6259 Repositories
Rust programming-rust Libraries
Fast turbo remote cache server written in Rust
Fast turbo remote cache server written in Rust. if you are using turbo and you want to have a self hosted remote cache server this is for you.
A Rust implementation of HyperLogLog trying to be parsimonious with memory.
🧮 HyperLogLog-rs This is a Rust library that provides an implementation of the HyperLogLog (HLL) algorithm, trying to be parsimonious with memory. Wh
An Educational Ransomware Written in Rust.
Rust-based Ransomware This Windows ransomware example is written in 100% Rust. This code encrypts all files that the computer can read and write under
Haskell-style monads in Rust.
Monads, Functors, & More in Stable Rust Haskell-style monads with macro-free Rust syntax. Types work with zero annotations A fancy example (that compi
Basic (and naïve) LZW and Huffman compression algorithms in Rust.
Naive implementation of the LZW and Huffman compression algorithms. To run, install the Rust toolchain. Cargo may be used to compile the source. Examp
x86-64 Malware Crypter built in Rust for Windows with Anti-VM, powered by memexec
Rust Crypter x86-64 Malware Crypter built in Rust for Windows with Anti-VM, powered by memexec Usage Put your Portable Executable in /crypt/ and renam
A quick create wizard to create and modify opinionated kustomize deployments.
kqc 🚀 ☸️ A quick create wizard to create and modify opinionated kustomize deployments. This tool should help to quickly create and build up kustomize
Simple and flexible queue implementation for Rust with support for multiple backends (Redis, RabbitMQ, SQS, etc.)
Omniqueue Omniqueue is an abstraction layer over queue backends for Rust. It includes support for RabbitMQ, Redis streams, and SQS out of the box. The
Accompanying the 5-class, 1 class per week series of Ultimate Rust: Foundations
Ultimate Rust Foundations Presented by Ardan Labs, Ultima Rust: Foundations gives you a "zero to hero" class to get you started with Rust. You'll lear
rPLC - PLC programming in Rust
rPLC - PLC programming for Linux in Rust rPLC project allows to write PLC programs for Linux systems in Rust using classical PLC programming approach.
Drop-in embedded database
Struct DB 🔧 🔩 Provides a drop-in, fast, and embedded database solution, focusing on maintaining coherence between Rust types and stored data with mi
A tiny software renderer written in Rust.
tiny-renderer 简单的软光栅化渲染器 基础数学库 Bresenham画线算法 Cohen-Sutherland线段裁剪算法 glTF模型加载 模型/视图/投影变换 背面剔除 视椎剔除 齐次空间裁剪 深度测试 Blinn–Phong着色模型 重心坐标插值 运行 bresenham画线算法
💱 A crusty currency converter
💱 moneyman A crusty currency converter Example $ moneyman convert 50 --from EUR --to PHP --on 2023-05-06 --fallback 50 EUR - 3044.5833333333350 PHP
A pug-inspired HTML preprocessor
UNDER CONSTRUCTION Right now there is no usable version of hsml available. I'm just working on it. HSML - Hyper Short Markup Language hsml is a hyper
Kryptokrona SDK in Rust for building decentralized private communication and payment systems.
Kryptokrona Rust SDK Kryptokrona is a decentralized blockchain from the Nordic based on CryptoNote, which forms the basis for Monero, among others. Cr
A simple code that will load a shellcode directly into RAM memory in a new process
「 🔄 」About RustSCLoader RustSCLoader is a simple code that has the intention of loading a shellcode directly into RAM memory in a new process that wi
An attempt to start documenting the rust sdk for temporal and how to use it following some of the examples in typescript
This is an attempt to start documenting the rust sdk for temporal and how to use it following some of the examples in typescript.
A "Shell" made in Rust
Ironclad-shell A "shell" command interpreter made in rust. First things first This is my first time posting to reddit and my first time using rust (al
Scol (Stream Colorizer)
Scol (Stream Colorizer) Scol is a simple command-line program that reads lines from standard input and colorizes them based on a regular expression pa
⚛ Quantum computing crate for Rust programming language.
