Polkadot Node Implementation



Implementation of a https://polkadot.network node in Rust based on the Substrate framework.

NOTE: In 2018, we split our implementation of "Polkadot" from its development framework "Substrate". See the Substrate repo for git history prior to 2018.

This repo contains runtimes for the Polkadot, Kusama, and Westend networks. The README provides information about installing the polkadot binary and developing on the codebase. For more specific guides, like how to be a validator, see the Polkadot Wiki.


If you just wish to run a Polkadot node without compiling it yourself, you may either run the latest binary from our releases page, or install Polkadot from one of our package repositories.

Installation from the debian or rpm repositories will create a systemd service that can be used to run a Polkadot node. This is disabled by default, and can be started by running systemctl start polkadot on demand (use systemctl enable polkadot to make it auto-start after reboot). By default, it will run as the polkadot user. Command-line flags passed to the binary can be customised by editing /etc/default/polkadot. This file will not be overwritten on updating polkadot. You may also just run the node directly from the command-line.

Debian-based (Debian, Ubuntu)

Currently supports Debian 10 (Buster) and Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal), and derivatives. Run the following commands as the root user.

# Import the [email protected] GPG key
gpg --recv-keys --keyserver hkps://keys.mailvelope.com 9D4B2B6EB8F97156D19669A9FF0812D491B96798
gpg --export 9D4B2B6EB8F97156D19669A9FF0812D491B96798 > /usr/share/keyrings/parity.gpg
# Add the Parity repository and update the package index
echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/parity.gpg] https://releases.parity.io/deb release main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/parity.list
apt update
# Install the `parity-keyring` package - This will ensure the GPG key
# used by APT remains up-to-date
apt install parity-keyring
# Install polkadot
apt install polkadot

RPM-based (Fedora, CentOS)

Currently supports Fedora 32 and CentOS 8, and derivatives.

# Install dnf-plugins-core (This might already be installed)
dnf install dnf-plugins-core
# Add the repository and enable it
dnf config-manager --add-repo https://releases.parity.io/rpm/polkadot.repo
dnf config-manager --set-enabled polkadot
# Install polkadot (You may have to confirm the import of the GPG key, which
# should have the following fingerprint: 9D4B2B6EB8F97156D19669A9FF0812D491B96798)
dnf install polkadot


Install via Cargo

Make sure you have the support software installed from the Build from Source section below this section.

If you want to install Polkadot in your PATH, you can do so with with:

cargo install --git https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot --tag <version> polkadot --locked

Build from Source

If you'd like to build from source, first install Rust. You may need to add Cargo's bin directory to your PATH environment variable. Restarting your computer will do this for you automatically.

curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh

If you already have Rust installed, make sure you're using the latest version by running:

rustup update

Once done, finish installing the support software:

sudo apt install build-essential git clang libclang-dev pkg-config libssl-dev

Build the client by cloning this repository and running the following commands from the root directory of the repo:

git checkout <latest tagged release>
cargo build --release

Note that compilation is a memory intensive process. We recommend having 4 GiB of physical RAM or swap available (keep in mind that if a build hits swap it tends to be very slow).


This repo supports runtimes for Polkadot, Kusama, and Westend.

Connect to Polkadot Mainnet

Connect to the global Polkadot Mainnet network by running:

./target/release/polkadot --chain=polkadot

You can see your node on telemetry (set a custom name with --name "my custom name").

Connect to the "Kusama" Canary Network

Connect to the global Kusama canary network by running:

./target/release/polkadot --chain=kusama

You can see your node on telemetry (set a custom name with --name "my custom name").

Connect to the Westend Testnet

Connect to the global Westend testnet by running:

./target/release/polkadot --chain=westend

You can see your node on telemetry (set a custom name with --name "my custom name").

Obtaining DOTs

If you want to do anything on Polkadot, Kusama, or Westend, then you'll need to get an account and some DOT, KSM, or WND tokens, respectively. See the claims instructions for Polkadot if you have DOTs to claim. For Westend's WND tokens, see the faucet instructions on the Wiki.

Hacking on Polkadot

If you'd actually like to hack on Polkadot, you can grab the source code and build it. Ensure you have Rust and the support software installed. This script will install or update Rust and install the required dependencies (this may take up to 30 minutes on Mac machines):

curl https://getsubstrate.io -sSf | bash -s -- --fast

Then, grab the Polkadot source code:

git clone https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot.git
cd polkadot

Then build the code. You will need to build in release mode (--release) to start a network. Only use debug mode for development (faster compile times for development and testing).

./scripts/init.sh   # Install WebAssembly. Update Rust
cargo build # Builds all native code

You can run the tests if you like:

cargo test --all

You can start a development chain with:

cargo run -- --dev

Detailed logs may be shown by running the node with the following environment variables set:

RUST_LOG=debug RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo runโ€‰--โ€‰--dev


You can run a simple single-node development "network" on your machine by running:

polkadot --dev

You can muck around by heading to https://polkadot.js.org/apps and choose "Local Node" from the Settings menu.

Local Two-node Testnet

If you want to see the multi-node consensus algorithm in action locally, then you can create a local testnet. You'll need two terminals open. In one, run:

polkadot --chain=polkadot-local --alice -d /tmp/alice

And in the other, run:

polkadot --chain=polkadot-local --bob -d /tmp/bob --port 30334 --bootnodes '/ip4/'

Ensure you replace ALICE_BOOTNODE_ID_HERE with the node ID from the output of the first terminal.

Using Docker

Using Docker

Shell Completion

Shell Completion


Contributing Guidelines

Contribution Guidelines

Contributor Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct


Polkadot is GPL 3.0 licensed.

Important Notice


  • Governance v2 (Kusama only)

    Governance v2 (Kusama only)

    Prior to merge:

    • [x] Check UI integration
      • [x] https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/issues/12272
    • [x] Check Kusama release & governance schedule
    • [ ] Final sanity check on the graphs (including dumb stuff like units)
    • [x] Consider plan for seeding PF membership


    • [x] Integrate multi-level treasury spending (depends on https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/issues/11116 / https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/pull/11124)
    • [x] Introduce and integrate Whilelist pallet (https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/pull/10159) to use Fellowship
    • [x] Introduce new curves for turnout/approval (https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/pull/11124)
    • [x] Introduce a simple ranked membership for the Fellowship (https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/pull/11474)
    A0-please_review B7-runtimenoteworthy C1-low ๐Ÿ“Œ D9-needsaudit ๐Ÿ‘ฎ 
    opened by gavofyork 87
  • add fast-unstsake pallet to all runtimes

    add fast-unstsake pallet to all runtimes

    https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/pull/12129 Substrate dependencies updates to https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/pull/12344

    • Adds the fast-unstake pallet to all 3 runtimes. The pallet will in itself be in an idle state where no unstake requests can be processed.

    • A separate governance proposal, which can be controlled by root or 1/2 of council (see ControlOrigin) can set the number of eras that are checked per block, which will set this pallet into motion. Until then, stakers can register, but nothing will be processed.

    • FastUnstake calls are part of the staking proxy, since the normal proxy can already fully unbond a stash.

    A0-please_review B7-runtimenoteworthy C1-low ๐Ÿ“Œ D9-needsaudit ๐Ÿ‘ฎ 
    opened by kianenigma 53
  • Parachain block time degradation since v0.9.16 on Kusama

    Parachain block time degradation since v0.9.16 on Kusama

    We are observing pretty impactful degradation on Moonriver since the deployment of client v0.9.16 on Kusama. Additionally, we have upgraded few days after Moonriver to support v0.9.16 but it had no impact.

    We have been able to reproduce that on our public Alphanet (20 controlled validators, on v0.9.16) Here are the logs for a given block not being included #1690751 alphanet-block-degradation-block-1690751.log

    Here is the graph showing the average time block over the last 7 days: image (The spike is only the restart of our nodes, ignore it)

    opened by crystalin 43
  • technical committee is using the weight of council, but should have its own generated weight instead

    technical committee is using the weight of council, but should have its own generated weight instead

    currently technical committee is using the weight of council, but should have its own generated weight instead

    when I read https://substrate.dev/rustdocs/latest/frame_benchmarking/macro.add_benchmark.html I see that in case of instances the path is the concatenation of both pallet path and pallet name

    cc @shawntabrizi

    • [x] requires https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/pull/9626


    Rerun benchmarks:

    • [x] benchmark runtime polkadot pallet_collective
    • [x] benchmark runtime kusama pallet_collective
    A0-please_review B0-silent C1-low ๐Ÿ“Œ D3-trivial ๐Ÿงธ 
    opened by thiolliere 43
  • Companion for #11649: Bound uses of `Call`

    Companion for #11649: Bound uses of `Call`

    Companion to https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/pull/11649. This MR contains 15 migrations in total.

    It migrates the following pallets in that exact order:

    • Preimages (DOT, KSM, ROC, WND)
    • Scheduler (DOT, KSM, ROC, WND)
    • Democracy (DOT, KSM, ROC)
    • Multisig (DOT, KSM, ROC, WND) https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/pull/12072


    • [x] Add migration for Preimage pallet (Kusama, Westend, Polkadot, Rococo)
    • [x] Add migration for Scheduler pallet (Kusama, Westend, Polkadot, Rococo)
    • [x] Add democracy for Scheduler pallet (Kusama, Westend, Polkadot, Rococo)
    • [ ] Try-runtime testing
    • [x] Update weights
    A0-please_review B7-runtimenoteworthy C1-low ๐Ÿ“Œ D3-trivial ๐Ÿงธ E0-runtime_migration 
    opened by gavofyork 39
  • minimum nomination limit on Polkadot: Status of the off-chain election fix.

    minimum nomination limit on Polkadot: Status of the off-chain election fix.

    I am creating this issue because I asked multiple times in various chats, unfortunately without any reply.

    I would like to ask what's the status with fixing the off-chain nomination distribution so there's no minimal stake for nominators (it's a bit above 100 DOT at the moment). This is becoming a very serious issue because it prevents a lot of people to stake DOTs because the minimal amount has become about 2,500 USD - I am afraid this makes Polkadot almost a "permissioned" network. I created this issue as a "last resort" since I couldn't get the answer anywhere else - if this is being worked on and when we can expect it to be done. Thanks a lot for the insight!

    opened by pmensik 36
  • runtime/disputes: slashing

    runtime/disputes: slashing

    This PR implements runtime logic for dispute slashing.

    • Validator who voted that a valid (decided by a supermajority) candidate (parachain block) is invalid will be slashed 0.1% of their stake (including nominators). This can happen to very slow validators that timeout during a PVF execution.
    • Validator who voted that a invalid (decided by a supermajority) candidate (parachain block) is valid will be slashed 100% of their stake (including nominators) and kicked out of the validator set. This can happen to malicious validators or validators that are >6x faster than the supermajority (we have 2s timeout for backing and 12s for approval-voting).


    The implementation uses the offences pallet and looks like a hybrid of im-online and grandpa slashing impls. Meaning, we submit offences for the concluded disputes about the current session candidate directly from the runtime. If, however, the dispute is about past session, we record pending slashes on chain, without FullIdentification of the offenders. Later on, a block producer can submit an unsigned transaction with KeyOwnershipProof of an offender and submit it to the runtime to produce an offence.

    The reason for this separation is that even though it's currently technically possible to get FullIdentification of the past session validators, we don't want to rely on this information to be available on chain for the past sessions because it's heavy.

    Open questions:

    • [x] Initial numbers for slashing. Seems like 100% and 0.1% is OK.
    • [x] Do we need exponential slashing? Punt on for now. Might not be needed in the future.
    • [x] Slashing for inconclusive disputes. Punt on for now.
    • [x] How do we want disabling to work exactly. Using type Disabled from session is probably fine.


    • [x] resolve open questions
    • [x] fix remaining TODOs in code
    • [x] simplify the traits/generics
    • [x] zombienet test (only a check for offences)
    • [x] benchmarks/weights

    Follow-up work:

    • staging APIs for disabled validators and pending slashes
    • client changes to submit unsigned transactions

    Closes #3161.

    A0-please_review B7-runtimenoteworthy C1-low ๐Ÿ“Œ D9-needsaudit ๐Ÿ‘ฎ T5-parachains_protocol 
    opened by ordian 31
  • HRMP benchmarks

    HRMP benchmarks

    as you see, nothing is done, just opening a PR to signal that I will work on this and prevent overlap.

    • [x] Weigh the background-like tasks, and make all of the inter-pallet calls self-weiging. Could be done in a follow-up. All dispatchables area already being weighed.

    part of https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot/issues/3850

    A0-please_review B7-runtimenoteworthy C1-low ๐Ÿ“Œ D1-audited ๐Ÿ‘ 
    opened by kianenigma 31
  • New slots/auctions architecture

    New slots/auctions architecture

    Refactor the slots/leases and auctions code

    • split Slots into two pallets - Slots (which handles leases) and Auctions, separated by a trait.
    • require ParaIds to be claimed before any bids can be made.
    • allow anyone/thing to bid for any para to gain a parachain slot in the future.
    • allow multiple funders to lease a parachain slot for the same parachain in different periods.
    • use reserve system throughout, rather than burn/mint for the leasing.
    • guarantee that the funds never leave ownership of the leaser.


    • [x] Reenable Crowdloan tests
    • [x] Finalise parachains lifecycle stuff (https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot/pull/2354)
    • [x] Benchmarks:
      • [x] Slots
      • [x] Auctions
      • [x] Crowdloan
      • [x] Registrar
    • [ ] Double check all Swapping Logic

    Relies on:

    • https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/pull/8180
    A0-please_review B7-runtimenoteworthy C1-low ๐Ÿ“Œ 
    opened by gavofyork 31
  • [runtime 9122] panicked at 'Externalities not allowed to fail within runtime: DefaultError'

    [runtime 9122] panicked at 'Externalities not allowed to fail within runtime: DefaultError'

    I encounterred this error in relaychain side while doing runtime upgrade for a parachain

    panicked at 'Externalities not allowed to fail within runtime: DefaultError', /cargo-home/git/checkouts/substrate-7e08433d4c370a21/d76f399/primitives/state-machine/src/ext.rs:325:48
    opened by GopherJ 30
  • XCM Benchmarks for Generic Instructions

    XCM Benchmarks for Generic Instructions

    This PR introduces benchmarks for all "generic" XCM messages, that is, anything which does not use an AssetTransactor.

    skip check-dependent-cumulus

    A0-please_review B0-silent C1-low ๐Ÿ“Œ D1-audited ๐Ÿ‘ 
    opened by shawntabrizi 30
  • v0.9.36(Dec 20, 2022)

    This release contains the changes from v0.9.35 to v0.9.36.

    Addition: Due to the detected changes in behaviour, starting a node can run into the error: State Database error: Incompatible pruning modes. To avoid it start your node with the: --state-pruning <PRUNING_MODE>. (As PROUNING_MODE should be used one mentioned in the error message)

    Upgrade Priority

    โ€ผ๏ธ HIGH: This is a high priority release and you must upgrade as as soon as possible.

    The changes motivating this priority level are:

    • [P] โœ… trivial #6440 โ€ผ๏ธ HIGH - Fix wrong rate limit + add a few logs.

    Host functions

    โ„น๏ธ This release does not contain any new host functions.

    Database Migrations

    Database migrations are operations upgrading the database to the latest stand. Some migrations may break compatibility, making a backup of your database is highly recommended.

    โ„น๏ธ There is no database migration in this release.

    Runtime Migrations

    Runtime migrations are operations running once during a runtime upgrade.

    โ„น๏ธ There is no runtime migration in this release.

    Rust compiler versions

    This release was built and tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • Rust Stable: rustc 1.65.0 (897e37553 2022-11-02)
    • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.67.0-nightly (a00f8ba7f 2022-11-15)


    The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below. The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.23 and rustc 1.64.0 (a55dd71d5 2022-09-19).


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.41 MB (1474791 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           kusama-9360 (parity-kusama-0.tx18.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.23%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x94cc7b53299b863908d1458dd44c77aac55fbfbdd4103be5f3fcf5438f613c20
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xb5b1b815f4c11f032a532495e2cc69ca5439d17971cfa8c47b9b1b9f89c9f5fd
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0xc5224f4b12f1c1d9af9462d723fd8c58d2d965c6fb98bbfc6fed72fd9fc7f113
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmYDKyhDgv5uXoAkcxYfu7KpxL8aEHCeE3UaRjjdRFrTrc


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.28 MB (1338977 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           polkadot-9360 (parity-polkadot-0.tx19.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.38%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x5f48aacbbd94a881a3ce5a496e1d852f21cffe33d1f7592023f2140254683d20
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x281a4d8a80d313ddecdde9ca7e22ca9f8155c0db55e0dea667e4b14a67516eb6
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x9eff710dc1bf46d2ff5a8ac7aa3fddb63a8cb141bb184e6aa776a1d9c97aca0b
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmNQv7Gq7FWSsjA6Pb5WYnsvUFRwnKWdXW7aLywxyvYC84


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.21 MB (1269864 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           rococo-9360 (parity-rococo-v2.0-0.tx17.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.64%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x4d68b453b55def671b0057e35e363a10031ce13be08bae7c6c2b8a96f5049129
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x3d44159f898738bf9798929038cc39686fd8c1ca126250511fdadf0a94f2e663
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x7c3df779224fd026f1a18ec3cf83f305e429c35d88ebca9e86ad8eae4a1a3fdc
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmPJPp4gTAhJDzXPgZhJN4Mc9vNypztyyq7o8kHAEZnKHx


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.18 MB (1234552 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           westend-9360 (parity-westend-0.tx17.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.24%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0xfa219c74318ef131e4433ed90e84b02fcde65d524f0cf51bdd1156c7946684dd
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x99ee061868282643a241600467f7c79f71e3b933d87084847fe7817efbfa4d8b
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0xc632823f32cd74fe9d23d95c6eda29c44c7aa37e665a265b8e87d1f699fa5797
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmTs3PrTnEYF1iVQAZuCy44RoqXLSDXF5xnAQTi9fnYfen



    • [P] Polkadot
    • [S] Substrate


    • [S] โœ… trivial #12875 Low - Use log_target in consensus related crates


    • [S] โœ… trivial #12889 Low - Staking: store last min-active-bond on-chain
    • [S] โœ… audited #12582 Low - Automatic withdraw_unbonded upon unbond
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12894 Low - Warn on missing pallet::call_index


    • [S] โœ… trivial #12875 Low - Use log_target in consensus related crates
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12889 Low - Staking: store last min-active-bond on-chain
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12537 Low - Try-runtime revamp and facelift
    • [S] โœ… audited #12582 Low - Automatic withdraw_unbonded upon unbond
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6440 โ€ผ๏ธ HIGH - Fix wrong rate limit + add a few logs.
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12894 Low - Warn on missing pallet::call_index
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6450 Low - Update weights (0.9.36)

    Docker image

    The docker image for this release can be found at Docker hub (It will be available a few minutes after the release has been published).

    You may pull it using:

    docker pull parity/polkadot:latest
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9360.compact.compressed.wasm(1.40 MB)
    polkadot(115.85 MB)
    polkadot.asc(228 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(75 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9360.compact.compressed.wasm(1.27 MB)
    rococo_runtime-v9360.compact.compressed.wasm(1.21 MB)
    staking-miner(10.70 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(228 bytes)
    staking-miner.sha256(80 bytes)
    westend_runtime-v9360.compact.compressed.wasm(1.17 MB)
  • v0.9.35(Dec 13, 2022)

    This release contains the changes from v0.9.34 to v0.9.35.

