepper panics when opening a file

    pepper panics when opening a file

    Most of the time, I can't open any file with pepper (latest git rev as of writing, pepper binary from the mine crate). The following is written to pepper-crash.txt:

    panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Os { code: 11, kind: WouldBlock, message: "Resource temporarily unavailable" }', pepper/src/

    Judging from the source code, the problem seems to have something to do with updating the display upon opening a file. No idea how to fix it though :/

    opened by malte-v 6
  • QoL feature: respect completion for aliases

    QoL feature: respect completion for aliases

    Just a minor thing, but would be nice to have (and probably not hard): When I use :open ... I get file completion, but when I use :o ... I don't. (Same for self-defined aliases.)

    opened by leahneukirchen 6
  • Windows version crashes opening a file

    Windows version crashes opening a file

    Cargo built version v0.10.6 crashes when opening a file, either from the command line or with the open command: thread '' panicked at 'index out of bounds: the len is 0 but the index is 0', C:\Users\whein.cargo\registry\src\\pepper-0.10.6\src\

    opened by wheineman 6
  • Pasting 100 characters crashes pepper

    Pasting 100 characters crashes pepper

    Use an empty buffer, insert mode, paste this string of 100 x: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

    Pepper crashes:

    thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'index out of bounds: the len is 1 but the index is 14', src/
    stack backtrace:
       0: rust_begin_unwind
                 at /rustc/3e99439f4dacc8ba0d2ca48d221694362d587927/library/std/src/
       1: core::panicking::panic_fmt
                 at /rustc/3e99439f4dacc8ba0d2ca48d221694362d587927/library/core/src/
       2: core::panicking::panic_bounds_check
                 at /rustc/3e99439f4dacc8ba0d2ca48d221694362d587927/library/core/src/
       3: pepper::command::CommandManager::eval_and_then_output
       4: pepper::editor::Editor::on_client_event
       5: pepper::application::ServerApplication::run_application

    Reproducible on pepper 1e231e3535e08b2d81.

    opened by leahneukirchen 6
  • Integrating with external processes

    Integrating with external processes

    👋 @vamolessa, this is not so much an issue than it is a question.

    I read that one of pepper's goals were Extensible through external cli tools on the Handmade Network's website. Is this true, and if so, how?

    I'm coming from dte and was hoping pepper would provide some of the same features as dte provides when it comes to integrating with external tools. dte has a section on External Commands and I've found the following really useful:

    | command | description | pepper equivalent | | ---------- | ----------- | ------------------ | | filter | Filter selected text or whole file through external command. | ? | | run | Run external command. | ? | | exec-open | Run external command and open all filenames listed on its standard output. | find-file (sort of) |

    The main thing in dte I find powerful is the concept of exec. In Unify commands that run external programs into a single "exec" command this concept is explored further where a single construct, exec, can be used to implement a handful of other useful commands.

    I really love being able to run :run tig blame $FILE to temporarily open tig's blame view on the current file and after exiting ending back in my editor. exec-open allows me to run an external program such as fzf and then see the selected files opened in dte.

    opened by hovsater 5
  • Pepper doesn't send trailing newlines to the LSP server

    Pepper doesn't send trailing newlines to the LSP server

    This assumption means pepper fails to open files ending with a different character, and also contaminates lsp-format by neglecting to send final newlines in textDocument/didChange events, which in my case causes zls to add a second newline to the end of the file.

    opened by praschke 4
  • Support `map select` (create mapping for selection mode)

    Support `map select` (create mapping for selection mode)

    We currently have:


    Creates a keyboard mapping for an editor mode. <mode> is one of normal, insert, command, readline and picker. <from> and <to> are a string of keys.

    • usage: map <mode> <from> <to>

    Unfortunate there is no support for mapping on selection mode, but if map select is support this will open up many possibility for user to make the editor way more convenient for examples:

    map normal "<backspace>" "cVcvhd" # Delete one character to the left
    map normal "<delete>" "cVcvld" # Delete one character to the right
    # Delete selection
    map select "<backspace>" "d"
    map select "<delete>" "d"
    # By default, these keys do nothing in normal mode anyway.
    # Let's make them more useful by select the whole line/buffer before doing the action:
    map normal "d" "Vd" # Delete the whole line in normal mode
    map normal "y" "Vy" # Copy the whole line in normal mode
    map normal "<c-y>" "V<c-y>" # Copy the whole line to register in normal mode
    map normal "cs" "gkghvgjglcs" # Search whole buffer and select all match
    map normal "cS" "gkghvgjglcS" # Search whole buffer and select everything that not match
    map normal "CS" "gkghvgjglCS" # Search whole buffer and select everything that not match
    # Make those keys use selection instead of the whole line/buffer in selection mode:
    # (not sure if this is necessary, perhaps `map normal` shouldn't effect selection mode)
    map select "d" "d"
    map select "y" "y"
    map select "<c-y>" "<c-y>"
    map select "cs" "cs"
    map select "cS" "cS"
    map select "CS" "CS"
    opened by NNBnh 4
  • Add set the search pattern to the main selection key

    Add set the search pattern to the main selection key

    From Kakoune's keys docs:

    * : set the search pattern to the main selection (automatically detects word boundaries). Alt-* : set the search pattern to the main selection (verbatim, no smart detection).

