constduck: compile-time duck typing and reflection

Overview docs

constduck: compile-time duck typing and reflection

constduck provides a procmacro that can enable compile time duck typing and reflection on arbitrary struct types. It supports three main features:

  • Accessing fields of any struct, using the field name
  • Constructing instances from a mapping of fields to values
  • Reflecting over field types at compile time


Derive ConstDuck on a struct:

use constduck::*;

struct Donald {
    money: i64,

Accessing fields

When deriving ConstDuck, the trait Field<"fieldname"> is implemented for all fields of the struct. You can use the trait to write generic implementations. For example:

>(t: &mut T) where N: Clone, N: Sub , N: From { t.set(t.get().clone() - N::from(5i8)); } ">
fn deduct_money
     mut T) 
     where N: 
        N: Sub
      i8> {
      - N

deduct_money will work for any struct that has a field money and derives ConstDuck.

You should just write a custom trait for the example above. It's not always possible to write a custom trait. For example, consider the following macro:

macro_rules! make_getter {
    ($struct:ident.$field:ident) => {
        impl $struct {
            pub fn $field(&self) -> &/* What to write here? */ {

struct Foo {
    bar: String,
    baz: u32,


In this case the function definition requires a return type, but you don't have enough information to specify the type. Using constduck, you can write this macro as:

macro_rules! make_getter {
    ($struct:ident.$field:ident) => {
   Field<{ stringify!($field) }, Ty = T> {
   pub fn $
   &T {
   as Field
   stringify!($field) }


   Foo {


Constructing instances

If you're storing arbitrary expressions in a new struct in a macro, you cannot use the type of the expression for the field. For example:

macro_rules! create_struct {
    ($struct:ident; $($name:ident: $value:expr),*) => {{
        // For some good reason we want to generate a separate wrapper struct first and return that instead of collecting directly into `$struct`.
        struct WrapperStruct<$($name,)*> {
            $($name: $name,)*

        impl<$($name,)*> From
   for $
   struct {
   from(wrapper: WrapperStruct<$($name,)*>) -> 
   Self {
   // wrapper.counter is not guaranteed to be a u32
   // So we cannot do this:
                $struct {
                    counter: wrapper.counter,
                    text: wrapper.text,

        WrapperStruct {
            $($name: $value,)

We cannot write a correct implementation for From here, because it's normally not possible to express "type must have two fields counter: u32 and text: String" as a constraint.

By implementing WithField for the wrapper struct, we can write the implementation in the macro like this instead:

impl<$($name,)*> From
   for $
   where $
    <$($name,)*>> {
    from(wrapper: WrapperStruct<$($name,)*>) -> 
    Self {

See constduck/examples/ for a full example.

Reflecting over field types at compile time

Using ConstDuck::Reflect you can implement traits for any type (like #[derive(..)]) without needing a procmacro. See constduck/examples/ for an example.


This project requires Rust nightly, and uses the incomplete adt_const_params feature. You might encounter ICEs. The current API will likely break when support for tuple structs and enums is added.


constduck is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL2.0). See the LICENSE file.

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