Rust D-Bus crate.

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A Rust API for D-Bus communication. The goal is to provide a safe and simple high- and low-level API akin to GDBus, that doesn't depend on C libraries.

The project is divided into the following subcrates:

Getting Started

The best way to get started with zbus is the book, where we start with basic D-Bus concepts and explain with code samples, how zbus makes D-Bus easy.

Example code


A simple service that politely greets whoever calls its SayHello method:

use std::{error::Error, future::pending};
use zbus::{ConnectionBuilder, dbus_interface};

struct Greeter {
    count: u64

#[dbus_interface(name = "org.zbus.MyGreeter1")]
impl Greeter {
    // Can be `async` as well.
    fn say_hello(&mut self, name: &str) -> String {
        self.count += 1;
        format!("Hello {}! I have been called {} times.", name, self.count)

// Although we use `async-std` here, you can use any async runtime of choice.
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let greeter = Greeter { count: 0 };
    let _conn = ConnectionBuilder::session()?
        .serve_at("/org/zbus/MyGreeter", greeter)?

    // Do other things or go to wait forever


You can use the following command to test it:

$ busctl --user call org.zbus.MyGreeter /org/zbus/MyGreeter org.zbus.MyGreeter1 SayHello s "Maria"
s "Hello Maria! I have been called 1 times."


Now let's write the client-side code for MyGreeter service:

use zbus::{Connection, Result, dbus_proxy};

    interface = "org.zbus.MyGreeter1",
    default_service = "org.zbus.MyGreeter",
    default_path = "/org/zbus/MyGreeter"
trait MyGreeter {
    async fn say_hello(&self, name: &str) -> Result<String>;

// Although we use `async-std` here, you can use any async runtime of choice.
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let connection = Connection::session().await?;

    // `dbus_proxy` macro creates `MyGreeterProxy` based on `Notifications` trait.
    let proxy = MyGreeterProxy::new(&connection).await?;
    let reply = proxy.say_hello("Maria").await?;


Getting Help

If you need help in using these crates, are looking for ways to contribute, or just want to hang out with the cool kids, please come chat with us in the Matrix room. If something doesn't seem right, please file an issue.


Supported targets include Unix, Windows and macOS with Linux as the main (and tested) target. Integration tests of zbus crate currently require a session bus running on the build host.



Alternative Crates

dbus-rs relies on the battle tested libdbus C library to send and receive messages. Companion crates add Tokio support, server builder without macros, and code generation.

There are many other D-Bus crates out there with various levels of maturity and features.

  • Allow owned ObjectServer instances

    Allow owned ObjectServer instances

    In GitLab by @whot on Jul 24, 2020, 08:50

    Apologies, this is rather a beginner question. I'm failing at trying to set up an ObjectServer - my requirement is that everything is contained within a context struct (this will be a library with a internal dbus backend). So effectively I need:

    struct Context {
       connection: zbus::Connection,
       object_server: zbus::ObjectServer,

    Since the ObjectServer::new() takes a reference to the Connection, Rust screams at me no matter what I try. The naive implementation was of course

    impl Context {
      fn new() -> Self {
         let c = Connection::new_session();
         let o = ObjectServer::new(&c);
         Context {c, o}

    Which won't work because c gets moved. And all other 50 tries of lifetimes, RefCells, etc. attempts all failed too so at this point I'm lost. The only example for ObjectServer I could find has a static lifetime so it doesn't cover this use-case. I'd appreciate any help here in how to store this in a struct. Thanks.