    Runtime-only Release

    This is a runtime-only release. No node client is released.


    The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below. The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.23 and rustc 1.64.0 (a55dd71d5 2022-09-19).


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.41 MB (1479877 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           kusama-9350 (parity-kusama-0.tx18.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.26%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x7b2ea7ed3dfe72481bb323fb34d4aa6eb7548bb6d229cbcc892ea5b1feb7edec
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xa4e0e1379b10274356def7823aad89b12b6d7b67a6bbe94980550c8f6e3df14e
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0xdcfd2b86c0306cc6b831e15fb22436b7042523f0b7f20cd8ad6994d2cf91d60d
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmYhACftMyV4A7ESw7gzqs4HELHKFsooqRgFypBasZyXQa



    • [P] Polkadot
    • [S] Substrate


    • [S] โœ… trivial #12485 Low - General message queue pallet
    • [S] #12420 Low - Remove implicit approval chilling upon slash.


    • [S] โœ… trivial #12837 Low - Rename some crates for publishing to crates.io
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12795 Low - Remove mem_info and references to parity-util-mem
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12788 Low - Refund referendum submission deposit
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12852 Low - Remove sandboxing host function interface
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12798 Low - Move lockablecurrency trait to fungibles::lockable and deprecate lockablecurrency
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12782 Low - [pallet-assets] add asset_exists(id: assetid) function
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12485 Low - General message queue pallet
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12663 Low - Rpc server with http/ws on the same socket
    • [S] #12420 Low - Remove implicit approval chilling upon slash.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9350.compact.compressed.wasm(1.41 MB)
    westend_runtime-v9350.compact.compressed.wasm(1.17 MB)
  • v0.9.34(Dec 6, 2022)

    This release contains the changes from v0.9.33 to v0.9.34.

    Runtime-only Release

    This is a runtime-only release. No node client is released.

    This polkadot runtime replaces runtime 9320 and 9330. This kusama runtime replaces runtime 9330.

    Runtime Migrations

    Runtime migrations are operations running once during a runtime upgrade.

    โš ๏ธ There are multiple runtime migrations in this release


    The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below. The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.23 and rustc 1.64.0 (a55dd71d5 2022-09-19).


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.42 MB (1489893 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           kusama-9340 (parity-kusama-0.tx17.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.22%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x91c112f8f7e71f40bf402a902d2c829e5a769efd12137c3d5e202e0e5a473491
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x5c2157a73125af210cd178bd7416a4126afeee707fdef443c40fae198da2dfd5
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0xc1067b95ba2d78cadd57d0b376ef6f99c4957e5a997d16f5a5a6ef3ff655deec
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmQFcSZeJLp6zeKv8cC8NJHXPCKRrodCDYLxc39V5ZsbM1


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.29 MB (1356749 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           polkadot-9340 (parity-polkadot-0.tx18.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.32%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0xace5dccb8eecfab754154a27c370a513d79d4fcda40f5837be1c0f129cdf4726
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xe2c3c8fbf08522757a11b8c39dc30205ad716d085f7b103ff6a84d446a9e1a42
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x2c8fd5d9578ce2b2f1010e341236ae9f2d08414501d359a15bd72044717ac84e
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmSNcGiyv4advqNgc2wrDbpA5vzSPYy4pgokv7ABSPpQzK


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.18 MB (1239245 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           westend-9340 (parity-westend-0.tx16.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.24%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x2bac3728e9a44dca66c069a7ad940bac189018175744f1b3f70703cc8c766a60
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xd2f8f12c5285a74709b642e25cb2fdb8bc3e68507882be14564017d589c039fa
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x74a6763a599afcb7db47c64e841ed9b68fcf18fdc5b7a1311166bbe576b61af9
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmTv4R5ciuW9Bpsq3sGTyXvjYGAGuHfabfsnXm7qCq5omx



    • [P] Polkadot
    • [S] Substrate


    • [S] โœ… audited #12310 Low - Asset pallet: support repeated destroys to safely destroy large assets
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12730 Low - Allow alliance fellows to give up voting rights
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6326 Low - Add collectives as trusted teleporter
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6366 Low - OpenGov: Proxy definitions
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12808 Low - Bounties use SpendOrigin
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12610 Low - Non-interactive staking
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12842 Low - OpenGov: abstentions
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6390 Low - Allow Root with OpenGov origins
    • [S] #12848 Low - Add with_weight extrinsic
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6372 Low - OpenGov: Kusama tweaks


    There are other misc. changes. You can expand the list below to view them all.

    Other misc. changes
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12677 Low - Contracts pallet: bump runtime api
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #6127 Low - State trie migration rococo runtime changes.
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12666 Low - Allow other pallets to check asset ids.
    • [S] โœ… audited #12310 Low - Asset pallet: support repeated destroys to safely destroy large assets
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12695 Low - seal_reentrant_count returns contract reentrant count
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12708 Low - Assets pallet: reintroduce fungibles::destroy trait
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12706 Low - Fix cargo check for pallet-contracts-proc-macro
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12684 Low - Remove the wasmtime feature flag
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6311 Low - Add starts_with to v0 and v1 multilocation
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12501 Low - Contracts: replace sp-sandbox and wasmi-validation by newest wasmi
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12730 Low - Allow alliance fellows to give up voting rights
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12661 Low - Ed25519_verify: support using dalek for historical blocks
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12740 Low - Remove default, hascompact, and typeinfo trait bounds on assetid
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6326 Low - Add collectives as trusted teleporter
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6366 Low - Support opengov calls in proxy definitions
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12787 Low - Contracts: replace cargo feature unstable-interface with config
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6354 Low - Kusama: approve/reject treasury prop by treasurer
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12808 Low - Bounties use spendorigin
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12749 Low - Reduce provisioner work
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12829 Low - Add weightless benchmark bailing
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12610 Low - Non-interactive staking
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6352 Low - Introduce nis functionality into kusama/rococo
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6372 Low - Opengov improvements for kusama
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12842 Low - Opengov: abstentions
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6390 Low - Allow root with gov2 origins
    • [S] #12848 Low - Add with_weight extrinsic
    • [S] #12800 Low - Contracts: add instantiation_nonce api
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12837 Low - Rename some crates for publishing to crates.io
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9340.compact.compressed.wasm(1.42 MB)
    polkadot_runtime-v9340.compact.compressed.wasm(1.29 MB)
    rococo_runtime-v9340.compact.compressed.wasm(1.21 MB)
    westend_runtime-v9340.compact.compressed.wasm(1.18 MB)
  • v0.9.33(Nov 28, 2022)

    This release contains the changes from v0.9.32 to v0.9.33.

    Upgrade Priority

    โ—๏ธ Medium: This is a medium priority release and you should upgrade in a timely manner.

    The changes motivating this priority level are:

    • [S] #12239 โ—๏ธ Medium - State-db refactoring
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12639 Low - Remove sp_tasks::spawn api and related code + host functions

    Rust compiler versions

    This release was built and tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • Rust Stable: rustc 1.65.0 (897e37553 2022-11-02)
    • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.66.0-nightly (81f391930 2022-10-09)


    The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below. The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.23 and rustc 1.64.0 (a55dd71d5 2022-09-19).


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.42 MB (1484089 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           kusama-9330 (parity-kusama-0.tx16.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.2%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0xdd867dedd580387758d44e3e325a20fd158d207b4b41501519a09e4838c9f58a
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xe834b74aedb51777c7f948ad42c1cb1ad03dcd4096adf32f10615577a567a438
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x746ca1216c15b4b40a983f1efb4b07883dd581d3b49b72fbb8d03d93f91b0a01
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmVexah5uPepZstTxwtfzeaojjQ1iwgigR6VAVHdg2wMn2


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.26 MB (1325492 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           polkadot-9330 (parity-polkadot-0.tx17.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.28%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x41e93bb78b380e2374fe0c2ba7f40ed123df804e5528530fac7c293992638a30
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x92b375f559dac6d73150875ac105d811b47f3483ac83cd7057aff4aa031a0ad3
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x606ad2f2ba66e8bac6e3ac2ae9e37c93e34dc5be610c97c06bd7dfdacdebb719
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmahhoaV4MDGMxJYvxpKcFiN6CYh12YGEdiUDJF6yZZV83


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.20 MB (1261790 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           rococo-9330 (parity-rococo-v2.0-0.tx15.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.7%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x16ae74d0de38ab65294c53605cec4a53bb86df3a89424928c69b00997639f5a9
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xb4fc3770e655f56f18463ba815edf04b7bb1b54946ef4490a46e68c3f300608d
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0xe7d75573fceef2cf879eb045a8b4f7173449309f629edf6b1b5c61fa0787508d
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmXCL5V1wtjZqJc2uoGagn6A32dhnymkKpU9MpebHkkmnj


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.19 MB (1252602 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           westend-9330 (parity-westend-0.tx15.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.29%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0xb033ebe606a21be76c9c8c6760f49ba1e12f92ae8628c7c061b710726792111c
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x6dfd4e8214de6a3a80ab0ba68a465fed25331ef3f63de6212fd03a1423fe990c
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x80d1411ea7ac564d6513466b1a6b35ee405810e11a3ce6f1acd858bad153f4c9
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmQXmJGu7vmdgCuGRqrvPNEs1tCFiCTS9N1JtgbGErCzX7



    • [P] Polkadot
    • [S] Substrate


    • [S] โœ… trivial #12641 Low - Update paritydb and remove dev deps on rocksdb
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12639 Low - Remove sp_tasks::spawn api and related code + host functions


    • [S] โœ… audited #12465 Low - Registrar: avoid freebies in provide_judgement
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12515 Low - Add defensivetruncatefrom
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12469 Low - Contracts: allow indeterministic instructions off-chain
    • [S] โœ… audited #12457 Low - Make multisig pallet bounded
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12558 Low - Update pallet-multisig benches
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12594 Low - Fix: construct_runtime multiple features
    • [S] โœ… audited #12569 Low - Fix fungible unbalanced trait
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12496 Low - Pallet-sudo: add checkonlysudoaccount signed extension
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12536 Low - Add pallet dev mode
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #6230 Low - Increase max rewardable nominators
    • [P] โœ… audited #5872 Low - Update polkadot inflation to take into account auctions
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12325 Low - New weights for all pallets
    • [S] โœ… audited #12586 Low - Add createorigin to assets pallet
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #6127 Low - State trie migration rococo runtime changes.
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6299 Low - Update weights (0.9.33)


    There are other misc. changes. You can expand the list below to view them all.

    Other misc. changes
    • [S] โœ… audited #12465 Low - Registrar: avoid freebies in provide_judgement
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12515 Low - Add defensivetruncatefrom
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12469 Low - Contracts: allow indeterministic instructions off-chain
    • [S] โœ… audited #12457 Low - Make multisig pallet bounded
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12558 Low - Update pallet-multisig benches
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12594 Low - Fix: construct_runtime multiple features
    • [S] โœ… audited #12569 Low - Fix fungible unbalanced trait
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12611 Low - [contracts] stabilize four storage host functions
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12496 Low - Pallet-sudo: add checkonlysudoaccount signed extension
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12536 Low - Add pallet dev mode
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #6230 Low - Increase max rewardable nominators
    • [P] โœ… audited #5872 Low - Update polkadot inflation to take into account auctions
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12325 Low - New weights for all pallets
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12641 Low - Update paritydb and remove dev deps on rocksdb
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12436 Low - Bound election and staking by maxactivevalidators
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12530 Low - Consolidate and deduplicate mmr api methods
    • [S] โœ… audited #12586 Low - Add createorigin to assets pallet
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12639 Low - Remove sp_tasks::spawn api and related code + host functions
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #6127 Low - State trie migration rococo runtime changes.
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6299 Low - Update weights (0.9.33)

    Docker image

    The docker image for this release can be found at Docker hub (It will be available a few minutes after the release has been published).

    You may pull it using:

    docker pull parity/polkadot:latest
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9330.compact.compressed.wasm(1.41 MB)
    polkadot(113.43 MB)
    polkadot.asc(228 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(75 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9330.compact.compressed.wasm(1.26 MB)
    rococo_runtime-v9330.compact.compressed.wasm(1.20 MB)
    staking-miner(10.61 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(228 bytes)
    staking-miner.sha256(80 bytes)
    westend_runtime-v9330.compact.compressed.wasm(1.19 MB)
  • v0.9.32(Nov 8, 2022)

    This release contains the changes from v0.9.31 to v0.9.32.

    This is a bug fix only release. Notable changes are:

    • Substrate#12630: Make --database cli argument case insensitive again.
    • Substrate#12632: Fixes a bug with the transaction pool after doing a warp sync.
    • Substrate#12633: Fixes the payment_queryInfo RPC to be compatible with the latest runtime changes.

    Upgrade Priority

    Low: This is a low priority release and you may upgrade at your convenience.

    Rust compiler versions

    This release was built and tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • Rust Stable: rustc 1.65.0 (897e37553 2022-11-02)
    • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.66.0-nightly (81f391930 2022-10-09)


    The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below. The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.23 and rustc 1.64.0 (a55dd71d5 2022-09-19).


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.41 MB (1481127 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           kusama-9320 (parity-kusama-0.tx15.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 79.99%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0xc7c595e97a1bfb26a44bc635e54ed651acbcc40092a92e05e131468dc81233ab
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xeda109971cc6d53076ea4deabc5fab24d6740a93ddc4ad3ab2f1e17acbb17349
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0xd05890cbf09d8d1462cbf22c505459a13c6afa13a5edc1bddda0a1f5c2810559
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmTL5ZZBLqin13sXHsP3sTDAi5nHXEq9HLBkTPXy9ZLGSh


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.28 MB (1347152 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           polkadot-9320 (parity-polkadot-0.tx16.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.25%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0xbd78d3542767047aba0babb8c8825a5799e3ef54a21193ffe24b98eb4f895162
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x6c08f5b0ea973d4d76d4d01bff9ae702d1d3566f4969648eba7ea8e4e27de803
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0xc2ce0203e21f12b90756e2004fc3a41d7a8f696793068fdf55dc71b53a1409b7
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmcnezVdCZEfUNTehtncVq5tNj68DiHd275wMkz9skKtZw


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.19 MB (1250999 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           rococo-9320 (parity-rococo-v2.0-0.tx15.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.47%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x1b5631a3ae67a9eb89f784b1588441461a9516863aea13c0365854fb25ef33dc
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x60fbc033f8ec48f50c9328d5d14bc476b514d34eb6e71b58c850d4d5aa2efcf1
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0xe4f8a034235b1df5018fa766e7f078b11cb02365dd207c9e04f1cebe1f60f371
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmeWH8fdtUpgg4Gjitvp699fbREubBYihvkDAxHVbEmAm3


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.19 MB (1250390 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           westend-9320 (parity-westend-0.tx14.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.15%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x44db6ecab341c8dd761ffad3db7c2febc3080266ef4aab2c401dc79a899a0577
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xcc313c5ae47f840d0b6de65573781bffc8f320366942fb81c92ee604109bd54c
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x65e1b568a2d16ddb3568ee5ec0ea798c55149d5cb9637ae314939e98c1ed5adf
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmNwWJ3qWLAjp9wgsqEA1mZd6W9vjko5yk47LKoBs4n24N

    Docker image

    The docker image for this release can be found at Docker hub (It will be available a few minutes after the release has been published).

    You may pull it using:

    docker pull parity/polkadot:latest
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9320.compact.compressed.wasm(1.41 MB)
    polkadot(113.71 MB)
    polkadot.asc(228 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(75 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9320.compact.compressed.wasm(1.28 MB)
    rococo_runtime-v9320.compact.compressed.wasm(1.19 MB)
    staking-miner(10.60 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(228 bytes)
    staking-miner.sha256(80 bytes)
    westend_runtime-v9320.compact.compressed.wasm(1.19 MB)
  • v0.9.31(Nov 3, 2022)

    This release contains the changes from v0.9.30 to v0.9.31.

    Upgrade Priority

    Low: This is a low priority release and you may upgrade at your convenience.

    Runtime Migrations

    Runtime migrations are operations running once during a runtime upgrade.

    โš ๏ธ There are 2 runtime migrations in this release:

    • [P] โœ… trivial #6091 Low - Properly migrate weights to v2
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5729 Low - Companion for #11649: bound uses of call

    Rust compiler versions

    This release was built and tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • Rust Stable: rustc 1.64.0 (a55dd71d5 2022-09-19)
    • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.66.0-nightly (81f391930 2022-10-09)


    The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below. The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.23 and rustc 1.64.0 (a55dd71d5 2022-09-19).


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.41 MB (1483214 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           kusama-9310 (parity-kusama-0.tx15.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 79.96%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0xc5e99f74798064517b3040e8579a420dff78cfd87e62fbd30cba6b6333d045ca
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xb5c484d557bc1697a4af09856cb8170d1c61b0f61d5db0c15ebe41b17bcadfac
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x476dbd0e3c53536d7fe5421f559b28c5a8e8b2bd73df3168bf1039e1dfd17815
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmXehCUA8dgKAyemXMVA9NQu2T8uf89fLLGpy9zPrc7D7X


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.28 MB (1346640 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           polkadot-9310 (parity-polkadot-0.tx16.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.25%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x377874704317855841da6168f04d9232696ccb102a9a4ab5edf594997ef40d70
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xd0c3320967a0118f65813c1c11798b0a64515a0c7924540f816e1551178e76c1
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x6d41ab7618ce907f3aa46dcb02f7e83bb6c962ac851ed005e45bf710bf4ac3dd
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmYunTNt9QE1PSfKxqSsT9KtXdoabYaxiSKokWrXFB4YhM


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.19 MB (1250731 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           rococo-9310 (parity-rococo-v2.0-0.tx15.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.47%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x05c1e90f7028e55815e4a042960e5bf8cf02d0da0eaeac9befeac3fbed8339dd
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x524190fe8b6c2379c14674f70b5ecd35ab1bd1c8151e77c7e195d4c2d8e999d2
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0xfbada902d4010110063deb5c286d073c9032961abfc76e578d4fe6dc54651af4
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmNqWepEZVLfUKFH6FdRUQUEruEnXrLVKP6n63yGhejv3e


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.19 MB (1249567 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           westend-9310 (parity-westend-0.tx14.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.15%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0xdb0e5e04f3e9cf75684736940065d8e79ffdece5540a2b687b2107eaadc9b672
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x337930c09d0cf488669155033bb4ea04da6e336f2a0a20fb9ba9c0f96e5676d9
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x872ed41c869ed4117a8dcff684ebeb68c4314fb626dbf16ac24f7767854ccce5
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmQbQiMZVAFhc8CEzZhzbQUb8ejZmnksy4oZmRHFomK2hS



    • [P] Polkadot
    • [S] Substrate


    • [S] โœ… trivial #12385 Low - Unsafe_pruning flag removed
    • [S] #12372 Low - Don't send back empty proofs if light request fails
    • [S] #12434 Low - Decrease default --out-peers from 25 to 15


    • [S] โœ… trivial #12358 Low - Remove contracts rpcs
    • [P] #5205 Low - Governance v2 (kusama only)
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12421 Low - Adapt pallet-contracts to weightv2
    • [S] โœ… audited #11649 Low - Bound uses of call
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12429 Low - Contracts: adapt dry-run runtime apis to weightv2
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12282 Low - Maximum value for multiplierupdate
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6021 Low - Maximum value for multiplierupdate
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12334 Low - Macro stubs for all pallet:: macros to improve documentation visibility and discovery + revamp of pallet macro documentaโ€ฆ
    • [S] โœ… audited #12109 Low - Vesting pallet - make withdrawreasons configurable
    • [P] โœ… audited #5451 Low - Manual para lock
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6155 Low - Add force_open_hrmp_channel call
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6171 Low - Bump transaction_version (0.9.31)
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12558 Low - Update pallet-multisig benches
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6189 Low - Update weights, attempt two (0.9.31)


    There are other misc. changes. You can expand the list below to view them all.

