Tool to help you select inputs for making bitcoin transactions.

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Database coin-select

BDK Coin Selection

bdk_coin_select is a tool to help you select inputs for making Bitcoin (ticker: BTC) transactions. It's got zero dependencies so you can paste it into your project without concern.

Constructing the CoinSelector

The main structure is CoinSelector. To construct it, we specify a list of candidate UTXOs and a transaction base_weight. The base_weight includes the recipient outputs and mandatory inputs (if any).

use std::str::FromStr;
use bdk_coin_select::{ CoinSelector, Candidate, TR_KEYSPEND_SATISFACTION_WEIGHT, TXIN_BASE_WEIGHT };
use bitcoin::{ Address, Network, Transaction, TxIn, TxOut };

// You should use miniscript to figure out the satisfaction weight for your coins!

// The address where we want to send our coins.
let recipient_addr = 
    .expect("address must be valid")
    .expect("network must match");

let candidates = vec![
    Candidate {
        // How many inputs does this candidate represents. Needed so we can 
        // figure out the weight of the varint that encodes the number of inputs
        input_count: 1,
        // the value of the input
        value: 1_000_000,
        // the total weight of the input(s).
        weight: TR_INPUT_WEIGHT,
        // wether it's a segwit input. Needed so we know whether to include the
        // segwit header in total weight calculations.
        is_segwit: true
    Candidate {
        // A candidate can represent multiple inputs in the case where you 
        // always want some inputs to be spent together.
        input_count: 2,
        weight: 2*TR_INPUT_WEIGHT,
        value: 3_000_000,
        is_segwit: true

let base_tx = Transaction {
    input: vec![],
    // include your recipient outputs here
    output: vec![TxOut {
        value: 900_000,
        script_pubkey: recipient_addr.script_pubkey(),
    lock_time: bitcoin::absolute::LockTime::from_height(0).unwrap(),
    version: 0x02,
let base_weight = base_tx.weight().to_wu() as u32;
println!("base weight: {}", base_weight);

// You can now select coins!
let mut coin_selector = CoinSelector::new(&candidates, base_weight);;

Change Policy

A change policy determines whether the drain output(s) should be in the final solution. A change policy is represented by a closure of signature Fn(&CoinSelector, Target) -> Drain. We provide 3 built-in change policies; min_value, min_waste and min_value_and_waste (refer to the module-level docs for more).

Typically, to construct a change policy, the [DrainWeights] need to be provided. DrainWeights includes two weights. One is the weight of the drain output(s). The other is the weight of spending the drain output later on (the input weight).

# use std::str::FromStr;
# use bdk_coin_select::{ CoinSelector, Candidate, DrainWeights, TXIN_BASE_WEIGHT };
# use bitcoin::{ Address, Network, Transaction, TxIn, TxOut };
use bdk_coin_select::change_policy::min_value;
# const TR_SATISFACTION_WEIGHT: u32 = 66;
# let base_tx = Transaction {
#     input: vec![],
#     // include your recipient outputs here
#     output: vec![],
#     lock_time: bitcoin::absolute::LockTime::from_height(0).unwrap(),
#     version: 1,
# };
# let base_weight = base_tx.weight().to_wu() as u32;

// The change output that may or may not be included in the final transaction.
let drain_addr =
    .expect("address must be valid")
    .expect("network must match");

// The drain output(s) may or may not be included in the final tx. We calculate
// the drain weight to include the output length varint weight changes from
// including the drain output(s).
let drain_output_weight = {
    let mut tx_with_drain = base_tx.clone();
    tx_with_drain.output.push(TxOut {
        script_pubkey: drain_addr.script_pubkey(),
    tx_with_drain.weight().to_wu() as u32 - base_weight
println!("drain output weight: {}", drain_output_weight);

let drain_weights = DrainWeights {
    output_weight: drain_output_weight,
    spend_weight: TR_INPUT_WEIGHT,

// This constructs a change policy that creates change when the change value is
// greater than or equal to the dust limit.
let change_policy = min_value(

Branch and Bound

You can use methods such as [CoinSelector::select] to manually select coins, or methods such as [CoinSelector::select_until_target_met] for a rudimentary automatic selection. However, if you wish to automatically select coins to optimize for a given metric, [CoinSelector::run_bnb] can be used.