    opened by zeenix 37
  • Crash on fail to spawn thread

    Crash on fail to spawn thread

    In GitLab by @fluke on Apr 7, 2021, 03:44

    asusd is a long running process and can receive many messages over time. The BT is:

    thread 'main' panicked at 'failed to spawn thread: Os { code: 11, kind: WouldBlock, message: "Resource temporarily unavailable" }', /home/luke/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library/std/src/thread/
    stack backtrace:
       0:     0x557e9a2de740 - std::backtrace_rs::backtrace::libunwind::trace::h4dee703919bfd40a
                                   at /rustc/07e0e2ec268c140e607e1ac7f49f145612d0f597/library/std/src/../../backtrace/src/backtrace/
       1:     0x557e9a2de740 - std::backtrace_rs::backtrace::trace_unsynchronized::h457e839f1a563e20
                                   at /rustc/07e0e2ec268c140e607e1ac7f49f145612d0f597/library/std/src/../../backtrace/src/backtrace/
       2:     0x557e9a2de740 - std::sys_common::backtrace::_print_fmt::h86a55fb30f8393c8
                                   at /rustc/07e0e2ec268c140e607e1ac7f49f145612d0f597/library/std/src/sys_common/
       3:     0x557e9a2de740 - <std::sys_common::backtrace::_print::DisplayBacktrace as core::fmt::Display>::fmt::h7b3d6cac46d277e1
                                   at /rustc/07e0e2ec268c140e607e1ac7f49f145612d0f597/library/std/src/sys_common/
       4:     0x557e9a30158f - core::fmt::write::h127419eb46f2ecc9
                                   at /rustc/07e0e2ec268c140e607e1ac7f49f145612d0f597/library/core/src/fmt/
       5:     0x557e9a2dae15 - std::io::Write::write_fmt::h6010cfbb4726588b
                                   at /rustc/07e0e2ec268c140e607e1ac7f49f145612d0f597/library/std/src/io/
       6:     0x557e9a2e07bb - std::sys_common::backtrace::_print::h79b4f9652330cc9d
                                   at /rustc/07e0e2ec268c140e607e1ac7f49f145612d0f597/library/std/src/sys_common/
       7:     0x557e9a2e07bb - std::sys_common::backtrace::print::h330bb326a76af8cf
                                   at /rustc/07e0e2ec268c140e607e1ac7f49f145612d0f597/library/std/src/sys_common/
       8:     0x557e9a2e07bb - std::panicking::default_hook::{{closure}}::heb6a42a7d50a472e
                                   at /rustc/07e0e2ec268c140e607e1ac7f49f145612d0f597/library/std/src/
       9:     0x557e9a2e0283 - std::panicking::default_hook::h17e521ba6d68d6e1
                                   at /rustc/07e0e2ec268c140e607e1ac7f49f145612d0f597/library/std/src/
      10:     0x557e9a2e0edd - std::panicking::rust_panic_with_hook::h70db735e3a6e70cb
                                   at /rustc/07e0e2ec268c140e607e1ac7f49f145612d0f597/library/std/src/
      11:     0x557e9a2e0aa7 - std::panicking::begin_panic_handler::{{closure}}::h777c71c8e5a7e25c
                                   at /rustc/07e0e2ec268c140e607e1ac7f49f145612d0f597/library/std/src/
      12:     0x557e9a2debfc - std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_end_short_backtrace::h3e9bf30168899554
                                   at /rustc/07e0e2ec268c140e607e1ac7f49f145612d0f597/library/std/src/sys_common/
      13:     0x557e9a2e0a09 - rust_begin_unwind
                                   at /rustc/07e0e2ec268c140e607e1ac7f49f145612d0f597/library/std/src/
      14:     0x557e9a2ffcf1 - core::panicking::panic_fmt::h5322a082d19786c3
                                   at /rustc/07e0e2ec268c140e607e1ac7f49f145612d0f597/library/core/src/
      15:     0x557e9a2ffb13 - core::option::expect_none_failed::h354eaa93a51d71b8
                                   at /rustc/07e0e2ec268c140e607e1ac7f49f145612d0f597/library/core/src/
      16:     0x557e9a19d4dd - core::result::Result<T,E>::expect::heb48d018268ee0e4
      17:     0x557e9a19a7a0 - std::thread::spawn::h074d6679c0772f47
      18:     0x557e9a1adafd - zbus::azync::connection::Connection::receive_specific::{{closure}}::h6ec67f88432c7119
      19:     0x557e9a1abb4e - <core::future::from_generator::GenFuture<T> as core::future::future::Future>::poll::hbc88bc08143b0c69
      20:     0x557e9a17e4d9 - async_io::driver::block_on::hc328be5aaeb50c39
      21:     0x557e9a1ac867 - zbus::connection::Connection::receive_message::h784628813309cd84
      22:     0x557e9a243b72 - zbus::object_server::ObjectServer::try_handle_next::h9fe0a9876df18e30
      23:     0x557e9a002587 - asusd::start_daemon::ha0f714b4a9686382
      24:     0x557e9a001373 - asusd::main::hf26ceba184a6b6b3
      25:     0x557e9a003e06 - core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once::h5d3027d6b19c08dd
      26:     0x557e9a003d1c - std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace::h089ee6c3e397d8e2
      27:     0x557e9a005b5c - std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}}::h55e0553332b6cb66
      28:     0x557e9a2e12da - core::ops::function::impls::<impl core::ops::function::FnOnce<A> for &F>::call_once::hbcc915e668c7ca11
                                   at /rustc/07e0e2ec268c140e607e1ac7f49f145612d0f597/library/core/src/ops/
      29:     0x557e9a2e12da - std::panicking::try::do_call::h6b0f430d48122ddf
                                   at /rustc/07e0e2ec268c140e607e1ac7f49f145612d0f597/library/std/src/
      30:     0x557e9a2e12da - std::panicking::try::h6ba420e2e21b5afa
                                   at /rustc/07e0e2ec268c140e607e1ac7f49f145612d0f597/library/std/src/
      31:     0x557e9a2e12da - std::panic::catch_unwind::h8366719d1f615eee
                                   at /rustc/07e0e2ec268c140e607e1ac7f49f145612d0f597/library/std/src/
      32:     0x557e9a2e12da - std::rt::lang_start_internal::h965c28c9ce06ee73
                                   at /rustc/07e0e2ec268c140e607e1ac7f49f145612d0f597/library/std/src/
      33:     0x557e9a005b4e - std::rt::lang_start::h05154b4d3c2b5a87
      34:     0x557e9a002ec3 - main
      35:     0x7fea21c4fb75 - <unknown>
      36:     0x557e99ffd2ee - _start
      37:                0x0 - <unknown>

