Rust-verification-tools - RVT is a collection of tools/libraries to support both static and dynamic verification of Rust programs.


Rust verification tools

This is a collection of tools/libraries to support both static and dynamic verification of Rust programs.

We see static verification (formal verification) and dynamic verification (testing) as two parts of the same activity and so these tools can be used for either form of verification.

  • Dynamic verification using the proptest fuzzing/property testing library.

  • Static verification using the KLEE symbolic execution engine.

We aim to add other backends in the near future.

In addition, we document how the tools we wrote work in case you are porting a verification tool for use with Rust. (In particular, we describe how to generate LLVM bitcode files that can be used with LLVM-based verification tools.)

Tools and libraries

  • verification-annotations crate: an FFI layer for creating symbolic values in KLEE

  • propverify crate: an implementation of the proptest library for use with static verification tools.

  • cargo-verify: a tool for compiling a crate and either verifying main/tests or for fuzzing main/tests. (Use the --backend flag to select which.)

  • compatibility-test test crate: test programs that can be verified either using the original proptest library or using propverify. Used to check that proptest and propverify are compatible with each other.



  1. Install For installation with Docker, see the Usage section of our main docs.

  2. Fuzz some examples with proptest

    cd compatibility-test
    cargo test
    cd ..

    (You can also use cargo-verify --backend=proptest --verbose.)

    One test should fail – this is correct behaviour.

  3. Verify some examples with propverify

    cd verification-annotations; cargo-verify --tests

    cd verification-annotations; cargo-verify --tests

    No tests should fail.

  4. Read the propverify intro for an example of fuzzing with proptest and verifying with propverify.

  5. Read the proptest book

  6. Read the source code for the compatibility test suite.

    (Many of these examples are taken from or based on examples in the proptest book.)

There is also some limited documentation of how this works.


Licensed under either of

at your option.


The propverify crate is heavily based on the design and API of the wonderful proptest property/fuzz-testing library. The implementation also borrows techniques, tricks and code from the implementation – you can learn a lot about how to write an embedded DSL from reading the proptest code.

In turn, proptest was influenced by the Rust port of QuickCheck and the Hypothesis fuzzing/property testing library for Python. (proptest also acknowledges regex_generate – but we have not yet implemented regex strategies for this library.)

Known limitations

This is not an officially supported Google product; this is an early release of a research project to enable experiments, feedback and contributions. It is probably not useful to use on real projects at this stage and it may change significantly in the future.

Our current goal is to make propverify as compatible with proptest as possible but we are not there yet. The most obvious features that are not even implemented are support for using regular expressions for string strategies, the Arbitrary trait, proptest-derive.

We would like the propverify library and the cargo-verify script to work with as many Rust verification tools as possible and we welcome pull requests to add support. We expect that this will require design/interface changes.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

See the contribution instructions for further details.

  • Add Github actions-based workflow to build and push Docker images

    Add Github actions-based workflow to build and push Docker images


    This is a proposal to have the Docker images built regularly (or on push to git branches following a specific pattern as needed) so that they can be pulled from a registry by anyone who would like to run the rust verification tools (provided they'd be better off downloading images from a registry instead of having to build them, which could be argued against as the resulting images are pretty heavy: ~1.7 GB after compression according to Docker registry).

    More details about this pull-request can be found in this issue

    Pre-merge requirements

    • [x] Remove user_uid, user_gid, username and ubuntu version params from matrix definition
    • [ ] Replacing the target docker image names in the GitHub action configuration file :
    • [ ] Having the maintainers declared DOCKERHUB_USERNAME and DOCKERHUB_TOKEN values in the project settings Docker hub tokens can be generated from
    cla: yes 
    opened by thierrymarianne 8
  • when use klee

    when use klee

    Hello, I want to use klee to analyse some rust program and I set up my environment in a ubuntu18.04 docker following your docs. However, when I want to analyse the compiled file using klee --output-dir=kleeout --warnings-only-to-file target/debug/deps/try_klee*.bc, some error occured.The full error information is attached. I wonder how to fix it. Thanks a lot. 截屏2020-10-01 下午5 57 15

    opened by StevenJiang1110 7
  • docker/build script fails to build klee

    docker/build script fails to build klee

    Full output lives here: docker-build-output.txt and I have included a hopefully-relevant snippet below.

