6182 Repositories
Rust rust-secure-pass-gen Libraries
The Loop programming language
Loop Language Documentation | Website A dynamic type-safe general purpose programming language Note: currently Loop is being re-written into Rust. Mea
An experimental Rust crate for sigstore
Continuous integration Docs License This is an experimental crate to interact with sigstore. This is under high development, many features and checks
Creative Coding Framework based on Entity Component System (ECS) written in Rust
creativity creativity is Creative Coding Framework based on Entity Component System (ECS) written in Rust. Key Features TBA Quick Start TBA How To Con
A barely functional terminal emulator written in Rust. For nothing but fun.
Nothing much to say now. The basic architecture (kind of) so far is: ┌────────┐ ┌──────────────────┐ │ ptm │◀──────▶│ device::Shell │ └─┬
📘 Utilities for the Fibonacci Number and Sequence
Fibora Port of fibonacci-deno for Rust. Utilities for the Fibonacci Number and Sequence. Usage This package exposes two Functions, fibonacci and fibon
Owlyshield is an open-source AI-driven behaviour based antiransomware engine written in Rust.
Owlyshield (mailto:[email protected]) We at SitinCloud strongly believe that cybersecurity products should always be open-source: Critical decis
Hydrogen is the desktop application for Geplauder, built with tauri studio.
Hydrogen Hydrogen is the desktop application for Geplauder, built with tauri studio. For more information on Geplauder, click here. Usage To configure
The 峨眉 (EMei) JIT/AOT backend framework.
emei The 峨眉 (EMei) JIT/AOT backend framework. Support Instructions x86_64 mov mov mov_zero_extend_bit8/16 mov_sign_extend_bit8/16/32 mov_rev movs(is m
One-Stop Solution for all boilerplate needs!
One Stop Solution for all boilerplate needs! Consider leaving a ⭐ if you found the project helpful. Templa-rs Templa-rs is a one-of-a-kind TUI tool wr
A swiss army knife for creating binary modules for Garry's Mod in Rust.
A swiss army knife for creating binary modules for Garry's Mod in Rust.
Command line interface for Solana Metaplex programs.
Metaplex Command Line Interface This is a command line interface for creating and managing non-fungible tokens on the Solana blockchain through the Me
Xrs is a POSIX-subset operating system kernel written in Rust.
XRS-OS ( 🚧 WIP) Xrs is a POSIX-subset operating system kernel written in Rust. Current project team members 0x5459 core developer (he/him) 0x5457 cor
A MongoDB ODM for Rust based on Mongoose
Nongoose MongoDB ODM for Rust based on Mongoose Basic usage use mongodb::{bson::oid::ObjectId, sync::Client}; use nongoose::Schema; use serde::{Deseri
🧹 Quick & dirty fuzzy path comparison
🧹 fuzzypath Quick & dirty fuzzy path comparison Comparison rules ✅ Case insensitive ✅ Backslashes are normalized to forward slashes ✅ Trailing slashe
tr-lang is a language that aims to bring programming language syntax closer to Turkish.
tr-lang Made with ❤️ in 🇹🇷 tr-lang is a language that aims to bring programming language syntax closer to Turkish. tr-lang is a stack based language
Pure Rust implementation of the Leighton Micali Signature scheme.
Leighton-Micali Hash-Based Signatures LMS implementation in Rust according to the IETF RFC 8554. This implementation is binary compatible with the ref
A game of life🔬 simulator on an infinite♾️ plane
game-of-life A game of life 🔬 simulator on an infinite ♾️ plane NOTE: This is a toy project! I did this just for fun, not as a packaged product. Abou
微信小工具 一个完全由Rust实现的微信 工具 多开。 ✨ 缘由 都2021年了,为什么还写个多开的小工具? 多年前有个小工具为了快速实现,没有使用Rust开发,而是通过Golang实现注入和逻辑程序,C++实现的DLL。最近在用Rust重新实现,所以有必要进行测试和验证。 不会写 🌚 C++ G
Blazing Fast Discord Token Grabber that just works!
Discord Token Grabber A Discord token grabber written in Rust. ✨ Features 🚀 Blazing Fast! (Thanks to Rust and it's speed) 💊 Tiny as passible (Only 7
Rust bindings for accessing the Go containers/image stack
Rust bindings for accessing the Go containers/image stack This crate contains a Rust API that forks /usr/bin/skopeo and talks to it via a custom API.