    Where the lines:

      16:     0x557e9a19d4dd - core::result::Result<T,E>::expect::heb48d018268ee0e4
      17:     0x557e9a19a7a0 - std::thread::spawn::h074d6679c0772f47
      18:     0x557e9a1adafd - zbus::azync::connection::Connection::receive_specific::{{closure}}::h6ec67f88432c7119
      19:     0x557e9a1abb4e - <core::future::from_generator::GenFuture<T> as core::future::future::Future>::poll::hbc88bc08143b0c69
      20:     0x557e9a17e4d9 - async_io::driver::block_on::hc328be5aaeb50c39
      21:     0x557e9a1ac867 - zbus::connection::Connection::receive_message::h784628813309cd84

    indicate that zbus isn't handling a failure in a way that will prevent crashing.

    opened by zeenix 36
  • Low-level non-blocking API for integration with third-party event loops

    Low-level non-blocking API for integration with third-party event loops

    In GitLab by @levans on Sep 15, 2020, 23:02

    Some apps may wish to integrate a D-Bus connection into their event loop, but don't use Rust's async/await nor the associated runtimes.

    Making zbus useable for such apps mostly implies providing two bits of API:

    • a non-blocking version of Connection::receive_message, that returns std::io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock if there is nothing to be read rather than blocking waiting for a message to arrive
    • access of a file descriptor, that the app can then register into its own event loop (backed by epoll or equivalent). I see that Connection already implements AsRawFd, so I suspect this is already possible?

    Would that be in-scope for zbus?

    opened by zeenix 29
  • Signal and Message Reordering

    Signal and Message Reordering

    In GitLab by @danieldg on Aug 13, 2021, 01:30

    At the moment, if two Proxy objects and wait on both of them for a signal or property change, the order in which you get the signals is not defined. This could be an issue if there is in fact a caused-by relationship between the two signals resulting that the user code relies on.

