6182 Repositories
Rust rust-secure-pass-gen Libraries
A library for extracting #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" functions (https://docs.rust-embedded.org/book/interoperability/rust-with-c.html#no_mangle)
A library for extracting #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" functions In order to expose a function with C binary interface for interoperability with other p
Implementation of Proof of Existence consensus using Substrate Framework, Frame, Pallets, RUST
Substrate Node Template A fresh FRAME-based Substrate node, ready for hacking 🚀 Getting Started Follow the steps below to get started with the Node T
Practice repo for learning Rust. Currently going through "Rust for JavaScript Developers" course.
rust-practice 🦀 Practice repo for learning Rust. Directories /rust-for-js-dev Files directed towards "Rust for JavaScript Developers" course. Thank y
FPS library for gdnative written in Rust.
gd_rusty_fps FPS library for gdnative written in Rust. This projects aims to create easy to use .dll library to be used with godot engine for FPS game
A rough transliteration of ls and grep from Toybox into Rust
Toybox to Rust (transliteration) A rough port of ls and grep from Toybox by trying to follow the original structure of the C code. Building Your syste
A tool that generates a Sublime Text project file that helps you get started using Scoggle.
README A tool that generates a Sublime Text project file that helps you get started using Scoggle. While Scoggle-Gen may not find every single source
A small rust database that uses json in memory.
Rust Small Database (RSDB) RSDB is a small library for creating a query-able database that is encoded with json. The library is well tested (~96.30% c
A simple frontend web app in the seed.rs Rust framework.
Seed Quickstart Basic Rust-only template for your new Seed app. 1. Create a new project You can use cargo generate to use this template. $ cargo gener
An esoteric language/compiler written with Rust and Rust LLVM bindings
MeidoLang (メイドラング) A not so useful and esoteric language. The goal of this project was to contain some quirky or novel syntax in a stack-style program
Composable n-gram combinators that are ergonomic and bare-metal fast
CREATURE FEATUR(ization) A crate for polymorphic ML & NLP featurization that leverages zero-cost abstraction. It provides composable n-gram combinator
Simple DHCP client for the Wiznet W5500 internet offload chip.
w5500-dhcp Simple DHCP client for the Wiznet W5500 SPI internet offload chip. Warning Please proceed with caution, and review the code before use in a
"Crates for Cheese" is a Rust collection library of those crates I consider a useful "extended standard".
cfc The purpose of this library is to provide a minimal list of currated crates which enhance the std library. In addition, most or all crates in this
The purpose of this example is to provide details as to how one would go about using GraphQL with the Rust Language.
Zero to GraphQL Using Rust The purpose of this example is to provide details as to how one would go about using GraphQL with the Rust Language. Thus,
A list of crates with snippets used by me to learn more about Rust.
my-rust-examples This is a list of crates used by me to learn Rust. How to execute You can use a dependency called cargo-play: cargo install cargo-pla
A simple GUI audio player written in Rust with egui. Inspired by foobar2000.
Music Player A simple GUI music player inspired by foobar2000 written in Rust using egui. The goal of this project is to learn about making gui/ nativ
Watches changes in a rust project, runs test and shows friendly notification
Cargo testify Automatically runs tests on your Rust project and notifies about the result. Install Install prerequisites (for Debian/Ubuntu): apt-get
minimp3 rust bindings + wrapper
minimp3 Rust bindings Usage example # Cargo.toml [dependencies] minimp3 = "0.5" use minimp3::{Decoder, Frame, Error}; use std::fs::File; fn main()
📦 🚀 a smooth-talking smuggler of Rust HTTP functions into AWS lambda
lando 🚧 maintenance mode ahead 🚧 As of this announcement AWS not officialy supports Rust through this project. As mentioned below this projects goal
A LED Christmas Tree controlled by Rust. Contribute your own renderers!