Time series anomaly detection for Rust
AnomalyDetection.rs Time series AnomalyDetection for Rust Learn how it works Installation Add this line to your application’s Cargo.toml under [depend
Coult, is crate to getting from hashicorp vault
Coult Rust vault secret retriever Example use coult::{Config, Vault}; use serde::Deserialize; #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct Secret { passwo
Music bot written in Rust
Akasuki What is Akasuki? Akasuki is a simple discord music bot written in rust. Highlights Select your music using discord's new select menu feature,
Using the powers of Rust, Go and Dragonfly to make a vanilla-like world generation.
df-rs-gen — Dragonfly Rust Generator Using the powers of Rust, Go and Dragonfly to make a vanilla-like world generation. How to use Clone the repo. gi
A multiplayer web based roguelike built on Rust and WebRTC
Gorgon A multiplayer web-based roguelike build on Rust and WebRTC. License This project is licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICE
An i386 operation system written in pure rust for fun and no profit.
OrustS An i386 operation system written in pure rust (for fun and no profit). This operation system is under active developing. Checklist implement a
Rust Parallel Iterator With Output Sequential Consistency
par_iter_sync: Parallel Iterator With Sequential Output Crate like rayon do not offer synchronization mechanism. This crate provides easy mixture of p
Catify, but built in rust
A simple project to prettify commit messages NOW IN RUST! Commit messages are good. They provide information about tons of things. But far too many co
An extension to Rust std for beginner exercises
note: this is for practicing rust only, do not use this in actual production programs! really, don't. [dependencies] simple-std = "0.1.1" simple-std i
Seasonal-trend decomposition for Rust
STL Rust Seasonal-trend decomposition for Rust Installation Add this line to your application’s Cargo.toml under [dependencies]: stlrs = "0.1" Getting
Fusion is a cross-platform App Dev ToolKit build on Rust . Fusion lets you create Beautiful and Fast apps for mobile and desktop platform.
Fusion is a cross-platform App Dev ToolKit build on Rust . Fusion lets you create Beautiful and Fast apps for mobile and desktop platform.
A Rust API for D-Bus communication.
zbus A Rust API for D-Bus communication. The goal is to provide a safe and simple high- and low-level API akin to GDBus, that doesn't depend on C libr
This crate allows you to safely initialize Dynamically Sized Types (DST) using only safe Rust.
This crate allows you to safely initialize Dynamically Sized Types (DST) using only safe Rust.
Dim, a media manager fueled by dark forces.
Dim, a media manager fueled by dark forces.
Authenticate to Minecraft using the Microsoft Authentication Scheme from Rust.
Authenticating to Minecraft with the Microsoft Authentication Scheme from Rust This program showcases an implementation of the microsoft authenticatio
Reinforcement learning with Rust
ReLearn: A Reinforcement Learning Library A reinforcement learning library and experiment runner. Uses pytorch as the neural network backend via the t
Emit ETW events in tracing-enabled Rust applications.
tracing-etw Emit ETW events in tracing-enabled Rust applications. This crate depends on rust_win_etw. There are four ETW events. fn NewSpan(span_id: u
Rust bindings for libssh
libssh-rs Bindings to libssh. This repo is home to the libssh-rs-sys crate, which provides FFI bindings to libssh. Features The vendored feature cause
Simple 2d pinball game for testing of bevy and rapier.
Pinball2D Using the Bevy game engine and Rapier physics engine for a simple 2D pinball game. pinball2d.mov Wrote a short piece about how the game was
Opening explorer for lichess.org
lila-openingexplorer3 Personal opening explorer under development. Usage EXPLORER_LOG=lila_openingexplorer3=debug cargo run --release -- --lila https:
Another Chip8 Emulator(ACE) made using Rust
ACE(Another Chip8 Emulator) ACE(Another Chip8 Emulator) This is a chip8 emulator created using Rust programming Language. It's purpose is to learn Rus
A pure Rust PLONK implementation using arkworks as a backend.
PLONK This is a pure Rust implementation of the PLONK zk proving system Usage use ark_plonk::prelude::*; use ark_ec::bls12::Bls12; use rand_core::OsRn
Easy to use Rust i18n library based on code generation
rosetta-i18n rosetta-i18n is an easy-to-use and opinionated Rust internationalization (i18n) library powered by code generation. rosetta_i18n::include
The most advanced Merkle tree library for Rust
rs-merkle rs-merkle is the most advanced Merkle tree library for Rust. Basic features include building a Merkle tree, creation, and verification of Me
Number names is a Rust library to provide formatted string names for cardinal and ordinal numbers.