    Possible concrete example: the Inner part of an Interface is updated by a task that polls the NameAcquiredStream to get a list of all names of a certain pattern (say, org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.*). A client registers a name, waits for dbus to acknowledge it, then sends a request to the interface that expects it to be registered using that name. However, the task scheduler decides to run the ObjectServer task first and so the interface will reject the request - even though it's valid.

    Caching after lazy activation has the same issue - the NameAcquired on the well-known name might be processed after the first signal from the owner of that name, resulting in the proxy rejecting the mismatching signal.

    ~~Not sure how much of a problem this is, but it does have the ability to cause problems in some code - and it may become more important depending on how property caching works.~~

    Related: #178

    ~~A possible solution to both #178 and this would be to run the connect_foo closures in the MessageReceiverTask. Then you just need to document that all of the Stream APIs have the potential to lose or reorder inbound messages.~~

    Update: this also applies to method returns that populate a cache, such as GetAll for properties cache or GetNameOwner/NameAcquired on proxies associated with a well-known name.

    opened by zeenix 28
  • Session bus usage to talk to systemd fails on Ubuntu

    Session bus usage to talk to systemd fails on Ubuntu

    In GitLab by @li.yu.sh0211 on Jan 13, 2022, 17:35

    Here is error details

    MethodError(OwnedErrorName(ErrorName(Str(Owned("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited")))), Some("Process org.freedesktop.systemd1 exited with status 1"), Msg { type: Error, sender: UniqueName(Str(Borrowed("org.freedesktop.DBus"))), reply-serial: 2, body: Signature: [
            s (115),
    ] })

    same method working for blocking proxy though, need help ...

    opened by zeenix 27
  • API for converting Message to dbus-proxy generated signal types

    API for converting Message to dbus-proxy generated signal types

    In GitLab by @MaxVerevkin on May 25, 2022, 16:05

    I create a Connection, then I subscribe to some events using DBusProxy::add_match(), then I create MessageStream from said connection.

    When I finally receive a message, I think it would be intuitive if I could write something like

    let message =
    if let Ok(signal) = PropertiesChanged::try_from(message) {
        // ...

    Maybe I'm doing something wrong, and this is already possible? And what is the recommended way to deal with messages from different interfaces?

    opened by zeenix 22
  • zbus yields `reply timeout expired` when run as Systemd service

    zbus yields `reply timeout expired` when run as Systemd service

    In GitLab by @PolyMeilex on Aug 12, 2020, 04:28

    Hi, first of all, thanks for the awesome crate, it is so much better in comparison to other alternatives, great work.

    So the issue is:

    When I use zbus in a standard app everything works as expected, but when I try to run my dbus server as a systemd service it does not work on initial connection.

    What I mean by that is that systemd will automatically start service associated with dbus service name. So for example, if I call SayHello method (using dbus-send) on org.zbus.server it will start the service responsible for handling it, and our dbus server will return the requested data.

    It works as expected when testing with dbus-rs server example

    But with zbus server example it never returns data, it starts as expected and just hangs, and after some time we get Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply, when service is already started we can send the request again and then it will return data as expected, so there is some problem with initial startup call, that zbus ignores. Actually, the event never reaches function associated with it, so in the above example say_hello is never called

    EDIT: I'll test it with low level example and I'll let you know if this helps

    bug zbus 
    opened by zeenix 22
  • Allow determining if inbound messages are being lost

    Allow determining if inbound messages are being lost

    In GitLab by @danieldg on Jul 24, 2021, 20:38

    Currently, if dbus sends a large enough burst of messages to us, we start dropping the oldest ones with no indication that this happened on any Stream implementation. While this mostly just causes timeouts in anyone making method calls (or exposes the lack of timeout handling), any caching that expects to be invalided by signals will be silently incorrect - which will likely result in some very hard-to-debug issues once property caching becomes a thing.

    I'm not sure what solution is best here: there's a lot of code that relies on the fact that a given Connection object might never use its Stream impl, and overruns on those receivers should be ignored. The presence of non-draining Connections also makes it difficult to set a very high value for max_queued as you are basically guaranteed to store that many Arc objects unless you always drain the Stream from any inactive Connection object.