Rusty Christmas Tree This is code that draws on the LED Christmas Tree made by @aidancrowther. You can see his 3D design files and Pi Pico setup code
Rust + Webview2
misskey-tauri tauriでなんか作りたいので、試しにmisskeyのサイト表示させてビルドしてみる 環境構築 OS : Windows 11 !Visual Studio Code : Stable Build !Git : Latest source Release !Node.js
A Rust crate that provides a simple interface for LZMA compression and decompression.
rust-lzma Documentation This crate provides a simple interface to liblzma. LZMA is more commonly known as XZ or 7zip, (as in, files with the .xz or .7
Rust definitions corresponding to jni.h.
jni-sys Documentation Rust definitions corresponding to jni.h. License Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or http:/
A Rust port of the password primitives used in Django Project.
Rust DjangoHashers A Rust port of the password primitives used in Django Project. Django's django.contrib.auth.models.User class has a few methods to
Calling the JVM from Rust via JNI
Rucaja (Rust calls Java) Calling JVM code from Rust via JNI. Usage JNI calls are about 10-20 times slower than regular JVM instructions. It is adviced
Wrapper library for utilizing DigitalOcean API v2 in Rust
doapi-rs Wrapper library for utilizing DigitalOcean API v2 in Rust Disclaimer This library is in alpha - it may do anything up to, and including, eati
An efficient method of heaplessly converting numbers into their string representations, storing the representation within a reusable byte array.
NumToA #![no_std] Compatible with Zero Heap Allocations The standard library provides a convenient method of converting numbers into strings, but thes
🎨 Procedurally generate 2D sprites
sprite (Executable) Run On Linux you need the gtk-rs dependencies to compile: cargo install sprite sprite This should produce the following window: s
Testing Framework for Rust
Polish Polish is Test-Driven Development done right Getting Started Installing the Package The crates.io package is kept up-to-date with all the major
ORM for rust (journey begins)
Treasure ORM ** This project is replaced with Buildix - query builder for sqlx ** !!!! Treasure ORM is in phase of experimenting !!! ORM library for r
A simple Pascal interpreter written in rust.
rascal A simple Pascal interpreter written in rust. Usage Download the latest rascal executable from the release page. Run the executable. rascal.exe
Webpack loader for Rust files.
Webpack loader for Rust files.
Rusty Hog is a secret scanner built in Rust for performance, and based on TruffleHog which is written in Python.
Rusty Hog is a secret scanner built in Rust for performance, and based on TruffleHog which is written in Python. Rusty Hog provides the following bina
Rust macro that uses GPT3 codex to generate code at compiletime
gpt3_macro Rust macro that uses GPT3 codex to generate code at compiletime. Just describe what you want the function to do and (optionally) define a f
CouchDB client library for the Rust programming language
CouchDB This project is reborn! As of its v0.6.0 release, the couchdb crate has new life as a toolkit instead of providing a full-blown client. In a n
🐴 RusTOTPony — CLI manager of one-time password generators aka Google Authenticator
🐴 RusTOTPony CLI manager of time-based one-time password generators. It is a desktop alternative for Google Authenticator. Installation Arch Linux Pa
rFmt ---- Rust source code formatter
rfmt is a Rust source code formatter. Yes, there is already an official tool rustfmt from Rust Nursery.
A simple rust library for working with ZIP archives
rust-zip A simple rust library to read and write Zip archives, which is also my pet project for learning Rust. At the moment you can list the files in
A Rust library for blitting 2D sprites
blit A Rust library for blitting 2D sprites Documentation Usage Add this to your Cargo.toml:
FFI wrapper around cfitsio in Rust
rust-fitsio FFI wrapper around cfitsio in Rust Installation fitsio supports versions of cfitsio = 3.08. cfitsio must be compiled with reentrant suppo
A syntax highlighter for Node powered by Tree Sitter. Written in Rust.
tree-sitter-highlight A syntax highlighter for Node.js powered by Tree Sitter. Written in Rust. Usage The following will output HTML: const treeSitter
A conky-like system monitor made for the sole purpose of teaching myself rust-lang.