Number Names Number names is a Rust library to provide formatted string names for cardinal and ordinal numbers. At this time, only American English is
Easy to use, extendable, OCI-compliant container runtime written in pure Rust
PURA - Lightweight & OCI-compliant container runtime Pura is an experimental Linux container runtime written in pure and dependency-minimal Rust. The
Simple cli clipboard manager written in rust
Simple cli clipboard manager written in rust
vault client using jwt authentication that define environment variables from vault secrets before executing into something else
envlt envlt, like env, allows you to define environment variables and then execute into something else, but instead of static values, it uses using si
Example of executing ES module exports from Rust
rusty_esm This is an example showcasing a common use case for embedding Deno - calling JS module exports from Rust. The rest is pretty self explainato
High level rust abstractions for the libretro API
libretro-rs Design Philosophy The approach to this crate can best be summarized as wanting to expose all functionality, even if not idiomatically. The
Rust bindings for the KING OF TIME API
Rust bindings for the KING OF TIME API Example Prints if you are at work or not at work. $ cargo run --example tc -- status Record the time you start
MIPS assembler written in Rust
frasm MIPS assembler written in Rust About frasm is an assembler written in Rust speicifally for the MIPs architecture. This is my first time writing
A playground for creating generative art, buit with Rust🦀 and WASM🕸
Genny A playground for creating generative art, buit with Rust 🦀 and WASM 🕸 About This is a simple playground that allows me to explore ideas around
This project aims to implement a CSS(less like) parser in rust. Currently the code is targeting the PostCSS AST.
CSS(less like) parser written in rust (WIP) This project aims to implement a CSS(less like) parser in rust. Currently the code is targeting the PostCS
Game of life implementation written in Rust.
Game of life Game of life implementation written in Rust. Part of my journey in learning Rust. Pattern files The patterns are based on the example pat
Mordern Redis Cluster solution for easy operation.
Mordern Redis Cluster solution for easy operation.
Silicon is an alternative to Carbon implemented in Rust.
Silicon is an alternative to Carbon implemented in Rust.
Static site generator written in Rust
Sedum is a static site generator written in Rust. It can be used locally or with a service like Netlify to generate websites on the fly. Usage Local P
RedLizard - A Rust TCP Reverse Shell with SSL
RedLizard - A Rust TCP Reverse Shell with SSL RedLizard Rust TCP Reverse Shell Server/Client This is a reverse shell in Rust called RedLizard, basical
A library for easily creating WebRTC data channel connections in Rust
Cyberdeck A library for easily creating WebRTC data channel connections in Rust.
UnixString is An FFI-friendly null-terminated byte string
UnixString is an FFI-friendly null-terminated byte string that may be constructed from a String, a CString, a PathBuf, an OsString or a collection of bytes.
Argument parsing for the future 🚀
argi Argument parsing for the future 🚀 Features Macro-based approach, providing an intuitive way to layout a cli Rich auto-help generation, styling b
A Github Actions based CI release template for Rust binaries
Rust CI Release Template A Github Actions based CI release template. This repo serves as a live template, and reference for building your own CI power
Simplified glue code generation for Deno FFI libraries written in Rust.
deno_bindgen This tool aims to simplify glue code generation for Deno FFI libraries written in Rust. Quickstart # install CLI deno install -Afq -n den
Stack unwinding library in Rust
Unwinding library in Rust and for Rust This library serves two purposes: Provide a pure Rust alternative to libgcc_eh or libunwind. Provide easier unw
Pure rust implementation of jq
XQ JQ reimplemented purely in Rust. Caution This program is under development. You probably want to use the original implementation of jq, or pure Go
Work-in-progress Nintendo Switch emulator, written in Rust and slightly less focused on gaming
pegasus Work-in-progress Nintendo Switch emulator, written in pure Rust and slightly less focused on gaming Information This project aims to be a diff
Rubik's Cube simulator in Rust.
cubedesu Rubik's Cube simulator written in Rust. Play it at https://stanleydesu.github.io/cubedesu/ ! Features Visual simulation of a 3x3 cube, allowi
Gostd is the golang standard library implementation in rust-lang.
Gostd Gostd is the golang standard library implementation in rust-lang.
A simple news reading GUI app built in Rust
Headlines [WIP] A native GUI app built with Rust using egui. Uses newsapi.org as the source to fetch news articles. This is a WIP and the current stat
A simple Vec-based Map inspired on JavaScript for rust.
A simple alternative to HashMap inspired on JavaScript's Map.
A rust crate for mathematics and science
Scilib A Rust crate for scientific processes Overview This crate is designed to help any mathematical or scientific processes for the Rust community.
A rule34 scraper made in rust this time
rust-34-scraper A rule34 scraper made in rust this time Building Clone the repository Execute cargo build --release --release is an optimized build pr
A password manager coded in rust
pasman A password manager coded in rust Install Dependency rust Shell git clone https://github.com/AMTitan/pasman.git cd pasman cargo build --release
cargo search, built for caching binary artifacts, optimized for GitHub Actions
cargo-search2 A binary utility that provides a more convenient version of cargo search. Installation Grab pre-built binaries for your platform from th
rsdate connects to an ntp server, printing the returned time and/or sets the system clock.
