Type-safe SQL query wrappers

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The fnsql crate provides simple type-safe optional wrappers around SQL queries. Instead of calling type-less .query() and .execute(), you call to auto-generated unique wrappers that are strongly typed, .query_<name>() and .execute_<name>(). However, you manually specify the input and output types, but only once, with the query, and in separation with the code that uses the query.

It's a very simple implementation that doesn't force any schema or ORM down your throat, so if you are already using the rusqlite or postgres crates, you can gradually replace your type-less queries with the type-ful wrappers, or migrate from an opinionated ORM.

The way to generate these wrappers is to specify input and output types for each one of the queries. For example, consider the following definitions specified with fnsql, based on the rusqlite example:

fnsql::fnsql! {
    #[rusqlite, test]
    create_table_pet() {
        "CREATE TABLE pet (
              id      INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
              name    TEXT NOT NULL,
              data    BLOB

    #[rusqlite, test(with=[create_table_pet])]
    insert_new_pet(name: String, data: Option<Vec<u8>>) {
        "INSERT INTO pet (name, data) VALUES (:name, :data)"

    #[rusqlite, test(with=[create_table_pet])]
    get_pet_id_data(name: Option<String>) -> [(i32, Option<Vec<u8>>, String)] {
        "SELECT id, data, name FROM pet WHERE pet.name = :name"

The definitions can be used as such (commented out is how the previous type-less interfaces were used):

let mut conn = rusqlite::Connection::open_in_memory()?;

// conn.execute(
//    "CREATE TABLE pet (
//               id              INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
//               name            TEXT NOT NULL,
//               data            BLOB
//               )",
//     [],
// )?;

conn.execute_insert_new_pet(&me.name, &me.data)?;
// conn.execute(
//     "INSERT INTO pet (name, data) VALUES (?1, ?2)",
//     params![me.name, me.data],
// )?;

let mut stmt = conn.prepare_get_pet_id_data()?;
// let mut stmt = conn.prepare("SELECT id, data, name FROM pet WHERE pet.name = :name")?;

let pet_iter = stmt.query_map(&Some("Max".to_string()), |id, data, name| {
    Ok::<_, rusqlite::Error>(Pet {
// let pet_iter = stmt.query_map([(":name", "Max".to_string())], |row| {
//     Ok(Pet {
//         id: row.get(0)?,
//         name: row.get(1)?,
//         data: row.get(2)?,
//     })
// })?;

Technical discussion

The idea with this crate is to allow direct SQL usage but never use inline queries or have type inference at the call-site. Instead, we declare each query on top-level, giving each a name and designated accessor methods that derive from the name.

  • The types of named variables are give in a Rust-like syntax.
  • The type of the returned row is also provided.
  • fnsql does not make an assurances to make sure the types match the query, you will discover it with cargo test and no additional code.
  • fnsql writes the tests for each of the queries. - Arbitrary is used to generate parameter values.
  • If testing one query depend on another, you can specify that with test(with=[..]).
running 3 tests
test auto_create_table_pet ... ok
test auto_insert_new_pet ... ok
test auto_get_pet_id_data ... ok

The following is for allowing generated query tests to compile:

arbitrary = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] }


  • Though it does provide auto-generated tests for validating queries in cargo test, it does not do any compile-time validation based on the SQL query string.
  • It only supports rusqlite and postgres for now.


fnsql is licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in fnsql by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

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