Easy to use, extendable, OCI-compliant container runtime written in pure Rust



PURA - Lightweight & OCI-compliant container runtime

Pura is an experimental Linux container runtime written in pure and dependency-minimal Rust. The intent was to explore the OCI runtime spec and see how the integration with Docker would work. It's a hobby project and should be considered as a starting point for learning how container runtimes work and interact with the Linux kernel features.


Pura works and it's only feature tested, but no official security audit has been done, so please use this code exclusively to learn and expand the codebase. If you want a production-grade container runtime that's written in Rust, use the excellent Youki runtime.


The goal of Pura was to learn how container runtimes work and how container engines integrate an OCI-compliant implementation. The only requirement was to be as dependency free as possible with a small memory footprint. Binaries built for release mode are all <5MB.

Pura was tested on the following distros (standalone binary and Docker integration):

  • Debian 11
  • Fedora 29
  • CentOS 7
  • Ubuntu 18.04 & 20.04
  • OpenSUSE 15



  • Rust 1.54 or later
  • libc:
    • Debian: apt-get install build-essential
    • Fedora: dnf install gcc
    • CentOS: yum install gcc

Build as a usual Rust project:

git clone [email protected]:penumbra23/pura.git
cd pura
cargo build --release


Pura can be used as a standalone container runtime like runc with the OCI compliant commands:

cd target/release
./pura create id123456789 --bundle /path/to/bundle
./pura start id123456789
./pura state id123456789
./pura delete id123456789

or it can be integrated with Docker:

# stop the dockerd service (NOTE: this will stop all running containers on your Linux OS)
# init-based
sudo service docker stop
# systemd-based
sudo systemctl stop docker

# run dockerd manually
sudo dockerd -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock --runtime pura=/pura-repo/target/release/pura

docker run -it --runtime pura alpine /bin/sh
/ # cat /etc/os-release
NAME="Alpine Linux"
PRETTY_NAME="Alpine Linux v3.13"
/ #

To avoid halting the Docker daemon everytime you test, you can add it inside the dockerd config file, /etc/docker/daemon.json:

  "default-runtime": "runc",
  "runtimes": {
    "pura": {
      "path": "/pura-repo/target/release/pura"

After adding the runtime section inside daemon.json just start the Docker service and specify the --runtime pura option when starting a container. This way, when changing the source code just recompile it without restarting the Docker service.


As this is a experimental project intended for learing purposes, anyone can submit PRs or file issues. Features left to implement are:

  • cgroups
  • seccomp
  • apparmor



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  • Is there some blog/tutorial to start with?

    Is there some blog/tutorial to start with?

    Hi, this is an amazing repo! As I'm currently working on cloud-related stuff and learning Rust, this repo is great for me, thank's a lot! I want to learn this repo and try to PR somethng, so I wonder is there some blog/tutorial that could help me learn this repo? Thanks :)

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