Hide the X11 mouse pointer while you're typing.

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Utilities rxbanish

rxbanish: let's play hide the pointer

rxbanish is a simple program to hide the X11 mouse pointer while you're typing. It's inspired by the C program xbanish but is intended to be easier to read and work on.

To try it out, assuming you have Rust installed:

cargo run

Add -- --help to get the command line instructions (the extra -- is necessary to keep Cargo from thinking you're asking it for help). The last time this README was updated, the help went something like this:

Basic program for hiding the X11 mouse pointer while you're typing

Usage: rxbanish [OPTIONS]

  -i, --ignore-mod <MOD>  Modifier keys to ignore, so that the pointer doesn't disappear as soon as
                          you press, say, shift. You can use this flag more than once to choose
                          multiple modifiers, or use "all" as shorthand for everything [possible
                          values: shift, caps, ctrl, mod1, mod2, mod3, mod4, all]
  -h, --help              Print help

If you'd like to install this for your user with your other Cargo programs, you can use:

cargo install --path . --locked
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