6143 Repositories
Rust rust-todomvc Libraries
An efficient implementation of Partitioned Label Trees & its variations for extreme multi-label classification
Omikuji An efficient implementation of Partitioned Label Trees (Prabhu et al., 2018) and its variations for extreme multi-label classification, writte
Rust language bindings for the LIBLINEAR C/C++ library.
liblinear-rs Rust bindings for the liblinear C/C++ library. Provides a thin (but rustic) wrapper around the original C-interface exposed by the librar
A simple bayesian spam classifier written in Rust.
bayespam A simple bayesian spam classifier. About Bayespam is inspired by Naive Bayes classifiers, a popular statistical technique of e-mail filtering
A random forest implementation in Rust
randomforest A random forest implementation in Rust. Examples use randomforest::criterion::Mse; use randomforest::RandomForestRegressorOptions; use ra
A Rust library with homemade machine learning models to classify the MNIST dataset. Built in an attempt to get familiar with advanced Rust concepts.
mnist-classifier Ideas UPDATED: Finish CLI Flags Parallelize conputationally intensive functions Class-based naive bayes README Image parsing Confusio
Rust port of the extended isolation forest algorithm for anomaly detection
Extended Isolation Forest This is a rust port of the anomaly detection algorithm described in Extended Isolation Forest and implemented in https://git
k-Medoids clustering in Rust with the FasterPAM algorithm
k-Medoids Clustering in Rust with FasterPAM This Rust crate implements k-medoids clustering with PAM. It can be used with arbitrary dissimilarites, as
A naive DBSCAN implementation in Rust
DBSCAN Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise Wikipedia link DBSCAN is a density-based clustering algorithm: given a set of point
Rust implementation for DBSCANSD, a trajectory clustering algorithm.
DBSCANSD Rust implementation for DBSCANSD, a trajectory clustering algorithm. Brief Introduction DBSCANSD (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applica
A rust library inspired by kDDBSCAN clustering algorithm
kddbscan-rs Rust implementation of the kddbscan clustering algorithm. From the authors of kDDBSCAN algorithm. Due to the adoption of global parameters
A naive density-based clustering algorithm written in Rust
Density-based clustering This a pure Rust implementation of a naive density-based clustering algorithm similar to DBSCAN. Here, 50 points are located
Generic k-means implementation written in Rust
RKM - Rust k-means A simple Rust implementation of the k-means clustering algorithm based on a C++ implementation, dkm. This implementation is generic
Generate and parse UUIDs.
uuid Here's an example of a UUID: 67e55044-10b1-426f-9247-bb680e5fe0c8 A UUID is a unique 128-bit value, stored as 16 octets, and regularly formatted
Simple validation for Rust structs
validator Macros 1.1 custom derive to simplify struct validation inspired by marshmallow and Django validators. The minimum supported version is Rust
[Unofficial] Azure SDK for Rust
[Unofficial] Azure SDK for Rust This repository is for the development of the unofficial Azure SDK for Rust. It is unofficial because it is not yet su
An official Sudachi clone in Rust 🦀
sudachi.rs - English README 2021-12-09 UPDATE: 0.6.2 Release Try it: pip install --update 'sudachipy=0.6.2' sudachi.rs is a Rust implementation of Su
Robust and Fast tokenizations alignment library for Rust and Python
Robust and Fast tokenizations alignment library for Rust and Python Demo: demo Rust document: docs.rs Blog post: How to calculate the alignment betwee
A lightweight Datalog engine in Rust
datafrog Datafrog is a lightweight Datalog engine intended to be embedded in other Rust programs. Datafrog has no runtime, and relies on you to build
A fast, searchable, knowledge engine using various machine learning models to aggregate based on importance, association and relevance
NewsAggregator We live in an era where both the demand and quantity of information are enormous. However, the way we store and access that information
Graph API client writen in Rust
graph-rs Now available on stable Rust at crates.io graph-rs-sdk = "0.1.0" 0.1.0 and above use stable Rust. Anything before 0.1.0 uses nightly Rust. M
H2O Open Source Kubernetes operator and a command-line tool to ease deployment (and undeployment) of H2O open-source machine learning platform H2O-3 to Kubernetes.