    I don't have any experience with klee, so I haven't tried digging into this too deeply.

    I did notice that we have UCLIBC_VERSION defined as klee_uclibc_v1.2 in docker/mkimage but it's not used anywhere. There are about 6 commits between HEAD and klee_uclibc_v1.2, so my current theory is that it might be one of those.

    I had also removed the sudo around the docker calls, because my user already has permission to use docker (on macos). I'm currently doing a full-rebuild with sudo enabled and git checkout UCLIBC_VERSION in docker/klee/build_klee. I will tell you how it goes.

    I do wonder whether it would be worthwhile publishing the relevant docker images somewhere. This would also help with , and it's a workflow that people will be used to if they have used cross before.

     > [9/9] RUN sh build_klee:                                                                                                        
    #14 0.331 Cloning into 'klee-uclibc'...                                                                                            
    #14 4.260 INFO:Forcing C compiler to be.../usr/bin/clang-10
    #14 4.260 INFO:Absolute path to compiler.../usr/bin/clang-10
    #14 4.260 INFO:Disabling assertions
    #14 4.260 INFO:Configuring for Debug build
    #14 4.260 INFO:Configuring for LLVM bitcode archive
    #14 161.5 [ 93%] Built target RuntimeFortify
    #14 161.5 [ 93%] Built target BuildKLEERuntimes
    #14 161.6 [ 94%] Built target kleeModule
    #14 161.6 [ 97%] Built target kleeCore
    #14 161.7 [ 97%] Built target klee
    #14 161.7 Scanning dependencies of target systemtests
    #14 161.7 [ 97%] Running system tests
    #14 161.8 -- Testing: 346 tests, 4 workers --
    #14 161.8 Testing:  0.. 10.. 20.. 30.. 40.. 50.. 60..
    #14 185.0 FAIL: KLEE :: Runtime/POSIX/FD_Fail.c (241 of 346)
    #14 185.0 ******************** TEST 'KLEE :: Runtime/POSIX/FD_Fail.c' FAILED ********************
    #14 185.0 Script:
    #14 185.0 --
    #14 185.0 : 'RUN: at line 1';   /usr/bin/clang-10 -I/home/david/klee/include /home/david/klee/test/Runtime/POSIX/FD_Fail.c -emit-llvm -O0 -Xclang -disable-O0-optnone -c -o /home/david/klee/build/test/Runtime/POSIX/Output/FD_Fail.c.tmp1.bc
    #14 185.0 : 'RUN: at line 2';   rm -rf /home/david/klee/build/test/Runtime/POSIX/Output/FD_Fail.c.tmp.klee-out
    #14 185.0 : 'RUN: at line 3';   /home/david/klee/build/bin/klee --output-dir=/home/david/klee/build/test/Runtime/POSIX/Output/FD_Fail.c.tmp.klee-out --libc=uclibc --posix-runtime /home/david/klee/build/test/Runtime/POSIX/Output/FD_Fail.c.tmp1.bc --max-fail 1 | FileCheck /home/david/klee/test/Runtime/POSIX/FD_Fail.c
    #14 185.0 --
    #14 185.0 Exit Code: 2
    #14 185.0 
    #14 185.0 Command Output (stdout):
    #14 185.0 --
    #14 185.0 $ ":" "RUN: at line 1"
    #14 185.0 $ "/usr/bin/clang-10" "-I/home/david/klee/include" "/home/david/klee/test/Runtime/POSIX/FD_Fail.c" "-emit-llvm" "-O0" "-Xclang" "-disable-O0-optnone" "-c" "-o" "/home/david/klee/build/test/Runtime/POSIX/Output/FD_Fail.c.tmp1.bc"
    #14 185.0 $ ":" "RUN: at line 2"
