To help prevent directory traversal attacks



Use SafeJoin::safe_join in place of Path::join to help prevent directory traversal attacks.

A call of the form dir.safe_join(path) returns an error if any prefix of path refers to a directory outside of dir.



Detailed explanation

safe_join tries to provide the following guarantee:


if-and-only-if, for every prefix prefix of path,


where the paternalize_n_x and normalize functions are as follows.

Let n be the total number of components in both dir and path. (Why this choice of n? Because this is an upper bound on the number of parent directories that dir.join(path) could possibly escape.)

Let x be any normal component that does not appear in either dir or path.

A call of the form paternalize_n_x(path):

  • prepends n copies of x to path, if path is relative
  • returns path as-is, if path is absolute

For example, suppose dir is ./w and path is y/../../z. Then n is 6. Furthermore, x is a normal component not in dir or path. So paternalize_n_x(dir) and paternalize_n_x(dir.join(path)) could be as follows:

  • paternalize_n_x(dir) = x/x/x/x/x/x/./w
  • paternalize_n_x(dir.join(path)) = x/x/x/x/x/x/./w/y/../../z

There are several path normalization functions implemented in Rust. The ones that we know about are listed below. To the best of our knowledge, the above guarantee holds using any one of them as the normalize function.

* path_clean::PathClean::clean uses strings internally, so it only works with UTF-8 paths.


safe_join does not consult the filesystem. So, for example, in a call of the form dir.safe_join(path), safe_join would not consider:

  • whether dir is a directory
  • whether path refers to a symlink

There are a host of problems that come with consulting the filesystem. For example, a programmer might construct a path for a filesystem that is not yet mounted. We want safe_join to be applicable in such situations. So we have chosen to adopt a simple semantics that considers only a path's components.

A similar crate that does consult the filesystem is canonical_path.


safe_join optionally supports camino::Utf8Path. To take advantage of this feature, enable it on your Cargo.toml file's safe_join dependency:

safe_join = { version = "0.1", features = ["camino"] }


The safe_join repository includes a Dylint library to check for:

  • calls to Path::join where SafeJoin::safe_join could be used
  • calls to SafeJoin::safe_join that are likely erroneous because they return an error under normal circumstances (e.g., safe_join(".."))

To use the library:

  • Install cargo-dylint and dylint-link as described in the Dylint README:
    cargo install cargo-dylint dylint-link
  • Add the following to your workspace's Cargo.toml file:
    libraries = [
        { git = "", pattern = "lint" },
  • Run cargo-dylint from your workspace's root directory:
    cargo dylint safe_join_lint --workspace


License: MIT OR Apache-2.0

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