    Other misc. changes
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12385 Low - Unsafe_pruning flag removed
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12358 Low - Remove contracts rpcs
    • [P] #5205 Low - Governance v2 (kusama only)
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6091 Low - Properly migrate weights to v2
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12421 Low - Adapt pallet-contracts to weightv2
    • [S] #12372 Low - Don't send back empty proofs if light request fails
    • [S] โœ… audited #11649 Low - Bound uses of call
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12429 Low - Contracts: adapt dry-run runtime apis to weightv2
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12282 Low - Maximum value for multiplierupdate
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6021 Low - Maximum value for multiplierupdate
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12334 Low - Macro stubs for all pallet:: macros to improve documentation visibility and discovery + revamp of pallet macro documentaโ€ฆ
    • [S] โœ… audited #12109 Low - Vesting pallet - make withdrawreasons configurable
    • [S] #12328 Low - Rpc: implement transaction rpc api
    • [P] โœ… audited #5451 Low - Manual para lock
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12345 Low - Pallet-mmr: rpc api and runtime api work with block numbers
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6072 Low - Pallet-mmr: rpc and runtime apis work with block numbers
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6155 Low - Add force_open_hrmp_channel call
    • [S] #12434 Low - Decrease default --out-peers from 25 to 15
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6171 Low - Bump transaction_version (0.9.31)
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12558 Low - Update pallet-multisig benches
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6189 Low - Update weights, attempt two (0.9.31)

    Docker image

    The docker image for this release can be found at Docker hub (It will be available a few minutes after the release has been published).

    You may pull it using:

    docker pull parity/polkadot:latest
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9310.compact.compressed.wasm(1.41 MB)
    polkadot(117.97 MB)
    polkadot.asc(228 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(75 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9310.compact.compressed.wasm(1.28 MB)
    rococo_runtime-v9310.compact.compressed.wasm(1.19 MB)
    staking-miner(10.88 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(228 bytes)
    staking-miner.sha256(80 bytes)
    westend_runtime-v9310.compact.compressed.wasm(1.19 MB)
  • v0.9.30(Oct 17, 2022)

    This release contains the changes from v0.9.29 to v0.9.30.

    Upgrade Priority

    Low: This is a low priority release and you may upgrade at your convenience.

    Host functions

    โ„น๏ธ This release does not contain any new host functions.

    Database Migrations

    Database migrations are operations upgrading the database to the latest stand. Some migrations may break compatibility, making a backup of your database is highly recommended.

    โ„น๏ธ There is no database migration in this release.

    Runtime Migrations

    Runtime migrations are operations running once during a runtime upgrade.

    โš ๏ธ There are 5 runtime migrations in this release:

    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12034 Low - [feature] part 1: add targetlist for validator ranking
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #5930 Low - [substrate companion] part 1: add targetlist for validator ranking
    • [S] #12230 Low - Bound staking storage items
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5996 Low - [companion] get rid of historydepth storage
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12083 Low - Make automatic storage deposits resistant against changing deposit prices

    Rust compiler versions

    This release was built and tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • Rust Stable: rustc 1.62.1 (e092d0b6b 2022-07-16)
    • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.64.0-nightly (7fe022f5a 2022-07-24)


    The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below. The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.21 and rustc 1.62.0 (a8314ef7d 2022-06-27).


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.35 MB (1416746 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           kusama-9300 (parity-kusama-0.tx14.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.24%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x9d506a559ebf32b93e779482a2cbe792b58f93ef92f7c22a94988ae6fbc5d526
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x85019b301f771ce6ac9533b3a174775d6d98751f17d7024f43366a80a0bb3a4c
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0xecf26101d8930738f4a769dbe904e6743a0e0d4e7319046b963e3dbc47037d74
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmcdX1mFuJ7Jdb3qF7AT26JGssgr7pd5p2rd9xTh5HzLNf


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.28 MB (1342216 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           polkadot-9300 (parity-polkadot-0.tx15.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.24%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0xf1eeaa09f9a85633cf7f1fa588bf3247a58acf9f4cb3e8e12350833c595bc7d3
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xb1593c641127605f46f7686da133c4bbb588cdacfb107bc3f58690fa2b8cae96
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x4f946f0caab019f8694a00e54c5bc5889b333360b3b4238b667c9f52276fcce1
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmQzt8vA8XFwgsM7qsuVBfFTwx2mTPj9jCWy8SfGs2gKH1


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.20 MB (1254160 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           rococo-9300 (parity-rococo-v2.0-0.tx14.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.76%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x77cbd96c0a546317dd3a753098d144eecaf90b2b790da28bc536ac95cd3e4baf
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x0c6c9f176dc757ad98ed4824536025b395e1c3d0fe16dddf1d45e0dfd957572c
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x341cdf893c97493c3bde3e23d89bd9764f4c1894524927489cb417e007ca778c
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmXmqDXxvqeSbGPTuafWV4zTp9Su6KJaqkq1aRh99BX4u5


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.20 MB (1258989 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           westend-9300 (parity-westend-0.tx13.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.17%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x4cf697ac1996e0c5b5360cf5d6545d26e8268e96c6cd4aa5b6192a552ed810e2
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xf67adf2196995bc0f72b3853189db9afbdebc5167a5c3b9f10cd38737d53302b
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x53254267cd0f1c130e589831280844318e3e0cef26db07f35eef15c8f240cbc7
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmQwEh7Sb6ni7CMKHWJnLdFH2W6YXJY4m5anV7ZQBbn8Ey



    • [P] Polkadot
    • [S] Substrate


    • [S] โœ… trivial #12204 Low - Add --header to benchmark overhead + storage
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12232 Low - Benches: disable caching per default
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12311 Low - Try-runtime: rename spec check flag
    • [S] #11983 Low - Remove discarded blocks and states from database by default


    • [S] โœ… audited #12170 Low - Pallet-identity: be more paranoid ;)
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12222 Low - Add constfeemultiplier to the transaction payment pallet
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11981 Low - Breaking: rename call & event
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11738 Low - Add inspect trait for asset roles
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11806 Low - Improve base weights consistency and make sure they're never zero
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12205 Low - Add special tag to exclude runtime storage items from benchmarking
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12034 Low - [feature] part 1: add targetlist for validator ranking
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12186 Low - Contracts: use weakboundedvec for instrumented code
    • [P] #5535 Low - Runtime/disputes: slashing
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12258 Low - Breaking: rename origin
    • [S] #12230 Low - Bound staking storage items
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12083 Low - Make automatic storage deposits resistant against changing deposit prices
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12283 Low - Rename anonymous to pure proxy
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6037 Low - Increase blockhashcount parameter
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12329 Low - Add base-weight to system::extrinsic* events
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6032 Low - Paras: unblock offboarding when pvf-check concludes
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12366 Low - [feature] add deposit to fast-unstake
    • [P] #6050 Low - Add fast-unstsake pallet to all runtimes
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12277 Low - Add storage size component to weights


    There are other misc. changes. You can expand the list below to view them all.

    Other misc. changes
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12204 Low - Add --header to benchmark overhead + storage
    • [S] โœ… audited #12170 Low - Pallet-identity: be more paranoid ;)
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5977 Low - Pvf-checker: enable subsystem on all chains
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12222 Low - Add constfeemultiplier to the transaction payment pallet
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11981 Low - Breaking: rename call & event
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11738 Low - Add inspect trait for asset roles
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5985 Low - Update westend trusted teleporters
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12232 Low - Benches: disable caching per default
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12219 Low - Create sp-weights crate to store weight primitives
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11806 Low - Improve base weights consistency and make sure they're never zero
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12205 Low - Add special tag to exclude runtime storage items from benchmarking
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12034 Low - [feature] part 1: add targetlist for validator ranking
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12186 Low - Contracts: use weakboundedvec for instrumented code
    • [P] #5535 Low - Runtime/disputes: slashing
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12311 Low - Try-runtime: rename spec check flag
    • [S] #12261 Low - Rpc: implement chainspec rpc api
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12258 Low - Breaking: rename origin
    • [S] #12230 Low - Bound staking storage items
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12083 Low - Make automatic storage deposits resistant against changing deposit prices
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12283 Low - Rename anonymous to pure proxy
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6037 Low - Increase blockhashcount parameter
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12329 Low - Add base-weight to system::extrinsic* events
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12106 Low - Allow specifying immediate finalize for manual-seal
    • [S] #11983 Low - Remove discarded blocks and states from database by default
    • [P] โœ… trivial #6032 Low - Paras: unblock offboarding when pvf-check concludes
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12343 Low - [fix] bound staking ledger correctly with maxunlockingchunks from configuration
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12366 Low - [feature] add deposit to fast-unstake
    • [P] #6050 Low - Add fast-unstsake pallet to all runtimes
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12277 Low - Add storage size component to weights

    Docker image

    The docker image for this release can be found at Docker hub (It will be available a few minutes after the release has been published).

    You may pull it using:

    docker pull parity/polkadot:latest
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9300.compact.compressed.wasm(1.35 MB)
    polkadot(115.17 MB)
    polkadot.asc(228 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(75 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9300.compact.compressed.wasm(1.28 MB)
    rococo_runtime-v9300.compact.compressed.wasm(1.19 MB)
    staking-miner(10.80 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(228 bytes)
    staking-miner.sha256(80 bytes)
    westend_runtime-v9300.compact.compressed.wasm(1.20 MB)
  • v0.9.29(Sep 14, 2022)

    This release contains the changes from v0.9.28 to v0.9.29.

    There has been a runtime-only patch release for this version. Scroll to the bottom of these release notes for more information.

    Upgrade Priority

    โ—๏ธ Medium: This is a medium priority release and you should upgrade in a timely manner.

    The changes motivating this priority level are:

    • [S] โœ… trivial #12095 โ—๏ธ Medium - Fix nomination pools pending rewards rpc (RUNTIME)

    Host functions

    โ„น๏ธ This release does not contain any new host functions.

    Database Migrations

    Database migrations are operations upgrading the database to the latest stand. Some migrations may break compatibility, making a backup of your database is highly recommended.

    โ„น๏ธ There is no database migration in this release.

    Runtime Migrations

    Runtime migrations are operations running once during a runtime upgrade.

    โš ๏ธ There is one runtime migration in this release:

    • [S] โœ… audited #12154 Low - [fix] make sure pool metadata is removed on pool dissolve

    Rust compiler versions

    This release was built and tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • Rust Stable: rustc 1.62.1 (e092d0b6b 2022-07-16)
    • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.64.0-nightly (7fe022f5a 2022-07-24)


    The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below. The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.21 and rustc 1.62.0 (a8314ef7d 2022-06-27).


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.35 MB (1410759 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           kusama-9290 (parity-kusama-0.tx13.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.15%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x5b06ef4b80f126f76267e8f6cdcf35cad3f88afb66131d11821b43ac367eaeb0
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xb405e9e4817f0a432381e280c9f51245867536eb5d505d9f80d0d3db1b691d94
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0xaba979bccf2692160db10b85b32c84d89b9b527dda3c9b684686f84b529de106
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmbQMDsMuPWvEYEQkqVZZRbUQ4dmy2VQ48ZuNAAypidKr6


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.26 MB (1325846 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           polkadot-9290 (parity-polkadot-0.tx14.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.27%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x2f811bfb5eaa2fa5a63271b9cbde695f7e875196fc5fed62d425c48c0725cd3c
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x6ba2c93fbedcba263d62b33a98f8dafdd45ae6e074e28f4bc07ace3ec983ce4f
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x25a0dd2c057306aea757713e0bb430cd7a21561a65cdff491a1831092c9467a0
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   Qmb26CkeX7CsT7xRvYy6VuFDH5xhsEQsEb3veRL6UqE9iE


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           899.40 KB (920990 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           rococo-9290 (parity-rococo-v2.0-0.tx2.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.81%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0xaa24490a6248401668dd7b2b170f279a2235f3a92d2f1a7bf3cc91b3cdcad244
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x5fafd43b49b5cf317a623fa7e60bca4c1dc6f94690dc7e3d5750f6f93e42038d
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0xfe33d319f210100e272a30ba8396979df0b5f80ef2029e531b508afeae632d32
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmPmaQuP4efyMkxadksUsC4fJKhD36EG2kToggHYNvPZLp


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.16 MB (1218772 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           westend-9290 (parity-westend-0.tx12.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.14%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0xb342ef968581a013e019548b3c2c7dc1b998d8fa2e1a9c6b612f58784fcea152
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xc944debe50e910338c902f2b0b1bf8b4423e2edb51101554262c58ef33522169
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x29077ae0d2234f1d82c88494e8f123b05faec78f0f61231f144a265c22843792
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmNvWSHBGS7SRYQDXrTF86jqpEsfHpagPPSrQ62BqD6xEe



    • [P] Polkadot
    • [S] Substrate


    • [S] โœ… trivial #11781 Low - Swap ed25519-dalek for ed25519-zebra
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11407 Low - Introduce trie level cache and remove state cache
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10174 Low - Runtime state test + integration with try-runtime
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12159 Low - Add benchmarking support for digest items


    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11813 Low - Proposal: flatten allpallets and similar types
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12032 Low - Contracts: make chain extension state types public
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11670 Low - Replace t::accountid with <t::lookup as staticlookup>::source
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12059 Low - Revert "auto-incremental collectionid"
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12095 โ—๏ธ Medium - Fix nomination pools pending rewards rpc
    • [S] #12138 Low - Weight v1.5: opaque struct
    • [S] โœ… audited #12145 Low - Uniques: reset approved account after transfer
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12136 Low - Emit events for inter contract calls
    • [S] โœ… audited #12154 Low - [fix] make sure pool metadata is removed on pool dissolve


    There are other misc. changes. You can expand the list below to view them all.

    Other misc. changes
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11813 Low - Proposal: flatten allpallets and similar types
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11781 Low - Swap ed25519-dalek for ed25519-zebra
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12037 Low - Fix origins used in runtime benchmarks
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12032 Low - Contracts: make chain extension state types public
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11670 Low - Replace t::accountid with <t::lookup as staticlookup>::source
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11407 Low - Introduce trie level cache and remove state cache
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12059 Low - Revert "auto-incremental collectionid"
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11257 Low - Implement resultquery
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11818 Low - Allow construct_runtime to take cfg attributes for pallets
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12095 โ—๏ธ Medium - Fix nomination pools pending rewards rpc
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11970 Low - Alliance pallet: retirement notice call
    • [S] #12138 Low - Weight v1.5: opaque struct
    • [S] โœ… audited #12145 Low - Uniques: reset approved account after transfer
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11997 Low - Alliance pallet: add force_set_members instead of init_members function
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10174 Low - Runtime state test + integration with try-runtime
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5950 Low - Don't store available data on disputes
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12159 Low - Add benchmarking support for digest items
    • [S] โœ… trivial #12136 Low - Emit events for inter contract calls
    • [S] โœ… audited #12154 Low - [fix] make sure pool metadata is removed on pool dissolve
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #12126 Low - [contracts] api host functions: remove seal_ name prefix + enable aliasing
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5988 Low - Update weights

    Docker image

    The docker image for this release can be found at Docker hub (It will be available a few minutes after the release has been published).

    You may pull it using:

    docker pull parity/polkadot:latest


    There has been a runtime patch relevant to kusama and polkadot.
    These runtimes (9291) contain the changes from v0.9.29 to v0.9.29-1.

    If you are currently running or upgrading to Kusama or Polkadot runtimes v9290, please use the provided v9291.

    The client is unaffected.


    The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below. The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.21 and rustc 1.62.0 (a8314ef7d 2022-06-27).


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.35 MB (1410893 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           kusama-9291 (parity-kusama-0.tx13.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.14%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x1631b4b752bd49ccaffa2a3bac88601edf4943ce3765b87e93d27196378afcdb
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x3825d918e5e652a32e8ac7dbfb2f7243c8abaf5097866fbaaa9d29f3a36267e8
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x7df4909369a9f4a97f9340ac6c816c3468abfe6686f07d39e4542242fc3ef07d
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmQm1fncnWK99M9vW4GfqBMhpFEAhdfTL7uzDdSkTqVPCh


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.26 MB (1325896 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           polkadot-9291 (parity-polkadot-0.tx14.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.27%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x8fe3a4b4214f090c01c1da47882c41eb08e0544d379c7e1959dcdc4810e12c50
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xe559be405709af0ad1c339a4cd93c597dc0965181d09c68868cbc70d08ff91cd
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0xb048e194992546c580ac0bb2f39fc3fd9d5ccb8b1f187ca16b34b939d0845813
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmZYC9X6wa2McEThhdB2Tjpg3rKjgdrcJ6aYmYNCuqSWbR
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9290.compact.compressed.wasm(1.34 MB)
    kusama_runtime-v9291.compact.compressed.wasm(1.34 MB)
    polkadot(113.58 MB)
    polkadot.asc(228 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(75 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9290.compact.compressed.wasm(1.26 MB)
    polkadot_runtime-v9291.compact.compressed.wasm(1.26 MB)
    rococo_runtime-v9290.compact.compressed.wasm(899.40 KB)
    staking-miner(10.75 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(228 bytes)
    staking-miner.sha256(80 bytes)
    westend_runtime-v9290.compact.compressed.wasm(1.16 MB)
  • v0.9.28(Aug 24, 2022)

    This release contains the changes from v0.9.27 to v0.9.28.

    This release contains a performance enhancement, which should reduce the load on validators significantly and resulted in better parachain block times on test networks. More details on the changes here: Polkadot #5785

    There has been a patch release for this version. Scroll to the bottom of these release notes for more information.

    Upgrade Priority

    โ—๏ธ Medium: This is a medium priority release and you should upgrade in a timely manner.

    The changes motivating this priority level are:

    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11819 โ—๏ธ Medium - Transaction payment runtime api: query call info and fee details (RUNTIME)

    Host functions

    โ„น๏ธ This release does not contain any new host functions.

    Database Migrations

    Database migrations are operations upgrading the database to the latest stand. Some migrations may break compatibility, making a backup of your database is highly recommended.

    โ„น๏ธ There is no database migration in this release.

    Runtime Migrations

    Runtime migrations are operations running once during a runtime upgrade.

    โš ๏ธ There is one runtime migration in this release:

    • [P] โœ… trivial #5582 Low - Add nomination pools to polkadot runtime

    Rust compiler versions

    This release was built and tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • Rust Stable: rustc 1.62.1 (e092d0b6b 2022-07-16)
    • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.64.0-nightly (7fe022f5a 2022-07-24)


    The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below. The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.21 and rustc 1.62.0 (a8314ef7d 2022-06-27).


