Ormlite - An ORM in Rust for developers that love SQL.



ormlite is an ORM in Rust for developers that love SQL.

It provides the following, while staying close to SQL, both in syntax and performance:

  • Struct methods for database interface (e.g. .insert(), .delete(), .update())
  • Builder syntax for select queries and partial column insertions and updates

We prioritize these objectives in the project:

  • Fast: We aim for minimal to no measurable overhead for using the ORM.
  • True to SQL: Where logical, the API interface is Just Plain Old SQL. We eschew custom query syntax so that users don't have to learn yet another query syntax.
  • async-first: We built on top of the great foundation of sqlx, allowing our API design to be fully async.
  • No Surprises: We want an API that is explicit and locally understandable and doesn't require cross-referencing other parts of the codebase or specific knowledge of the ORM. We maintain ergonomics by making decisions driven by real-world usage of the library.

NOTE: This is alpha-quality and being actively developed. In usage so far, the software is functional, performant, and correct, but until it undergoes more rigorous battle testing, we recommend vetting the code yourself before using the crate in production environments.


use ormlite::model::*;

pub struct Person {
    pub id: u32,
    pub name: String,
    pub age: u8,

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// Start by making a sqlx connection.
    let mut conn = sqlx::SqliteConnection::connect_with(&sqlx::sqlite::SqliteConnectOptions::from_str("sqlite://:memory:").unwrap()).await?;
    /// You can insert the model directly.
    let mut john = Person {
        id: 1,
        name: "John".to_string(),
        age: 99,
    }.insert(&mut conn).await;
    /// After modifying the object, you can update all its fields.
    john.age += 1;
    john.update_all_fields(&mut conn).await?;
    /// Lastly, you can delete the object.
    john.delete(&mut conn).await?;
    /// You can use builder syntax to do insertion with only certain fields.
    let john = Person::build()
        .insert(&mut conn).await?;
    /// You can also use builder syntax to update only certain fields.
    let john = john.update_partial()
        .update(&mut conn).await?;
    /// You can get a single user.
    let john = Person::get_one(1, &mut conn).await?;
    /// You can create a query builder.
    let people = Person::select()
            .filter("age > ?").bind(50)
            .fetch_all(&mut conn).await?;
    /// You can also fall back to raw sql.
    let people = Person::query("SELECT * FROM person WHERE age > ?")
            .fetch_all(&mut conn).await?;

Partial Structs

If, instead of builder syntax, you prefer to create partial structs to statically enforce which columns are affected for insertions, use the following:

use ormlite::model::*;

#[ormlite(table = "person", insert = InsertPerson)]
pub struct Person {
    pub id: u32,
    pub name: String,
    pub age: u8,

async fn do_partial_insertion() {
    let mut john = InsertPerson {
        name: "John".to_string(),
        age: 99,
    }.insert(&mut conn).await;

If you want to customize the fields that are inserted, just create a new model with the custom fields.

#[ormlite(table = "person")]
pub struct InsertPerson {
    pub name: String,
    pub age: u8,


For postgres:

ormlite = { version = "0.1.0", features = ["postgres", "runtime-tokio-rustls"]

For sqlite:

ormlite = { version = "0.1.0", features = ["sqlite", "runtime-tokio-rustls"]

Other databases (mysql) and runtimes should work smoothly, but might not be 100% wired up yet. Please submit an issue if you encounter issues.


  • insert, update, delete directly on model instances
  • builder for partial update and insertions
  • user can create insert models that ignore default values
  • select query builder
  • build the derive macro
  • get() function for fetching a single entity.
  • ability to specify the name of a table and name of primary column
  • automatically generate insert models
  • make sure features are wired up correctly to support mysql and different runtimes & SSL libraries.
  • macro option to auto adjust columns like updated_at
  • upsert functionality
  • joins
  • bulk insertions
  • query builder for bulk update
  • handle on conflict clauses for bulk update
  • benchmarks against raw sql, sqlx, ormx, seaorm, sqlite3-sys, pg, diesel
  • macro option to delete with deleted_at rather than DELETE
  • support for patch records, i.e. update with static fields.
  • Consider a blocking interface, perhaps for sqlite/Rusqlite only.