🦀 Quantum crab Quantum crab is a quantum computing crate for Rust programming language. use quantum_crab::{ backend::Backend, quantum_circuit
💔 Heartbleed vulnerability exploit written in Rust
Heartbleed 💔 Heartbleed vulnerability exploit written in Rust What is it Heartbleed is a buffer over-read vulnerability in outdated versions of OpenS
Self-hosted, fast, and efficient replacement for ngrok, built with Rust
reverse-proxy reverse-proxy is a self-hosted, fast, and efficient replacement for ngrok, built with Rust. The project leverages the power of Tokio and
Really useful hacking tools.
A Remake of Hax in Rust™ - Port-scanner(Powered by nmap) ✅ - URL-Masker ✅ - Phisher(Powered by ZPhisher) ☑️ (WIP 🚧 ) For Linux Enthusiasts: You need
Rust-based static analysis for TypeScript projects
Fast TypeScript Analyzer FTA (Fast TypeScript Analyzer) is a super-fast TypeScript static analysis tool written in Rust. It captures static informatio
auto-rust is an experimental project that aims to automatically generate Rust code with LLM (Large Language Models) during compilation, utilizing procedural macros.
Auto Rust auto-rust is an experimental project that aims to automatically generate Rust code with LLM (Large Language Models) during compilation, util
Ethereum key tool - Lightweight CLI tool to deal with ETH keys written in rust
ekt - Etherum Key Tool ekt is a lightweight tool to generate ethereum keys and addresses. Installation Either clone it and run it with cargo or instal
Rust GraphQL server using simple type-only schema
SimpleGQL This library allows a simplified GraphQL schema to be given and will run a server with a backend store (currently only SQLite) and a set of
A GPT-powered daily newsletter bot, written in Rust
AI Newsie 1. Introduction Meet AI Newsie - your personalized GPT-powered bot that delivers daily newsletters tailored to your interests. The bot is po
Unofficial python bindings for the rust llm library. 🐍❤️🦀
llm-rs-python: Python Bindings for Rust's llm Library Welcome to llm-rs, an unofficial Python interface for the Rust-based llm library, made possible
Ideas = Creations, a multi-language CMS(Content Management System) based on Rust Web stacks, with long-term upgrade and maintenance.
Ideas = Creations 中文 RustHub: Rust ideas yesterday, shining creations today! This repository holds source code used to run https://rusthub.org, it's
Code implementation of DDIA, primarily using Rust and Go languages.
Let's implement DDIA in rust and golang (with some Java and Cpp). This repository contains code implementations for 'Designing Data-Intensive Applicat
A library-first, lightweight, high-performance, cloud-native supported API gateway🪐 by RUST
Preview version, will not guarantee the stability of the API! Do NOT use in production environment! A library-first, lightweight, high-performance, cl
Minimal Bitcoin wallet intended for teaching rust-bitcoin
Insanely minimal Bitcoin wallet intended for demonstration of Rust Bitcoin ecosystem Absolutely DO NOT use with mainnet funds!!! No privacy - address
λ-calculus parser made by rust
Lambda Calculus Parser This is a parser for λ-calculus expressions. It takes a λ-terms as input, parses it and returns a JSON representation of the te
Use Thunk to build your Rust program that runs on old Windows platforms, support Windows XP and more!
Use Thunk to build your Rust program that runs on old platforms. Thunk uses VC-LTL5 and YY-Thunks to build programs that support old platforms. So, ho
A programming and system administration assistant, powered by chatGPT
TermGPT Interact with ChatGPT from your terminal! 🚀 🤖 Install Cargo cargo install termgpt termgpt --help From source git clone [email protected]:bahdot
Command-line tool that provides a workflow for extending, editing, diffing, and writing to vim-style grep lines.
Grug Grug is a command-line tool that provides a workflow for expanding, editing, diffing, and writing edits to files using vim-styled grep lines (suc
Do the RWKV thing, but now in Rust with GGML
RWKV, but in Rust with ggml A project which reimplementation llama.cpp in rustformers/llm style. Current situation Performance issue: current version
Using embedded database modeled off SQLite - in Rust
Rust-SQLite (SQLRite) Rust-SQLite, aka SQLRite , is a simple embedded database modeled off SQLite, but developed with Rust. The goal is get a better u
An interactive Bayesian Probability Calculator CLI that guides users through updating beliefs based on new evidence.