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.32 MB (1384752 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           kusama-9280 (parity-kusama-0.tx12.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.27%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x30e3485c341157777d5fb60e7caf367d1dceb5cb175cee3c16e12bdbf1ef4e46
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xc0943aea074d1b39938467a6507b04ebc4184065e7f48dd1a1405bb4502dfb51
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x276a4fe4d7d4e4bebd7ce7408f25d57bd6835365c07039dc87bc31abe3edbaf6
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmaKQTGY6nfBYV2bLozPDjkc4UKsfZgxeaGsiYZ1wdsXjc


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.25 MB (1311089 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           polkadot-9280 (parity-polkadot-0.tx13.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.22%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0xbe84137a6ddf3846897948fea6272f6cecb7a06f0c4f5e1225ffde69dae26c9a
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x9c9d26335f9a10f92fcb6fbc59bbc13465d736221649993d86a38c67e9bc6d91
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x85fcc68f45cb09bd5fd468c1568556c91d1f1867920d5c59262b61dbdb4961f1
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmUoVWwpYVqjRWaNvX4mxXPHX4Dq1VSptRz4qWFV6Z9tgb


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           883.86 KB (905069 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           rococo-9280 (parity-rococo-v2.0-0.tx1.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.68%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0xfd398a4cd48cfcae23e1d3c2e32376ebed2fc81e77f28e08e10b74479ff9c81d
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x2836090144e13de288cc672d4925bf2af2ed43470cc6ccc6e7087fffcfd991af
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0xa0d6bb9e5d11dd562c316118cab30c04e516af3d068d1024389499d85774c56d
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   Qmay3X6TwMs39Q2mR4mDhmRdhs7mjpUjfu5GLKL7mHPPPm


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.15 MB (1202092 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           westend-9280 (parity-westend-0.tx11.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.28%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0xc3588fc1b63d3aad92142bd591b1eee3afa13bd44d1d7ec9ab1ae86bf6000bc2
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xfa8506a77e54e25b82e09ea6f661304620991347eda72275211f68f73c9e1787
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0xca53bbe819e3a7908575b60392020bd7bdb6508b555eb48b618d1aa7d9d9c9d5
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmWStoREbQLEyoJ1Jb2oWpNJNMvcRpMLsBquv4T2WE98hQ



    • [P] Polkadot
    • [S] Substrate


    • [S] โœ… trivial #11930 Low - Rename node-runtime to node-kitchensink-runtime
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11962 Low - Beefy: use versionedfinalityproof instead of signedcommitment
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11934 Low - Rename --pruning and --keep-blocks to be more similar to one another


    • [S] โœ… audited #11918 Low - Make new storage layer truly default
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11690 Low - Add event to pallet asset-tx-payment
    • [S] โœ… audited #11796 Low - Auto-incremental collectionid
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11985 Low - Pallet-contracts: fix 16bit func_id
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11991 Low - Contracts: apply depth limit when decoding
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11819 โ—๏ธ Medium - Transaction payment runtime api: query call info and fee details
    • [S] โœ… audited #11927 Low - Transactional: wrap pallet::calls directly in storage layers
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5582 Low - Add nomination pools to polkadot runtime
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5910 Low - Update weights


    There are other misc. changes. You can expand the list below to view them all.

    Other misc. changes
    • [S] โœ… audited #11918 Low - Make new storage layer truly default
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11690 Low - Add event to pallet asset-tx-payment
    • [S] โœ… audited #11796 Low - Auto-incremental collectionid
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11930 Low - Rename node-runtime to node-kitchensink-runtime
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11962 Low - Beefy: use versionedfinalityproof instead of signedcommitment
    • [S] #11938 Low - Change on-the-wire protocol names to include genesis hash & fork id
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11934 Low - Rename --pruning and --keep-blocks to be more similar to one another
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11985 Low - Pallet-contracts: fix 16bit func_id
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11991 Low - Contracts: apply depth limit when decoding
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11819 โ—๏ธ Medium - Transaction payment runtime api: query call info and fee details
    • [S] โœ… audited #11927 Low - Transactional: wrap pallet::calls directly in storage layers
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11779 Low - Runtime api versioning
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5582 Low - Add nomination pools to polkadot runtime
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #5871 Low - Transaction payment runtime apis: query call info and fee details
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5785 Low - Reduce dispute coordinator load
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5910 Low - Update weights

    Docker image

    The docker image for this release can be found at Docker hub (It will be available a few minutes after the release has been published).

    You may pull it using:

    docker pull parity/polkadot:latest


    There has been a runtime patch relevant to kusama and polkadot.
    These runtimes (9281) contain the changes from v0.9.28 to v0.9.28-1.

    If you are currently running or upgrading to Kusama or Polkadot runtimes v9280, please use the provided v9281.

    The client is unaffected.


    The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below. The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.21 and rustc 1.62.0 (a8314ef7d 2022-06-27).


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.32 MB (1384730 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           kusama-9281 (parity-kusama-0.tx12.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.27%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x0708f06fe3f611da1e7683eaedba86771f3ac047c74a3fe83f614f72bb8b4768
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x5aef007bbde5c234517049c1753254dd46430992629ef96dc9c7f4bdbb2b8e0f
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x37c21d0a8279c5e17b2c79e8a476fb07474ad4dccdfd82c1a871fcf089284983
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmcyrVX8RDvAZGiAFFuWnSL7YVX47Rd5wgDpRXWn2Ej5wa


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.25 MB (1311278 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           polkadot-9281 (parity-polkadot-0.tx13.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.22%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0xe9a09ca478bb39406f131a5fd4dab46edbf75d9ae3a9950eb0a74094943be4be
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x9f34eee8b546ef3094679e0e6b1c1c05453eb4523f7f9658cc480b6c6c7b0ac6
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x7232e26abaed18acffbf6ca3144c4bedccd417132712d2043dd36255f04024b4
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmfAmco7euiZgJGk5fS3NfV7QHZptdtffWSTTmdEiSRSiS
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9280.compact.compressed.wasm(1.32 MB)
    kusama_runtime-v9281.compact.compressed.wasm(1.32 MB)
    polkadot(112.69 MB)
    polkadot.asc(228 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(75 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9280.compact.compressed.wasm(1.25 MB)
    polkadot_runtime-v9281.compact.compressed.wasm(1.25 MB)
    rococo_runtime-v9280.compact.compressed.wasm(883.85 KB)
    staking-miner(10.56 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(228 bytes)
    staking-miner.sha256(80 bytes)
    westend_runtime-v9280.compact.compressed.wasm(1.14 MB)
  • v0.9.27(Aug 3, 2022)

    This release contains the changes from v0.9.26 to v0.9.27.

    Upgrade Priority

    โ—๏ธ Medium: This is a medium priority release and you should upgrade in a timely manner.

    The changes motivating this priority level are:

    • [P] #5798 โ—๏ธ Medium - Westend xcm: collectives parachain is trusted teleporter (RUNTIME)

    Host functions

    โ„น๏ธ This release does not contain any new host functions.

    Database Migrations

    Database migrations are operations upgrading the database to the latest stand. Some migrations may break compatibility, making a backup of your database is highly recommended.

    โ„น๏ธ There is no database migration in this release.

    Runtime Migrations

    Runtime migrations are operations running once during a runtime upgrade.

    โš ๏ธ There are 2 runtime migrations in this release:

    • [S] โœ… audited #11669 Low - Revamp nomination pool reward scheme
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #5757 Low - Companion for new pools reward scheme

    Rust compiler versions

    This release was built and tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • Rust Stable: rustc 1.62.1 (e092d0b6b 2022-07-16)
    • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.64.0-nightly (7fe022f5a 2022-07-24)


    The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below. The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.21 and rustc 1.62.0 (a8314ef7d 2022-06-27).


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.32 MB (1384860 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           kusama-9270 (parity-kusama-0.tx12.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.55%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x91af26d2259c86e1330ae373c8d5e9b5b0bc4743f8bedea12926e1365dfbcc06
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x56578fc377d07a66b7051159257640aee5976194ff14739ea5cccacb380dcc52
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x41c442742459ee500119f272cd024bdda4025e68e7f112f9e4a8385e7665b2e4
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmZEfXFLT4KUAzxMUivCaCGnAys9S7pZapGvQHHUK5TEzL


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.20 MB (1256049 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           polkadot-9270 (parity-polkadot-0.tx13.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.56%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x55507b53f5c37e97e3faf9a9274dba0c5eace970aa5c653c179126f679ed496e
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x7a171e89d2f090075ca82e50f66ad981285e0e5617ba6b8b297ae4a24613ef6a
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x4c7ef8e29da32c956081c678a4c59b39241692a8a0062a5c666c7f638fd81710
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmcW7Uvy3sMfuEkzfn1ztBRnpGQuPMV6dFfh1w3Yk2yRAB


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           886.22 KB (907485 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           rococo-9270 (parity-rococo-v2.0-0.tx1.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.93%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x73d12a2d4265620016bba9e0684ff2b5fb93373ae4dca1d946f435b0e749f1bc
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xe268d92f2a850075997df3ab98b568c8364f4f07d692b1e142ec38784755a468
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x5f565476534851805742b8d4723ea1ffeede08746f76a34f40b0e617cacfa985
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmWCmHESpasNAaaJQ1KTp4hLeAHfBfmGfVSZmezxWEqP6A


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.14 MB (1194831 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           westend-9270 (parity-westend-0.tx11.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.62%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x970ef0cb14b2be162a33b0c78a64905be482a32919cf95da7a108f285967c629
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x3c50222dc89465ff9a69a2e169ccb9ffbe7335c0dff5d3d1eba31e11bfedb36d
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0xcb59f8847ba54d396bb5d1c24c351babcfd9fd468fb45829a222b573b943dd29
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmXVnaB2qvYsHidkY56cxUwMkZM2w1uAXCVne1tUE6CHd8



    • [P] Polkadot
    • [S] Substrate


    • [S] โœ… trivial #11786 Low - Cli flag to configure tx ban duration
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11456 Low - Add benchmark extrinsic command
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11831 Low - Rpc for pending rewards


    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11771 Low - [contracts] fixed the bug with transfer value for delegate call
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11807 Low - Un-deprecate transactional macro
    • [S] โœ… audited #11398 Low - Buy&sell methods for uniques
    • [S] โœ… audited #11669 Low - Revamp nomination pool reward scheme
    • [S] โœ… audited #11746 Low - Fix nomination pools unbonding logic
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11816 Low - Contracts: composable chainextension
    • [P] #5798 โ—๏ธ Medium - Westend xcm: collectives parachain is trusted teleporter
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11770 Low - Add era to unbonded event
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11874 Low - Contracts: allow chainextension::call() to access &mut self


    There are other misc. changes. You can expand the list below to view them all.

    Other misc. changes
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11771 Low - [contracts] fixed the bug with transfer value for delegate call
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11807 Low - Un-deprecate transactional macro
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11786 Low - Cli flag to configure tx ban duration
    • [S] โœ… audited #11398 Low - Buy&sell methods for uniques
    • [S] โœ… audited #11669 Low - Revamp nomination pool reward scheme
    • [S] โœ… audited #11746 Low - Fix nomination pools unbonding logic
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11816 Low - Contracts: composable chainextension
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11456 Low - Add benchmark extrinsic command
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5620 Low - Co #11456: expose benchmark extrinsic command
    • [P] #5798 โ—๏ธ Medium - Westend xcm: collectives parachain is trusted teleporter
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11770 Low - Add era to unbonded event
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11874 Low - Contracts: allow chainextension::call() to access &mut self
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11831 Low - Rpc for pending rewards

    Docker image

    The docker image for this release can be found at Docker hub (It will be available a few minutes after the release has been published).

    You may pull it using:

    docker pull parity/polkadot:latest


    There has been a minor runtime patch relevant to kusama and westend.
    These runtimes (9271) contain the changes from v0.9.27 to v0.9.27-1.

    The client, as well as other runtimes, are unaffected.

    Runtime Migrations

    Runtime migrations are operations running once during a runtime upgrade.

    โ„น๏ธ There are runtime migrations in this release.


    • Staking - MigrateToV10
    • Nomination Pools - MigrateToV2


    • Nomination Pools - MigrateToV2


    The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below. The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.21 and rustc 1.62.0 (a8314ef7d 2022-06-27).


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.32 MB (1385510 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           kusama-9271 (parity-kusama-0.tx12.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.57%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x5e8e9e34cd303305f690a6e977a8a80f955d0177f370b10f04a4b01d32a7202d
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x50279548cfa583958e936d4c733232568daba34c5942a26e5c26171f0222380b
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0xfebbd4ee836126748786491e4770743c9bad08472b3ed15fe6d6c74c250540b4
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   Qmc7h6uaCErd3kpbUhUb16WY5XixnN2snFWy4TEvmoembJ


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.15 MB (1203075 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           westend-9271 (parity-westend-0.tx11.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.41%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x179ee28daa9e94e18cb2526e73177a8c3df19144db316196a59321fb02a1a0c9
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x1b0f9e26460ec26b2af49e66079eb7d971a6169aa7c2be03183f88ca97325936
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x5e40600224a0e0b5ef01bfdd63aff941aabf5be4e680da348428a2789f219e74
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmfAtSJgLeRDSSL4GS7yQdrS9nFRXU6Ru1QvfHkH3cjZqd
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9270.compact.compressed.wasm(1.32 MB)
    kusama_runtime-v9271.compact.compressed.wasm(1.32 MB)
    polkadot(125.63 MB)
    polkadot.asc(256 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(75 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9270.compact.compressed.wasm(1.19 MB)
    rococo_runtime-v9270.compact.compressed.wasm(886.21 KB)
    staking-miner(10.52 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(256 bytes)
    staking-miner.sha256(80 bytes)
    westend_runtime-v9270.compact.compressed.wasm(1.13 MB)
    westend_runtime-v9271.compact.compressed.wasm(1.14 MB)
  • v0.9.26(Jul 14, 2022)

    This release contains the changes from v0.9.25 to v0.9.26.

    Upgrade Priority

    โ—๏ธ Medium: This is a medium priority release and you should upgrade in a timely manner.

    The changes motivating this priority level are:

    • [P] โœ… trivial #5597 โ—๏ธ Medium - Allow relay chain council to send xcms
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11694 โ—๏ธ Medium - Pump the gossip engine while waiting for the beefy runtime pallet (memory leak fix)
    • [S] โœ… audited #11666 โ—๏ธ Medium - Democracy.fast_track not allowed with zero voting period

    Host functions

    โ„น๏ธ This release does not contain any new host functions.

    Database Migrations

    Database migrations are operations upgrading the database to the latest stand. Some migrations may break compatibility, making a backup of your database is highly recommended.

    โ„น๏ธ There is no database migration in this release.

    Runtime Migrations

    Runtime migrations are operations running once during a runtime upgrade.

    โ„น๏ธ There is no runtime migration in this release.

    Rust compiler versions

    This release was built and tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • Rust Stable: rustc 1.60.0 (7737e0b5c 2022-04-04)
    • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.62.0-nightly (6dd68402c 2022-05-11)


    The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below. The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.21 and rustc 1.62.0 (a8314ef7d 2022-06-27).


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.32 MB (1387526 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           kusama-9260 (parity-kusama-0.tx12.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.51%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x461ffacbb29348621ae8ca7da3780946db7d729beaec5b6e3f633ab0137f36c8
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x0e97c122a1065b5d20ab51f461373b71d364afc01c90ef44cc39982fa35ad53e
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x4e784769dd00d54aa07e50adcd8843a57f57642d368239057d0d145aa2ef6864
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmSLXf69xAMPYj3F87kERWuCweegJQRhNnYBDkGb8CMaib


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.20 MB (1256214 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           polkadot-9260 (parity-polkadot-0.tx13.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.48%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x282b1166e009892d0088efb1d7158b1c04f03394b9d9cff05e19eec76ecb4e7c
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xb4261d1a6d52c9f785b4e450fa69536f23dce1af3f3fd932cd43433d537330ca
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x3dc7dbf5bb7bf4a456d8162d473813e25f0dde9fbc0b8610cf15b768c8f0e42f
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmZvNGWVrUJycp7csZcHFSG2UMKdomsBmApFQL99k75Aam


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           880.79 KB (901927 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           rococo-9260 (parity-rococo-v2.0-0.tx1.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.91%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0x50c49df1d680e63879b40aface0fc5d232745d2a1bc6189b9fe8af5cedcb5ad3
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x214fcb4efc4b665a757edee13b92d3358d1740fd477d465945a64d853645c15a
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x91d4b6123ef15f3d545b052f11bd5f6a66499d315eee7ddd6067567cbac04dd8
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmYd2Wu4gpjkrYbUmFtEoiQFiQaSvx2A8dzwKpkhy72Win


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:           1.14 MB (1193760 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:           westend-9260 (parity-westend-0.tx11.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:             Yes: 80.61%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:       V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:    0xb98632189a72582b350912cd4b70fe393fe71140c1f7ed7a95082dd95a3db8ae
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x1dd000c1b9c9d2f1df4f5fde6ea6965b32b1aba0b207e8da8e93773123c3d49c
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:        0x6190bd415a14354629aee74dbb1a0c907ea800acd2a0842d8184b86185e4dde3
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:                   QmXWyMpRyczMqEVHh3r6nX1YRGrm6zsav3H8SwGFGWEyJ4



    • [P] Polkadot
    • [S] Substrate


    • [S] โœ… trivial #11694 โ—๏ธ Medium - Pump the gossip engine while waiting for the beefy runtime pallet (memory leak fix)
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11406 Low - Pallet-beefy-mmr: add api for beefy authority sets


    • [S] โœ… audited #11618 Low - Add event to pallet transaction payment
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11631 Low - Mel: origin, referenda, convictionvoting
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11696 Low - Contracts: reduce size of deletion queue depth
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11771 Low - [contracts] fixed the bug with transfer value for delegate call
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11811 Low - Backport #11807
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5768 Low - Update weights


    There are other misc. changes. You can expand the list below to view them all.

    Other misc. changes
    • [S] โœ… audited #11618 Low - Add event to pallet transaction payment
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5597 โ—๏ธ Medium - Allow relay chain council to send xcms
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11631 Low - Mel: origin, referenda, convictionvoting
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11694 โ—๏ธ Medium - Pump the gossip engine while waiting for the beefy runtime pallet (memory leak fix)
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11696 Low - Contracts: reduce size of deletion queue depth
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11406 Low - Pallet-beefy-mmr: add api for beefy authority sets
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11501 Low - [contracts] implement transparent hashing for contract storage
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5577 Low - Fix 5560: add support for a new staking-miner info command
    • [S] โœ… audited #11666 โ—๏ธ Medium - Democracy.fast_track not allowed with zero voting period
    • [P] #5716 Low - Fix confusing metric naming
    • [P] #5734 Low - Staking-miner: cli flag delay solution x secs
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11771 Low - [contracts] fixed the bug with transfer value for delegate call
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11811 Low - Backport #11807
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5768 Low - Update weights

    Docker image

    The docker image for this release can be found at Docker hub (It will be available a few minutes after the release has been published).

    You may pull it using:

    docker pull parity/polkadot:latest
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9260.compact.compressed.wasm(1.32 MB)
    polkadot(121.36 MB)
    polkadot.asc(228 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(75 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9260.compact.compressed.wasm(1.19 MB)
    rococo_runtime-v9260.compact.compressed.wasm(880.78 KB)
    staking-miner(10.34 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(228 bytes)
    staking-miner.sha256(80 bytes)
    westend_runtime-v9260.compact.compressed.wasm(1.13 MB)
  • v0.9.25(Jul 5, 2022)

    This release contains the changes from v0.9.24 to v0.9.25.

    โš ๏ธ Notes

    This release requires a database migration on the parachains db. While this is handled automatically for the rocksdb users, it is not automatic for paritydb.