You can log queries using sqlx's logger: RUST_LOG=sqlx=info

  • Provide get_optional

    Provide get_optional

    Since there is no easy way to check why sqlx query failed it would be nice to have something similar to https://docs.rs/sqlx/0.5.10/sqlx/trait.Executor.html#tymethod.fetch_optional

    opened by heroin-moose 10
  • Unable to insert when passing value by reference to another function

    Unable to insert when passing value by reference to another function


    use ormlite::Model;
    use ormlite::model::*;
    use sqlx::FromRow;
    use sqlx::SqlitePool;
    #[derive(Model, FromRow)]
    struct Example {
        id: i64
    async fn insert(e: &Example, pool: &SqlitePool) -> ormlite::Result<Example> {
    async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
        let pool = SqlitePool::connect("/tmp/database").await?;
        let e1 = Example { id: 20 };
        insert(&e1, &pool).await?;


       Compiling ormlite-issue v0.1.0 (/tmp/ormlite-issue)
    error[E0507]: cannot move out of `*e` which is behind a shared reference
      --> src/main.rs:13:5
    13 |     e.insert(pool).await
       |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ move occurs because `*e` has type `Example`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
    For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0507`.
    error: could not compile `ormlite-issue` due to previous error
    opened by heroin-moose 6
  • Provide get_many

    Provide get_many

    Currently it's possible to get one single entry using Example::get_one(). However, it's not clear how to get many entries without manually writing the query. So Example::get_many(&mut conn) would be nice to have.

    opened by heroin-moose 6
  • docs.rs fails to build documentation

    docs.rs fails to build documentation

    [INFO] [stderr]    Compiling sqlx-rt v0.5.10
    [INFO] [stderr]    Compiling dotenv v0.15.0
    [INFO] [stderr]     Checking slab v0.4.5
    [INFO] [stderr] error: one of the features ['runtime-actix-native-tls', 'runtime-async-std-native-tls', 'runtime-tokio-native-tls', 'runtime-actix-rustls', 'runtime-async-std-rustls', 'runtime-tokio-rustls'] must be enabled
    [INFO] [stderr]   --> /opt/rustwide/cargo-home/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/sqlx-rt-0.5.10/src/lib.rs:9:1
    [INFO] [stderr]    |
    [INFO] [stderr] 9  | / compile_error!(
    [INFO] [stderr] 10 | |     "one of the features ['runtime-actix-native-tls', 'runtime-async-std-native-tls', \
    [INFO] [stderr] 11 | |      'runtime-tokio-native-tls', 'runtime-actix-rustls', 'runtime-async-std-rustls', \
    [INFO] [stderr] 12 | |      'runtime-tokio-rustls'] must be enabled"
    [INFO] [stderr] 13 | | );
    [INFO] [stderr]    | |_^
    [INFO] [stderr] 
    [INFO] [stderr] error: could not compile `sqlx-rt` due to previous error
    [INFO] [stderr] warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
    [INFO] [stderr] error: build failed
    opened by heroin-moose 3
  • fix: escape raw identifier

    fix: escape raw identifier

    fix a unexpected behavior when we use r#x


    #[derive(Model, FromRow)]
    #[ormlite(table = "test")]
    pub struct TestTable {
       r#type: i32
    TestTable { r#type: 1 }.insert(&mut db); // INSERT INTO "test" (r#type) VALUES (?)
    // The query should be "INSERT INTO "test" (type) VALUES (?)"
    opened by abdulrahman1s 2
  • Cannot pass &str to get_one()

    Cannot pass &str to get_one()

    The following example fails to compile:

    use anyhow::Result;
    use ormlite::Model;
    use ormlite::model::*;
    use sqlx::SqlitePool;
    use sqlx::FromRow;
    #[derive(Model, FromRow)]
    struct Example {
        name: String
    async fn get(pool: &SqlitePool, name: impl AsRef<str>) -> Result<Example> {
        Example::get_one(name.as_ref(), pool).await.map_err(|e| e.into())
    async fn main() -> Result<()> {
        let pool = SqlitePool::connect("/tmp/database").await?;
        let example = get(&pool, "name");

