6143 Repositories
Rust rust-tfrecord Libraries
More beautiful HTML reports for llvm-cov/cargo-llvm-cov
💄 llvm-cov-pretty More beautiful HTML reports for llvm-cov (cargo-llvm-cov specifically). Dark theme support (switches automatically based on your br
A simple AUR helper made in Rust.
AURme A simple AUR helper made in Rust. Description AURme is a simple and minimalist tool made to help users install, update and maintain packages fro
Notabena, the pure Rust open-source note-taking app.
Notabena About Notabena is the free and open source note-taking app, written in pure Rust. Features These are our current planned features. (Most feat
Super-lightweight Immediate-mode Embedded GUI framework, based on the awesome embedded-graphics library. Written in Rust.
Kolibri - A GUI framework made to be as lightweight as its namesake What is Kolibri? Kolibri is an embedded Immediate Mode GUI mini-framework very str
A macro to generate constructor to instanicate structs from JsValue using duck-typing.
ducktor ducktor is a Rust crate that allows you to create types from wasm_bindgen::JsValue using duck typing. With ducktor, you can define a struct th
Rust crate for reconstructing Arabic sentences to be used in applications that don't support Arabic
Arabic Reshaper Rust Reconstruct Arabic sentences to be used in applications that don't support Arabic script. Usage: resahpe a single line of string
derive(Code) simplifies error handling by providing an easy-to-use enumeration of error codes
enum-code Introduction enum-code is a derive macro for enum types. This library generates code that associates error codes with error types. It can be
Bring the power of pre-signed URLs to your apps. Signway is a gateway for redirecting authentic signed URLs to the requested API
A gateway that proxies signed requests to other APIs. Check the docs for more info. If you are looking for the managed version checkout this link http
A mostly drop-in replacement for mercantile written w/ rust, plus several other util(e)ities.
utiles utiles = utils + tiles A mostly drop-in replacement for mercantile written w/ rust, plus several other util(e)ities. Installation pip install u
Asynchronous CUDA, NPP and TensorRT for Rust.
Asynchronous CUDA, NPP and TensorRT ℹ️ Introduction The async-cuda family of libraries is an experimental set of libraries for interacting with the GP
A rust-version of NVIDIA BlueField DOCA kit.
Rust-DOCA Rust API wrapper for the NVIDIA DOCA SDK. The NVIDIA DOCA SDK enables developers to rapidly create applications and services on top of NVIDI
A crate providing a tracing-subscriber layer for formatting events so Datadog can parse them
Datadog Formatting Layer A crate providing a tracing-subscriber layer for formatting events so Datadog can parse them. Features Provides a layer for t
A rust-based benchmark for BlueField SmartNICs.
Smartbench Smart-bench is a rust-based benchmarking tool for BlueField-series SmartNICs. The purpose is to enable easy testing of BlueField-series Sma
`dfx new --type=rust` + burn-rs MNIST web inference example
ic-mnist The frontend provides a canvas where users can draw a digit. The drawn digit is then sent to the backend canister running burn-rs for inferen
This is a simple Api template for Rust ( Axum framework )
Axum-Rust-Rest-Api-Template This project is an open source Rest Api Template built with Rust's Axum framework. Why this project? I have been learning
Nacos server re-implemented in Rust.
rnacos 简介 rnacos是一个用rust实现的nacos服务。 rnacos是一个轻量、快速、稳定的服务,包含注册中心、配置中心、web管理控制台功能。 rnacos兼容nacos client sdk用到的协议(包含1.x的http OpenApi,和2.x的grpc协议),支持使用nac
A demo of using JavaScript in a Rust program, via the "deno_core" crate.
js-in-rs created by Austin Poor A demo of using JavaScript in a Rust program, via the deno_core crate. Usage js-in-rs is a sample grep-like applicatio
basic rust-libp2p gossipsub network
gossipnet is Archived This repository has been archived and is no longer actively maintained. The project has been consolidated into a mono repository
A simple and secure rust command-line tool to protect your text by encrypting and decrypting it using the robust AES-256 algorithm.
