"Crates for Cheese" is a Rust collection library of those crates I consider a useful "extended standard".



The purpose of this library is to provide a minimal list of currated crates which enhance the std library. In addition, most or all crates in this library should:

  • Be usable to most or all users of the library.
  • Provide key functionality.
  • Be well-tested and reliable.
  • Be well-documented.
  • Have a clean, understandable interface.

If a new crate proves to fit those conditions better than an existing crate, it should be considered as a possible replacement.

As this library is a moving target, its version stability should not be relied upon. If you wish to have a specific set of versions, consider linking to a specific commit (TODO: there are no releases yet).


  • autocfg: Enhanced ability to configure a program at the pre-compilation stage.
  • cfg-if: Enhanced ability to configure a program at compile-tile.
  • either: Fills a niche between Option<T> and Result<T, E>.
  • log: Widely-used logging crate API, with a large number of implementation libraries.
  • num: A widely-used extension of Rusts' numerical type system.
  • num_cpus: Provides the number of logical CPUs; useful to know for multi-threading.
  • once_cell: Single-assignment cells, lazy values, and improved static variable assignment.
  • parking_lot: More compact and efficient versions of the std synchronization primitives.
  • rand: Widely-used, capable, and adaptable random value generation; not limited to numbers.
  • scopeguard: Defer to the end of the scope.
  • thread_local: Thread-local variables and storage; can be used more places than the std thread_local!()


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as below, without any additional terms or conditions.


Licensed under either of

at your option.

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