Pomky A conky-like system monitor made for the sole purpose of teaching myself rust-lang. It is not as configurable, modular, or feature packed as con
UpVent Website (Powered by Rust + Svelte & Fernet Branca).
UpVent Website Source Build Status Description This is the source code for the UpVent's website under upvent.codes. Development occurs on the master b
A WebSocket (RFC6455) library written in Rust
Rust-WebSocket Rust-WebSocket is a WebSocket (RFC6455) library written in Rust. Rust-WebSocket provides a framework for dealing with WebSocket connect
Qt Quick / QML bindings for Rust
qmlrsng Qt Quick bindings for Rust, based on libqmlbind. The crate libqmlbind-sys wraps libqmlbind C library in Rust and exposes an unsafe API. The go
🤹 2D sprite rendering extension for the specs ECS system
specs-blit 2D sprite rendering extension for the Specs ECS system. All sprites are loaded onto a big array on the heap. Example // Setup the specs wor
Native Rust library for FastCGI
The FastCGI Rust implementation. Description gfcgi is a native Rust library for FastCGI. This library supports multithreaded socket listeners and HTTP
Opens files for reading.
smart-open Opens files for reading. What?? smart_open is a rust crate under active development with the goal of opening any text file (compressed or u
Rust implementation of custom numeric base conversion.
base_custom Use any characters as your own numeric base and convert to and from decimal. This can be taken advantage of in various ways: Mathematics:
A set of bison skeleton files that can be used to generate a Bison grammar that is written in Rust.
rust-bison-skeleton A set of bison skeleton files that can be used to generate a Bison grammar that is written in Rust. Technically it's more like a B
Rust-based file hashing program
Rash A file hashing tool written in Rust Command line application for calculating the hash value of a file. Rash uses the RustCrypto collection of lib
Rust client for KairosDB
Rust Client for KairosDB Description A simple rust language client for the time series database KairosDB. Documentation Full documentation for rust-
CLI tool written in Rust which can be used to generate hashes
rustgenhash rustgenhash is a tool to generate hashes on the commandline from stdio. It can be used to generate single or multiple hashes for usage in
Simple command line flag parser for rust.
easy_flag Simple command line flag parser for rust. use easy_flag::FlagSet; fn main() - Result(), String{ let mut help = false; let mut my
Display linked packages for compiled rust binaries
cargo-linked Display the packages a rust binary is linked against. As cargo subcommand! Easy said: run cargo linked to find out which packages you mus
Helpers to build Perl extensions written in Rust.
Module-Install-Rust Helpers to build Perl extensions written in Rust. INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: perl Makef
ncnn Rust API.
rust-ncnn ncnn Rust API. Prequisition Rust Env $ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh CMake = 3.12 Rust cmake needs --paral
Implementation of malloc, realloc, calloc, and free in Rust.
malloc-rs Implementation of malloc, realloc, calloc, and free in Rust. Note: No thread safe Architecture 512 bytes or less is allocated by Segregated
A fun rust terminal program so you can make Christmas trees!
Xmastree 2021 A fun christmas tree where you can add ornaments! Then, you can export the file into either: a rust file a txt file About Taking a break
A fork of V8Js re-implemented in Rust
PHP-V8Js PHP-V8Js is a PHP extension for the V8 JavaScript engine. It is a re-implementation of the fantastic (though unmaintained) V8Js PHP extension
A basic RUST RPG created by arukovic.
Rust RPG! Hello this is a RUST RPG created by arukovic! This is just a simple RPG created by purely Rust... feel free to run it! Manually running 1st
This will be developed in Rust on a Teensy 4.1 with an ARM Cortex-M7
Advent of Code 2021 This will be developed in Rust on a Teensy 4.1 with an ARM Cortex-M7. Solutions are stored in src/bin. Setup It is really recommen
A blazingly fast Insertion Sort and Quick Sort visualizer built with Rust and WASM.
sortysort A blazingly fast Insertion Sort and Quick Sort visualizer built with Rust and WASM. Try it in your browser from here Testing locally cargo r
A simple terminal-based editor made in rust!
