Membrane is an opinionated crate that generates a Dart package from a Rust library. Extremely fast performance with strict typing and zero copy returns over the FFI boundary via bincode.

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Utilities membrane


Membrane is an opinionated crate that generates a Dart package from a Rust library. Extremely fast performance with strict typing and zero copy returns over the FFI boundary via bincode.


First create a that exposes a RUNTIME static that will survive for the lifetime of the program. RUNTIME must provide a tokio style spawn function:

use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use tokio::runtime::{Builder, Runtime};

pub(crate) static RUNTIME: Lazy<Runtime> = Lazy::new(|| {

Then write some code that is annotated with the #[async_dart] macro. The functions can be anywhere in your program and may return either an async Result or a Stream > :

impl Stream > { futures::stream::iter(vec![Ok(Default::default())]) } #[async_dart(namespace = "accounts")] pub async fn contact(id: String) -> Result { Ok(data::Contact { id: id.parse().unwrap(), ..Default::default() }) } ">
use membrane::async_dart;
use tokio_stream::Stream;

use crate::data;

#[async_dart(namespace = "accounts")]
pub fn contacts() -> impl Stream
      > {

#[async_dart(namespace = 

      String) -> 
       ::Contact {
    id: id.

And now you are ready to generate the Dart package. Note that this goes in a bin/ or similar to be ran with cargo run rather than in a (which only runs before compilation):

fn main() {
  // if nothing else in this references then
  // at least call a dummy function so doesn't get optimized away

  let mut project = membrane::Membrane::new();
    // name the output pub package
    // give the name of the .so or .dylib that your Rust program provides

If everything went as planned you can now call Rust from Dart with:

cd example &&
cargo build &&
cd ../dart_example &&
cp ../example/target/debug/libexample.dylib . &&
dart --enable-asserts run

(--enable-asserts enables a pretty print toString() in the generated classes)

import 'package:dart_example/accounts.dart';

void main(List<String> arguments) async {
  var accounts = AccountsApi();
  print(await "1"));
  • Fix/example


    Hello again! I could correctly build the plugin so far, then I tried to run the tests in the generated dart_example folder but there was a few minor obstacles:

    • test dependency was missing in dart_example/pubspec.yml

    • fixed dart_example/test/enum_test.dart

    • for a reason that I ignore I had to build with crate type dylib

    • manually copy built Rust library to ../dart_example/libexample.dylib

      probably because on M1 I'm required to run:

      export MEMBRANE_LLVM_PATHS=/usr/local/opt/llvm && cargo run --target=x86_64-apple-darwin

      which builds to example/target/x86_64-apple-darwin/debug/libexample.dylib instead.

      Library is called libexample.dylib, as per generator lib arg while some binaries are called generator / generator.d after Cargo bin name honestly I'm not sure if it matters, but in case.

    Now, it runs smooth :)

    opened by Roms1383 4
  • Update ffigen

    Update ffigen

    Help me Jerel, you're my only hope.

    Save me Jerel

    I've gone down a bit of a rabbit hole trying to get M1 support without resorting to hacks like symlinking the Homebrew llvm. Latest ffigen works great on the M1, but we've got some membrane type issues to iron out.

    Tests are allllllmost passing, as seen in

    Without the test in that commit skipped, the first error we get is (

    00:00 +6 -1: can call a function with optional args with none of the args or all of the args [E]
      type 'Pointer<Int64>' is not a subtype of type 'Pointer<Long>' of 'two'
      package:dart_example/accounts.dart 1928:31  AccountsApi.optionsDemo
      test/main_test.dart 79:24                   main.<fn>

    Okay. Easy enough, right? Change Int64 to Long (

    Now the fun error happens.

    00:00 +0 -1: loading test/main_test.dart [E]
      Failed to load "test/main_test.dart":
      lib/accounts.dart:1887:11: Error: The method 'asTypedList' isn't defined for the class 'Pointer<Long>'.
       - 'Pointer' is from 'dart:ffi'.
       - 'Long' is from 'dart:ffi'.
      Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named 'asTypedList'.
            ptr.asTypedList(1).setAll(0, [two]);

    Digging in, it looks like there is no extension LongPointer on Pointer<Long> like there is for extension Int64Pointer on Pointer<Int64> and most of the other types. We can see where they recently added the extension BoolPointer during some native type work.

    Do we need a feature request to the Dart SDK? And then we will wait for another language release?

    I'm not entirely sure why we need the asTypedList part. Is there a way we can work around the lack of it?

    Potential other solution is finding some way to get the bindings to generate with Int64 instead of Long for Rust i64.

    opened by kturney 3
  • Deserialization error when passing rust variant enums

    Deserialization error when passing rust variant enums

    With Membrane, there seems to be a deserialization issue on the dart side when passing rust variant enums:

    #[dart_enum(namespace = "ast")]
    #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
    pub enum Stmt {


    Unhandled exception:
    Exception: Unknown variant index for Expr: 56542
    opened by jc324 3
  • Ready for production use?

    Ready for production use?

    Hi, first of all congrats on this amazing project!