Secret Keeper A simple and secure command-line tool to protect your text by encrypting and decrypting it using the robust AES-256 algorithm. Built wit
The most primitive and the fastest implementation of a fixed-size last-in-first-out stack on stack in Rust, for Copy-implementing types
This is the simplest and the fastest (faster than Vec!) implementation of a last-in-first-out stack data structure, on stack, when stack elements are
Share files between devices using your Wi-Fi network.
swift_file Rust implementation of transferring files between devices over Wi-Fi network using a QR code. Tool is inspired by claudiodangelis/qrcp. How
A Turing-complete but dead-simple spaced repetition CLI that helps you learn stuff.
Forne — Learn Stuff Forne is a Turing-complete spaced repetition engine to help you learn stuff your way. What does that mean? Well, there are a few p
JWT Authentication in Rust using Axum Framework
Are you interested in building a secure authentication system for your Rust web application? Look no further than the Axum framework and JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)! Axum is a fast and scalable Rust web framework that provides a reliable and efficient platform for developing microservices and APIs.
This is an example Nostr rust project to enable '402 Payment Required' responses for requests to paid content.
Nostr Paywall Example This is an example Nostr rust project to enable 402 Payment Required responses for requests to paid content. To prove payment, a
🛡️ Terminal-based, real-time traffic monitoring and statistics for your AdGuard Home instance
AdGuardian-Term Terminal-based, real-time traffic monitoring and statistics for your AdGuard Home instance About AdGuardian Terminal Eddition - Keep a
Process injection through entry points hijacking.
EPI EPI (Entry Point Injection) is a tool that leverages a new threadless process injection technique that relies on hijacking loaded dll's entry poin
Prepare for a game of Minesweeper by placing mines!
Mineplacer This is a browser game inspired by Minesweeper. You are the person preparing for a game of Minesweeper by placing mines! Play! How to Play
Async-friendly WebTransport implementation in Rust
WTransport WebTransport protocol, pure-rust, async-friendly. Introduction WebTransport is a new protocol being developed to enable low-latency, bidire
A secure and efficient gateway for interacting with OpenAI's API, featuring load balancing, user request handling without individual API keys, and global access control.
OpenAI Hub OpenAI Hub is a comprehensive and robust tool designed to streamline and enhance your interaction with OpenAI's API. It features an innovat
Singleplayer game inspired by agar.io written in Rust
Cells Cells is a singleplayer game inspired by agar.io written in Rust. Every cell/entity can have a mix of differents capabilities. It's been optimiz
🌎 Demo for Minecraft-like procedural generation using the Bevy game engine
infinigen This is a demo for Minecraft-like procedural generation using the Bevy game engine. chunks along all axes (X, Y and Z) adjustable zoom level
Animated app icons in your Dock that can run an arbitrary shell script when clicked.
Live App Icon for Mac Animated app icons in your Dock that can run an arbitrary shell script when clicked. Requirements macOS 13 (Ventura) or higher X
Rust HTTP API Template using PostgreSQL, Redis, RabbitMQ, and Hexagonal Architecture
Rust Template HTTP API Rust API Template using PostgreSQL, Redis, RabbitMQ, and Hexagonal Architecture The following template provides a basic structu
An experimental Neural Network trainer/visualizer in Rust
DeepRender An experimental Neural Network trainer/visualizer in Rust Try it on your browser! https://msakuta.github.io/DeepRender/ Training on a funct
Extension trait to chunk iterators into const-length arrays.
const-chunks This crate provides an extension trait that lets you chunk iterators into constant-length arrays using const generics. See the docs for m
Time to dive into Rust!
Lets-Learn-Rust Time to dive into Rust! Day 1 Installation Running a Simple Rust Program Managing Projects with Cargo Basic Programming - Comments and
Rust library for compiling and running other programs.
Exers 💻 Exers is a rust library for compiling and running code in different languages and runtimes. Usage example fn main() { // Imports...
Rust library for one-time async initialization
async-lazy An async version of once_cell::sync::Lazy, std::sync::OnceLock or lazy_static. Uses tokio's sychronization primitives. This crate offers an
simple operating system written in Rust with wasi support.
Agave OS Agave OS is a simple operating system written in Rust with wasi support. It is designed to be lightweight and easy to use. It is also designe
Sample Python extension using Rust/PyO3/tch to interact with PyTorch
Python extensions using tch to interact with PyTorch This sample crate shows how to use tch to write a Python extension that manipulates PyTorch tenso
Tiny CLI tool that helps to visualize iCal file content in the terminal.