    Therefore users of paritydb are required to prune the parachains database manually before upgrading.

    Note: Only delete the _parachains_ db and only if you are running your node on paritydb! If you are not sure, try upgrading and only delete the parachains folder if your node is not running properly and you get an error like this:

     InvalidConfiguration("Column config mismatch for column 4. Expected
     "preimage: false, uniform: false, refc: false, compression: 0, ordered: true", 
     got "preimage: false, uniform: false, refc: false, compression: 0, ordered: false")

    Nodes run by default on rocksdb, so if you have not tweaked your configuration you should not be affected and should therefore not delete anything.

    ParityDB users should delete the following folder (assuming using the default --base-path) before starting the new version:

    • Linux: $HOME/.local/share/polkadot/chains/polkadot/paritydb/parachains
    • MacOS $HOME/Library/Application Support/polkadot/chains/polkadot/paritydb/parachains

    Upgrade Priority

    โ—๏ธ Medium: This is a medium priority release and you should upgrade in a timely manner.

    The changes motivating this priority level are:

    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11490 โ—๏ธ Medium - Safe and sane multi-item storage removal (RUNTIME)

    • [S] โœ… trivial #11590 โ—๏ธ Medium - Remove #[pallet::without_storage_info] for pallet-remark

    • [S] โœ… trivial #11591 โ—๏ธ Medium - Remove without_storage_info for membership pallet

    • [S] โœ… trivial #11584 โ—๏ธ Medium - Implement maxencodedlen on pallet-beefy

    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11490 โ—๏ธ Medium - Safe and sane multi-item storage removal

    Host functions

    The runtimes in this release contain one new host function (not active yet)

    Database Migrations

    Database migrations are operations upgrading the database to the latest stand. Some migrations may break compatibility, making a backup of your database is highly recommended.

    โ„น๏ธ There is no database migration in this release.

    Runtime Migrations

    Runtime migrations are operations running once during a runtime upgrade.

    โ„น๏ธ There is no runtime migration in this release.

    Rust compiler versions

    This release was built and tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • Rust Stable: rustc 1.60.0 (7737e0b5c 2022-04-04)
    • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.62.0-nightly (6dd68402c 2022-05-11)


    The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below. The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.20 and rustc 1.60.0 (7737e0b5c 2022-04-04).


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.33 MB (1394165 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		kusama-9250 (parity-kusama-0.tx12.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 80.46%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0xf8abac4497159bd4824c46d34995a1ccd5c5b9057003e9a25397c25624ff0033
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0xa96d87fda2cdf8f49b34dfede6149a055e030078b3f63964a35512c84120e4bf
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:		0x6b48b0bdd23e94e91133f532b10f6af68751b9f734084a2353aece4ffa4b5ef7
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmYHmbJYQ6C6Tp2ZvjZQwWBX6kH7EwvLKJrXjKYf97Gmax


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.20 MB (1262093 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		polkadot-9250 (parity-polkadot-0.tx13.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 80.48%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0x73a9fe9a8dcced92ad7eb36963f64d7b49a4f66a2c5e626a812e5b6cd0e56d42
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0xeb3b31a55638186db35f55deebd4f1d72b22f414395857043370331d9090affe
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:		0xcc1272022f874fab8564fff672553b8e7440fa7e7ced2fca140a64eafab7ecac
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmP9MyaE7fg44YRuG1YLDY3jwHBaNVp8MH8sjZF8CpMgFX


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		969.00 KB (992261 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		rococo-9250 (parity-rococo-v2.0-0.tx0.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 80.94%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0x3f77b1901992ee5494272ceebed3d29abff0482f367c6ce0587c3b308aeeded9
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0xbb1354084999a21419b589e525d21b2bf52e90bf193259ab17eaec786cfa2e34
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:		0x8548c58587be1b64e1df3b31047dd7779cac2a94c3eed6e66c550927ccc806ee
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmRKMzgku7ppKn9Z2K58md9vwQUAd2xNvW5q6QS8B3wNhn


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.15 MB (1204306 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		westend-9251 (parity-westend-1.tx11.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 80.54%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0x8bba7ad30dcb2d157abaffb4193060b45e2d63195e3e2b2ea9f608d4aeecb599
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0x6cc6c15857e565fbbab69e096032f9791ed54607a9a7dd795522bbed6e2b1665
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Blake2-256 hash:		0x840867a6d21affcf49619b43a03ed3b2cb0453058704151479da4cfef5514c2f
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmcbhouBRq4Sg3u6zdHZFDH3btCyRHpPLQHzUVqdnKtvEw



    • [P] Polkadot
    • [S] Substrate



    • [S] โœ… audited #11431 Low - Storage layer for all frame extrinsics
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11490 โ—๏ธ Medium - Safe and sane multi-item storage removal
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5601 Low - Update weights
    • [S] โœ… audited #11124 Low - Several tweaks needed for governance 2.0
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5634 Low - Changed bonding & slashdefer duration in westend
    • [S] โœ… audited #11426 Low - Allow nomination pools to chill + fix dismantle scenario
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5690 Low - Bump transaction version (polkadot & kusama)
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5705 Low - Update weights


    There are other misc. changes. You can expand the list below to view them all.

    Other misc. changes
    • [S] โœ… audited #11431 Low - Storage layer for all frame extrinsics
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11490 โ—๏ธ Medium - Safe and sane multi-item storage removal
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5601 Low - Update weights
    • [S] โœ… audited #11124 Low - Several tweaks needed for governance 2.0
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11578 Low - Reduce call size of referenda pallet
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5634 Low - Changed bonding & slashdefer duration in westend
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11112 Low - Pallet alliance
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5594 Low - Fix a storage leak in parachains db
    • [S] โœ… audited #11426 Low - Allow nomination pools to chill + fix dismantle scenario
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11537 Low - Make it possible to disable rocksdb completely
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5690 Low - Bump transaction version (polkadot & kusama)
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5705 Low - Update weights

    Docker image

    The docker image for this release can be found at Docker hub (It will be available a few minutes after the release has been published).

    You may pull it using:

    docker pull parity/polkadot:latest
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9250.compact.compressed.wasm(1.32 MB)
    polkadot(122.39 MB)
    polkadot.asc(228 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(75 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9250.compact.compressed.wasm(1.20 MB)
    rococo_runtime-v9250.compact.compressed.wasm(969.00 KB)
    staking-miner(10.26 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(228 bytes)
    staking-miner.sha256(80 bytes)
    westend_runtime-v9251.compact.compressed.wasm(1.14 MB)
  • v0.9.24(Jun 15, 2022)

    This release contains the changes from v0.9.23 to v0.9.24.

    Upgrade Priority

    โ—๏ธHigh โ—๏ธ: This is a HIGH priority release and you should upgrade as soon as possible. This release contains important networking improvements required for parachains. It is a client-only release; there are no corresponding runtimes.

    Host functions

    โ„น๏ธ This release does not contain any new host functions.

    Database Migrations

    Database migrations are operations upgrading the database to the latest stand. Some migrations may break compatibility, making a backup of your database is highly recommended.

    โ„น๏ธ There is no database migration in this release.

    Rust compiler versions

    This release was built and tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • Rust Stable: rustc 1.60.0 (7737e0b5c 2022-04-04)
    • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.62.0-nightly (6dd68402c 2022-05-11)



    • [P] Polkadot
    • [S] Substrate


    • [S] Networking update
    • [P] Networking update

    Docker image

    The docker image for this release can be found at Docker hub (It will be available a few minutes after the release has been published).

    You may pull it using:

    docker pull parity/polkadot:latest
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    polkadot(120.99 MB)
    polkadot.asc(228 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(75 bytes)
    staking-miner(10.22 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(228 bytes)
    staking-miner.sha256(80 bytes)
  • v0.9.23(Jun 1, 2022)

    This release contains the changes from v0.9.22 to v0.9.23.

    Upgrade Priority

    Low: This is a low priority release and you may upgrade at your convenience.

    Host functions

    โ„น๏ธ This release does not contain any new host functions.

    Database Migrations

    Database migrations are operations upgrading the database to the latest stand. Some migrations may break compatibility, making a backup of your database is highly recommended.

    โ„น๏ธ There is no database migration in this release.

    Runtime Migrations

    Runtime migrations are operations running once during a runtime upgrade.

    โš ๏ธ There are 3 runtime migrations in this release:

    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11411 Low - Make pool roles optional
    • [S] #11357 Low - Add score to bags list
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #5463 Low - Rename bagslist to voterlist and add score

    Rust compiler versions

    This release was built and tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • Rust Stable: rustc 1.60.0 (7737e0b5c 2022-04-04)
    • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.62.0-nightly (6dd68402c 2022-05-11)


    The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below. The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.20 and rustc 1.60.0 (7737e0b5c 2022-04-04).


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.28 MB (1338992 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		kusama-9230 (parity-kusama-0.tx11.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 79.91%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0xe3f2c82044bad3c0b74ce6f8fc8938f34133c70527a3b2cbd2e943d74c1cb56e
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0xbf54454d3ba1bd373f1367b9699e4ec02d473aceb6f307b42c83f2fc1728c313
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0x0016ea285700a42a5f5877745749525e6730cda88c1a69eb1baf41e4656403fb
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			Qmca2WcMgxPk5vPRWC3GihbGg1AYm72GJfUTH5neyNAddu


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.15 MB (1210162 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		polkadot-9230 (parity-polkadot-0.tx12.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 79.89%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0xa9d8065067376bb10ebf4c5d4933fb6d94c0edb3a5d477cf669e350d49558fda
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0xf4a8428732870b6170c38e5e485f5e5ed79e26d9505a47baba05fc58078d355a
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0x4ebae389b7c52e65ab78f009acf442358decdaae3ad87dff71ed0a8da0c09d9e
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmQCzmKZYbm8ivSS5NUSrikwnev2ozjH31CfDxu4Ued1fW


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		935.88 KB (958338 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		rococo-9230 (parity-rococo-v2.0-0.tx0.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 80.52%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0xd9a1587194d5a05095cfd68df2576bd37af9dc4352cb3c96a773f9f850621a93
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0x4779e8ef10c06867d0d949150031bc19888318530b8c01960e9f11c1f75cbee3
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0x1cb7a8c15642aaa28cdf4e60ed31b4a5b044193ec3547e44e38fce4093cc67e1
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmYccuu4cNPtQ93yvfVso2ti14YvHA5DTr2LEKs4QY6YhF


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.12 MB (1178699 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		westend-9230 (parity-westend-0.tx11.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 79.99%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0x2d649d18adf8ed68f365401ef6a47f08aa30a87b4d8083b2c7581a8798f1f038
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0x15549dfd95254e440b0db5610b945abc1b7d878837ffa321bbe77ccde7d75b46
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0x903f6fbaf65d583e6923b59aa150487f9dfcf4660afe4e1a1f9a00389790c1d5
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmZdNLY95vFySD3mPMz1QLEpUPWXE5zqsdGiqAbu8RUYGN



    • [P] Polkadot
    • [S] Substrate


    • [S] โœ… trivial #11232 Low - Switch to pooling copy-on-write instantiation strategy for wโ€ฆ


    • [P] โœ… trivial #5507 Low - Update weights
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11411 Low - Make pool roles optional
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11389 Low - Use 'items' and 'collections' in uniques pallet
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5536 Low - Remove duplicate traits
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5520 Low - Nomination pools: add minpointstobalance constant
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10719 Low - Explicitly note that existing accountidconversion is truncโ€ฆ
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11441 Low - Allow to set the max supply for collection
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11451 Low - Contracts: add set_code root dispatchable
    • [S] #11357 Low - Add score to bags list
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #5463 Low - Rename bagslist to voterlist and add score
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11381 Low - Introduce #[pallet::call_index] attribute to dispatchables
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11493 Low - Create script to run all benchmarks


    There are other misc. changes. You can expand the list below to view them all.

    Other misc. changes
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5507 Low - Update weights
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11411 Low - Make pool roles optional
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11389 Low - Use 'items' and 'collections' in uniques pallet
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5536 Low - Remove duplicate traits
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5520 Low - Nomination pools: add minpointstobalance constant
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10719 Low - Explicitly note that existing accountidconversion is truncโ€ฆ
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11441 Low - Allow to set the max supply for collection
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11451 Low - Contracts: add set_code root dispatchable
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11232 Low - Switch to pooling copy-on-write instantiation strategy for wโ€ฆ
    • [S] #11357 Low - Add score to bags list
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #5463 Low - Rename bagslist to voterlist and add score
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11486 Low - [contracts] stabilize seal_ecdsa_recover and `seal_ecdsa_tโ€ฆ
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11381 Low - Introduce #[pallet::call_index] attribute to dispatchables
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11493 Low - Create script to run all benchmarks
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5609 Low - Update weights (#5601)

    Docker image

    The docker image for this release can be found at Docker hub (It will be available a few minutes after the release has been published).

    You may pull it using:

    docker pull parity/polkadot:latest
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9230.compact.compressed.wasm(1.27 MB)
    polkadot(120.88 MB)
    polkadot.asc(228 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(75 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9230.compact.compressed.wasm(1.15 MB)
    rococo_runtime-v9230.compact.compressed.wasm(935.87 KB)
    staking-miner(10.22 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(228 bytes)
    staking-miner.sha256(80 bytes)
    westend_runtime-v9230.compact.compressed.wasm(1.12 MB)
  • v0.9.22(May 18, 2022)

    This release contains the changes from v0.9.21 to v0.9.22.


    RPC Server

    This release switches to a new JSON-RPC server library, which imposes the following changes:

    • IPC transport support has been removed.
    • DEPRECATED CLI --ipc-path: has been been deprecated and does nothing.
    • The maximum number of subscriptions per connection has been hardcoded to 1024, this will be configurable in the next release via a CLI flag.
    • The logging has slightly changed: If you rely on waiting for the output Listening for new connections <ADDR>, it has changed to Running JSON-RPC WS server: addr=<ADDR> to determine when RPC servers has been started.


    As with every release, the weights have been adjusted according to the latest benchmarks. The details can be found here.

    Upgrade Priority

    Low: This is a low priority release and you may upgrade at your convenience.

    Host functions

    โ„น๏ธ This release does not contain any new host functions.

    Database Migrations

    โ„น๏ธ There is no database migration in this release.

    Runtime Migrations

    Runtime migrations are operations running once during a runtime upgrade. โš ๏ธ There is one runtime migration in this release:

    • [P] โœ… trivial #5447 Low - Add nomination pools to kusama

    Rust compiler versions

    This release was built and tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • Rust Stable: rustc 1.60.0 (7737e0b5c 2022-04-04)
    • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.62.0-nightly (6dd68402c 2022-05-11)


    The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below. The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.20 and rustc 1.60.0 (7737e0b5c 2022-04-04).


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.27 MB (1334927 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		kusama-9220 (parity-kusama-0.tx11.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 79.93%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0x72f60c5db391e6b93ce5326e62787e78409570564f3d9eac47d373b5290e7e96
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0x1d3a6412f2d1b3bdee87db4a517e8468a834fe2a675c4f62ee633694b279e61a
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0xfa7a00ce83b9c72eed224bcfaa7ad7ac206f55c1470efbcc280b842b611e154d
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmbmSJHDwMs2DdrXhrVFTRtGcweMeUjjMuxDZQLG85ewCR


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.15 MB (1204340 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		polkadot-9220 (parity-polkadot-0.tx12.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 79.89%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0x061f7d9c2994b388cf69da9c4bef9f8c1ea1b00a66c43531f515aeacbe0a76a8
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0x90fd786b77ad94745d1fa31ee5f5c547bdb1a57e214216b7dbec48232aecd3db
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0xc0ebe1fe04e21861f236448c53a4a2eface547a857aac3fdcaa7397bd5978edb
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmWxoj1i7FoVCXSRasExQZSDM11NRkEVAc9txyeBExnzXk


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		938.43 KB (960949 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		rococo-9220 (parity-rococo-v2.0-0.tx0.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 80.45%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0xcfd9f759a7eb15624c7db05570368c8af862e9f920db6340b03e179554424abd
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0xf04fa645fc752ca8ad40fdf5adafcef0ad1b2901ffdb30578cc4c76bf45398e3
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0x1da9b54e284acec427450f69590d9fb2828fa6c0468d9ec42df6a266ac1112ca
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmUVdeEarTjksz9v5Fxw4KPbz8NDRdQMMr9UnZEhz3e7wB


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.12 MB (1175176 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		westend-9220 (parity-westend-0.tx11.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 79.99%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0x9f04da18a613cc848f0b04c2d60cd640459aa220144c91c5f13343f7fcdc38c9
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0xae57c9107e72975cd8bd2e03d81fcb4c202419ba284180f0ef1bd2d30282cc8d
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0x226249ecff1e887bff022790b22d7805984da854eb497d8ae714a2795a2a2894
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			Qmak16rKA6HnpR3PUs8rTXGZjSxRUejLGnKejj464Hz6uX



    • [P] Polkadot
    • [S] Substrate


    • [S] โœ… trivial #11250 Low - Add chain-info subcommand
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11259 Low - Make wildcard storage change subscriptions rpc-unsafe


    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #10698 Low - Remark storage
    • [S] โœ… audited #11002 Low - Configurable call fee refund for signed submissions
    • [S] โœ… audited #10982 Low - Staking: proportional ledger slashing
    • [S] โœ… audited #10694 Low - Nomination pools
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11025 Low - Dependency injection trait locker for uniques pallet
    • [S] โœ… audited #11148 Low - Add force_batch to utility pallet
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11372 Low - Contracts: prevent pov attack vector with minimal viable solโ€ฆ
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5447 Low - Add nomination pools to kusama
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5511 Low - Update weights (#5507)


    There are other misc. changes. You can expand the list below to view them all.

    Other misc. changes
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11087 Low - Add frame_support::crypto::ecdsa::public.to_eth_address() โ€ฆ
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #10698 Low - Remark storage
    • [S] โœ… audited #11002 Low - Configurable call fee refund for signed submissions
    • [S] โœ… audited #10982 Low - Staking: proportional ledger slashing
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5369 Low - Polkadot-like testnets should be 10 decimal places
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11250 Low - Add chain-info subcommand
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5331 Low - Service: use deny-list instead of allow-list for beefy
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11259 Low - Make wildcard storage change subscriptions rpc-unsafe
    • [S] โœ… audited #10694 Low - Nomination pools
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11025 Low - Dependency injection trait locker for uniques pallet
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11337 Low - [contracts] stabilize seal_code_hash, seal_set_code_hashโ€ฆ
    • [S] โœ… audited #11148 Low - Add force_batch to utility pallet
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10995 Low - Remove the --unsafe-pruning cli-argument (step 1)
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11372 Low - Contracts: prevent pov attack vector with minimal viable solโ€ฆ
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11378 Low - [contracts] stabilize seal_contains_storage(vseal0) and โ€ฆ
    • [S] โœ… trivial #8783 Low - Jsonrpsee integration
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5447 Low - Add nomination pools to kusama
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5511 Low - Update weights (#5507)

    Docker images

    The docker image for this release can be found on Docker hub (It will be available a few minutes after this release was published).

    You may also pull it with:

    docker pull parity/polkadot:latest
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9220.compact.compressed.wasm(1.27 MB)
    polkadot(121.10 MB)
    polkadot.asc(228 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(75 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9220.compact.compressed.wasm(1.14 MB)
    rococo_runtime-v9220.compact.compressed.wasm(938.42 KB)
    staking-miner(10.21 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(228 bytes)
    staking-miner.sha256(80 bytes)
    westend_runtime-v9220.compact.compressed.wasm(1.12 MB)
  • v0.9.21(May 9, 2022)

    Upgrade Priority

    This is a High priority release for Kusama and Polkadot, please update nodes as soon as possible.