Bayesian Probability Calculator CLI Welcome to the Bayesian Probability Calculator CLI! This command-line tool is designed to help you update your bel
Fetch all your fetches, but in rust
fetchfetch, but in rust Fetch all of your fetches. written in go rust. Installation You can either download the latest release or build from source (r
rpm (Rust project manager) is a tool that helps you to manage your rust projects
rpm rpm (Rust project manager) is a open source tool for managing your rust project in an organized way Installation # make sure you have rust install
A small dice roller app with GUI written in Rust 🦀🎲
🎲 Mini Dice A small dice roller written in Rust and using the egui library. Demo 💜 A short introduction... I started creating Mini Dice with the goa
PostQuet: Stream PostgreSQL tables/queries to Parquet files seamlessly with this high-performance, Rust-based command-line tool.
STATUS: IN DEVELOPMENT PostQuet: Streaming PostgreSQL to Parquet Exporter PostQuet is a powerful and efficient command-line tool written in Rust that
Socket.io client written in Rust
Rust-socketio-client An implementation of a socket.io client written in the rust programming language. This implementation currently supports revision
Lightweight async Redis client with connection pooling written in pure Rust and 100% memory safe
redi-rs (or redirs) redi-rs is a Lightweight Redis client with connection pooling written in Rust and 100% memory safe redi-rs is a Redis client writt
GGML bindings that aim to be idiomatic Rust rather than directly corresponding to the C/C++ interface
rusty-ggml GGML bindings that aim to be idiomatic Rust rather than directly corresponding to the C/C++ interface. GG-what? See: https://github.com/gge
A small script in rust to get the cpu usage in %'s with a gradient color for the text
cpu_usage-polybar A small script in rust to get the cpu usage in %'s with a gradient color for the text To get it to work on your PC you will have to
A rust library for interacting with multiple Discord.com-compatible APIs and Gateways at the same time.
Chorus A rust library for interacting with (multiple) Spacebar-compatible APIs and Gateways (at the same time). Explore the docs » Report Bug · Reques
Rust library for scheduling, managing resources, and running DAGs 🌙
🌙 moongraph 📈 moongraph is a Rust library for scheduling, managing resources, and running directed acyclic graphs. In moongraph, graph nodes are nor
⚡️Blazing Fast⚡️ CLI tool to get Bible verses with Rust 🦀
bible.rs This is a simple command line tool that accesses bible-api.com to print Bible verses in the terminal Installation brew install wzid/tap/bible
Just a simple object renderer, written in under 500 lines using Rust.
All cargoes that the project runs are: bitflags: a crate for defining bitflag types cfg-if: a small macro crate for defining cfg-based - conditional c
Rust-lang Continuous Wavelet Transform(CWT) library inspired by fCWT.
fastcwt Rust-lang Continuous Wavelet Transform(CWT) library inspired by fCWT. This crate is a direct translation of fCWT Library written in C++ by Art
LLM-chain Rust Template Repository
Jumpstart your llm-chain projects with the llm-chain-template repository! This template provides a foundation for using the llm-chain library, complete with example code and instructions to get you started effortlessly.
Meet Rustacean GPT, an experimental project transforming OpenAi's GPT into a helpful, autonomous software engineer to support senior developers and simplify coding life! 🚀🤖🧠
Rustacean GPT Welcome, fellow coding enthusiasts! 🚀 🤖 I am excited to introduce you to Rustacean GPT, my humble yet ambitious project that aims to t
A WIP svelte parser written in rust. Designed with error recovery and reporting in mind
Svelte(rs) A WIP parser for svelte files that is designed with error recovery and reporting in mind. This is mostly a toy project for now, with some v
An ESMTP server library written in Rust.
rs-smtp An ESMTP server library written in Rust. Features ESMTP client & server implementing RFC 5321 Support for SMTP AUTH and PIPELINING UTF-8 suppo
CLI for self-bootstrapped Python applications
PyApp PyApp is a CLI wrapper for Python applications that bootstrap themselves at runtime. Each application is configured with environment variables a
CLI tool for managing your 2FA authentication codes written in pure Rust.