Calio Calio is a tiny CLI tool that helps to visualize iCal file in the terminal. Installation You can either install it via cargo or download the bin
ESC/POS driver for Rust 🦀
recibo - ESC/POS driver for Rust This project provides an implementation for a subset of Epson's ESC/POS protocol used by compatible receipt printers.
Rust crate for interacting with the Windows Packet Filter driver.
NDISAPI-RS NDISAPI-RS is a Rust crate for interacting with the Windows Packet Filter driver. It provides an easy-to-use, safe, and efficient interface
A halloween-themed game made in Rust 🦀
Robo Halloween 🤖 🎃 🧟 Top 3 pumpkin smashers 🎉 🦾 🥇 poteresting - 80 🎃 🥈 ArinaSolovjova - 69 🎃 🥉 poteresting - 61 🎃 Get your name on this boa
Rust Macros to automate the addition of Paths/Schemas to Utoipa crate, simulating Reflection during the compilation phase
utoipa_auto_discovery Rust Macros to automate the addition of Paths/Schemas to Utoipa crate, simulating Reflection during the compilation phase Crate
Rust wrapper for the Google Places API. Access their hundreds of millions of places, reviews, and ratings.
Google Places API Working Examples cargo run --example nearby_search cargo run --example place_details cargo run --example find_place cargo run --exam
Rust solver for color-sort puzzle game
Color-Sort Puzzle Solver Optimal solver for color-sort game (see example and game explanation sections below). This project (written in Rust) efficien
A rust implementation of the csl-next model.
Vision This is a project to write the CSL-Next typescript model and supporting libraries and tools in Rust, and convert to JSON Schema from there. At
Lightweight, Strongly Typed Xata Client written in Rust
xata-rs: Lightweight, Strongly Typed Xata Client xata-rs is a third party Xata client, allowing interaction with Xata's REST API. Adding xata-rs (WIP)
A simple command-line tool for conversing with ChatGPT
daberu A simple command-line tool for conversing with ChatGPT. "daberu" is a Japanese translation of "chatting". $ daberu -h ChatGPT client tool that
RuTTY - Rust TTY Server
RuTTY - Rust TTY Server Demo RuTTY (aka Ruthie) is a CLI-powered websocket server written in Rust that allows you to expose your commands via browser.
gRPC client/server for zero-knowledge proof authentication Chaum Pederson Zero-Knowledge Proof in Rust
gRPC client/server for zero-knowledge proof authentication Chaum Pederson Zero-Knowledge Proof in Rust. Chaum Pederson is a zero-knowledge proof proto
TI-89-style calculator, maybe turing complete
I will make a fully capable graphing calculator in Rust and you can't stop me. As always, I'm not using libraries or any of that. Everything here is h
Read specialized NGS formats as data frames in R, Python, and more.
oxbow Read specialized bioinformatic file formats as data frames in R, Python, and more. File formats create a lot of friction for computational biolo
High-performance, lock-free local and concurrent object memory pool with automated allocation, cleanup, and verification.
Opool: Fast lock-free concurrent and local object pool Opool is a high-performance Rust library that offers a concurrent and local object pool impleme
WIP: Rust implementation of packs for ruby
packs WIP: Rust implementation of packs and packwerk for ruby Features It's entirely built in Rust, so it's really fast, and doesn't require any exter
A quick-and-dirty attempt to get scoped tasks in Rust.
scoped_tasks_prototype A quick-and-dirty attempt to get scoped tasks in Rust. This library tries to provide an interface similar to scoped threads, ac
An opinionated Rust library for interacting with AWS DynamoDB single-table designs.
Modyne An opinionated library for interacting with AWS DynamoDB single-table designs. † Motive Modyne follows the precepts laid out for effective sing
Idiomatic Rust implementations for various Windows string types (like UNICODE_STRING)
nt-string by Colin Finck [email protected] Provides idiomatic Rust implementations for various Windows string types: NtUnicodeString (with NtUnicode
Fast(er) AES-based constructions for WebAssembly and Rust.
