A tool that generates a Sublime Text project file that helps you get started using Scoggle.



A tool that generates a Sublime Text project file that helps you get started using Scoggle. While Scoggle-Gen may not find every single source and test root you have, it will get you setup pretty quick and you can then hack away at it to your hearts content.

If you have a bizzaro setup of source and test sources, then you only have ourself to blame and can create your own project file :P


run scoggle-gen in the root of your SBT project folder.

It requires a minimum of SBT 1.4.5 to be used on the project for it to generate your project file.


Build from source

  • Git clone this repo
  • Run cargo build --release
  • Copy the executable from the target/release/scoggle-gen into a folder on your path

From GH

  • TODO
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