    Tokio's broadcast channel will notify receivers if there was an overflow; maybe this feature needs to be added to async_broadcast? A property cache could use such a notification to invalidate itself and re-run GetAll.

    Alternatively, a way to disable overflow and explicitly mark some Connection instances as not-used-for-Stream (using async_broadcast::InactiveReceiver) would allow this to be handled by temporarily blocking incoming messages until the queue has shrunk. That behavior would need to be opt-in because it has a good chance to cause deadlocks if some Stream is not being polled (likely because its task is blocking on a different await).

    opened by zeenix 20
  • Sometimes SignalStream does not produce any value.

    Sometimes SignalStream does not produce any value.

    In GitLab by @ludo-c on Nov 19, 2022, 24:55


    As discussed on Matrix, it sometimes happen that the SignalStream created from the receive_ method from the generated async Proxy does not produce any message.

    That's a little bit rough, but this sample code reproduce it after some minutes:


    Steps to reproduce are in the listener readme :

    After few minutes, the log ERROR fake_listener] Signal received. isn't showed anymore, and logs are only:

    1232022-11-18T22:49:15.203537Z TRACE receive_msg: 122: Message received on the socket: Msg { type: Signal, sender: UniqueName(Str(Borrowed(":1.18160"))), path: ObjectPath("/ludo_ic/daemon/producer"), iface: InterfaceName(Str(Borrowed("ludo_ic.daemon.producer"))), member: MemberName(Str(Borrowed("MySignalEvent"))), body: Signature("ii") }
    2022-11-18T22:49:15.203669Z TRACE receive_msg: 131: Message broadcasted to all streams: Msg { type: Signal, sender: UniqueName(Str(Borrowed(":1.18160"))), path: ObjectPath("/ludo_ic/daemon/producer"), iface: InterfaceName(Str(Borrowed("ludo_ic.daemon.producer"))), member: MemberName(Str(Borrowed("MySignalEvent"))), body: Signature("ii") }
    2022-11-18T22:49:15.203793Z TRACE receive_msg: 107: Waiting for message on the socket..

    in loop.

    For what it's worth, stopping and restarting the producer solve the issue, but that's of course not the good solution (I have no control on the producer in the real case).

    I hope you will reproduce it too.

    Do not hesitate if you have any questions.

    Thank you very much !

    Edit: I reproduce it on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS.

    opened by zeenix 19
  • Replace serde-xml-rs by quick-xml

    Replace serde-xml-rs by quick-xml

    In GitLab by @tyrylu on Nov 2, 2022, 17:02

    As quickly mentioned in the dependency update issue, I'd personally replace the xml parsing crate. It would make cargo audit happy, and if wanted, it would allow getting rid of the enums which handle the possibly overlapping lists in the XML definitions, yes, of course at a potential cost... What do you think, should I proceed with a MR? And would you change xml APIs as well?

    enhancement zbus 
    opened by zeenix 19
  • enum to string in function signature?

    enum to string in function signature?

    In GitLab by @fluke on Jan 18, 2022, 01:23

    I don't know if this is an issue, more likely It's that I'm unsure of how best to do this.

    The following is everything reduced down to an example:

        interface = "org.freedesktop.login1.Manager",
        default_service = "org.freedesktop.login1",
        default_path = "/org/freedesktop/login1"
    trait Manager {
        /// Inhibit method
        fn inhibit(
            what: InhibitThis, // Problem point, this is `s`
            who: &str,
            why: &str,
            mode: &str,
        ) -> zbus::Result<std::os::unix::io::RawFd>;
    #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
    pub enum InhibitThis {
    impl From<&str> for InhibitThis {
        fn from(s: &str) -> Self {
            match s.trim() {
                "shutdown" => Self::Shutdown,
                "sleep" => Self::Sleep,
                "idle" => Self::Idle,
                "handle-power-key" => Self::HandlePowerKey,
                "handle-suspend-key" => Self::HandleSuspendKey,
                "handle-hibernate-key" => Self::HandleHibernateKey,
                "handle-lid-switch" => Self::HandleLidSwitch,
                _ => Self::Invalid,
    impl From<InhibitThis> for &str {
        fn from(s: InhibitThis) -> Self {
            match s {
                InhibitThis::Shutdown => "shutdown",
                InhibitThis::Sleep => "sleep",
                InhibitThis::Idle => "idle",
                InhibitThis::HandlePowerKey => "handle-power-key",
                InhibitThis::HandleSuspendKey => "handle-suspend-key",
                InhibitThis::HandleHibernateKey => "handle-hibernate-key",
                InhibitThis::HandleLidSwitch => "handle-lid-switch",
                InhibitThis::Invalid => "invalid",
    impl TryFrom<OwnedValue> for InhibitThis {
        type Error = zbus::Error;
        fn try_from(value: OwnedValue) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
            let value = <String>::try_from(value)?;
            return Ok(Self::from(value.as_str()));
    impl TryFrom<InhibitThis> for Value<'_> {
        type Error = zbus::Error;
        fn try_from(value: InhibitThis) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
    impl TryFrom<InhibitThis> for OwnedValue {
        type Error = zbus::Error;
        fn try_from(value: InhibitThis) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
    impl Type for InhibitThis {
        fn signature() -> zvariant::Signature<'static> {

    I'm sort of jumping around trying to find the solution here. InhibitThis needs to be s dbus type, and the derives usually turn in to u. I imagine I need to manually ser/de?

    I also tried:

        /// Inhibit method
        fn inhibit(
            data: SomeStruct,
        ) -> zbus::Result<std::os::unix::io::RawFd>;

    but the signature ends up being (ssss) when ssss is required. There's a lot of cases like this in logind, so any tips would be greatly appreciated.

    enhancement trivial zvariant_derive 
    opened by zeenix 19
  • Cannot use object attribute on properties

    Cannot use object attribute on properties

    The object attribute in the dbus_proxy macro is a nice quality-of-life enhancement, but only seems to work on DBus methods. When trying to use it on a DBus property, it produces errors like this:

    error[E0308]: mismatched types
      --> src/wifi/
    60 |     fn adapter(&self);
       |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^- help: consider using a semicolon here: `;`
       |     |
       |     expected `()`, found `Result<_, _>`
       = note: expected unit type `()`
                       found enum `std::result::Result<_, _>`

    This is from Device in the following code:

        interface = "net.connman.iwd.Adapter",
        default_service = "net.connman.iwd",
        assume_defaults = false,
    pub trait Adapter {
        fn powered(&self) -> Result<bool>;
        fn set_powered(&mut self, powered: bool) -> Result<()>;
        fn name(&self) -> Result<String>;
        fn model(&self) -> Result<String>;
        fn vendor(&self) -> Result<String>;
        fn supported_modes(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>>;
        interface = "net.connman.iwd.Device",
        default_service = "net.connman.iwd",
        assume_defaults = false,
    pub trait Device {
        fn name(&self) -> Result<String>;
        fn address(&self) -> Result<String>;
        fn powered(&self) -> Result<bool>;
        fn set_powered(&mut self, powered: bool) -> Result<()>;
        #[dbus_proxy(property, object = "Adapter")]
        fn adapter(&self);
        fn mode(&self) -> Result<String>;
        fn set_mode(&mut self, mode: &str) -> Result<()>;

    Adding -> Result<OwnedObjectPath>; fixes the error and allows this code to compile, but it seems the object attribute is ignored entirely.