    Once enough Kusama validators have upgraded to this release, parachain block times for Kusama should significantly decrease.

    Rust compiler versions

    This release was compiled with following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • Rust Stable: rustc 1.60.0 (7737e0b5c 2022-04-04)
    • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.62.0-nightly (e745b4ddb 2022-04-07)


    This is a client only release - there will be no corresponding 9210 runtime upgrade for Polkadot or Kusama


    The only notable change is #5471 - Improve dispute-coordinator message burstiness handling:

    • Based on these changes on testnets, this change should decrease Parachain block times on Kusama to a significant degree.
    • Previously, the dispute-coordinator was the parachain subsystem that took up a large amount of resources, causing generation of offchain information about parachain progress for the runtime to time out (the inherent data was empty and thus, no progress on enacting/backing of parachains from the runtime side could happen). This manifested in longer parachain block times. The fix to this problem is that certain internal queries of the dispute coordinator are now prioritized.
    • Some more context can be found In this issue
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    polkadot(122.94 MB)
    polkadot.asc(228 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(75 bytes)
    staking-miner(10.16 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(228 bytes)
    staking-miner.sha256(80 bytes)
  • v0.9.20(May 4, 2022)

    This release contains the changes from v0.9.19 to v0.9.20.

    Upgrade Priority

    โ—๏ธ Medium: This is a medium priority release and you should upgrade in a timely manner.

    The changes motivating this priority level are:

    • [P] #5164 โ—๏ธ Medium - Reduce network bandwidth, improve parablock times: optimize โ€ฆ

    Rust compiler versions

    This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • Rust Stable: rustc 1.60.0 (7737e0b5c 2022-04-04)
    • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.62.0-nightly (e745b4ddb 2022-04-07)

    Database Migrations

    No Database migration detected in this release.

    Runtime Migrations

    No Runtime migration detected in this release.


    The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below. The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.19 and rustc 1.57.0 (f1edd0429 2021-11-29).


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.26 MB (1326166 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		kusama-9200 (parity-kusama-0.tx11.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 80.98%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0x4a6baf1a8e29618fda342a2ef8aab3163f5547573d84ec559f7625426fba5852
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0xb245095ad7202fbc4cc480e01f20e1782e637219593b1398f7f519dce3dfd1b0
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0xc9afd314fb9ef320a9d11bad5e421832a3a79b8aa7193efc9ef910a58b275ab4
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmVTGZ99EgsJwzhFVfYCGi4mFzayYqucnoqZtEQAJfgE29


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.19 MB (1244837 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		polkadot-9200 (parity-polkadot-0.tx12.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 80.84%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0xf94667fb9411092c1c0b2f157021ff871d92c60becfe8cd467a16e6d6ccf4a92
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0xd9fe2fb18af05adea64f2b7f37ea1d6f6164cdffa17e7d06ef8098c38ee167a1
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0x97c9a3b6ba8d0cabb713519313e06edea544b2fb1399fee2338b81673bff70c5
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmSG4GMb6Vhi4H6ouW796GR3CB8HdvChgeVnTdH6QSEZEk


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		968.74 KB (991987 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		rococo-9200 (parity-rococo-v2.0-0.tx0.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 81.23%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0x5be5813cbc9b1cb58ec0db5c45de348679a57d7d71679f96f5a87be341f715b6
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0x554616eec22c9e352737fa61a17eabd7cfc67c2a96c59c8bfd21bb7a00c884ae
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0x25c0d84a97b34deaf2cb073d211f823adfa5155b793f0120276436963414cf35
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmdKyRiU8Jm3YeNVc6xmz8tCdiTvULqprSHhXvhZ3zkCJH


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.16 MB (1211796 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		westend-9201 (parity-westend-0.tx11.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 80.89%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0xa6281dc8984537e984b65fe34557821db920f90bd2ceac50cd50df31df1bd81e
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0x52333606984c54154d6243c02778eb312b30703a99bc2b19cecf26ae48fd8af7
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0xda4fa8431710d94c3197a86232b29d9790dcad5cdf78b528ce1c92725ef529cc
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmSY3sGp2aKUuGrfBQEy5nW4XuGrj4FgZFirB89Zkz62aK



    • [P] Polkadot
    • [S] Substrate


    • [S] โœ… trivial #11062 Low - Add new hardware and software metrics
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11200 Low - Finality notification: optimize calculation of stale heads
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11198 Low - Add benchmark machine


    • [S] โœ… trivial #11206 Low - Fix wasm block producer panic
    • [P] #4442 Low - Add xcm benchmarks to kusama
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10827 Low - Rb staking pallet validator commission change event
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5405 Low - Add nomination pools to westend runtime


    • [S] โœ… trivial #11062 Low - Add new hardware and software metrics
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11200 Low - Finality notification: optimize calculation of stale heads
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11206 Low - Fix wasm block producer panic
    • [P] #4442 Low - Add xcm benchmarks to kusama
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10827 Low - Rb staking pallet validator commission change event
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11198 Low - Add benchmark machine
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5326 Low - Co #11198: expose benchmark machine command
    • [P] #5164 โ—๏ธ Medium - Reduce network bandwidth, improve parablock times: optimize โ€ฆ
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5405 Low - Add nomination pools to westend runtime
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9200.compact.compressed.wasm(1.26 MB)
    polkadot(122.91 MB)
    polkadot.asc(228 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(75 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9200.compact.compressed.wasm(1.18 MB)
    rococo_runtime-v9200.compact.compressed.wasm(968.73 KB)
    staking-miner(10.18 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(228 bytes)
    staking-miner.sha256(80 bytes)
    westend_runtime-v9201.compact.compressed.wasm(1.15 MB)
  • v0.9.19(Apr 19, 2022)

    This release contains the changes from refs/tags/v0.9.18 to refs/tags/v0.9.19.

    Upgrade Priority

    Medium: This is a medium priority release and you should upgrade in a timely manner.

    The changes motivating this priority level are:

    • [P] โœ… trivial #5150 Medium - Have some lenience on outdated messages in statement distribโ€ฆ
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5182 Medium - Enable disputes on all chains
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #5173 Medium - Migrate slot depositors in crowdloan migration (RUNTIME)

    Rust compiler versions

    This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • Rust Stable: rustc 1.60.0 (7737e0b5c 2022-04-04)
    • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.62.0-nightly (e745b4ddb 2022-04-07)

    Database Migrations

    No Database migration detected in this release.

    Runtime Migrations

    • [P] #5088 - Companion for validator self-vote in bags
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #5173 Medium - Migrate slot depositors in crowdloan migration

    There are 2 runtime migration(s) in this release.

    Runtime migrations are operations running once during a runtime upgrade.


    The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below. The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.19 and rustc 1.57.0 (f1edd0429 2021-11-29).


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.26 MB (1324363 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		kusama-9190 (parity-kusama-0.tx11.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 81.13%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0xa7852f51ff4d8981c258ef4da63456dbdc57cd790492bd710bb08d8e6b59a638
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0x5749ac3a738a73e8893ae86f6851027a9ff780faabe62f046a53a93e4741bbcc
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0x5de2c41bd45aa93e8313dfd0ac91749d68f4edcd5d937bc3f3fa3b0bef1f7139
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmNf4Gb9RnSKbbeMyea7o1ag7RhCPoQQy8VXQKng1tsapW


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.19 MB (1247248 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		polkadot-9190 (parity-polkadot-0.tx12.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 80.91%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0x397e47d52612475aea339965ef341fb02c0f6047a7fd9cbb555585a6fff9b044
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0xafdc90363716de3da5d1791d9f76f2b658792d8a860128cd496f83ddb8081216
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0xc4d194054f03dc7155ccb080f1e6d8519d9d6a83e916960de973c93231aca8f4
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmRpEHotWwwFU7J4NxdwG7rJJ2Ey41ro4eNqA5jLnxZ1Zv


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		971.68 KB (994998 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		rococo-9190 (parity-rococo-v2.0-0.tx0.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 81.17%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0xecd77a247f7694dfacfbc12e067f50e2d705ffc10ebb0edb8ab9581a36bc2f13
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0x0c75e4dd01ed9ea44f37c47e3db8a43342f2835587e8803f5c91401ed176c3b6
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0x8a8f95b8dc3e4a3cb6148426b02afabdd338c69e496cd438e5d4b29dfe79dccb
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmPcDvqRgBUE3XpowPDdSgZhRaRbygnEY9ELHpFmK4aAzv


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.10 MB (1157705 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		westend-9190 (parity-westend-0.tx11.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 81.21%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0x01ee71ef7ab42c88970a7b4fc3306a01259dac7a7b47ed20255ffcdc4b352af6
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0xb9dffd2bc840ea8e24a94b58785f110b3cff59c4685140bd3e7a75e360b024a8
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0x0a0bc207cd7910057c759da2c675ad7f23287d19ef97c0ca22a3d10bd1a21bcf
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmeLoiNcwRvSnc3Gp7LwpZfeijF8k4h9CqnqkA5nzop3C6



    • [P] Polkadot
    • [S] Substrate


    • [S] โœ… trivial #11004 - Additional benchmark-storage flags
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10977 - Add execution overhead benchmarking
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10939 - Add dev_getblockstats rpc
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11091 - Add benchmark-block command
    • [S] #11170 - Change default execution strategies to wasm
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11164 - Sub-commands for benchmark


    • [S] โœ… trivial #10896 - Minor uniques pallet improvements and xcm v3 preparations
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11037 - Contracts: stabilize seal_delegate_call
    • [P] โœ… trivial #4863 - Add child bounties to polkadot and kusama
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #5000 - Lower kusama staking limits
    • [P] #4809 - Update docs and enable dot-over-xcm
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10242 - Allow pallet error enum variants to contain fields
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11014 - Improve bounties and child bounties deposit logic
    • [S] #10988 - Add a bounded fallback on failed elections
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10933 - Contracts: add seal_code_hash and seal_own_code_hash toโ€ฆ
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #5173 Low - Migrate slot depositors in crowdloan migration
    • [S] #10808 - Add limit to tranasctional layers
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #5227 - Custom slots migration for fund index change


    There are other misc. changes. You can expand the list below to view them all.

    Other misc. changes
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10896 - Minor uniques pallet improvements and xcm v3 preparations
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5016 - Improve parachain liveness by reducing required number of baโ€ฆ
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #10997 - Make bags-list generic over node value and instantiable
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11004 - Additional benchmark-storage flags
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11037 - Contracts: stabilize seal_delegate_call
    • [P] โœ… trivial #4863 - Add child bounties to polkadot and kusama
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10977 - Add execution overhead benchmarking
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5150 Low - Have some lenience on outdated messages in statement distribโ€ฆ
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10939 - Add dev_getblockstats rpc
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #5000 - Lower kusama staking limits
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5182 Low - Enable disputes on all chains
    • [P] #4809 - Update docs and enable dot-over-xcm
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10242 - Allow pallet error enum variants to contain fields
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11091 - Add benchmark-block command
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #11014 - Improve bounties and child bounties deposit logic
    • [S] #10988 - Add a bounded fallback on failed elections
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10933 - Contracts: add seal_code_hash and seal_own_code_hash toโ€ฆ
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #5173 Low - Migrate slot depositors in crowdloan migration
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5224 - Integrate benchmark-block
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5137 - Integrate benchmark-overhead command
    • [S] #10808 - Add limit to tranasctional layers
    • [S] #11156 - Fix storage layer limit
    • [S] #11170 - Change default execution strategies to wasm
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #10785 - Apply weighttofeepolynomials to `pallet_transaction_paymenโ€ฆ
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #5227 - Custom slots migration for fund index change
    • [S] โœ… trivial #11164 - Sub-commands for benchmark
    • [P] โœ… trivial #5247 - Co #11164: sub-commands for benchmark
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9190.compact.compressed.wasm(1.26 MB)
    polkadot(122.24 MB)
    polkadot.asc(228 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(75 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9190.compact.compressed.wasm(1.18 MB)
    rococo_runtime-v9190.compact.compressed.wasm(971.67 KB)
    staking-miner(10.15 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(228 bytes)
    staking-miner.sha256(80 bytes)
    westend_runtime-v9190.compact.compressed.wasm(1.10 MB)
  • v0.9.18(Mar 21, 2022)

    This release contains the changes from v0.9.17 to v0.9.18.

    Global Priority

    Low: This is a low priority release and you may upgrade at your convenience.

    Database migration


    • #10779 is a database migration that results in backwards incompatible changes to the database.
    • paritydbusers: please take a look at this issue to avoid issues with your database.

    Rust compiler versions

    This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • Rust Stable: rustc 1.57.0 (f1edd0429 2021-11-29)
    • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.58.0-nightly (46b8e7488 2021-11-07)


    • [P] โœ… audited #4772 - Allow two parachains to swap


    The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below. The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.19 and rustc 1.57.0 (f1edd0429 2021-11-29).


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.25 MB (1310180 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		kusama-9180 (parity-kusama-0.tx11.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 80.91%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0x5bd0ca8b8fdb08fae4aa08d036826901b3ca631966cd8b6988629e256078bbea
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0x823230e7f8c4d2917d4e39f66126c76de36319770bfd78f6bedc243009455d40
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0x31eb0ec851588888d8a46c4191141820abecfb69d48d4e1bbcc618a8de7efb1e
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmcDrJgiS9k8X8ZfTtbYPFNYFFbNzut8G72fsMLBPTBj3C


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.12 MB (1173740 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		polkadot-9180 (parity-polkadot-0.tx12.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 80.86%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0xa9ad07f0ea8e95c15247ba05a2754405acbf4de6cea8fe0cfdb94196c6093670
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0x69e37006e89365db404f0919a3485991140216e2c75493e814f37fc4f78f9516
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0x3d9876dc5d3316cb9f076ea17394c7f913963598849d821c6381c988d338bd09
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			Qmd2wWeZt9TNb1jR2oTgQA9EcQdoWG6tF2xTVFufuqeNxt


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.08 MB (1128884 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		westend-9180 (parity-westend-0.tx11.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 81.21%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0x8f9ffab56178e869bac4bc8a9d16f614db332d1c15615869a51a91bab2fc2aa9
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0x43043c7fd1b0d63770246309bba239572d00468844b5bc646094819450ef320d
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0x5d8bbd3df117f6fd10a27e141a8e25a76fcc07f7293dcaa7953baec278300fb8
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmWehfzz2CB75mA8Hu3NdzGYicnCc7LdHm643qdjzzc94B


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime size:		0.953 MB (999,378 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core version:		rococo-9180 (parity-rococo-v2.0-0.tx0.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes, 81.07%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0xa21eef2c692eb72770f249c6a77952f6ad0b0e33d3b0e0488cd3c1e8e2df99e6
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0x376dcfa594c5399fffadc9861b7140e6e61117d7c9eda12f625549137be77539
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0xc8787cc865795173b189d08764b708ae10873c0b8022feb482c61e229325993d
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmaJ25Jzfh1bxbmnLjvX4EbU6c6gRUrLmEaaP5pqbkKVT8



    • [P] Polkadot
    • [S] Substrate


    • [S] #10832 - Mark sync_state_gensyncspec json-rpc as safe
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10897 - Storage benchmarking
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10779 - Refactored block body database scheme
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10975 - Deprecate "paritydb-experimental" cli in favour or "paritydbโ€ฆ


    • [S] โœ… trivial #10690 - Upgradable contracts using set_code function
    • [P] โœ… audited #4772 - Allow two parachains to swap
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #4851 - Add proxy type for kappa sigma mu
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10863 - Contracts: don't round to kilobyte for code size based weighโ€ฆ
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10877 - Contracts: allow stack height metering to be disabled
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10825 - Upgrading parity-scale-codec to v3
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10947 - Bring back maxnominations as a metadata constant
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #4993 - Add disputes pallet to polkadot


    There are other misc. changes. You can expand the list below to view them all.

    Other misc. changes
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10690 - Upgradable contracts using set_code function
    • [S] โœ… audited #10473 - Fix reentrancy of frozenbalance::died hook
    • [P] โœ… audited #4772 - Allow two parachains to swap
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #4851 - Add proxy type for kappa sigma mu
    • [S] #10832 - Mark sync_state_gensyncspec json-rpc as safe
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10863 - Contracts: don't round to kilobyte for code size based weighโ€ฆ
    • [P] #4914 - Revert "collator-protocol: short-term fixes for connectivityโ€ฆ
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10877 - Contracts: allow stack height metering to be disabled
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10825 - Upgrading parity-scale-codec to v3
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10897 - Storage benchmarking
    • [P] #4982 - Co #10897: storage benchmarking
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10947 - Bring back maxnominations as a metadata constant
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #4993 - Add disputes pallet to polkadot
    • [P] #5015 - Ci: add rococo to release pipeline
    • [P] #4838 - Paritydb support for parachains db.
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10779 - Refactored block body database scheme
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10975 - Deprecate "paritydb-experimental" cli in favour or "paritydbโ€ฆ
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10971 - [contracts] stabilize "seal0" is_contract and `caller_is_oโ€ฆ
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9180.compact.compressed.wasm(1.24 MB)
    polkadot(121.02 MB)
    polkadot.asc(228 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(75 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9180.compact.compressed.wasm(1.11 MB)
    rococo_runtime-v9180.compact.compressed.wasm(975.95 KB)
    staking-miner(9.98 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(228 bytes)
    staking-miner.sha256(80 bytes)
    westend_runtime-v9180.compact.compressed.wasm(1.07 MB)
  • v0.9.17-rc4(Feb 23, 2022)

    This release contains the changes from refs/tags/v0.9.16 to HEAD.

    Global Priority

    Low: This is a low priority release and you may upgrade at your convenience.

    The changes motivating this priority level are:

    • [S] โœ… trivial #10692 Low - Optimized weights (RUNTIME)
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10741 - Add a new host function for reporting fatal errors

    Rust compiler versions

    This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • Rust Stable: rustc 1.57.0 (f1edd0429 2021-11-29)
    • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.58.0-nightly (46b8e7488 2021-11-07)

    Breaking CLI changes

    --reserved-nodes may no longer take multiple multiaddress items and only exactly one multiaddress must follow --reserved-nodes. In order to specify several reserved nodes, then --reserved-nodes must appear on the command line before each reserved node's multiaddress.

    I.e. if you originally did:

    polkadot --reserved-nodes $NODE1 $NODE2 $NODE3

    Then you must now write:

    polkadot --reserved-nodes $NODE1 --reserved-nodes $NODE2 --reserved-nodes $NODE3

    Also, arguments are now case-sensitive, so you must use the case as given in the --help message. E.g. if you originally did:

    polkadot --sync=warp

    Then you must now do:

    polkadot --sync=Warp


    • [P] #4772 - Allow two parachains to swap


    The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below. The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.19 and rustc 1.57.0 (f1edd0429 2021-11-29).