    #14 185.0 $ "rm" "-rf" "/home/david/klee/build/test/Runtime/POSIX/Output/FD_Fail.c.tmp.klee-out"
    #14 185.0 $ ":" "RUN: at line 3"
    #14 185.0 $ "/home/david/klee/build/bin/klee" "--output-dir=/home/david/klee/build/test/Runtime/POSIX/Output/FD_Fail.c.tmp.klee-out" "--libc=uclibc" "--posix-runtime" "/home/david/klee/build/test/Runtime/POSIX/Output/FD_Fail.c.tmp1.bc" "--max-fail" "1"
    #14 185.0 # command stderr:
    #14 185.0 KLEE: NOTE: Using POSIX model: /home/david/klee/build/runtime/lib/libkleeRuntimePOSIX64_Debug+Asserts.bca
    #14 185.0 KLEE: NOTE: Using klee-uclibc : /home/david/klee/build/runtime/lib/klee-uclibc.bca
    #14 185.0 KLEE: output directory is "/home/david/klee/build/test/Runtime/POSIX/Output/FD_Fail.c.tmp.klee-out"
    #14 185.0 KLEE: Using STP solver backend
    #14 185.0 KLEE: WARNING: executable has module level assembly (ignoring)
    #14 185.0 KLEE: WARNING ONCE: calling external: syscall(16, 0, 21505, 94153668978176) at runtime/POSIX/fd.c:1007 10
    #14 185.0 KLEE: WARNING ONCE: Alignment of memory from call "malloc" is not modelled. Using alignment of 8.
    #14 185.0 KLEE: WARNING ONCE: calling __klee_posix_wrapped_main with extra arguments.
    #14 185.0 KLEE: ERROR: (location information missing) ASSERTION FAIL: f
    #14 185.0 KLEE: NOTE: now ignoring this error at this location
    #14 185.0 
    #14 185.0 KLEE: done: total instructions = 30080
    #14 185.0 KLEE: done: completed paths = 2
    #14 185.0 KLEE: done: generated tests = 1
    #14 185.0 
    #14 185.0 $ "FileCheck" "/home/david/klee/test/Runtime/POSIX/FD_Fail.c"
    #14 185.0 # command stderr:
    #14 185.0 FileCheck error: '-' is empty.
    #14 185.0 FileCheck command line:  FileCheck /home/david/klee/test/Runtime/POSIX/FD_Fail.c
    #14 185.0 
    #14 185.0 error: command failed with exit status: 2
    #14 185.0 
    #14 185.0 --
    #14 185.0 
    #14 185.0 ********************
    #14 185.0 Testing:  0.. 10.. 20.. 30.. 40.. 50.. 60.. 70.. 80.. 90.. 
    #14 222.8 ********************
    #14 222.8 Failed Tests (1):
    #14 222.8   KLEE :: Runtime/POSIX/FD_Fail.c
    #14 222.8 
    #14 222.8 
    #14 222.8 Testing Time: 60.97s
    #14 222.8   Unsupported      :  28
    #14 222.8   Passed           : 315
    #14 222.8   Expectedly Failed:   2
    #14 222.8   Failed           :   1
    #14 222.8 make[3]: *** [test/CMakeFiles/systemtests.dir/build.make:63: test/CMakeFiles/systemtests] Error 1
    #14 222.8 make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1752: test/CMakeFiles/systemtests.dir/all] Error 2
    #14 222.8 make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:854: CMakeFiles/check.dir/rule] Error 2
    #14 222.8 make: *** [Makefile:164: check] Error 2
    opened by alsuren 6
  • `cargo-verify` tutorial: `rvt-klee.bc` not found in docker

    `cargo-verify` tutorial: `rvt-klee.bc` not found in docker

    I'm trying to work through the tutorial to use cargo verify here, with the Docker instructions. I'm able to use cargo test for proptest as expected, but the verify/KLEE backend fails.