H2O Kubernetes Repository with official tools to aid the deployment of H2O Machine Learning platform to Kubernetes. There are two essential tools to b
Dataflow system for building self-driving car and robotics applications.
ERDOS ERDOS is a platform for developing self-driving cars and robotics applications. Getting started The easiest way to get ERDOS running is to use o
A new arguably faster implementation of Apache Spark from scratch in Rust
vega Previously known as native_spark. Documentation A new, arguably faster, implementation of Apache Spark from scratch in Rust. WIP Framework tested
An implementation of the Pair Adjacent Violators algorithm for isotonic regression in Rust
Pair Adjacent Violators for Rust Overview An implementation of the Pair Adjacent Violators algorithm for isotonic regression. Note this algorithm is a
Generic Differential Evolution for Rust
Differential Evolution Simple and powerful global optimization using a Self-Adapting Differential Evolution for Rust. See Wikipedia's article on Diffe
Example of a genetic algorithm in Rust and Python
Example of a genetic algorithm in Rust and Python Monkey typewriter Finding the phrase 'To be or not to be. That is the question.' Inspired by the exa
🏆 A ranked list of awesome machine learning Rust libraries.
best-of-ml-rust 🏆 A ranked list of awesome machine learning Rust libraries. This curated list contains 180 awesome open-source projects with a total
A curated list of Rust code and resources.
Awesome Rust A curated list of Rust code and resources. If you want to contribute, please read this. Table of contents Applications Audio and Music Cr
Docker for PyTorch rust bindings `tch`. Example of pretrain model.
tch-rs-pretrain-example-docker Docker for PyTorch rust bindings tch-rs. Example of pretrain model. Docker files support the following install libtorch
Image search example by approximate nearest-neighbor library In Rust
rust-ann-search-example Image search example by approximate nearest-neighbor library In Rust use - tensorflow 0.17.0 - pretrain ResNet50 - hora (Ru
An example of using TensorFlow rust bindings to serve trained machine learning models via Actix Web
Serving TensorFlow with Actix-Web This repository gives an example of training a machine learning model using TensorFlow2.0 Keras in python, exporting
Source Code for 'Practical Machine Learning with Rust' by Joydeep Bhattacharjee
Apress Source Code This repository accompanies Practical Machine Learning with Rust by Joydeep Bhattacharjee (Apress, 2020). Download the files as a z
A Rust Library of China's Standards of Encryption Algorithms (SM2/3/4)
Libsm Libsm is an open source pure rust library of China Cryptographic Algorithm Standards. It is completed by a collaborative effort between the Cryp
OpenSSL compatibility layer for the Rust SSL/TLS stack
An OpenSSL compatibility layer for the Rust SSL/TLS stack. MesaLink is an OpenSSL compatibility layer for the Rust SSL/TLS stack, namely rustls, webpk
open source training courses about distributed database and distributed systemes
Welcome to learn Talent Plan Courses! Talent Plan is an open source training program initiated by PingCAP. It aims to create or combine some open sour
🐀 Building a federated link aggregator in rust
English | Español | Русский Lemmy A link aggregator / Reddit clone for the fediverse. Join Lemmy · Documentation · Report Bug · Request Feature · Rele
An online version of the popular game four in a row, written in Rust on the server side and Flutter + Dart on the client.
Four in a Row - Server An online version of the popular game four in a row, written in Rust on the server side and Flutter + Dart on the client. Downl
An open source artifact manager. Written in Rust back end and an Vue front end to create a fast and modern experience
nitro_repo Nitro Repo is an open source free artifact manager. Written with a Rust back end and a Vue front end to create a fast and modern experience
A lightweight ShareX-compatible image uploader server
Imitari Imitari is a project to provide an easy and lightweight server for images. It is compatible with software like ShareX. The projects goals are
A no-nonsense CAPTCHA system with seamless UX | Backend component
mCaptcha Proof of work based, privacy respecting CAPTCHA system with a kickass UX. STATUS: ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT Skip to demo mCaptcha is a privacy respe
Web-app that simulates different types of color blindness from a user-provided input image.