    Based on all this, I'm guessing the object attribute simply isn't implemented for properties. If possible, it would be a nice enhancement to have.

    bug zbus_macros 
    opened by dominickpastore 2
  • dbug_proxy! binding for method which returns an array of object paths

    dbug_proxy! binding for method which returns an array of object paths

    In GitLab by @danburkert on May 6, 2023, 20:06

    The dbug_proxy! macro provides the object annotation generating a proxy return type for methods which return an object path - it would be nice if there were an equivalent annotation for handling methods that return an array of object paths.

    enhancement zbus zbus_macros 
    opened by zeenix 2
  • Make tracing an optional feature

    Make tracing an optional feature

    In GitLab by @bilelmoussaoui on Apr 26, 2023, 10:09

    It ends up pulling tracing/ tracing-core / tracing-attributes indirectly. As in the libraries I wrote on top of zbus, I explicitly added a tracing feature, I would love if that feature would also control zbus's future tracing support.

    enhancement good first issue zbus 
    opened by zeenix 1
  • Add an API similar to `GDBusMessage::from_blob`

    Add an API similar to `GDBusMessage::from_blob`

    In GitLab by @SeaDve on Mar 16, 2023, 15:44

    Currently, there is zbus::Message::from_raw_parts. However, it is private.

    For the use case, Bustle has DBus messages serialized in a pcap file. There is currently not a convenient way to parse the bytes from each packet from the pcap file into a zbus::Message.


    opened by zeenix 2
  • Implement unixexec: addresses

    Implement unixexec: addresses

    In GitLab by @bouk on Mar 13, 2023, 14:53

    This transport forks off a process and connects its standard input and standard output with an anonymous Unix domain socket. This socket is then used for communication by the transport. This transport may be used to use out-of-process forwarder programs as basis for the D-Bus protocol.

    This can be used with systemd-stdio-bridge to connect to the systemd bus on another system over SSH.

    enhancement zbus 
    opened by zeenix 3
  • zbus_xmlgen-3.1.1(May 16, 2023)

  • zvariant_utils-1.0.1(May 15, 2023)

  • zvariant_derive-3.14.0(May 15, 2023)

  • zvariant-3.14.0(May 15, 2023)

    • Add Type and Basic impl for std::num::NonZero* (#334).
    • Add Type impl for std::time::Duration (#334).
    • Add an example for Optional in the docs.
    • Fix a stack overflow in Optional::default implementation. #343
    • Don't allow empty struct signatures.
    • Add missing container depth limit checks in D-Bus deserializer.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • zbus_macros-3.13.1(May 15, 2023)

  • zbus-3.13.1(May 15, 2023)

  • zvariant_derive-3.13.0(May 12, 2023)

    • Encode empty structs as a null byte. D-Bus does not allow empty structures and currently we try to encode them as such. Let's not do that but instead allow them to be encoded as a null byte (#328).
    • Update all refs of gitlab to github.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • zvariant-3.13.0(May 12, 2023)

    • Encode empty structs as a null byte. D-Bus does not allow empty structures and currently we try to encode them as such. Let's not do that but instead allow them to be encoded as a null byte (#328).
    • Update all refs of gitlab to github.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • zbus_polkit-3.0.1(May 12, 2023)

  • zbus_names-2.5.1(May 12, 2023)

  • zbus_macros-3.13.0(May 12, 2023)

  • zbus-3.13.0(May 12, 2023)

    • Add Connection::peer_credentials method. Instead of adding multiple individual methods for each credential type, let's add a single method that returns all peer credentials.
    • API for creating ConnectionCredentials struct. This will mainly be useful for bus implementations to be able to create this struct for themselves (e.g on a DBus.GetConnectionCredentials D-Bus call for the bus itself).
    • Getters for fdo::ConnectionCredentials fields.
    • Add launchd address support for macOS. It follows D-Bus specification with the same rules.
    • Dependency changes:
      • New: async-process on MacOS target.
      • Enable process feature of tokio crate.
    • Deprecate Connection::peer_sid in favor of Connection::peer_credentials.
    • Deprecate fdo::ConnectionCredentials fields. If we ever need to add more fields to the struct, we can't do it without breaking the API. So let's deprecate the fields and have everyone use the new getters instead.
    • Disable code on MacOS that won't work on it.
    • Be specific in cfg for Windows.
    • Update all refs of gitlab to github.
    • Other internal fixes/improvements.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • zbus_macros-3.12.0(May 11, 2023)

  • zbus-3.12.0(May 11, 2023)