ELuna Editor The terminal-based editor for europa lang. Goals Be as minimal as possible, but retain conveniences found in other editors. Do not add fe
A single-producer single-consumer Rust queue with smart batching
Batching Queue A library that implements smart batching between a producer and a consumer. In other words, a single-producer single-consumer queue tha
A Rust implementation of generic prefix tree (trie) map with wildcard capture support
prefix_tree_map A Rust implementation of generic prefix tree (trie) map with wildcard capture support. Design Trie is a good data structure for storin
A rust binary that will flip one or more bits of a file (mostly for messing with images for fun).
file-bitflipper A rust binary that will flip one or more bits of a file (mostly for messing with images for fun). Example (bitflipped bentley) Usage $
☃️ Learning Rust with AoC 2021 🎄https://adventofcode.com/2021/
🎄 Andrei's 2021 Advent of Code 🎄 Learning Goals Rust basics (vectors, arrays, math, etc.) Rust basic CLI Rust linear algebra and ndarrays (e.g., htt
Prototype for a CLI/Libary designed for interacting with NASA Open APIs with Rust.
Overview Voyager is a swiss army knife library for the NASA Open APIs. It is designed to bundle all the NASA APIs into a single package. Voyager can b
Create target folder as a RAMdisk for faster Rust compilation.
cargo-ramdisk This crate is only supported for unix like systems! cargo-ramdisk creates a ramdisk at the target folder of your project for ridiculousl
My solutions for the 2021 edition of the Advent of Code, using Rust and SOM (Simple Object Machine)
Advent of Code 2021 These are my solutions for the 2021 edition of the Advent of Code. The solutions are all implemented using both Rust and SOM (Simp
jlang--godot bridge, built in rust
jlang-rs-gd J is an extremely high-level mathematical notation and programming language. Godot is a game / gui / multimedia engine. jlang-rs-gd lets y
A Web-App written in Rust with Yew, using the same SyntaxHighlighter from Google Code Archive as planetb.ca
PlanetB SyntaxHighlighter About This is a small app, providing static files to have a frontend to format your code so you can paste it with styles to
My solution for the advent of code 2021, mainly written in Rust
Advent-of-Code-2021 My solution for the advent of code 2021, written in Rust Error Handle NOPE!!! unwrap() everything everywhere Use To run all of the
A fully p2p cli chat utility written in rust.
P2P Chat Client This is a simple demonstration of a peer to peer chat client, written entirely in rust utilising the libp2p library. Demo On two seper
My solutions for Advent of Code 2021, in Rust
Advent of Code 2021 These are my solutions. I have decided to use Rust for now. I'm new to Rust, so it might be some of the worst Rust code you've see
API wrapper for the tankerkönig api
tankerkoenig-rs API wrapper for the tankerkoenig-api written in rust. Gives you ready deserialized structs and a easy to use and strictly typed api. I
Advent of Code 2021, in rust this year
Advent of Code 2021 🎄 Solutions for the 2021 edition of Advent of Code. This year, I try to do this in Rust 🦀 . I discover the language, so do not t
My solutions for the Advent of Code 2021 in Scala, Python, Haskell and Rust.
Advent of Code 2021 These are my Advent of Code 2021 solutions written in Scala 3, Haskell, Python and Rust. Day Title L1 L2 L3 L4 01 Sonar Sweep Scal
swc is a super-fast compiler written in rust; producing widely-supported javascript from modern standards and typescript.
Make the web (development) faster. SWC (stands for Speedy Web Compiler) is a super-fast TypeScript / JavaScript compiler written in Rust. It's a libra
A set of Rust crates for interacting with the Matrix chat network.