What is Dalted? Web-app that simulates different types of color blindness from a user-provided input image. Resources The color blindness simulation i
Create, share, fetch and model Atomic Data! This project consists of a graph database + server, a CLI and a rust library.
Create, share, fetch and model Atomic Data! This repo consists of three components: A library, a server and a CLI. atomic-server Status: Beta. Breakin
The RCOS website and Discord bot.
Telescope - https://rcos.io Telescope is the RCOS website. User Notes If you find issues with Telescope or have a feature you want added, please make
Example Rust application for Heroku
Example application: Rust, Actix & Heroku Rust is a language suitable for high-peformance, reliable web services. Actix is a popular Rust web framewor
A web application completely written in Rust. 🌍
WebApp.rs A web application completely written in Rust Target of this project is to write a complete web application including backend and frontend wi
Implementation of the RealWorld backend API spec in Actix, Rust's powerful actor system and most fun web framework.
Actix codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API. ❗ (2021/05/13) This cod
A Rust Boilerplate server with GraphQL API, Diesel, PostgreSQL, session authentication and JWT
Canduma rust Graphql A Rust authentication server with GraphQL API, Diesel, PostgreSQL session authentication and JWT This repository contains a Graph
Scratch-Containerised Rust GraphQL-API using Dataloaders
Dockerize Graphql Rust More current version at https://github.com/jayy-lmao/rust-cult-graphql-server This project is currently for demonstrating the u
Example Actix 2.x REST application implementing many features
Rust/Actix Example An Actix 2.0 REST server using the Rust language. Motivation Actix Web is a fast, powerful web framework for building web applicati
Reference implementation of a full-stack Rust application
Full-stack Rust with WebAssembly Look Ma, No JavaScript !!! My very first Rust project (implementation of the "Connect 5" game), I used as a learning
An interpreter for Rust's mid-level intermediate representation
Miri An experimental interpreter for Rust's mid-level intermediate representation (MIR). It can run binaries and test suites of cargo projects and det
🐦 Friendly little instrumentation profiler for Rust 🦀
🐦 puffin The friendly little instrumentation profiler for Rust How to use fn my_function() { puffin::profile_function!(); ... if ... {
A minesweeper game with a terminal and graphical interface
Mine A minesweeper game with a terminal and graphical interface created by Koen Westendorp. Installation Go ahead and try out for yourself! :) git clo
A tree-sitter based AST difftool to get meaningful semantic diffs
diffsitter Disclaimer diffsitter is very much a work in progress and nowhere close to production ready (yet). Contributions are always welcome! Summar
Easily and securely share files from the command line. A fully featured Firefox Send client.
Notice: the default Send host is provided by @timvisee (info). Please consider to donate and help keep it running. ffsend Easily and securely share fi
All Algorithms implemented in Rust
The Algorithms - Rust All algorithms implemented in Rust (for educational purposes) These are for demonstration purposes only. RESTART BUILD Sort Algo
Distributed SQL database in Rust, written as a learning project
toyDB Distributed SQL database in Rust, written as a learning project. Most components are built from scratch, including: Raft-based distributed conse
Common data structures and algorithms in Rust
Contest Algorithms in Rust A collection of classic data structures and algorithms, emphasizing usability, beauty and clarity over full generality. As
🦀 How to minimize Rust binary size 📦
Minimizing Rust Binary Size To help this project reach more users, consider upvoting the min-sized-rust Stack Overflow answer. This repository demonst
Community showcase and examples of Actix ecosystem usage.
Actix Examples Curated examples using the Actix ecosystem. Community Showcase Merino: Web service for Firefox Suggest lemmy: A federated alternative t
Learn Rust by writing Entirely Too Many linked lists
Learn Rust by writing Entirely Too Many Linked Lists Read the pretty version at https://rust-unofficial.github.io/too-many-lists/. Building Building r
Learn to write Rust procedural macros [Rust Latam conference, Montevideo Uruguay, March 2019]
Rust Latam: procedural macros workshop This repo contains a selection of projects designed to learn to write Rust procedural macros — Rust code that g
This library provides implementations of many algorithms and data structures that are useful for bioinformatics.