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.25 MB (1307941 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		kusama-9170 (parity-kusama-0.tx10.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 80.95%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0x38638649367d1cbe0f00cffd7fa1c6f363f4f81521f4872e64ec7038da4ffc21
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0xbe14556138605640c0fd79aa162d316a97be4c1efd565a62468cf9cd8403490e
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0xb07f8ccaaf2c4c1e00f34963c6eb038cb28bddc74670c1a6cac4e0ab9dd03083
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmcYJofL65tdz18ivkP89eNidnFXdHzFyi7Qk4BuC62Z7T


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.11 MB (1162748 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		polkadot-9170 (parity-polkadot-0.tx11.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 80.95%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0x8eb2806cbdf1a4ba91334669b2476870134db3af5c77f418152af0ad354d3b32
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0xebb7c0bcfc944adefac3c272cdc3ded97f23d395513f418ae1eda4a77e25ea73
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0xab9d4f920cc5879624705f6db16dbd2c61628f8d29655c26f790630ca76a66c2
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmPYh56SgUAkmDm4CqSdG3c47PHVCRXY3zqM5A9ARxrdod


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.08 MB (1132636 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		westend-9170 (parity-westend-0.tx10.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 81.41%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0xecfe1eb445628f4dcad3a8aea98bdd4f890370eb71ac9bdccf1cc041b35cb3c0
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0xfae693ecfef403b3b8c409b9f34b01ab1ef0e3ef0c6d96e6defa4b9571eeb784
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0xcc7f7297da7512cd0c5f42b758e642069cd37821341378fe151d5c9140bdeac1
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmTEy9SVdvg7JDGkJZzadhN4ZnPkvyqj21YQzF5Xqt2R3J



    • [P] Polkadot
    • [S] Substrate


    • [S] โœ… trivial #10771 - Bench-cli: support json output
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10741 - Add a new host function for reporting fatal errors; make wasโ€ฆ
    • [S] #10832 - Mark sync_state_gensyncspec json-rpc as safe


    • [P] #3876 - Hrmp benchmarks
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10715 - Add maxencodelen to implement_per_thing!
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10692 Low - Optimized weights
    • [S] โœ… audited #10663 - Better way to resolve phase::emergency via governance
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10728 - Fix lazy batch contract removal
    • [P] โœ… trivial #4831 - Bump transaction_version for polkadot, kusama, & westend
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10789 - Contracts: is_contract(address) and caller_is_origin() aโ€ฆ
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10195 - Referenda and conviction voting pallets
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10617 - seal_delegate_call api function (support for library contrโ€ฆ
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #10786 - Pallet-staking: add extrinsic force_apply_min_commission
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10690 - Upgradable contracts using set_code function
    • [P] #4772 - Allow two parachains to swap
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #4851 - Add proxy type for kappa sigma mu


    There are other misc. changes. You can expand the list below to view them all.

    Other misc. changes
    • [P] #3876 - Hrmp benchmarks
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10715 - Add maxencodelen to implement_per_thing!
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10692 Low - Optimized weights
    • [S] โœ… audited #10663 - Better way to resolve phase::emergency via governance
    • [S] #10639 - Add stale branches heads to finality notifications
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10728 - Fix lazy batch contract removal
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10775 - Wasm-builder: fall back to release profile for unknown proโ€ฆ
    • [P] โœ… trivial #4831 - Bump transaction_version for polkadot, kusama, & westend
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10771 - Bench-cli: support json output
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10789 - Contracts: is_contract(address) and caller_is_origin() aโ€ฆ
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10195 - Referenda and conviction voting pallets
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10617 - seal_delegate_call api function (support for library contrโ€ฆ
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10741 - Add a new host function for reporting fatal errors; make wasโ€ฆ
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #10786 - Pallet-staking: add extrinsic force_apply_min_commission
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10690 - Upgradable contracts using set_code function
    • [S] โœ… audited #10473 - Fix reentrancy of frozenbalance::died hook
    • [P] #4772 - Allow two parachains to swap
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #4851 - Add proxy type for kappa sigma mu
    • [S] #10832 - Mark sync_state_gensyncspec json-rpc as safe
    • [P] #4914 - Revert "collator-protocol: short-term fixes for connectivityโ€ฆ
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9170.compact.compressed.wasm(1.24 MB)
    polkadot(118.09 MB)
    polkadot.asc(228 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(75 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9170.compact.compressed.wasm(1.10 MB)
    staking-miner(12.39 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(228 bytes)
    staking-miner.sha256(80 bytes)
    westend_runtime-v9170.compact.compressed.wasm(1.08 MB)
  • v0.9.16(Feb 4, 2022)

    Global Priority

    โ€ผ๏ธ HIGH: This is a high priority release and you must upgrade as as soon as possible.

    The changes motivating this priority level are:

    • [P] #4594 โ€ผ๏ธ HIGH - Fix checking for the parachainhost runtime api
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #9732 Low - Inner hashing of value in state trie (runtime versioning).
    • [P] โœ… trivial #4104 - Companion for substrate#9732

    โš ๏ธ The runtimes in this release contain 2 new host functions. โš ๏ธ It is critical that you update your client before the chain switches to the new runtimes. If you do not update your client before the new runtime is enacted, your node will stop handling parachains functionalities properly until you upgrade. Also note that PR #9543 is a breaking change for the Prometheus metrics.

    Rust compiler versions

    This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • Rust Stable: rustc 1.57.0 (f1edd0429 2021-11-29)
    • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.58.0-nightly (46b8e7488 2021-11-07)


    This runtime contains a custom migration that fixes the locked deposit of a number of accounts who have voted for the Polkadot council in the past. See the list of affected accounts and more description https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot/pull/4655.

    This runtime upgrade contains a custom migration that fixes the locked deposit participants of the historical Nicks pallet, which was only used temporarily in the Kusama runtime. See the list of affected accounts and more description https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot/pull/4656.

    • [S] โœ… trivial #10082 - Contracts: add storage deposits
    • [P] โœ… trivial #4420 - Pvf-precheck: update configuration module
    • [S] โœ… audited #10356 - Preimage registrar and scheduler integration
    • [P] โœ… audited #4384 - Companion for #10356: preimage registrar and scheduler inteโ€ฆ
    • [S] โœ… trivial #9940 - Add classaccount storage to unique pallet
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #4540 - Parachains: fix configuration module
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #4545 Low - Session-info: add new fields + migration


    The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below. The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.19 and rustc 1.57.0 (f1edd0429 2021-11-29).


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.25 MB (1311338 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		kusama-9160 (parity-kusama-0.tx9.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 76.3%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0xed1de8f528fe956fbd86db192c7947bac80a33641f2fb11334d8d6b12101c3c2
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0x588a715d895302eb46b1d016057be75aa8988fbe8c675ac98b6dcf6248ea1ec3
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0xfe1f53ee11df8958888f5d531599c312437f05f7d9a5ef20a19e112acf146d33
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmVdW6xn7dKQEZi8Vz8x6vU4gvq7HC4Mafc5ix9bsgjFM4


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.11 MB (1163629 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		polkadot-9160 (parity-polkadot-0.tx10.au0)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 76.39%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0x82246c01708524e6954378d75f38c4a1f459d483d3b6a108f5d573eb74bdd557
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0x87845047a019842fcdc876402733776fe81f7a6c86f08b1fe1d47876a106f2d7
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0xae866018e8e57e82b9cb5eb1746d01c646b27e15cc448008a4848aa5b627de84
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmTTcNv3xAS6ZLvp7Dnvcvqe1JYKev6fFJcPVUPu62DazV


    ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Runtime Size:		1.10 MB (1154566 bytes)
    ๐Ÿ”ฅ Core Version:		westend-9160 (parity-westend-0.tx9.au2)
    ๐Ÿ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 76.39%
    ๐ŸŽ Metadata version:		V14
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ system.setCode hash:		0x80ae76e08988ece460cefbecb0bb237ba43b3dce742e9895d11f43d579c13cd6
    ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ authorizeUpgrade hash:	0x7596586f82049349608eb56a70a7900ecdb31a2950e82f9a537f92ac209a9a61
    #๏ธโƒฃ Blake2-256 hash:		0x3d81161d456afd666ebab7ebb0b3d08c3883c416dce19cfdf157e99f76c09d73
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ IPFS:			QmSXEsoPLC8aznriPqS4mfMFLNvziSaQa9g3HfLzoUdNG1



    • [P] Polkadot
    • [S] Substrate


    • [S] #10419 - No longer include :code and :heappages in execution proofs
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10372 - Allow try-runtime and testexternalities to report pov size
    • [S] #9543 - Remove prometheus metrics prefix
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10454 - Automatically unsubscribe storage listeners when they're droโ€ฆ
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10440 - Add logger configuration hook
    • [S] โœ… trivial #9940 - Add classaccount storage to unique pallet
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10509 - Slotduration: always fetch the slot duration from the runtimโ€ฆ
    • [S] #10600 - Code-substitute: switch from block_hash to block_number
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10659 - Increase default rocksdb cache size
    • [S] #10688 - Split peer slots between full and light nodes
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10775 - Wasm-builder: fall back to release profile for unknown proโ€ฆ


    • [P] โœ… trivial #4360 - Impose new restrictions on paras init and cleanup
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10043 - Fix order of hook execution
    • [S] โœ… audited #10347 - Allow configuration option for minimum commission of validatโ€ฆ
    • [P] โœ… trivial #4452 - Restore rococo <> wococo bridges (headers + messages)
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10082 - Contracts: add storage deposits
    • [S] โœ… audited #10309 - Add child-bounties pallet.
    • [S] โœ… audited #9829 - Add extrinsic to improve position in a bag of bags-list
    • [S] #10413 - Introduce checknonzerosender
    • [P] โœ… trivial #4420 - Pvf-precheck: update configuration module
    • [S] โœ… audited #10382 - Insufficient asset quota and deposits
    • [S] โœ… audited #10443 Low - Bounties - reset curator deposit when curator unassigns themโ€ฆ
    • [S] โœ… audited #10356 - Preimage registrar and scheduler integration
    • [P] โœ… trivial #4233 - Do not allow death on crowdloan contribute + introduce `coโ€ฆ
    • [S] #10403 - Remove default bound for accountid
    • [P] โœ… audited #4470 - Reanchor should return canonical location
    • [S] โœ… audited #10485 - Fix update_lock
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10481 - Emit contractreverted error when revert flag is set
    • [P] โœ… trivial #4401 - Add encointer as trustedteleporter to kusama
    • [P] โœ… audited #4457 - Pvf-precheck: integrate pvf pre-checking into paras module
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #4540 - Parachains: fix configuration module
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #9732 Low - Inner hashing of value in state trie (runtime versioning).
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #4545 Low - Session-info: add new fields + migration
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #4581 - Configuration: unified consistency checks
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #4653 - Fully enable bags-list pallet in polkadot runtime
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10497 - Add additionally functionality to contracts storage interfacโ€ฆ
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #10620 - Reset events before apply runtime upgrade
    • [P] โœ… trivial #4683 - Paras: add runtime events for pvf pre-checking
    • [S] โœ… audited #10646 - Use free balance rather than total balance for elections phrโ€ฆ
    • [P] #4490 - Fix pallet_xcm::execute
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10689 - Allow the treasury to have a maximum bound on the bond
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10592 - Improve usability of add+list_benchmark!
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10662 Low - Require maxencodedlen per default
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #3876 - Hrmp benchmarks
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10715 - Add maxencodelen to implement_per_thing!
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10692 Low - Optimized weights
    • [S] โœ… audited #10663 - Better way to resolve phase::emergency via governance
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10728 - Fix lazy batch contract removal
    • [P] โœ… trivial #4831 - Bump transaction_version for polkadot, kusama, & westend


    There are other misc. changes. You can expand the list below to view them all.

    Other misc. changes
    • [P] โœ… trivial #4360 - Impose new restrictions on paras init and cleanup
    • [P] โœ… trivial #4364 - Treat non-deterministic prep errors as internal errors
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10043 - Fix order of hook execution
    • [S] โœ… audited #10347 - Allow configuration option for minimum commission of validatโ€ฆ
    • [S] #10419 - No longer include :code and :heappages in execution proofs
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10372 - Allow try-runtime and testexternalities to report pov size
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10317 - Authentication of peerids in authority discovery records
    • [P] โœ… trivial #4452 - Restore rococo <> wococo bridges (headers + messages)
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10082 - Contracts: add storage deposits
    • [S] โœ… audited #10309 - Add child-bounties pallet.
    • [S] โœ… audited #9829 - Add extrinsic to improve position in a bag of bags-list
    • [S] #10413 - Introduce checknonzerosender
    • [P] โœ… trivial #4420 - Pvf-precheck: update configuration module
    • [S] #9543 - Remove prometheus metrics prefix
    • [P] #4342 - Cli: introduce host-perf-check command
    • [S] โœ… audited #10382 - Insufficient asset quota and deposits
    • [S] โœ… audited #10443 Low - Bounties - reset curator deposit when curator unassigns themโ€ฆ
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10454 - Automatically unsubscribe storage listeners when they're droโ€ฆ
    • [S] โœ… audited #10356 - Preimage registrar and scheduler integration
    • [P] โœ… trivial #4233 - Do not allow death on crowdloan contribute + introduce `coโ€ฆ
    • [S] #10403 - Remove default bound for accountid
    • [P] โœ… audited #4470 - Reanchor should return canonical location
    • [S] โœ… audited #10485 - Fix update_lock
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10481 - Emit contractreverted error when revert flag is set
    • [P] โœ… trivial #4401 - Add encointer as trustedteleporter to kusama
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10440 - Add logger configuration hook
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #4483 - Add support for wasm runtime metrics try #2
    • [P] โœ… audited #4457 - Pvf-precheck: integrate pvf pre-checking into paras module
    • [P] #4541 - Dispute statements node side limiting
    • [P] #4464 - Enable disputes for known chains, except for polkadot
    • [P] โœ… trivial #4059 - Create a readme for xcmv2 detailing notable changes
    • [S] โœ… trivial #9940 - Add classaccount storage to unique pallet
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10509 - Slotduration: always fetch the slot duration from the runtimโ€ฆ
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #4540 - Parachains: fix configuration module
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10524 - Add iter_from to countedmap
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10521 - Customizable ink address
    • [P] #4594 โ€ผ๏ธ HIGH - Fix checking for the parachainhost runtime api
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #9732 Low - Inner hashing of value in state trie (runtime versioning).
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #4545 Low - Session-info: add new fields + migration
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #4581 - Configuration: unified consistency checks
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #4583 - Configuration: validation_upgrade_delay consistency
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #4653 - Fully enable bags-list pallet in polkadot runtime
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10463 - Name changes for grandpa and beefy notifications protocols
    • [P] โœ… audited #4643 - Pvf-precheck: pvf pre-checker subsystem
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10497 - Add additionally functionality to contracts storage interfacโ€ฆ
    • [S] #10600 - Code-substitute: switch from block_hash to block_number
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #10620 - Reset events before apply runtime upgrade
    • [P] โœ… trivial #4683 - Paras: add runtime events for pvf pre-checking
    • [P] โœ… trivial #4332 - Add fast-runtime cargo feature for quick test runs
    • [S] โœ… audited #10646 - Use free balance rather than total balance for elections phrโ€ฆ
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10659 - Increase default rocksdb cache size
    • [S] โณ pending non-critical audit #10493 - Add feature: no-metadata-doc which removes doc from metadaโ€ฆ
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10677 - Bench/cli: extend --extrinsic name filtering
    • [P] #4490 - Fix pallet_xcm::execute
    • [S] #10688 - Split peer slots between full and light nodes
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10689 - Allow the treasury to have a maximum bound on the bond
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10592 - Improve usability of add+list_benchmark!
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10662 Low - Require maxencodedlen per default
    • [P] โณ pending non-critical audit #3876 - Hrmp benchmarks
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10715 - Add maxencodelen to implement_per_thing!
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10692 Low - Optimized weights
    • [S] โœ… audited #10663 - Better way to resolve phase::emergency via governance
    • [S] #10639 - Add stale branches heads to finality notifications
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10728 - Fix lazy batch contract removal
    • [S] โœ… trivial #10775 - Wasm-builder: fall back to release profile for unknown proโ€ฆ
    • [P] โœ… trivial #4831 - Bump transaction_version for polkadot, kusama, & westend
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9160.compact.compressed.wasm(1.25 MB)
    polkadot(118.37 MB)
    polkadot.asc(228 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(77 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9160.compact.compressed.wasm(1.10 MB)
    staking-miner(12.37 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(228 bytes)
    staking-miner.sha256(80 bytes)
    westend_runtime-v9160.compact.compressed.wasm(1.10 MB)
  • v0.9.15-1(Jan 17, 2022)

    Upgrade priority: Low (upgrade at your convenience)

    This release:

    • reverts the inclusion of substrate#10043
    • reverts #4656 that was already applied for Kusama
    • includes #4706


    • Polkadot: 9151
    • Kusama: 9151
    • Westend: 9151

    This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • rustc 1.57.0 (f1edd0429 2021-11-29)
    • rustc 1.58.0-nightly (46b8e7488 2021-11-07)

    WASM runtimes built with srtool v0.9.19 using rustc 1.57.0 (f1edd0429 2021-11-29).

    Proposal hashes:

    • polkadot_runtime-v9151.compact.compressed.wasm: 0xc0d644131338cbf809cdb03afe0f7e1660b228e18011087858828ced4365d82e
    • kusama_runtime-v9151.compact.compressed.wasm: 0xf4af15892e170a57ec840dcda146fad568fa8a9132b045debbb2cf942019da2b
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9151.compact.compressed.wasm(1.21 MB)
    polkadot(110.07 MB)
    polkadot.asc(228 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(77 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9151.compact.compressed.wasm(1.07 MB)
    staking-miner(17.61 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(228 bytes)
    staking-miner.sha256(80 bytes)
    westend_runtime-v9151.compact.compressed.wasm(1.04 MB)
  • v0.9.15(Jan 11, 2022)

    Upgrade Priority: Medium This release contains some runtime cleanup and migrations to prepare for the next runtime upgrade. It should be upgraded asap to prepare for the next runtime.

    This is runtime only release and upgrading the nodes is not mandatory.

    Native runtimes

    • Polkadot: 9150
    • Kusama: 9150
    • Westend: 9150

    This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • rustc 1.57.0 (f1edd0429 2021-11-29)
    • rustc 1.58.0-nightly (46b8e7488 2021-11-07)

    WASM runtimes built with srtool v0.9.19 using rustc 1.57.0 (f1edd0429 2021-11-29).

    Proposal hashes:

    • polkadot_runtime-v9150.compact.compressed.wasm: 0x960d3ad3f42eb41ab2131e1561dd8cc20f87585e37d2d1b02525578204f11d4b
    • kusama_runtime-v9150.compact.compressed.wasm: 0x0bc6607f0fc616102a4144621717d186f72b5864fd67879343461cf691a04c91


    • โณ pending non-critical audit Fix order of hook execution (paritytech/substrate#10043)

    Runtime migrations

    • โณ pending non-critical audit Fix locked deposit of council voters (#4655)
    • โณ pending non-critical audit Fix locked deposits of Nicks pallet (#4656)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9150.compact.compressed.wasm(1.22 MB)
    polkadot(110.14 MB)
    polkadot.asc(228 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(87 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9150.compact.compressed.wasm(1.08 MB)
    staking-miner(17.63 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(228 bytes)
    westend_runtime-v9150.compact.compressed.wasm(1.04 MB)
  • v0.9.14(Dec 10, 2021)

    Upgrade priority: Low (upgrade at your convenience)

    NOTE: This is a runtime-only release. You do not need to update your nodes.