    I imagine it will be implemented with only one key * to set the search pattern to the main selection that:

    • ~~In normal mode it will automatically detects word boundaries.~~
    • In selection mode it will set it verbatimly, no smart detection.
    opened by NNBnh 4
  • Add align selections

    Add align selections

    Align selections is a crucial and very frequently use action (example) that I really miss when switch to Pepper. From Kakoune's keys docs:

    & : Align selections, align the cursor of each selection by inserting spaces before the first character of each selection.

    opened by NNBnh 2
  • Support combines selections from the register with the current ones and the other way around.

    Support combines selections from the register with the current ones and the other way around.

    This would help a lot with manipulate complex multi selection. From Kakoune's keys docs:

    Alt-z combines selections from the register with the current ones, whereas Alt-Z combines current selections with the ones in the register; a menu is then displayed which waits for one of the following additional keys:

    • a append selections.
    • u keep a union of selections.
    • i keep an intersection of selections.
    • < select the selection with the leftmost cursor for each pair.
    • > select the selection with the rightmost cursor for each pair.
    • + select the longest selection
    • - select the shortest selection.

    (I don't think <, >, + and - is useful)

    This require #54 to be done.

    opened by NNBnh 2
  • [Plugin] Support auto close and rename tag

    [Plugin] Support auto close and rename tag

    Following issue #46:

    Pepper would be great if it have the quality-of-life-improvement features from two of the most popular VScode plugins: Auto Close Tag and Auto Rename Tag:

    Auto Close Tag

    From the "Auto Rename Tag" VScode plugin:

    Automatically add HTML/XML close tag, same as Visual Studio IDE or Sublime Text does:

    • Automatically add closing tag when you type in the closing bracket of the opening tag
    • After closing tag is inserted, the cursor is between the opening and closing tag
    • Set the tag list that would not be auto closed
    • Automatically close self-closing tag
    • Support auto close tag as Sublime Text 3
    • Use Keyboard Shortcut or Command Palette to add close tag manually


    Auto Rename Tag:

    From the "Auto Rename Tag" VScode plugin:

    When you rename one HTML/XML tag, automatically rename the paired HTML/XML tag


    If you find this suggestion it's suitable to be built-in with the editor, feel free to label this issue with "Plugin" or "Plugin Idea".

    plugin request 
    opened by NNBnh 1
  • [Plugin] Display the color of color-hex-codes, color functions

    [Plugin] Display the color of color-hex-codes, color functions

    Display the color of color-hex-codes and color functions is pretty helpful for writing CSS and UI design... VScode support this feature by default, while NeoVim have an acceptable plugin vim-hexokinase that do the job:


    I hope Pepper could support for coloring:

    • 6 digit hex codes (#FFFFFF).
    • 3 digit hex codes (#FFF).
    • RGB functions (rgb(100%, 100%, 100%), rgb(255, 255, 255)).
    • RGBA functions (rgba( ... )).
    • HSL functions (hsl( ... )).
    • HSLA functions (hsla( ... )).

    With styling options:

    • Background.
    • Foreground.
    • Virtual (display a small colored square on the right).
    • Sign column (a column next to the line numbers).

    If you find this suggestion it's suitable to be built-in with the editor, feel free to label this issue with "Plugin" or "Plugin Idea".

    plugin request 
    opened by NNBnh 1
  • [Plugin] Support Tree-sitter

    [Plugin] Support Tree-sitter

    From Tree-sitter's website:

    Tree-sitter is a parser generator tool and an incremental parsing library. It can build a concrete syntax tree for a source file and efficiently update the syntax tree as the source file is edited. Tree-sitter aims to be:

    • General enough to parse any programming language.
    • Fast enough to parse on every keystroke in a text editor.
    • Robust enough to provide useful results even in the presence of syntax errors.
    • Dependency-free so that the runtime library (which is written in pure C) can be embedded in any application.

    I think this is the most important feature that missing in Pepper.

    wontfix plugin request 
    opened by NNBnh 2
Matheus Lessa Rodrigues
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