A fast GraphQL engine.



Warning This project is still very early in its development and should be considered highly unstable and experimental. It is incomplete and not ready for production use.

Note In an effort to get a working proof-of-concept, documentation and test coverage has been sacrificied. This will be corrected prior to a stable release.

bluejay-rb is a GraphQL engine for Ruby written primarily in Rust through the use of magnus.


bluejay-rb's goal is to provide a lightning fast GraphQL engine with first-class integration with Sorbet. If you do not care deeply about one or both of these goals, then you should seriously consider using the excellent graphql-ruby gem, which has many more features than bluejay-rb in addition to being production-ready and much more customizable.


Some benchmarks comparing the performance of bluejay-rb with graphql-ruby are located at /bench. The results of some of these benchmarks are included below.

Execute (Ruby 3.2, YJIT enabled)
Profiling IPS:
Warming up --------------------------------------
            graphql    80.000  i/100ms
            bluejay   814.000  i/100ms
Calculating -------------------------------------
            graphql    793.000  (± 1.5%) i/s -      4.000k in   5.045323s
            bluejay      8.106k (± 1.7%) i/s -     40.700k in   5.022282s

            bluejay:     8106.5 i/s
            graphql:      793.0 i/s - 10.22x  (± 0.00) slower

Profiling Ruby memory allocations:
Calculating -------------------------------------
            graphql   107.688k memsize (   168.000  retained)
                        1.080k objects (     1.000  retained)
                        26.000  strings (     0.000  retained)
            bluejay     6.400k memsize (   168.000  retained)
                        55.000  objects (     1.000  retained)
                        12.000  strings (     0.000  retained)

            bluejay:       6400 allocated
            graphql:     107688 allocated - 16.83x more
Execute (Ruby 3.2, YJIT disabled)
Profiling IPS:
Warming up --------------------------------------
            graphql    35.000  i/100ms
            bluejay   822.000  i/100ms
Calculating -------------------------------------
            graphql    326.806  (±14.4%) i/s -      1.610k in   5.034056s
            bluejay      7.916k (± 7.0%) i/s -     39.456k in   5.013297s

            bluejay:     7916.4 i/s
            graphql:      326.8 i/s - 24.22x  (± 0.00) slower

Profiling Ruby memory allocations:
Calculating -------------------------------------
            graphql   107.688k memsize (   168.000  retained)
                        1.080k objects (     1.000  retained)
                        26.000  strings (     0.000  retained)
            bluejay     6.400k memsize (   168.000  retained)
                        55.000  objects (     1.000  retained)
                        12.000  strings (     0.000  retained)

            bluejay:       6400 allocated
            graphql:     107688 allocated - 16.83x more
Parse small (Ruby 3.2, YJIT enabled)
Profiling IPS:
Warming up --------------------------------------
            bluejay    42.616k i/100ms
            graphql   751.000  i/100ms
Calculating -------------------------------------
            bluejay    419.058k (± 1.2%) i/s -      2.131M in   5.085492s
            graphql      7.483k (± 1.7%) i/s -     37.550k in   5.019630s

            bluejay:   419058.2 i/s
            graphql:     7482.8 i/s - 56.00x  (± 0.00) slower

Profiling Ruby memory allocations:
Calculating -------------------------------------
            bluejay     0.000  memsize (     0.000  retained)
                        0.000  objects (     0.000  retained)
                        0.000  strings (     0.000  retained)
            graphql    10.576k memsize (     4.320k retained)
                      139.000  objects (    55.000  retained)
                        10.000  strings (     7.000  retained)

            bluejay:          0 allocated
            graphql:      10576 allocated - Infx more
Parse small (Ruby 3.2, YJIT disabled)
Profiling IPS:
Warming up --------------------------------------
            bluejay    42.010k i/100ms
            graphql   610.000  i/100ms
Calculating -------------------------------------
            bluejay    412.413k (± 4.9%) i/s -      2.058M in   5.005818s
            graphql      5.862k (± 5.5%) i/s -     29.280k in   5.010455s

            bluejay:   412412.6 i/s
            graphql:     5862.1 i/s - 70.35x  (± 0.00) slower

Profiling Ruby memory allocations:
Calculating -------------------------------------
            bluejay     0.000  memsize (     0.000  retained)
                        0.000  objects (     0.000  retained)
                        0.000  strings (     0.000  retained)
            graphql    10.576k memsize (     1.320k retained)
                      139.000  objects (    24.000  retained)
                        10.000  strings (     6.000  retained)

            bluejay:          0 allocated
            graphql:      10576 allocated - Infx more
Parse large (Ruby 3.2, YJIT enabled)
Profiling IPS:
Warming up --------------------------------------
            bluejay   216.000  i/100ms
            graphql     2.000  i/100ms
Calculating -------------------------------------
            bluejay      2.148k (± 1.4%) i/s -     10.800k in   5.029772s
            graphql     28.787  (± 0.0%) i/s -    144.000  in   5.003419s

            bluejay:     2147.7 i/s
            graphql:       28.8 i/s - 74.61x  (± 0.00) slower

Profiling Ruby memory allocations:
Calculating -------------------------------------
            bluejay     0.000  memsize (     0.000  retained)
                        0.000  objects (     0.000  retained)
                        0.000  strings (     0.000  retained)
            graphql     1.984M memsize (   701.936k retained)
                        31.056k objects (     8.970k retained)
                        50.000  strings (    50.000  retained)

            bluejay:          0 allocated
            graphql:    1984432 allocated - Infx more
Parse large (Ruby 3.2, YJIT disabled)
Profiling IPS:
Warming up --------------------------------------
            bluejay   188.000  i/100ms
            graphql     2.000  i/100ms
Calculating -------------------------------------
            bluejay      2.167k (± 1.8%) i/s -     10.904k in   5.034545s
            graphql     28.417  (± 3.5%) i/s -    144.000  in   5.069022s

            bluejay:     2166.6 i/s
            graphql:       28.4 i/s - 76.24x  (± 0.00) slower

Profiling Ruby memory allocations:
Calculating -------------------------------------
            bluejay     0.000  memsize (     0.000  retained)
                        0.000  objects (     0.000  retained)
                        0.000  strings (     0.000  retained)
            graphql     1.984M memsize (   316.016k retained)
                        31.056k objects (     4.151k retained)
                        50.000  strings (    50.000  retained)

            bluejay:          0 allocated
            graphql:    1984432 allocated - Infx more


Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:

$ bundle add bluejay

If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:

$ gem install bluejay


See an example in the /example directory. Note the usage of Tapioca RBI generation for the DSL at /example/sorbet/rbi/dsl/graph


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.

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