    I'm starting a new Flutter app backed by a Rust lib and I'd like to hear your opinion if you think this is ready for "production". In addition, do you foresee many breaking/incompatible changes with previous versions as you keep evolving your project? Thanks!

    opened by xD0135 2
  • Yocto build error

    Yocto build error

    Moving to tip of tree I'm hitting this build error:

    |      Running `rustc --crate-name serde_bytes --edition=2018 /__w/meta-flutter/yocto-kirkstone/build/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/membrane-dart-example/git-r0/cargo_home/bitbake/serde_bytes-0.11.5/src/ --error-format=json --json=diagnostic-rendered-ansi,artifacts,future-incompat --crate-type lib --emit=dep-info,metadata,link -C opt-level=3 -C embed-bitcode=no --cfg 'feature="default"' --cfg 'feature="std"' -C metadata=53606f82d515ffee -C extra-filename=-53606f82d515ffee --out-dir /__w/meta-flutter/yocto-kirkstone/build/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/membrane-dart-example/git-r0/build/target/x86_64-poky-linux/release/deps --target x86_64-poky-linux -C linker=/__w/meta-flutter/yocto-kirkstone/build/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/membrane-dart-example/git-r0/wrapper/target-rust-ccld -L dependency=/__w/meta-flutter/yocto-kirkstone/build/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/membrane-dart-example/git-r0/build/target/x86_64-poky-linux/release/deps -L dependency=/__w/meta-flutter/yocto-kirkstone/build/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/membrane-dart-example/git-r0/build/target/release/deps --extern serde=/__w/meta-flutter/yocto-kirkstone/build/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/membrane-dart-example/git-r0/build/target/x86_64-poky-linux/release/deps/libserde-8c571d51b5658631.rmeta --cap-lints allow -L /__w/meta-flutter/yocto-kirkstone/build/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/membrane-dart-example/git-r0/recipe-sysroot/usr/lib/rust --remap-path-prefix=/__w/meta-flutter/yocto-kirkstone/build/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/membrane-dart-example/git-r0=/usr/src/debug/membrane-dart-example/git-r0`
    | error[E0107]: this struct takes 3 generic arguments but 2 generic arguments were supplied
    |   --> /usr/src/debug/membrane-dart-example/git-r0/cargo_home/bitbake/serde_yaml-0.8.21/src/
    |    |
    | 16 |     map: IndexMap<Value, Value>,
    |    |          ^^^^^^^^ -----  ----- supplied 2 generic arguments
    |    |          |
    |    |          expected 3 generic arguments
    |    |
    | help: add missing generic argument
    |    |
    | 16 |     map: IndexMap<Value, Value, S>,
    |    |                               +++
    opened by jwinarske 2
  • Ubuntu Linker optimization fix

    Ubuntu Linker optimization fix

    -prevents membrane_cancel_membrane_task and membrane_free_membrane_vec from being optimized out on Ubuntu

    Signed-off-by: Joel Winarske [email protected]

    opened by jwinarske 1
  • Add support for both native Dart enums and class enums at the same time

    Add support for both native Dart enums and class enums at the same time

    Previously a project would generate all classes if project.with_c_style_enums(false) was set or all Dart enums if it was true. This change makes project.with_c_style_enums(true) (the default) behave such that it generates Dart enums for simple Rust enums and generates classes for Rust enums that contain data.

    opened by jerel 1
  • Add tests and some missing error messages for function arg types

    Add tests and some missing error messages for function arg types

    A few types, such as Vec<i32> when used as a Rust function argument, weren't resulting in a helpful error message. This adds tests and support for that as well as adding support for the types u64, u128, and i128 as function arguments.

    opened by jerel 0
  • Upgrade serde-generate to support Dart enum getters

    Upgrade serde-generate to support Dart enum getters

    This upgrade adds a copyWith implementation (which handles null) like so:

      Contact copyWith({
        int? id,
        String? fullName,
        Status? status,
      }) {
        return Contact(
          id: id ??,
          fullName: fullName ?? this.fullName,
          status: status ?? this.status,

    along with adding getters in the base class for common fields of data enums.

    opened by jerel 0
  • Add borrowing

    Add borrowing

    This provides the ability to borrow Dart types from another namespace instead of generating a separate copy into each namespace. Example:

      namespace = "orgs",
      borrow = "locations::Location",
      borrow = "accounts::Contact",
      borrow = "accounts::Filter",
      borrow = "accounts::Match",
      borrow = "accounts::Status"
    pub async fn get_org_with_borrowed_type(id: data::Filter) -> Result<data::Organization, String> {
      let _ = id;
      Ok(data::Organization {
        id: 1,
        owner: data::Contact::default(),
        location: data::Location {
          polyline_coords: vec![(-104.0185546875, 43.004647127794435)],

    The borrow format is namespace::Class.

    opened by jerel 0
  • Add basic web support to allow a project to compile to javascript

    Add basic web support to allow a project to compile to javascript

    While we don't currently support connections over the network this PR adds compilation support so that projects which consume membrane generated code can target the web platform themselves without build-time errors.

    opened by jerel 0
  • Windows Support

    Windows Support


    Cool library. I would like to suggest windows support, that would be really helpful. So far, I'm just manually patching loader.dart with this:

    if (Platform.isWindows) {
      Logger('membrane').info('Opening native library example.dll');


    opened by jc324 6
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