This library provides implementations of many algorithms and data structures that are useful for bioinformatics. All provided implementations are rigorously tested via continuous integration.
a collection of well-tested, serializable CRDTs for Rust
crdts: family of thoroughly tested hybrid crdt's. A family of CRDT's supporting both State and Op based replication. what is a CRDT? CRDT's are the so
Rust crate to implement a counterpart to the PBRT book's (3rd edition) C++ code.
Rust crate to implement a counterpart to the PBRT book's (3rd edition) C++ code.
Code to follow along the "Zero To Production" book on API development in Rust.
Zero To Production / Code (Chapter 10 - Part 1) Zero To Production In Rust is an opinionated introduction to backend development using Rust. This repo
Source code for the book Rust in Action
Welcome to Rust in Action source code This source code repository is a companion to the Rust in Action book available from Manning Publications. Suppo
A collection of lower-level libraries for composable network services.
Actix Net A collection of lower-level libraries for composable network services. Example See actix-server/examples and actix-tls/examples for some bas
This repository contains the Rust source code for the algorithms in the textbook Algorithms, 4th Edition
Overview This repository contains the Rust source code for the algorithms in the textbook Algorithms, 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
Converts books written in Markdown to HTML, LaTeX/PDF and EPUB
Crowbook Crowbook's aim is to allow you to write a book in Markdown without worrying about formatting or typography, and let the program generate HTML
A library to display rich (Markdown) snippets and texts in a rust terminal application
A CLI utilities library leveraging Markdown to format terminal rendering, allowing separation of structure, data and skin. Based on crossterm so works
my leetcode solutions in rust
My Leetcode Solution in Rust Run cargo run {id} to initialize the template submission file of "question #id". Run cargo test test_{id} to test the sol
Rust Programming Fundamentals - one course to rule them all, one course to find them...
Ultimate Rust Crash Course This is the companion repository for the Ultimate Rust Crash Course published online, presented live at O'Reilly virtual ev
Tutorial for rCore OS step by step (3rd edition)
rCore-Tutorial V3(开发中) 本教学仓库是继 rCore_tutorial V2 后重构的 V3 版本。 本文档的目标主要针对「做实验的同学」,我们会对每章结束后提供完成的代码,你的练习题只需要基于我们给出的版本上增量实现即可,不需要重新按照教程写一遍。 而对想完整实现一个 rCor
RCore-Tutorial-v3 - Let's write an OS which can run on RISC-V in Rust from zero!
rCore-Tutorial-v3 rCore-Tutorial version 3.5. See the Documentation in Chinese. Official QQ group number: 735045051 news 2021.11.20: Now we are updati
Fmt-rfcs - RFCs for Rust formatting guidelines and changes to Rustfmt
Rust code formatting RFCs This repository exists to decide on a code style for Rust code, to be enforced by the Rustfmt tool. Accepted RFCs live in th
Actix-extras - A collection of additional crates supporting the actix and actix-web frameworks.
actix-extras A collection of additional crates supporting the actix-web and actix frameworks. Crates by @actix Crate actix-cors Cross-origin resource
Rust-and-opengl-lessons - Collection of example code for learning OpenGL in Rust
rust-and-opengl-lessons Project requires Rust 1.31 Collection of example code for learning OpenGL in Rust 00 - Setup 01 - Window 02 - OpenGL Context 0
Rust-battery - Rust crate providing cross-platform information about the notebook batteries.