    • ObjectServer should dispatch calls without destination since p2p connections typically don't have destinations.
    • Only enable features of nix that we use.
    • Support server-side cookie auth. We already supported client-side cookie-auth. zbus won't manage the cookies for you though, that's left to the bus implementation.
    • Declare ConnectionBuilder as must_use. Instead of every builder method of it individually.
    • Avoid a few string allocations in handshake code.
    • Don't ignore errors from SID conversion to string.
    • Add missing cfg on an import. Otherwise we get a warning when building for non-unix.
    • Dependencies changed:
      • Home directory determination now split into a separate crate: xdg-home.
      • Drop lazy_static.
      • Drop now unneeded dirs dep.
      • Drop nix dep for non-unix (i-e Windows).
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • zbus_macros-3.11.1(May 11, 2023)

  • zbus-3.11.1(May 11, 2023)

  • zvariant_utils-1.0.0(May 11, 2023)

  • zvariant_derive-3.12.0(May 11, 2023)

  • zvariant-3.12.0(May 11, 2023)

  • zbus_macros-3.11.0(May 11, 2023)

  • zbus-3.11.0(May 11, 2023)

    • ConnectionBuilder::build shouldn't assume executor ticking. This fixes a deadlock when internal executor is disabled and interface is added to the builder.
    • Don't panic in proxy builder. Return an error instead.
    • Some optimizations in handshake code.
    • Error out on invalid UTF-8 in the cookie auth data.
    • Add Error:MissingParameter variant.
    • Implement Clone for InterfaceRef.
    • Add SignalStream::name getter.
    • SignalStream's inner lifetime need to be tied to that of proxy's inner lifetime, not the proxy itself. In case of macros, we can declare it as '`static'.
    • Some fixes to docs.
    • Dependency changes:
      • Enable io feature of futures-util if async-io is enabled.
      • Add optional dep on async-fs.
      • update nix to 0.26.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • zvariant_derive-3.11.0(May 11, 2023)

  • zvariant-3.11.0(May 11, 2023)

    • Implement
      • Display for {OwnedObjectPath, OwnedSignature}.
      • TryFrom<Cow<'a str>> for ObjectPath.
      • Type for std::time::SystemTime.
      • TryFrom<Cow<'a str>> for ObjectPath.
    • Some internal fixes.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • zbus_macros-3.10.0(May 11, 2023)

  • zbus-3.10.0(May 11, 2023)

    • Avoid missing property changes during property stream setup.
    • Fix ordere_stream::OrderedStream implementations.
    • Dependencies changed:
      • Bump ordered-stream to 0.2.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • zbus_macros-3.9.0(May 11, 2023)

  • zbus-3.9.0(May 11, 2023)

    • Fix deadlock in properties caching on invalidation against multithreaded tokio runtime.
    • Ensure we're already subscribed to PropertiesChanged signal after Proxy::receive_property_changed returns.
    • Fix cleanup of Connection when ObjectServer is used.
    • Improved traces.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • zbus_macros-3.8.0(May 11, 2023)

  • zbus-3.8.0(May 11, 2023)

    • Add AsyncDrop trait. Until there is an upstream Rust support for async dropping we will need this for explicit drop of async resources.
    • Implement AsyncDrop for MessageStream, SignalStream, & macro-generated signal streams. This will allow users to immediately deregister the associated match rules (if any).
    • Gracefully handle peer disconnection during handshake.
    • Don't disallow EXTERNAL auth in server handshake.
    • Skip self in handshake traces. Otherwise it creates a lot of noise.
    • More conformance to the D-Bus specification:
      • Don't create messages larger than 128 MiB.
      • Don't accept messages larger than 128 MiB.
    • Gracefully handle peer disconnection during handshake phase.
    • Fix server-side handshake code to not eat up the first Hello method call from the client if the client is too fast for the server.
    • Add more tracing to handshake machinery.
    • Fix ToString implementation of MatchRule to include arg0namespace.
    • Dependencies changed:
      • ordered-stream 0.1.4.
    • Internal improvements & fixes.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • zbus_names-2.5.0(May 11, 2023)

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The future of D-Bus
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