Ruma – Your home in Matrix. A set of Rust crates (libraries) for interacting with the Matrix chat network. website • chat • documentation (unstable) G
A modern alternative to ‘PDFtk Server’.
dugon A modern alternative to ‘PDFtk Server’. Features Merge PDF Documents Split PDF Pages into a New Document Rotate PDF Pages or Documents Decrypt I
PNG decoding and encoding library in pure Rust
PNG Decoder/Encoder PNG decoder/encoder in pure Rust. It contains all features required to handle the entirety of the PngSuite by Willem van Schack. p
Cross-platform async library for system information fetching 🦀
heim Cross-platform library for system information fetching heim is an ongoing attempt to create the best tool for system information fetching (ex., C
A tour of rust's language features
Tour of Rust Welcome to the source repo of Tour of Rust. Goals This project is meant to give an experienced programmer a swift introduction to Rust as
Writing Interpreters in Rust: a Guide
Writing Interpreters in Rust: a Guide This is an online book covering the lower level topics involved in writing an interpreter in Rust including: mem
A Rust library containing a collection of small well-tested primitives.
Gazebo - a library of Rust utilities This library contains a collection of well-tested utilities. Most modules stand alone, but taking a few represent
A Rust crate to load a shared library into a target process without using ptrace.
Intruducer A Rust crate to load a shared library into a target process without using ptrace. This is a portable rewrite of dlinject. Compatibility It
🎄My Advent of Code 2021 solutions in the Rust programming language
Advent of Code 2021 in Rust My Advent of Code 2021 solutions in the Rust programming language. This repository holds a separate Rust project for each
A Unix shell written and implemented in rust 🦀
vsh A Blazingly fast shell made in Rust 🦀 Installation Copy and paste the following command and choose the appropriate installtion method for you. Yo
Rust WebGL2 wrapper with a focus on making high-performance WebAssembly graphics code easier to write and maintain
Limelight Limelight is a WebGL2 wrapper with a focus on making high-performance WebAssembly graphics code easier to write and maintain. demo.mov live
serde-compatible redis library for Rust
Undis Undis is a serde-compatible redis library for Rust. WIP This project is currently under heavy development. Use it at your own risk. Todo Add #[d
DWARF packaging utility, written in Rust, supporting GNU extension and DWARF 5 package formats.
thorin thorin is an DWARF packaging utility for creating DWARF packages (*.dwp files) out of input DWARF objects (*.dwo files; or *.o files with .dwo
Manage Redshift/Postgres privileges in GitOps style written in Rust
grant-rs An open-source project that aims to manage Postgres/Redshift database roles and privileges in GitOps style, written in Rust. Home | Documenta
Lisp-style programming language
Bobbylisp A programming language, syntax are like mal and clojure. This project follow mal guides, Planning to add some more features after finishing
Collection of block cipher algorithms written in pure Rust
RustCrypto: block ciphers Collection of block ciphers and block modes written in pure Rust. Warnings Currently only the aes crate provides constant-ti
Collection of stream cipher algorithms
RustCrypto: stream ciphers Collection of stream cipher algorithms written in pure Rust. ⚠️ Security Warning: Hazmat! Crates in this repository do not
RSA implementation in pure Rust
RSA A portable RSA implementation in pure Rust. ⚠️ WARNING: This crate has been audited by a 3rd party, but a full blog post with the results and the
the official Rust and C implementations of the BLAKE3 cryptographic hash function
BLAKE3 is a cryptographic hash function that is: Much faster than MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3, and BLAKE2. Secure, unlike MD5 and SHA-1. And secure again
Message authentication code algorithms written in pure Rust
RustCrypto: Message Authentication Codes Collection of Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithms written in pure Rust. Supported Algorithms Algorit
BLS Signatures in Rust
BLS Signatures Implementation of BLS signatures in pure Rust. Development BLST Portability To enable the portable feature when building blst dependenc