battery Rust crate providing cross-platform information about the notebook batteries. Table of contents Overview Supported platforms Install Examples
Elliptic-curves - Collection of pure Rust elliptic curve implementations (e.g. P-256, P-384, secp256k1)
RustCrypto: Elliptic Curves General purpose Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) support, including types and traits for representing various elliptic cu
Learn-rust-the-hard-way - "Learn C The Hard Way" by Zed Shaw Converted to Rust
Learn Rust The Hard Way This is an implementation of Zed Shaw's Learn X The Hard Way for the Rust Programming Language. Installing Rust TODO: Instruct
Crates - A collection of open source Rust crates from iqlusion
iqlusion crates 📦 This repository contains a set of Apache 2.0-licensed packages (a.k.a. "crates") for the Rust programming language, contributed to
Recipes - A Hands-On Cookbook for Aspiring Blockchain Chefs
Substrate Recipes 🍴 😋 🍴 A Hands-On Cookbook for Aspiring Blockchain Chefs Get Started Ready to roll up your sleeves and cook some blockchain? Read
Rust-algorithm-club - Learn algorithms and data structures with Rust
Rust Algorithm Club 🚧 🚧 This repo is under construction. Most materials are written in Chinese. Check it out here if you are able to read Chinese. W
Algorithms implemented in Rust, explained.
Rusty Algorithms & Data Structures for Learners This repository presents Rust implementations of common algorithms and data structures, many of which
Rust-ffi-guide - A guide for doing FFI using Rust
Using unsafe for Fun and Profit A guide to traversing the FFI boundary between Rust and other languages. A rendered version is available here. This gu
Nes-emulator - A NES emulator made to learn the Rust programming language
nes-emulator Building $ rustc --version rustc 1.32.0 (9fda7c223 2019-01-16) $ cargo --version cargo 1.32.0 (8610973aa 2019-01-02) $ cargo build --rel
Leetcode - solve questions in leetcode by Rust
leetcode Solve questions in leetcode by Rust 前言 由于 Rust 写数据结构相关的资料特别少并且理解非常困难,所以专门建了个 Repo 用来记录 Rust 刷 leetcode 的解法并包含心得体会,欢迎 Star ✨ 会长期稳定更新。 努力写出最容易理
Shared memory - A Rust wrapper around native shared memory for Linux and Windows
shared_memory A crate that allows you to share memory between processes. This crate provides lightweight wrappers around shared memory APIs in an OS a
Rust-verification-tools - RVT is a collection of tools/libraries to support both static and dynamic verification of Rust programs.
Rust verification tools This is a collection of tools/libraries to support both static and dynamic verification of Rust programs. We see static verifi
Dataloader-rs - Rust implementation of Facebook's DataLoader using async-await.
Dataloader Rust implementation of Facebook's DataLoader using async-await. Documentation Features Batching load requests with caching Batching load re
Cargo-about - 📜 Cargo plugin to generate list of all licenses for a crate 🦀
📜 cargo-about Cargo plugin for generating a license listing for all dependencies of a crate See the book 📕 for in-depth documentation. Please Note:
Wasm game of life - A Rust and WebAssembly tutorial implementing the Game of Life
wasm_game_of_life Conway's Game of Life in Rust and WebAssembly Contributing | Chat Built with 🦀 🕸 by The Rust and WebAssembly Working Group About T
Shred - Shared resource dispatcher
shred - Shared resource dispatcher This library allows to dispatch systems, which can have interdependencies, shared and exclusive resource access, in
Rust - Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.
The Rust Programming Language This is the main source code repository for Rust. It contains the compiler, standard library, and documentation. Note: t
RustPython - A Python Interpreter written in Rust
RustPython A Python-3 (CPython = 3.9.0) Interpreter written in Rust 🐍 😱 🤘 . Usage Check out our online demo running on WebAssembly. RustPython req
Inkwell - It's a New Kind of Wrapper for Exposing LLVM (Safely)
Inkwell(s) It's a New Kind of Wrapper for Exposing LLVM (Safely) Inkwell aims to help you pen your own programming languages by safely wrapping llvm-s
Xsv - A fast CSV command line toolkit written in Rust.
xsv is a command line program for indexing, slicing, analyzing, splitting and joining CSV files. Commands should be simple, fast and composable: Simpl
Tree-sitter - An incremental parsing system for programming tools
tree-sitter Tree-sitter is a parser generator tool and an incremental parsing library. It can build a concrete syntax tree for a source file and effic
Rust-clippy - A bunch of lints to catch common mistakes and improve your Rust code
Clippy A collection of lints to catch common mistakes and improve your Rust code. There are over 450 lints included in this crate! Lints are divided i