🦀 📅 rsdate rsdate connects to an ntp server, printing the returned time and/or sets the system clock.
A Rust implementation of Trojan with QUIC tunnel, Lite-TLS and more.
Trojan-Oxide A Rust implementation of Trojan with QUIC tunnel, Lite-TLS and more. Overview Full support for the original Trojan Protocol, including TC
Stalin Binary Search, Rust implementation
Stalin Binary Search Idea is based on Stalin Sort It's alike binary search but any checking element which is not target one is eliminated. Complexity
A wrapper around the Win32 API credential management functions.
wincredentials-rs A wrapper around the Win32 API credential management functions. Currently only supports generic credentials. Example use wincredenti
Rust serenity korean tutorial
🦀 러스트 Serenity 디스코드 API 강좌 반갑습니다. 러스트 Serenity 디스코드 API 강좌에 오신것을 진심으로 환영합니다 ! Serenity는 러스트로 짜여진 디스코드 API 입니다. 독자 여러분들은 discord.py 를 해보셨습니까? 만약, disc
RevonsOs is a new OS written from scratch in Rust to experiment with novel OS structure, better state management
RevonsOs is a new OS written from scratch in Rust to experiment with novel OS structure, better state management, and how to leverage intralingual design principles to shift OS responsibilities like resource management into the compiler.
Trigger sounds via RFID tags or barcodes
Reads codes via RFID or 1D/2D barcode USB scanners and plays soundfiles mapped to them.
Rust for Linux
The goal of this project is to add support for the Rust language to the Linux kernel. This repository contains the work that will be eventually submitted for review to the LKML.
ASM moulinette written in Rust(🚀)
BFM: The Blazing Fast Moulinette ASM moulinette written in Rust( 🚀 ) Build with cargo build, run with cargo run -- flags args Flags: -h or --help
kloak-rs: alternative implementation of kloak
An anti keystroke deanonymization tool that introduces random delays between key presses and releases to deter adversaries that use keystroke timing for identification.
simple multi-threaded port scanner written in rust
knockson simple multi-threaded port scanner written in rust Install Using AUR https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/knockson-bin/ yay -Syu knockson-bin M
A Rust implementation of fractional indexing.
fractional_index This crate implements fractional indexing, a term coined by Figma in their blog post Realtime Editing of Ordered Sequences. Specifica
Easy pretty print your Rust struct into single element or table
Easy pretty print your Rust struct into single element or table
Painless peer-to-peer WebRTC networking for rust wasm
Matchbox Painless peer-to-peer WebRTC networking for rust wasm applications. The goal of the Matchbox project is to enable udp-like, unordered, unreli
Automate device security provisioning with edge intelligence.
UNiD Automate device security provisioning with edge intelligence Features Decentralized PKI(DPKI), DIDs, DKMS, and Credential Management End-to-End E
Multi-threaded CLI torrent scraper for displaying searched for magnet links; tailored for use with plex & ssh.
magnetfinder Multi-threaded CLI torrent aggregator; scrapes torrent results from multiple websites and delivers them into a table in your terminal! Su
Analogous, indented syntax for the Rust programming language.
Note: After experimenting with this in the wild, I have found representing keywords as symbols to be far less readable in large codebases. Additionall
A tiny crate mimicking Elixir's pipe operator for Rust without macros.
A small crate for using pipes in Rust.
Generic tiling window manager library in Rust
Pop Tiler Generic tiling window manager library for Rust, using an architecture based on GhostCell. License Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Publ
This is a Rust implementation for popular caches (support no_std).
Caches This is a Rust implementation for popular caches (support no_std). See Introduction, Installation and Usages for more details. English | 简体中文 I
Embedded graph database
CQLite An embedded graph database implemented in Rust. This is currently a pre-release. It has not been extensively tested with 'real-world work-loads
An asynchronous Rust client library for the Hashicorp Vault API
vaultrs An asynchronous Rust client library for the Hashicorp Vault API The following features are currently supported: Auth AppRole JWT/OIDC Token Us
It is a backup tool that creates backups and stores them on an object storage
Hold My Backup It is a backup tool that creates backups and stores them on an object storage. By default it uses minio but you can use AWS: S3 as well
🖥 A feature rich terminal UI file transfer and explorer with support for SCP/SFTP/FTP/S3
🖥 A feature rich terminal UI file transfer and explorer with support for SCP/SFTP/FTP/S3
The efficient and elegant crate to count variants of Rust's Enum.
variant-counter The efficient and elegant crate to count variants of Rust's Enum. Get started #[derive(VariantCount)] #[derive(VariantCount)] pub enum