(O)TP (VA)ULT - ova. ova is a simple CLI tool which lets you manage your TOTPs, or basically lets you get your two-way authentication code straight to
A artifact repo written in rust ! (still in develop)
Rstore A Rust-based artifact repository (still in development) usage name http frame axum orm disel s3 aws-sdk-s3 log log4rs config config-rs http cli
A rewrite of the server side parts of emersion/go-smtp package into rust.
rust-smtp-server A rust smtp server library. It's mainly a rewrite of the server side parts of the emersion/go-smtp library. Features Usage Add this t
Rust + Flutter Embedder
rustyflutter About: A Rust + Flutter Embedder Fast 🚀 Easy to use 😀 Installation: soon Contributions: rustyflutter is an open-source project and in
Platform independent data channels for WebRTC/Rust.
preach Platform independent data channels Preach provides an abstraction for WebRTC data channels that runs on both native and web platforms. Preach m
A Rust program that analyzes your TikTok data.
The TikTok JSON analyzer This is a program to analyze your TikTok data and calculate these statistics : Number of logins (in the last 6 months) and lo
W2.Rust é um conjunto de ferramentas e aplicações para W2 feito totalmente em Rust
W2.Rust Um conjunto de aplicativos para emular e gerenciar um servidor de W2. Aplicativos Nome Categoria Link Server Emulador apps/server Manager Gere
CO-RE binding generation for Rust, based on BTF
rust-struct-bindgen Here the repo of rust-struct-bindgen, a rust source code generator to read & write native structs with BTF. There are three crates
Easy-to-use string interner crate for Rust.
🪐 tiny_interner crate. ~300 lines of Rust code that implement string internering for your programming language compiler. Example fn main() { let
A command-line tool for extensible LED matrix control with Raspberry Pi devices.
Matricks "Teach an old matrix new tricks..." Matricks is a WASM-based extensible LED matrix control tool intended for use on Raspberry Pi devices. LED
🦀 A bit more reliable UDP written in Rust
AckUDP [EXPERIMENTAL] A bit more reliable version of UDP written in Rust. How to use? use std::{io, thread, time::Duration}; use ack_udp::AckUdp; #[
Simple NoNG songs manager for GD, written in Rust.
nong-manager Simple NoNG songs manager for GD, written in Rust. Powered by Song File Hub (https://songfilehub.com/home) How to use Enter song ID that
A simple API gateway written in Rust, using the Hyper and Reqwest libraries.
API Gateway A simple API gateway written in Rust, using the Hyper and Reqwest libraries. This gateway can be used to forward requests to different bac
Fast KubeJS script manager. Includes version control and compatibility with KJSPKG packages.
CarbonJS A KubeJS script manager Features 🔥 Super fast ⚙️ Version control 📁 Constantly new scripts being added ✅ Easy to use 🧱 Compatibility with K
👀Little program I made in 🦀Rust that reminds me every 20 minutes to look away from my computer 🖥screen.
👀 eye break Little program I made in 🦀 Rust that reminds me every 20 minutes to look away from my computer 🖥 screen. I stay way too long on the com
Service-Oriented Design Patterns for Rust
SOD: Service-Oriented Design Overview This crate provides Service, MutService, and AsyncService traits and associated utilities to facilitiate service
Rust library provides a standalone implementation of the ROS (Robot Operating System) core
ROS-core implementation in Rust This Rust library provides a standalone implementation of the ROS (Robot Operating System) core. It allows you to run
An open-source Windows client for Twitch.tv
TwitchBox is a lightweight Windows client created to enhance the Twitch.tv experience. The app uses the Tauri framework, which includes a combination
Fast regex in Rust for Apache Arrow, compiled to WASM
Rust regex in wasm I have been looking for a fast regular expression library in Javascript that runs on Apache Arrow for a few years. Arrow uses UTF-8
Quick, lightweight find and replace cli tool.
quick-replace A fast, lightweight find and replace tool Usage quick-replace [OPTIONS] FROM TO path/to/file.txt Options Flag Description -h Displ
Fastest image quadtree stylization implementation to date, capable of hundreds of fps and avoiding ugly non-squares.
Quadim Fastest image quadtree stylization implementation to date, capable of hundreds of fps and avoiding ugly non-squares. 简体中文 如果你是从B站来的…… “Listen t
A rusty interface to llama.cpp for rust
llama-cpp-rs Higher level API for the llama-cpp-sys library here: https://github.com/shadowmint/llama-cpp-sys/ A full end-to-end example can be found
A version control system implemented from scratch in Rust.