    I'm running Ubuntu 20.04, Docker version 20.10.7, build 20.10.7-0ubuntu1~20.04.1


    cargo-verify --backend=klee --tests --verbose

    Expected result:

    Running 1 test(s)
    test multiply ... ERROR
    test result: ERROR. 0 passed; 1 failed

    Actual result:

    Checking verify
      Building verify for verification
    STDERR:     Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.01s
    ERROR - FAILED: 'llvm-link-10' terminated with exit code 1.

    End of trace with -vvvvvv:

    INFO - Running 'llvm-link-10' in '.' with command:
    llvm-link-10 -o /home/ubuntu/rust-verification-tools/verify/target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/deps/ /home/rust-verification-tools/runtime/rvt-klee.bc /home/rust-verification-tools/simd_emulation/simd_emulation.bc /home/ubuntu/rust-verification-tools/verify/target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/deps/verify-238da9e126f6d636.bc
    STDERR: llvm-link-10: /home/rust-verification-tools/runtime/rvt-klee.bc: error: Could not open input file: No such file or directory
    STDERR: llvm-link-10: error:  loading file '/home/rust-verification-tools/runtime/rvt-klee.bc'
    ERROR - FAILED: 'llvm-link-10' terminated with exit code 1.

    Full reproduction:

    > cat Cargo.toml 
    name = "verify"
    version = "0.1.0"
    authors = ["ubuntu"]
    edition = "2018"
    # See more keys and their definitions at
    propverify = { path="/home/rust-verification-tools/propverify" }
    proptest = { version = "*" }
    verifier-klee = ["propverify/verifier-klee"]
    verifier-crux = ["propverify/verifier-crux"]
    verifier-seahorn = ["propverify/verifier-seahorn"]
    > cat src/ 
    use proptest::prelude::*;
    use propverify::prelude::*;
    proptest! {
        fn multiply(a in 1..=1000u32, b in 1..=1000u32) {
            let r = a*b;
            prop_assert!(1 <= r && r < 1000000);
    > cargo test
       Compiling libc v0.2.102
       Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0
       Compiling ppv-lite86 v0.2.10
       Compiling autocfg v1.0.1
       Compiling remove_dir_all v0.5.3
       Compiling fnv v1.0.7
       Compiling bit-vec v0.6.3
       Compiling quick-error v1.2.3
       Compiling quick-error v2.0.1
       Compiling bitflags v1.3.2
       Compiling byteorder v1.4.3
       Compiling regex-syntax v0.6.25
       Compiling lazy_static v1.4.0
       Compiling bit-set v0.5.2
       Compiling num-traits v0.2.14
       Compiling getrandom v0.2.3
       Compiling wait-timeout v0.2.0
       Compiling rand_core v0.6.3
       Compiling rand_chacha v0.3.1
       Compiling rand_xorshift v0.3.0
       Compiling rand v0.8.4
       Compiling tempfile v3.2.0
       Compiling rusty-fork v0.3.0
       Compiling proptest v1.0.0
       Compiling verify v0.1.0 (/home/ubuntu/rust-verification-tools/verify)
        Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 10.61s
         Running target/debug/deps/verify-ac0d8570681ea509
    running 1 test
    test multiply ... ok
    test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out
    > cargo clean
    > cargo-verify --backend=klee --tests --verbose
    Checking verify
      Building verify for verification
    STDERR:    Compiling verification-annotations v0.1.0 (/home/rust-verification-tools/verification-annotations)
    STDERR:    Compiling propverify v0.1.0 (/home/rust-verification-tools/propverify)
    STDERR:    Compiling verify v0.1.0 (/home/ubuntu/rust-verification-tools/verify)
    STDERR:     Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 8.07s
    ERROR - FAILED: 'llvm-link-10' terminated with exit code 1.