    Native runtimes:

    • Polkadot: 9140
    • Kusama: 9140
    • Westend: 9140

    This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • rustc 1.56.1 (59eed8a2a 2021-11-01)
    • rustc 1.58.0-nightly (46b8e7488 2021-11-07)

    WASM runtimes built with srtool v0.9.18 using rustc 1.56.1 (59eed8a2a 2021-11-01).

    Proposal hashes:

    • polkadot_runtime-v9140.compact.compressed.wasm: 0x317c7862dc523bd083e4dd6545079bdc18058f561bada9e5e5646935b1cc04af
    • kusama_runtime-v9140.compact.compressed.wasm: 0xf019744924a5812fbaa0298c8a2455b654d8028cb9db6aa3b808c076ee8006f8


    • โœ… trivial Disable asset transfers on Polkadot (#4475)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9140.compact.compressed.wasm(1.19 MB)
    polkadot(109.72 MB)
    polkadot.asc(488 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(87 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9140.compact.compressed.wasm(1.06 MB)
    staking-miner(17.45 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(488 bytes)
    westend_runtime-v9140.compact.compressed.wasm(1.02 MB)
  • v0.9.13(Dec 2, 2021)

    Upgrade priority: โ— HIGH โ— Please upgrade your node as soon as possible due to changes: #4270 and #4273 (see details below).

    Native runtimes:

    • Polkadot: 9130
    • Kusama: 9130
    • Westend: 9130

    This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • rustc 1.56.1 (59eed8a2a 2021-11-01)
    • rustc 1.58.0-nightly (46b8e7488 2021-11-07)

    WASM runtimes built with srtool v0.9.18 using rustc 1.56.1 (59eed8a2a 2021-11-01).

    Proposal hashes:

    • polkadot_runtime-v9130.compact.compressed.wasm: 0x70d1a30b4f562b540ff69109cac8259d97ef5f36388202dacf7ca60c02c35bcf
    • kusama_runtime-v9130.compact.compressed.wasm: 0xd1f2e86456642553fc7a6d00728b108d2e5d6e06506bf152936cc0255e3eed40


    • Limit the number of PVF workers (#4273)
    • Increase preparation timeout (#4270)
    • Per subsystem CPU usage tracking (#4239)
    • remove duplicate Deposit from OnUnbalanced implementation (#4180)
    • polkadot: remove call filters on registrar pallets (#4093)


    • Add group name in task metrics (paritytech/substrate#10196)
    • Add a trie_root_hash variant for chain specs genesis (paritytech/substrate#10140)
    • Don't print "Discovered new external" line for private IPs (paritytech/substrate#10055)
    • Removal of light client from substrate (paritytech/substrate#9684)


    • โณ pending non-critical audit Add disputes to Kusama runtime (#4356)
    • โณ pending non-critical audit Enable full use of pallet-bags-list in westend and kusama runtimes (#4195)
    • โœ… not live Allow Queries and Subscriptions (#4150)
    • โณ pending non-critical audit Fix XCM Teleport Benchmark (#4146)
    • โœ… not live Fix weights on hard-coded XCM fragments (#4144)
    • โœ… audited Enable bags-list pallet in polkadot (#4080)
    • โœ… trivial Introduce new Runtime API endpoint for fetching the validation data (#3728)
    • โœ… not live Fix Weight Handlebar Template (paritytech/substrate#10302)
    • โœ… trivial Offence implementations can disable offenders independently from slashing (paritytech/substrate#10201)
    • โณ pending non-critical audit rework staking::reap_stash (paritytech/substrate#10178)
    • โœ… not live contracts: Fix account counter isn't persisted (paritytech/substrate#10112)
    • โœ… trivial Kill the light client, CHTs and change tries. (paritytech/substrate#10080)
    • โœ… audited implement dispatch_as (paritytech/substrate#9934)
    • โœ… not live Support MMR Pruning (paritytech/substrate#9700)
    • โœ… not live Add Baseline FRAME Benchmarks (paritytech/substrate#9691)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9130.compact.compressed.wasm(1.19 MB)
    polkadot(109.82 MB)
    polkadot.asc(488 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(87 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9130.compact.compressed.wasm(1.11 MB)
    staking-miner(17.45 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(488 bytes)
    westend_runtime-v9130.compact.compressed.wasm(1.02 MB)
  • v0.9.13-rc4(Dec 2, 2021)

    Upgrade priority: โ— HIGH โ— Please upgrade your node as soon as possible due to changes: #4270 and #4273 (see details below).

    Native runtimes:

    • Polkadot: 9130
    • Kusama: 9130
    • Westend: 9130

    This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • rustc 1.56.1 (59eed8a2a 2021-11-01)
    • rustc 1.58.0-nightly (46b8e7488 2021-11-07)

    WASM runtimes built with srtool v0.9.18 using rustc 1.56.1 (59eed8a2a 2021-11-01).

    Proposal hashes:

    • polkadot_runtime-v9130.compact.compressed.wasm: 0x70d1a30b4f562b540ff69109cac8259d97ef5f36388202dacf7ca60c02c35bcf
    • kusama_runtime-v9130.compact.compressed.wasm: 0xd1f2e86456642553fc7a6d00728b108d2e5d6e06506bf152936cc0255e3eed40


    • Limit the number of PVF workers (#4273)
    • Increase preparation timeout (#4270)
    • Per subsystem CPU usage tracking (#4239)
    • remove duplicate Deposit from OnUnbalanced implementation (#4180)
    • polkadot: remove call filters on registrar pallets (#4093)


    • Add group name in task metrics (paritytech/substrate#10196)
    • Add a trie_root_hash variant for chain specs genesis (paritytech/substrate#10140)
    • Don't print "Discovered new external" line for private IPs (paritytech/substrate#10055)
    • Removal of light client from substrate (paritytech/substrate#9684)


    • โณ pending non-critical audit Enable full use of pallet-bags-list in westend and kusama runtimes (#4195)
    • โœ… not live Allow Queries and Subscriptions (#4150)
    • โณ pending non-critical audit Fix XCM Teleport Benchmark (#4146)
    • โœ… not live Fix weights on hard-coded XCM fragments (#4144)
    • โœ… audited Enable bags-list pallet in polkadot (#4080)
    • โœ… trivial Introduce new Runtime API endpoint for fetching the validation data (#3728)
    • โœ… not live Fix Weight Handlebar Template (paritytech/substrate#10302)
    • โœ… trivial Offence implementations can disable offenders independently from slashing (paritytech/substrate#10201)
    • โณ pending non-critical audit rework staking::reap_stash (paritytech/substrate#10178)
    • โœ… not live contracts: Fix account counter isn't persisted (paritytech/substrate#10112)
    • โœ… trivial Kill the light client, CHTs and change tries. (paritytech/substrate#10080)
    • โŒ AWAITING AUDIT implement dispatch_as (paritytech/substrate#9934)
    • โœ… not live Support MMR Pruning (paritytech/substrate#9700)
    • โœ… not live Add Baseline FRAME Benchmarks (paritytech/substrate#9691)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9130.compact.compressed.wasm(1.19 MB)
    polkadot(109.82 MB)
    polkadot.sha256(87 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9130.compact.compressed.wasm(1.11 MB)
    staking-miner(17.45 MB)
    westend_runtime-v9130.compact.compressed.wasm(1.02 MB)
  • v0.9.13-rc1(Nov 30, 2021)

    โš ๏ธ This is a pre-release

    Release candidates are pre-releases may not be final. Although they are reasonably tested, there may be additional changes or issues before an official release is tagged. Use at your own discretion, and consider only using published releases on critical production infrastructure.

    Upgrade priority: Medium (timely upgrade recommended) due to changes: Limit the number of PVF workers (#4273), Update CI image to the latest rustc (paritytech/substrate#10142)

    Native runtimes:

    • Polkadot: 9130
    • Kusama: 9130
    • Westend: 9130

    This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • Stable: rustc 1.56.1 (59eed8a2a 2021-11-01)
    • Nightly: rustc 1.58.0-nightly (46b8e7488 2021-11-07)

    WASM runtimes built with srtool v0.9.17 using rustc 1.53.0 (53cb7b09b 2021-06-17).

    Proposal hashes:

    • polkadot_runtime-v9130.compact.compressed.wasm: 0x5709431e16c4559b4c9ebe49330256a9678b158f22e49dc07cdec455ecea320f
    • kusama_runtime-v9130.compact.compressed.wasm: 0x3b667ecb29df4d3b89db64610bdaa39f89b228bb05f6ac32eb94b1df74917093


    • Limit the number of PVF workers (#4273)
    • Increase preparation timeout (#4270)
    • Per subsystem CPU usage tracking (#4239)
    • remove duplicate Deposit from OnUnbalanced implementation (#4180)
    • polkadot: remove call filters on registrar pallets (#4093)


    • Add group name in task metrics (paritytech/substrate#10196)
    • Add a trie_root_hash variant for chain specs genesis (paritytech/substrate#10140)
    • Don't print "Discovered new external" line for private IPs (paritytech/substrate#10055)
    • Removal of light client from substrate (paritytech/substrate#9684)


    • โณ pending non-critical audit Enable full use of pallet-bags-list in westend and kusama runtimes (#4195)
    • โœ… not live Allow Queries and Subscriptions (#4150)
    • โณ pending non-critical audit Fix XCM Teleport Benchmark (#4146)
    • โœ… not live Fix weights on hard-coded XCM fragments (#4144)
    • โœ… audited Enable bags-list pallet in polkadot (#4080)
    • โœ… trivial Introduce new Runtime API endpoint for fetching the validation data (#3728)
    • โณ pending non-critical audit rework staking::reap_stash (paritytech/substrate#10178)
    • โœ… not live contracts: Fix account counter isn't persisted (paritytech/substrate#10112)
    • โœ… trivial Kill the light client, CHTs and change tries. (paritytech/substrate#10080)
    • โŒ AWAITING AUDIT implement dispatch_as (paritytech/substrate#9934)
    • โœ… not live Add Baseline FRAME Benchmarks (paritytech/substrate#9691)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9130.compact.compressed.wasm(1.15 MB)
    polkadot(167.13 MB)
    polkadot.sha256(87 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9130.compact.compressed.wasm(941.74 KB)
    staking-miner(17.52 MB)
    westend_runtime-v9130.compact.compressed.wasm(1.00 MB)
  • v0.9.12-1(Oct 28, 2021)

    NOTE This is a runtime-only release. Node operators do not need to upgrade. As such, no binaries, package files or docker images have been created for this release.

    Native runtimes:

    • Polkadot: 9122
    • Kusama: 9122
    • Westend: 9122

    This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • rustc 1.55.0 (c8dfcfe04 2021-09-06)
    • rustc 1.57.0-nightly (51e514c0f 2021-09-12)

    WASM runtimes built with srtool v0.9.17 using rustc 1.53.0 (53cb7b09b 2021-06-17).

    Proposal hashes:

    • polkadot_runtime-v9122.compact.compressed.wasm: 0x0f598b97de6adfb2c5edffb7e8e5aed6408d29382a9de372ed229391a20c4a86
    • kusama_runtime-v9122.compact.compressed.wasm: 0x0ea3de05886579ae1148cfc7db4ac704e0825414a89e09ab66da9a30c5994b07


    • โœ… not live Allow queries subscriptions - backport v0.9.12 (#4157)
    • โณ pending non-critical audit Fix XCM Teleport Benchmark (backport) (#4148)
    • โœ… not live Fix weights on hard-coded XCM fragments (backport) (#4145)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9122.compact.compressed.wasm(1.14 MB)
    polkadot_runtime-v9122.compact.compressed.wasm(908.95 KB)
    westend_runtime-v9122.compact.compressed.wasm(1023.66 KB)
  • v0.9.12(Oct 21, 2021)

    Upgrade priority: Medium (timely upgrade recommended) due to changes: Use correct db path for parity-db (paritytech/substrate#9971), โœ… audited Rework Transaction Priority calculation (paritytech/substrate#9834), Introduce block authorship soft deadline (paritytech/substrate#9663)

    Native runtimes:

    • Polkadot: 9120
    • Kusama: 9120
    • Westend: 9120

    This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • rustc 1.55.0 (c8dfcfe04 2021-09-06)
    • rustc 1.57.0-nightly (51e514c0f 2021-09-12)

    WASM runtimes built with srtool v0.9.17 using rustc 1.53.0 (53cb7b09b 2021-06-17).

    Proposal hashes:

    • polkadot_runtime-v9120.compact.compressed.wasm: 0x59589d32b92a1ed552c14f099e54afb65b3a64d28084963ff1072336569aa395
    • kusama_runtime-v9120.compact.compressed.wasm: 0x66f63d87c2e90994684122d97155a102af4310a4e9d47026005efea2acecfd1f


    • Create a README for XCMv1 detailing notable changes (#4058)
    • validator-discovery: don't remove multiaddr of requested PeerIds (#4036)


    • make the ws buffer size configurable (paritytech/substrate#10013)
    • sc-executor-wasmtime: upgrade wasmtime to 0.30.0 (paritytech/substrate#10003)
    • Use correct db path for parity-db (paritytech/substrate#9971)
    • Disable log reloading by default (paritytech/substrate#9966)
    • --dev implies --tmp (paritytech/substrate#9938)
    • Quickly skip invalid transactions during block authorship. (paritytech/substrate#9789)
    • Introduce block authorship soft deadline (paritytech/substrate#9663)


    • โœ… not live Dispatchable XCMs should translate to v0 (#4062)
    • โœ… not live Tidy up XCM errors in preparation for v2. (#3988)
    • โœ… audited Allow an Offset to Lease Periods (#3980)
    • โœ… trivial More lenient mechanism for identifying stash accounts in purge_keys (paritytech/substrate#10004)
    • โณ pending non-critical audit Root origin always bypass all filter, other origin cannot bypass BaseCallFilter even when constructed from Root origin (paritytech/substrate#9948)
    • โœ… audited Rework Transaction Priority calculation (paritytech/substrate#9834)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime-v9120.compact.compressed.wasm(1.14 MB)
    polkadot(194.06 MB)
    polkadot.asc(488 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(87 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9120.compact.compressed.wasm(908.94 KB)
    staking-miner(17.55 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(488 bytes)
    westend_runtime-v9120.compact.compressed.wasm(1023.58 KB)
  • v0.9.11(Oct 7, 2021)

    Upgrade priority: Medium (timely upgrade recommended) due to changes: Bypass chain-selection subsystem until disputes are enabled. (#3676), Removed unneeded deps (#3658)

    • This change introduces a database migration - After upgrading your node, you will not be able to revert to v0.9.10 without resyncing the chain

    Native runtimes:

    • Polkadot: 9110
    • Kusama: 9111
    • Westend: 9111
    • Rococo: 9111

    This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

    • rustc 1.55.0 (c8dfcfe04 2021-09-06)
    • rustc 1.57.0-nightly (51e514c0f 2021-09-12)

    WASM runtimes built with srtool using rustc 1.53.0 (53cb7b09b 2021-06-17).

    Proposal hashes:

    • polkadot_runtime-v9110.compact.compressed.wasm: 0x791e698f3690481e0eb16d35017cf3bb27ec095ec6f27dafd3a230b76dc42f86

    • kusama_runtime-v9111.compact.compressed.wasm: 0x85b3f283e7f403acc12ce89005f72ccf8d1eb4ff2eab4870f7d345b76c56fb5d

    • polkadot_runtime-v9110.compact.wasm: 0xe874dd4219efa603acc0ab24a592d6f1b8553b7aedb196d1ef65fdd7fc3b8fe5

    • kusama_runtime-v9111.compact.wasm: 0x48a9fa972b89dfee229f1c486345a30a49d54f61c3255ffc8aebee8c1a7ecbc6


    • dockerfiles: upgrade to ubuntu:20.04; some chore (#3828)

    • add parachains pallets to Polkadot runtime (#3815)

    • Put all authorities of a session into SessionInfo. (#3813)

    • staking-miner: remove need of a file to pass the seed (#3680)

    • Bypass chain-selection subsystem until disputes are enabled. (#3676)

    • demote warnings due to disconnected dispute coordinator (#3672)

    • Removed unneeded deps (#3658)

    • CI: rustdoc (#3613)


    • follow-chain testing mode for try-runtime (and revamp CLI configs). (paritytech/substrate#9788)
    • Use tokio runtime handle instead of TaskExecutor abstraction (paritytech/substrate#9737)
    • Store the database in a role specific subdirectory (paritytech/substrate#9645)
    • Fix state_subscribeRuntimeVersion for parachains (paritytech/substrate#9617)
    • โœ… trivial Emit log on Runtime Code change. (paritytech/substrate#9580)
    • Simplify NativeExecutionDispatch and remove the native_executor_instance! macro (paritytech/substrate#9562)
    • Make choosing an executor (native/wasm) an explicit part of service construction (paritytech/substrate#9525)
    • Add childstate_getStorageEntries RPC (paritytech/substrate#9459)
    • Integrate Wasmer into Substrate sandbox environment (paritytech/substrate#5920)


    • โณ pending non-critical audit Companion for #8615: enrich metadata with type information (#3336)
    • โœ… not live Tidy up XCM errors in preparation for v2. (#3988)
    • โœ… trivial Allow staking miner to use different election algorithms (#3752)
    • โœ… not live XCM: Automatic Version Negotiation (#3736)
    • โœ… not live XCM: Allow reclaim of assets dropped from holding (#3727)
    • โณ pending non-critical audit New Proxy for Auctions + Crowdloans + Registrar + Slots (#3683)
    • โœ… not live XCM v2: Scripting, Query responses, Exception handling and Error reporting (#3629)
    • โœ… trivial Fungibles and Non-Fungibles Create and Destroy Traits + Assets and Uniques Implementation (paritytech/substrate#9844)
    • โœ… audited Rework Transaction Priority calculation (paritytech/substrate#9834)
    • โณ pending non-critical audit Migrate pallet-tips to the new pallet attribute macro (paritytech/substrate#9711)
    • โœ… not live Implemented seal_ecdsa_recovery function in the contract pallet (paritytech/substrate#9686)
    • โœ… not live contracts: Remove state rent (paritytech/substrate#9669)
    • โณ pending non-critical audit Use the precise number of approvals when constructing RawOrgin::Members (paritytech/substrate#9647)
    • โœ… trivial Add VoteLocking config (paritytech/substrate#9641)
    • โœ… trivial Make System Events Private from the Runtime (paritytech/substrate#9619)
    • โœ… trivial Emit log on Runtime Code change. (paritytech/substrate#9580)
    • โœ… not live Stabilize seal_debug_message (paritytech/substrate#9550)
    • โœ… not live Custom Benchmark Errors and Override (paritytech/substrate#9517)
    • โœ… audited Implement pallet-bags-list and its interfaces with pallet-staking (paritytech/substrate#9507)
    • โณ pending non-critical audit Generate storage info for pallet authority_discovery (paritytech/substrate#9428)
    • โœ… audited pallet-vesting: Support multiple, merge-able vesting schedules (paritytech/substrate#9202)
    • โณ pending non-critical audit Implement a CountedStorageMap (paritytech/substrate#9125)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kusama_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm(1.14 MB)
    kusama_runtime.compact.wasm(4.84 MB)
    polkadot(193.19 MB)
    polkadot.asc(488 bytes)
    polkadot.sha256(87 bytes)
    polkadot_runtime-v9110.compact.compressed.wasm(893.08 KB)
    polkadot_runtime-v9110.compact.wasm(3.42 MB)
    staking-miner(17.39 MB)
    staking-miner.asc(488 bytes)
    westend_runtime-v9111.compact.compressed.wasm(1019.96 KB)
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