Version Control An experiment to write a version control system from scratch in Rust. CLI Usage Usage: revtool COMMAND Commands: init initia
Choose Rust types at compile-time via boolean constants
condtype Choose Rust types at compile-time via boolean constants, brought to you by Nikolai Vazquez. If you find this library useful, consider starrin
Rust bindings for Solidity's AST and visitors
solc-ast solc-ast provides rust bindings for the solidity AST and visitors. The visitors were built to be 1-1 compatible with the visitors from solc.
A Telegram bot written in Rust.
Knight-Bot Table of Contents About Support chat Installation Setting up your environment Build manually Commands Commands on TODO list Find this bot A
Detect EDR's exceptions by inspecting processes' loaded modules
Description This tool looks for either the processes that have a certain binary loaded or the processes that don't. This is useful in the following sc
Hypercraft - a VMM library written in Rust
hypercraft is a VMM library written in Rust. If you are interested in Design & Implement about this project, please see this disc
Yet another command-line chat GPT frontend written in Rust.
gpterm Yet another command-line chat GPT frontend written in Rust. Features Stream output with typing effect Store chat messages/history Context aware
Nodium is an easy-to-use data analysis and automation platform built using Rust, designed to be versatile and modular.
Nodium is an easy-to-use data analysis and automation platform built using Rust, designed to be versatile and modular. Nodium aims to provide a user-friendly visual node-based interface for various tasks.
Github mirror of codeberg repo. Monitor live bandwidth usage/ network speed on PC. Native version also available for Android, separately.
Netspeed Monitor Netspeed is a cross-platform desktop application that shows the live upload speed, download speed and day's usage as an overlay. Feat
Rusty Bootkit - UEFI Bootkit in Rust
A UEFI Bootkit in Rust Note: This project is incomplete and work is in progress (W.I.P). A lot of things could be incorrect until this is complete. Wh
Freeze.rs is a payload toolkit for bypassing EDRs using suspended processes, direct syscalls written in RUST
Freeze.rs More Information If you want to learn more about the techniques utilized in this framework, please take a look at SourceZero Blog and the or
The missing compound borrowing for Rust.
borrowme The missing compound borrowing for Rust. Rust comes with two sibling traits which that can convert from owned to borrowed: ToOwned, Borrow an
A fun, hackable, GPU-accelerated, neural network library in Rust, written by an idiot
Tensorken: A Fun, Hackable, GPU-Accelerated, Neural Network library in Rust, Written by an Idiot (work in progress) Understanding deep learning from t
A dynamic output configuration tool that automatically detects and configures connected outputs based on a set of profiles.
shikane A dynamic output configuration tool that automatically detects and configures connected outputs based on a set of profiles. Each profile speci
A modern-looking, lightening fast, privacy respecting, secure, self-hostable meta search engine.
Websurfx A modern-looking, lightning-fast, privacy-respecting, secure meta search engine (pronounced as websurface or web-surface /wɛbˈsɜːrfəs/.) writ
LLaMa 7b with CUDA acceleration implemented in rust. Minimal GPU memory needed!
LLaMa 7b in rust This repo contains the popular LLaMa 7b language model, fully implemented in the rust programming language! Uses dfdx tensors and CUD
A lightweight platform-accelerated library for biological motif scanning using position weight matrices.
🎼 🧬 lightmotif A lightweight platform-accelerated library for biological motif scanning using position weight matrices. 🗺️ Overview Motif scanning
Cross-platform compute shader engine
wgpu-compute-toy This is the compute shader engine for https://compute.toys As well as running on the web via WebAssembly and WebGPU, it can run nativ
PDF command-line utils written in Rust
rpdf PDF command-line utils written in Rust. rpdf makes working with PDF annotions super easy! It can merge annotations from multiple files, some show
ENC28J60 Linux network driver written in Rust.
enc28j60rs ENC28J60 Linux ethernet driver written in Rust. Tested with Raspberry Pi 4 Model B + Linux kernel 6.2.8 + Raspberry Pi OS AArch64. Kernel T