    Apologies if I set something up incorrectly, and thanks!

    opened by avanhatt 5
  • add dockerfile and scripts to build image for rust-verification-tools(klee only)

    add dockerfile and scripts to build image for rust-verification-tools(klee only)

    These scripts and dockerfiles is to build rust-verification-tools(klee only) docker image. The building process almost follows the using-klee doc(three steps, install rust, install klee and install rust-verification-tools) but has some additional steps.(I think it may be essential) First, the script compiles cargo from source to work as the default cargo for the compiled rustc, so it leads to a stage2 compiling. Second, the script installs rustup from official scripts and choose stage2 as the default toolchain. The try-klee example has been added to the image for test use and it can work properly. However, when I try to follow the example replay input values in doc , there is still one link error. I have mentioned this in #36 .

    cla: yes 
    opened by StevenJiang1110 5
  • Rust cargo verify

    Rust cargo verify

    Rewrite of cargo-verify in rust. All the features were copied from the python script, but not very well tested. Some of the command line arguments were changed, see --help.

    cla: yes 
    opened by fshaked 4
  • Support for symbolic strings

    Support for symbolic strings

    Composed of

    • Efficient support for creating symbolic Vec.
    • Tests involving strings
    • Creating a new top-level directory 'runtime' to contain C support code required to interface between what the Rust library expects from the C library and the set of operations provided by different verifiers.
      • This will probably end up being a combination of code that is needed by all verifiers and code that is only needed with a subset of the verifier backends that we support. So it will end up requiring conditional compilation.
      • For now all it contains is support for allocating aligned memory blocks (used by crates like Regex).
      • In the near future, I will add code to support code that uses pthreads but only requires one thread. (i.e., to support almost every thread-safe library)
    • Tests involving the standard Regex crate
    cla: yes 
    opened by alastairreid 4
  • docker/build fails

    docker/build fails

    I'm getting some errors running the build script; the 'klee' container fails, complaining about a missing header:

    make[2]: *** [runtime/POSIX/fd_init32_Release+Debug+Asserts.bc] Error 1
    In file included from /root/klee/klee/runtime/klee-libc/strncpy.c:37:                                                                                                                                             
    /usr/include/stdlib.h:25:10: fatal error: 'bits/libc-header-start.h' file not found                                                                                                                               
    #include <bits/libc-header-start.h>                                                                                                                                                                               
    In file included from /root/klee/klee/runtime/klee-libc/putchar.c:10:                                                                                                                                             
    /usr/include/stdio.h:27:10: fatal error: 'bits/libc-header-start.h' file not found                                                                                                                                
    #include <bits/libc-header-start.h>                                                                                                                                                                               
    In file included from /root/klee/klee/runtime/klee-libc/strcoll.c:10:                                                                                                                                             
    /usr/include/string.h:26:10: fatal error: 'bits/libc-header-start.h' file not found                                                                                                                               
    #include <bits/libc-header-start.h>                                                                                                                                                                               
    In file included from /root/klee/klee/runtime/klee-libc/strtol.c:34:                                                                                                                                              
    In file included from /usr/lib/llvm-10/lib/clang/10.0.0/include/limits.h:21:                                                                                                                                      
    /usr/include/limits.h:26:10: fatal error: 'bits/libc-header-start.h' file not found                                                                                                                               
    #include <bits/libc-header-start.h>                                                                                                                                                                               
    1 error generated.                                                                                                                                                                                                
    1 error generated.   

    It looks like the scripts are just pulling from the master branch directly; do you have a SHA that's verified to work for klee?

    opened by mullr 4
  • fix broken links in

    fix broken links in

    I noticed a couple of broken links when browsing around your repo, so I ran it through a link-checker while I was waiting for docker/build to run.

    $ npx markdown-link-check 
    npx: installed 65 in 4.194s
    [✖] docs/
    [✖] docs/
    [✖] docs/
    [✖] docs/
    [✓] compatibility-test/src
    [✖] docs/
    16 links checked.

    After this patch, npx markdown-link-check is clean.