Fast(er) AES-based constructions for Rust and WebAssembly AEGIS-128L AEGIS-256 AES-128-CTR AES-256-CTR AES-128-OCB AES-256-OCB AES-128-GCM AES-256-GCM
a simple rust service for Scheduling commands execution on time basis, an easy alternative to cron
Tasker A Simple crate which provides a service and a configuration API for genrating commands based tasks ,on time basis. Installation build from sour
Grimsby is an Erlang Port written in Rust that can close its standard input while retaining standard output (and error)
Grimsby An Erlang Port provides the basic mechanism for communication from Erlang with the external world. From the Ports and Port Drivers: Erlang Ref
A tiny embedded database built in Rust.
TinyBase TinyBase is an in-memory database built with Rust, based on the sled embedded key-value store. It supports indexing and constraints, allowing
Ethereum transaction simulator leveraging Foundry's codebase
Enso Transaction 🧐 Simulator 🧐 A simple API which simulates a given transaction request. 📫 API 📫 POST /api/v1/simulate Simulates a single transact
Build Abstract Syntax Trees and tree-walking models quickly in Rust.
astmaker Build Abstract Syntax Trees and tree-walking models quickly in Rust. Example This example creates an AST for simple math expressions, and an
[Open Source] Blockchain Decentralized Lightweight VPN in Rust
[Open Source] Blockchain Decentralized Lightweight VPN in Rust DCVPN_Rust (Decentralized VPN in Rust) is an open-source initiative started by @anandgo
python dependency vulnerability scanner, written in Rust.
🐍 Pyscan A dependency vulnerability scanner for your python projects, straight from the terminal. 🚀 blazingly fast scanner that can be used within l
Sharded, concurrent mini redis that support http interface implemented in rust
Rudis A mini version of redis server that provides http interface implemented in Rust. The in-memorry kv-storage is sharded and concurrent safe. Inspi
Rust D-Bus crate.
zbus A Rust API for D-Bus communication. The goal is to provide a safe and simple high- and low-level API akin to GDBus, that doesn't depend on C libr
AI plays a small escape room game, written in rust
Escape AI AI learns escape a room. This is a rust based implementation of a genetic algorithm and reinforcement learning simulation that trains an AI
A low-overhead and adaptable audio playback library for Rust
Awedio A low-overhead and adaptable audio playback library for Rust. Examples Play a single sound file: let (mut manager, backend) = awedio::start()
🐺 Starknet Rust types 🦀
types-rs 🐺 Starknet Rust types 🦀 This repository is an initiative by a group of maintainers to address the fragmentation in the Starknet Rust ecosys
A comprehensive collection of resources and learning materials for Rust programming, empowering developers to explore and master the modern, safe, and blazingly fast language.
🦀 Awesome Rust Lang ⛰️ Project Description : Welcome to the Awesome Rust Lang repository! This is a comprehensive collection of resources for Rust, a
🗂️ A simple, opinionated, tool, written in Rust, for declaratively managing Git repos on your machine.
gitrs 🗂️ A simple, opinionated, tool, written in Rust, for declaretively managing Git repos on your machine. "simple" - limited in what it supports.
Clean implementation of TompHTTPs' Bare-server-node in rust!
bare-server-rust bare-server-rust is a fully compliant Rust implementation of TompHTTPs' Bare Server specifications. This is a server that will receiv
A dataframe manipulation tool inspired by dplyr and powered by polars.
dply is a command line tool for viewing, querying, and writing csv and parquet files, inspired by dplyr and powered by polars. Usage overview A dply p
A cross platform forensic parser written in Rust!
artemis artemis is a powerful command line digital forensic and incident response (DFIR) tool that collects forensic data from Windows and macOS endpo
Bw-Tree for Rust
Bw-Tree for Rust This is a work-in-progress implementation of Bw-Trees for Rust. Nothing works, this is mostly for my own education right now. Design
A Modern, Lightweight HTTP Learning Tool in Rust
Toy-HTTP-rs: A Modern, Lightweight HTTP Learning Tool in Rust Welcome to toy-http-rs! This is a hands-on, educational project designed to provide an a
An implementation of the ls command, in Rust.
ls An implementation of the ls command, in Rust. Using it To build the project, execute the following command: cargo build Once built, move the execut
Fast turbo remote cache server written in Rust
Fast turbo remote cache server written in Rust. if you are using turbo and you want to have a self hosted remote cache server this is for you.