    The error:

    error[E0277]: the trait bound `for<'r> &str: Encode<'r, sqlx::Sqlite>` is not satisfied
      --> src/main.rs:14:37
    14 |     Example::get_one(name.as_ref(), pool).await.map_err(|e| e.into())
       |     ----------------                ^^^^ the trait `for<'r> Encode<'r, sqlx::Sqlite>` is not implemented for `&str`
       |     |
       |     required by a bound introduced by this call
       = help: the following implementations were found:
                 <&'q str as Encode<'q, sqlx::Any>>
                 <&'q str as Encode<'q, sqlx::Sqlite>>
                 <&str as Encode<'_, sqlx::Postgres>>
    note: required by `get_one`
      --> /home/consus/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/ormlite-core-0.1.3/src/model.rs:77:5
    77 | /     fn get_one<'e, 'a, Arg, E>(id: Arg, db: E) -> BoxFuture<'e, Result<Self>>
    78 | |     where
    79 | |         'a: 'e,
    80 | |         E: 'e + sqlx::Executor<'e, Database = DB>,
    81 | |         Arg: 'a + Send + for<'r> sqlx::Encode<'r, DB> + sqlx::Type<DB>;
       | |_______________________________________________________________________^
    For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.
    error: could not compile `ormlite-issue` due to previous error

    However, changing name.as_ref() into name.as_ref().to_string() fixes it.

    opened by heroin-moose 2
  • Consider using #[error(transparent)]

    Consider using #[error(transparent)]

    Currently enum Error uses {0} to show the source error message. However, when printing with AnyHow {:#} format this results in duplicated error message:

    sqlx error: foobar: foobar

    It seems that #[error(transparent)] is a better choice for nested errors.

    opened by heroin-moose 0
  • 0.3.2 cannot use primary keys that are non Copy

    0.3.2 cannot use primary keys that are non Copy

    test tests/01-update-partial.rs ... error
    error[E0507]: cannot move out of a shared reference
     --> tests/01-update-partial.rs:8:10
    8 | #[derive(Model, FromRow)]
      |          ^^^^^
      |          |
      |          move occurs because value has type `String`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
      |          help: consider borrowing here: `&Model`
      = note: this error originates in the derive macro `Model` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
    test tests ... FAILED
    ---- tests stdout ----
    thread 'tests' panicked at '1 of 1 tests failed', /Users/andrew/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/trybuild-1.0.63/src/run.rs:101:13
    note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
    test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.52s
    error: test failed, to rerun pass '--test tests'
    error: Recipe `test` failed on line 28 with exit code 101
    error: Recipe `test` failed on line 2 with exit code 101

    After modifying the test example to be:

    #[derive(Model, FromRow)]
    pub struct Person {
        id: Uuid,
        name: String,
        age: u8,

    I'm hunting for the issue, but I'm fairly new to defining macros.

    opened by AndrewRademacher 3
  • Add ormlite to the Diesel benchmark

    Add ormlite to the Diesel benchmark

    I would like to invent you to add ormlite to the relational database connection crates benchmark suite located inside of the diesel repository. These benchmarks are run regularly and results are published here. This would give potential users a good overview over the current state + you would also have a comparison with other crates for free.

    opened by weiznich 0
  • Provide support for composite keys

    Provide support for composite keys

    It's common to have the table that is natural to describe as two columns (or more) columns instead of just one. For example, consider a Device that has multiple child Interface. Say, for servers ns[1-4].example.com there are interfaces eth0, eth1 and eth2. So, it can be described as such:

    CREATE TABLE devices (
    CREATE TABLE interfaces (
    	name        TEXT,
    	device_name TEXT,
    	PRIMARY KEY (name, device_name),
    	FOREIGN KEY (device_name)
    	 REFERENCES devices(name)

    In this case interface record is uniquely identified by (name, device_name) tuple, making it easy to search and delete. Having a single unique id column does not bring any value because removing an interface still happens by (name, device_name) query. It would be good to have composite keys in the table like sea-orm for example.

    opened by heroin-moose 3
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