Rust GraphQL server using simple type-only schema



This library allows a simplified GraphQL schema to be given and will run a server with a backend store (currently only SQLite) and a set of automatically generated resolvers for queries and mutations.

As an example, you can specify:

type Taxon {
    name: String!
    description: String
    rank: Rank
    observations: [Observation!]!

enum Rank {

type Observation {
    filename: String!
    parent: Taxon @incoming(src_field: "observations")

and by running cargo run -- --sqlite mydblocation.sqlite --schema schema_above.graphql a HTTP server will be started handling GraphQL requests at /gql with a set of automatically generated resolvers including:

Query {
    getTaxon(id: ID!): Taxon
    queryTaxon(filter: TaxonFilter, first: Int, offset: Int): [Taxon!]!

    getObservation(id: ID!): Observation
    queryObservation(filter: ObservationFilter, first: Int, offset: Int): [Observation!]!

Mutation {
    addTaxon(input: [TaxonInput!]!): TaxonMutationResponse
    updateTaxon(input: {filter: TaxonFilter, set: {...}, remove: {...}}): TaxonMutationResponse
    deleteTaxon(...): TaxonMutationResponse

    addObservation(input: [ObservationInput!]!): ObservationMutationResponse
    updateObservation(input: {filter: ObservationFilter, set: {...}, remove: {...}}): ObservationMutationResponse
    deleteObservation(...): ObservationMutationResponse

This allows for the following kinds of queries:

query {
    getTaxon(id: "bbb") {
        observations(first: 5) {
            parent {

query {
    queryTaxon(first: 10) {

mutation {
    addTaxon(input: [{
        name: "newly added",
        rank: Species,
    }]) {
        taxon {

mutation {
    updateTaxon(input: {
        filter: {id: ["aaa"]},
        set: {name: "changed",
              observations: [{filename: "new obs"}]},
        remove: {description: null},
    }) {
        taxon {
            observations {
                parent {

The API for the queries and mutation is heavily influenced by that of Dgraph.


This crate is designed to support modular backend "drivers" for a given API. An implementation of a driver must include handlers for:

  • accessing of an entity of a particular type,
  • accessing a filtered list of entities of a particular type,
  • accessing a field of an entity,
  • adding a new entity of a given type,
  • updating entities of a given type with a filter,
  • starting a transaction,
  • completing (with or without failure) a transaction

Currently, only my first attempt at a crude SQLite backend is implemented.

Command line arguments

Usage: simplegql [OPTIONS] --schema <SCHEMA>

      --schema <SCHEMA>
      --sqlite <SQLITE>
      --port <PORT>      [default: 5001]
      --bind <BIND>      [default: localhost]
      --jwks <JWKS>
  -h, --help             Print help

Some options in more detail:

  • --jwks provides a URL to require authentication for mutations. This will also be for per-entity queries in the futrue. The authentication must be given in the X-Auth-Header HTTP header as Bearer <JWK> in the mutation request.
  • --migrate allows the database to be overwritten with an updated schema. By default, the backend will only create new unconflicting entity types/edge types. This flag is required if you change the schema as it can cause data loss if you are not careful.
  • --playground starts a GraphIQL playground at /playground.



@incoming(src_field: String)

Indicates the given field is the counterpart of another outgoing (regular) field.



@dynamic - Dynamic resolvers

@dynamic(hook: String!, args: Object!)

Adding hooks is possible for custom resolvers of given fields. For example:

type Taxon {
    name: String!
    children: [Taxon!]!
    parent: Taxon @incoming
    allParents: [Taxon!]! @dynamic(hook: "allParents": args: {})

These Taxon entites could be connected in a tree-like style. The allParents hook can then provide the complete ancestory of a given entity. This must be implemented in custom code as it is arbitrarily recursive (GraphQL does not allow for recursive queries).

Currently, to include a hook like this, you must build your own crate using simplegql as a dependency. The hooks are then made available with a HashMap to the server configuration. The hooks must be written for a given backend.

In the future, these hooks should be allowed to defined in a different high-level language such as Node.js. The hooks will also be able to be defined in a backend-agnostic form or specific to a particular backend.

In addition there is support for separate HTTP endpoints.

TODO list

Short-term TODOs:

  • Auth audience and JWK url read from input file
  • Switching between ID and UUID for sqlite backend from configuration.
  • Backend-agnostic custom resolvers
  • Proper auth handling per entity instead of blanket lock on mutations
  • Introduce proper error and result types
  • Update JWKS before expiry.

Long-term TODOs:

  • Resolvers in other languages through bindings
  • Avoid (or at least wrap an interface around) the Box::leak for the initalised configuration. The purpose is to allow a program to start/stop a server without leaking memory. Must avoid unnecessary Arc+Mutex on every resolver call.
  • Implement the filter feature fully using backend-specific option and a fallback to post-query filtering.
  • Examples for the different directives and hooks.


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at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

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