Built-in metrics are provided in the [metrics] submodule. Currently, only the LowestFee metric is considered stable.

use bdk_coin_select::{ Candidate, CoinSelector, FeeRate, Target };
use bdk_coin_select::metrics::LowestFee;
use bdk_coin_select::change_policy::min_value_and_waste;
# let candidates = [];
# let base_weight = 0;
# let drain_weights = bdk_coin_select::DrainWeights::default();
# let dust_limit = 0;
# let long_term_feerate = FeeRate::default_min_relay_fee();

let mut coin_selector = CoinSelector::new(&candidates, base_weight);

let target = Target {
    feerate: FeeRate::default_min_relay_fee(),
    min_fee: 0,
    value: 210_000,

// We use a change policy that introduces a change output if doing so reduces
// the "waste" and that the change output's value is at least that of the 
// `dust_limit`.
let change_policy = min_value_and_waste(

// This metric minimizes transaction fees paid over time. The 
// `long_term_feerate` is used to calculate the additional fee from spending 
// the change output in the future.
let metric = LowestFee {
    change_policy: &change_policy,

// We run the branch and bound algorithm with a max round limit of 100,000.
match coin_selector.run_bnb(metric, 100_000) {
    Err(err) => println!("failed to find a solution: {}", err),
    Ok(score) => {
        println!("we found a solution with score {}", score);

        let selection = coin_selector
        let change = change_policy(&coin_selector, target);

        println!("we selected {} inputs", selection.len());
        println!("are we including the change output? {}", change.is_some());

Finalizing a Selection

  • is_target_met checks whether the current state of CoinSelector meets the Target.
  • apply_selection applies the selection to the original list of candidate TxOuts.
use bdk_coin_select::{ CoinSelector, Candidate, DrainWeights, Target };
use bdk_coin_select::change_policy::min_value;
use bitcoin::{ Amount, ScriptBuf, TxOut };
# let base_weight = 0_u32;
# let drain_weights = DrainWeights::new_tr_keyspend();

// A random target, as an example.
let target = Target {
    value: 21_000,
// A random drain policy, as an example.
let drain_policy = min_value(drain_weights, 0);

// This is a list of candidate txouts for coin selection. If a txout is picked,
// our transaction's input will spend it.
let candidate_txouts = vec![
    TxOut {
        value: 100_000,
        script_pubkey: ScriptBuf::new(),
// We transform the candidate txouts into something `CoinSelector` can 
// understand.
let candidates = candidate_txouts
    .map(|txout| Candidate {
        input_count: 1,
        value: txout.value,
        weight: txout.weight() as u32,
        is_segwit: txout.script_pubkey.is_witness_program(),

let mut selector = CoinSelector::new(&candidates, base_weight);
let _result = selector
    .select_until_target_met(target, drain_policy(&selector, target));

// Determine what the drain output will be, based on our selection.
let drain = drain_policy(&selector, target);

// Check that selection is finished!
assert!(selector.is_target_met(target, drain));

// Get a list of coins that are selected.
let selected_coins = selector
assert_eq!(selected_coins.len(), 1);

Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV)

This library should compile with Rust 1.54.0.

To build with the MSRV, you will need to pin the following dependencies:

# tempfile 3.7.0 has MSRV 1.63.0+
cargo update -p tempfile --precise "3.6.0"
  • Comment out debug prints in non-test code

    Comment out debug prints in non-test code

    Those could be converted to logs instead as they are still useful debugging info. Since there is no log enginge, simply comment them out like the rest of the debug prints in the codebase.

    opened by darosior 0
  • fix: add excess to changeless `LowestFee` score

    fix: add excess to changeless `LowestFee` score

    This is to fix the part of #6 relating to

    For the LowestFee metric, it adds the excess to changeless solutions instead of those with change.

    opened by jp1ac4 1
  • Remove debug `println!`s

    Remove debug `println!`s

    There is still a couple debugging statement in non-test code. For instance:

    opened by darosior 0
  • Rename `FeeRate::spwu` to `sat_per_wu`

    Rename `FeeRate::spwu` to `sat_per_wu`


    we can keep fn spwu as pub(crate) but in the API it should be more descriptive.

    opened by evanlinjin 0
  • Manually implement `Debug` for `Feerate`.

    Manually implement `Debug` for `Feerate`.


    might be worth manually implementing Debug so the format prints sats per vb in the first place like: 8 sat/vb (2 sat/wu)

    opened by evanlinjin 0
  • `CoinSelector::run_bnb` should fallback to `select_until_target_met`?

    `CoinSelector::run_bnb` should fallback to `select_until_target_met`?

    @LLFourn commented:

    When i was suggesting this method I was thinking that it would fall back to select_until_target_met if it can't find anything. This would mean you don't need this error type -- rather you can just have InsufficientFunds.

    Do you think it's worth having run_bnb_with_fallback() that does that?

    Also another sneaky request -- if #[cfg(feature = "std")] can you add a method that lets you pass in a std::time::Duration and checks the time passed every 1_000 rounds and stops after the time has been exceeded.


    opened by evanlinjin 0
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