Tool to automate the visualisation of UML dependencies from a SQL file




A simple tool to draw your mysql relations from exports.

Help us

If you use the tool, and like it, don't forget to add a star to the project on GitHub , it helps us to keep motivation to improve it.

If you have any suggestion, or issue, please report it, it will help us to fix them.

General information

How to use through Docker

To download the tool

docker pull nag763/doteur:latest

Then to use it, simply pass a folder with your sql files, and be careful to write all your outputs in the shared folder to ensure the files are available on your host machine once the image is destroyed.

docker run --rm -v ${PATH_TO_YOUR_SQL_FOLDER}:/usr/src/doteur/shared -it nag763/doteur:latest bash

How to install it natively

  1. Optional but highly recommended

First install graphviz.

On Linux, use your default package manager.

Example on ubuntu :

usr@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install graphviz

On Windows, use winget or the default graphviz installer.

You can still refer to the graphviz download page.

The tool uses graphviz libraries to render in other formats than .dot, if graphviz is not installed or you do not want to install it, you can still use this tool and pass it your output file.

  1. Download the tool
  • Via cargo
cargo install doteur
cargo install --git
  1. Use the tool
doteur --help
  1. Add it to your path

If you need to use it regularly, it is recommended to add the bin folder to your path. For this, look on how to do it on your distro.

On linux :

ln -s path/to/doteur /usr/sbin

Cli usage

usr@linux:~$ doteur --help
doteur 0.3.2
Convert .sql files to .dot files

    doteur [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <input>...

        --dark-mode    Render in dark mode
    -h, --help         Prints help information
    -V, --version      Prints version information

    -x, --exclude <exclude>...    Exclude the given tables
    -i, --include <include>...    Include only the given tables
    -o, --output <output>         The output filename

    <input>...    Name of the sql file, can also be a directory or several files

Example usage

Export a .sql file to a .dot
usr@pop-os:~$ doteur sample.sql

The output will be in the

Export a .sql file to a .png
usr@pop-os:~$ doteur sample.sql -o output.png

The output will be in a png file.

For the format supported, please refer to the graphviz documentation

Export a .sql file to a .png, render in dark mode
usr@pop-os:~$ doteur sample.sql -o output.png -x hello* --dark-mode
Export a .sql file to a .png, include only tables who have either the name hello or world
usr@pop-os:~$ doteur sample.sql -o output.png -i hello world
Export a .sql file to a .png, include only tables who starts with the name hello
usr@pop-os:~$ doteur sample.sql -o output.png -i hello*
Export a .sql file to a .png, exclude all tables who starts with the name hello
usr@pop-os:~$ doteur sample.sql -o output.png -x hello*
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  • `doteur` panics if table-name is wrapped by double-quotations

    `doteur` panics if table-name is wrapped by double-quotations

    Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. doteur can successfully compile the following command:

    ``` test.sql
    CREATE TABLE my_table_name ( ... );

    but the following will throw an error:

    ``` test.sql
    CREATE TABLE "my_table_name" ( ... );

    doteur, however, does NOT panic if column-names are wrapped in double-quotations. i.e., doteur will successfully compile the following (even though the column-name is wrapped in double-quotations):

    ``` test.sql
    CREATE TABLE my_table_name (
        "my_column" INT

    It seems that the panic only happens when the TABLE-NAME is wrapped in double-quotes...

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. create a test.sql file
    2. write: CREATE TABLE "my_table_name" ( "id" INT );
    3. the above will fail, but if you change it to: CREATE TABLE my_table_name ( "id" INT ); if will compile and produce an output

    Expected behavior doteur should not panic if a table-name is wrapped with double-quotations.

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: macOS
    enhancement question 
    opened by raunakab 8
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