    If you would prefer for me to link to the rendered versions on then I can do.

    cla: yes 
    opened by alsuren 3
  • Docker: build libstd/libcore without vectorization

    Docker: build libstd/libcore without vectorization

    This fixes linking errors we were getting due to compiling libstd/libcore with vectorization enabled and compiling code we are verifying with vectorization disabled.

    cla: yes 
    opened by alastairreid 3
  • cargo-verify: tweak verbosity

    cargo-verify: tweak verbosity

    This incomplete change causes commands to only print stdout/stderr if their level is below the current verbosity.

    To finish this off, I (Alastair) plan to add -q/--quiet support as well.

    cla: yes 
    opened by alastairreid 3
  • Archive Project?

    Archive Project?

    I believe that this project has ended and thus the repo should be archived (which will make the repo read-only and put a notice at the top). Apologies if work is still ongoing.

    opened by indolering 0
  • LLVM-11 support

    LLVM-11 support

    The experimental support for LLVM-11 does not fully work.

    • Verifying a program (i.e., that defines 'main') seems to work (but has not been tested extensively)
    • Verifying a function annotated with #[test] does not work: KLEE crashes during its preprocessing phase.
    • Almost all of the regression tests rely on #[test] and do not work.

    The error seen with #[test] is as follows. (This is obtained by using cargo verify -vvvvvv then cutting and pasting the command used to invoke KLEE.)

    [Long list of errors that look like the next three lines]
    Instruction does not dominate all uses!
      %.i3348 = phi i64 [ <badref>, <badref> ], [ %.i3682, %2236 ], [ %.i3344, %2227 ]
      %2378 = insertelement <4 x i64> %.upto24216, i64 %.i3348, i32 3
    PHI nodes not grouped at top of basic block!
      %.i0345 = phi i64 [ <badref>, <badref> ], [ %.i0679, %2236 ], [ %.i0341, %2227 ]
    label %2370
    in function _ZN4test9run_tests17h3c40b1ee8455d4dbE
    LLVM ERROR: Broken function found, compilation aborted!

    It is not obvious what is going wrong here.

    opened by alastairreid 3
  • AArch64 Docker build error

    AArch64 Docker build error

    Docker version 20.10.6, build 370c289 macOS 11.4 aarch64 on commit e58c6a54f2.

    => ERROR importing cache manifest from rvt_base:latest

    I had to delete this line from docker/mkimage:

    --cache-from="${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCKER_VERSION}" \

    This cache doesn't exist on the first build?

    opened by chadbrewbaker 4
  • Klee examples does not build

    Klee examples does not build


    Despite of patching like mentioned in (i.e. paths in Cargo.toml files and +nightly for cargo calls) , still does not compile:

    cd demos/simple/klee


    Compiling verification-annotations v0.1.0 (/home/gww-parity/github/project-oak/rust-verification-tools/verification-annotations)
    error: /home/gww-parity/github/project-oak/rust-verification-tools/verification-annotations/src/verifier/ in function _ZN24verification_annotations8verifier4klee82_$LT$impl$u20$verification_annotations..traits..VerifierNonDet$u20$for$u20$f32$GT$15verifier_nondet17h03b474201f344241E float (float): SSE register return with SSE disabled
    error: aborting due to previous error
    error: could not compile `verification-annotations`
    To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.

    cargo +nightly build --features=verifier-klee --verbose Compiling verification-annotations v0.1.0 (/home/gww-parity/github/project-oak/rust-verification-tools/verification-annotations) Running rustc --crate-name verification_annotations --edition=2018 /home/gww-parity/github/project-oak/rust-verification-tools/verification-annotations/src/ --error-format=json --json=diagnostic-rendered-ansi --crate-type lib --emit=dep-info,metadata,link -C embed-bitcode=no -C debuginfo=2 --cfg 'feature="verifier-klee"' -C metadata=bbfe5df2a5b9d5c6 -C extra-filename=-bbfe5df2a5b9d5c6 --out-dir /home/gww-parity/github/project-oak/rust-verification-tools/demos/simple/klee/target/debug/deps -C incremental=/home/gww-parity/github/project-oak/rust-verification-tools/demos/simple/klee/target/debug/incremental -L dependency=/home/gww-parity/github/project-oak/rust-verification-tools/demos/simple/klee/target/debug/deps -Ctarget-feature=-mmx,-sse,-sse2,-sse3,-ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-3dnow,-3dnowa,-avx,-avx2 -Cno-vectorize-loops -Cno-vectorize-slp -Copt-level=1 -Zpanic_abort_tests -Cpanic=abort -Warithmetic-overflow -Coverflow-checks=yes --cfg=verify -Clto -Cembed-bitcode=yes --emit=llvm-bc error: /home/gww-parity/github/project-oak/rust-verification-tools/verification-annotations/src/verifier/ in function ZN24verification_annotations8verifier4klee82$LT$impl$u20$verification_annotations..traits..VerifierNonDet$u20$for$u20$f32$GT$15verifier_nondet17h03b474201f344241E float (float): SSE register return with SSE disabled