A Rust implementation of HyperLogLog trying to be parsimonious with memory.
🧮 HyperLogLog-rs This is a Rust library that provides an implementation of the HyperLogLog (HLL) algorithm, trying to be parsimonious with memory. Wh
An Educational Ransomware Written in Rust.
Rust-based Ransomware This Windows ransomware example is written in 100% Rust. This code encrypts all files that the computer can read and write under
Haskell-style monads in Rust.
Monads, Functors, & More in Stable Rust Haskell-style monads with macro-free Rust syntax. Types work with zero annotations A fancy example (that compi
Basic (and naïve) LZW and Huffman compression algorithms in Rust.
Naive implementation of the LZW and Huffman compression algorithms. To run, install the Rust toolchain. Cargo may be used to compile the source. Examp
x86-64 Malware Crypter built in Rust for Windows with Anti-VM, powered by memexec
Rust Crypter x86-64 Malware Crypter built in Rust for Windows with Anti-VM, powered by memexec Usage Put your Portable Executable in /crypt/ and renam
A quick create wizard to create and modify opinionated kustomize deployments.
kqc 🚀 ☸️ A quick create wizard to create and modify opinionated kustomize deployments. This tool should help to quickly create and build up kustomize
Simple and flexible queue implementation for Rust with support for multiple backends (Redis, RabbitMQ, SQS, etc.)
Omniqueue Omniqueue is an abstraction layer over queue backends for Rust. It includes support for RabbitMQ, Redis streams, and SQS out of the box. The
Accompanying the 5-class, 1 class per week series of Ultimate Rust: Foundations
Ultimate Rust Foundations Presented by Ardan Labs, Ultima Rust: Foundations gives you a "zero to hero" class to get you started with Rust. You'll lear
rPLC - PLC programming in Rust
rPLC - PLC programming for Linux in Rust rPLC project allows to write PLC programs for Linux systems in Rust using classical PLC programming approach.
Drop-in embedded database
Struct DB 🔧 🔩 Provides a drop-in, fast, and embedded database solution, focusing on maintaining coherence between Rust types and stored data with mi
A tiny software renderer written in Rust.
tiny-renderer 简单的软光栅化渲染器 基础数学库 Bresenham画线算法 Cohen-Sutherland线段裁剪算法 glTF模型加载 模型/视图/投影变换 背面剔除 视椎剔除 齐次空间裁剪 深度测试 Blinn–Phong着色模型 重心坐标插值 运行 bresenham画线算法
💱 A crusty currency converter
💱 moneyman A crusty currency converter Example $ moneyman convert 50 --from EUR --to PHP --on 2023-05-06 --fallback 50 EUR - 3044.5833333333350 PHP
A pug-inspired HTML preprocessor
UNDER CONSTRUCTION Right now there is no usable version of hsml available. I'm just working on it. HSML - Hyper Short Markup Language hsml is a hyper
Kryptokrona SDK in Rust for building decentralized private communication and payment systems.
Kryptokrona Rust SDK Kryptokrona is a decentralized blockchain from the Nordic based on CryptoNote, which forms the basis for Monero, among others. Cr
A simple code that will load a shellcode directly into RAM memory in a new process
「 🔄 」About RustSCLoader RustSCLoader is a simple code that has the intention of loading a shellcode directly into RAM memory in a new process that wi
An attempt to start documenting the rust sdk for temporal and how to use it following some of the examples in typescript
This is an attempt to start documenting the rust sdk for temporal and how to use it following some of the examples in typescript.
A "Shell" made in Rust
Ironclad-shell A "shell" command interpreter made in rust. First things first This is my first time posting to reddit and my first time using rust (al
Scol (Stream Colorizer)
Scol (Stream Colorizer) Scol is a simple command-line program that reads lines from standard input and colorizes them based on a regular expression pa
⚛ Quantum computing crate for Rust programming language.
🦀 Quantum crab Quantum crab is a quantum computing crate for Rust programming language. use quantum_crab::{ backend::Backend, quantum_circuit