    error: aborting due to previous error

    error: could not compile verification-annotations

    Caused by: process didn't exit successfully: rustc --crate-name verification_annotations --edition=2018 /home/gww-parity/github/project-oak/rust-verification-tools/verification-annotations/src/ --error-format=json --json=diagnostic-rendered-ansi --crate-type lib --emit=dep-info,metadata,link -C embed-bitcode=no -C debuginfo=2 --cfg 'feature="verifier-klee"' -C metadata=bbfe5df2a5b9d5c6 -C extra-filename=-bbfe5df2a5b9d5c6 --out-dir /home/gww-parity/github/project-oak/rust-verification-tools/demos/simple/klee/target/debug/deps -C incremental=/home/gww-parity/github/project-oak/rust-verification-tools/demos/simple/klee/target/debug/incremental -L dependency=/home/gww-parity/github/project-oak/rust-verification-tools/demos/simple/klee/target/debug/deps -Ctarget-feature=-mmx,-sse,-sse2,-sse3,-ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-3dnow,-3dnowa,-avx,-avx2 -Cno-vectorize-loops -Cno-vectorize-slp -Copt-level=1 -Zpanic_abort_tests -Cpanic=abort -Warithmetic-overflow -Coverflow-checks=yes --cfg=verify -Clto -Cembed-bitcode=yes --emit=llvm-bc (exit status: 1)

    opened by gww-parity 2
  • Use relative paths in demo/example Cargo.toml files

    Use relative paths in demo/example Cargo.toml files

    Example :

    diff --git a/compatibility-test/Cargo.toml b/compatibility-test/Cargo.toml
    index 7a18f73..2b31ff5 100644
    --- a/compatibility-test/Cargo.toml
    +++ b/compatibility-test/Cargo.toml
    @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ description = "Tests for both the propverify and the proptest crates - to check
    -propverify = { path="/home/rust-verification-tools/propverify" }
    +propverify = { path="../propverify" }
     proptest = { version = "*" }
    diff --git a/demos/simple/klee/Cargo.toml b/demos/simple/klee/Cargo.toml
    index 11fe766..fa1e6f4 100644
    --- a/demos/simple/klee/Cargo.toml
    +++ b/demos/simple/klee/Cargo.toml
    @@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ authors = [""]
     edition = "2018"
    -verification-annotations = { path="/home/rust-verification-tools/verification-annotations" }
    +#verification-annotations = { path="/home/rust-verification-tools/verification-annotations" }
    +verification-annotations = { path="../../../verification-annotations" }

    btw. also maybe consider +nightly in scripts as it seems that some nightly features are required, example:

     cargo clean
    -cargo build --features=verifier-klee
    +cargo  +nightly build --features=verifier-klee
    opened by gww-parity 4
  • Website link to RSS feed is broken

    Website link to RSS feed is broken

    When I visit, there's a "subscribe via RSS" link that points to (which according to View Source is actually a <link type="application/atom+xml", not RSS). However, RSS or Atom, this link is broken and points to a 404.

    Is it possible to fix the link to enable subscribing in a RSS reader?

    opened by nyanpasu64 1
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