Implementation of the Kademlia DHT protocol in Rust



Simple implementation of the Kademlia DHT protocol in Rust with state dumping features for educational purposes (not production-ready).

Table of contents

Lib structure

  key.res       ---> Implementation of the 256bits unique ID       ---> Node struct definition    ---> Network module used to issue RPCs    ---> Routing Table implementation using vectors   ---> Main library API      ---> General utilities functions       ---> Example program        ---> Main lib file


Interface creation

In order to join the network you must create an interface with the Protocol::new method:

// if you want you can explicitely create a node first
let root = Node::new(utils::get_local_ip().unwrap(), 8080);

// it needs an IP, a PORT and an Option<Node> (bootstrap node)
let root_interface = Protocol::new(root.ip.clone(), root.port.clone(), None);

If you want to join a network and you already know a peer you can provide it as a bootstrap node:

// this is the contact we already know
let root = Node::new(utils::get_local_ip().unwrap(), 8080);

let our_node = Node::new(utils::get_local_ip().unwrap(), 8081);
let our_interface = Protocol::new(our_node.ip, our_node.port, Some(root.clone())));

Main operations

These are the main operations, there are more methods you can use but these are the ones you probably need (see Docs for more).


Store a <key, value> pair in the network:

// interface is already defined
interface.put("some_key", "some_value");


Retreive a value from the network given its key:

// interface is already defined
let value = interface.get("some_key"); // some_value

Example program

I've written an example program to test the lib out. In order to run it issue the following command:

cargo run

It will spin up 10 nodes and it will test the PUT and the GET method.

If you want to run tests, issue:

cargo test


Very brief and not detailed explaination of the library. I left some comments in the code to help people understand it better. If this project will be useful for some people I will expand this section.

Kademlia node

A node is a struct containing an IP, a PORT and a unique ID of type Key (see

The module exposes the following methods:


Creates a node on a given address and port

let node = Node::new("", 8080);

We can also use this method to automatically grab the local address:

use kademlia_dht::utils;

let node = Node::new(utils::get_local_ip().unwrap(), 8080);


Returns a string containing the IP, PORT and ID of the given node:

let node = Node::new(utils::get_local_ip().unwrap(), 8080);

printl!("node: {}", node.get_info()); //<SOME_256bits_ID>


Returns a string containing the IP and the PORT of the given node. See get_info for similar behavior.

256bits Key and Distance

Both a Key and a Distance are struct wrappers around a [u8] slice of KEY_LEN length (32 bytes, 256bits).

The module provides methods to create a 256bits unique ID and to calculate the distance (XOR) between two IDs.


let key = Key::new("some string".to_string());


Caluclates the distance between two Keys.

// for example, to calculate the distance between 2 nodes

let node0 = Node::new(utils::get_local_ip().unwrap(), 1335);
let node1 = Node::new(utils::get_local_ip().unwrap(), 1336);

let dist = Distance::new(&, &; // as we know, the id field is of type Key

Routing Table

The routing table is a struct containing a node field, representing the current node instance, a kbuckets field which is a Vec of KBucket (a struct containing a Vec of nodes and a size field) and a crossbeam_channel sender and receiver(external crate used to communicate with the protocol module).

The routing table communicates with the module for some actions such as pinging nodes that must be checked. The following struct (coming from is used in the crossbeam_channel:

pub enum ChannelPayload {
    Request((network::Request, Node)),

Through the channel we can see a Request, a Response or NoData if the contacted peer doesn't reply to the messages coming from the routing table.

For more information about Request and Response see the Network module.


Creates a new routing table:

pub fn new(
    node: Node, // current node
    bootstrap: Option<Node>, // bootstrap node
    sender: crossbeam_channel::Sender<ChannelPayload>, // sender of type ChannelPayload
    receiver: crossbeam_channel::Receiver<ChannelPayload>, // receiver of type ChannelPayload
) -> Self


Computes the corresponding bucket index for a given node ID with bitwise operations:

fn get_lookup_bucket_index(&self, key: &Key) -> usize


Method used to communicate internally with the module. Used to send Pings to other nodes:

fn contact_via_rpc(&self, dst: Node) -> bool

Here we use the crossbream_channel.


Inserts a given node into the routing table. If there's space for it the node gets pushed to the vector, otherwise the necessary checks are performed on the other nodes (see official paper for more details).

pub fn update(&mut self, node: Node)


Removes a given node from the routing table:

pub fn remove(&mut self, node: &Node)


In this method the NodeAndDistance struct is used, which is a tuple of a Node and a Distance.

Returns a Vector of NodeAndDistance for a given Key target:

pub fn get_closest_nodes(&self, key: &Key, count: usize) -> Vec<NodeAndDistance>


The module provides methods to communicate to other network nodes. Here we issue RPCs (Remote Procedure Calls) through the Rpc struct.

The Rpc contains a socket field which is an Arc to a std::net::UdpSocket, a pending field which is an Arc Mutex around a HashMap of Keys and mpsc::Sender<Option<Response>> and a node field representing the current node.

pub struct Rpc {
    pub socket: Arc<UdpSocket>,
    pub pending: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<Key, mpsc::Sender<Option<Response>>>>>,
    pub node: Node,


Enum around Kademlia RPCs.

pub enum Request {
    Store(String, String),


pub enum Response {

Where FindValueResult comes from and it wraps either a vector of NodeAndDistance or the String value that we had looked for.


pub enum Message {


This is what gets sent to other network nodes.

pub struct RpcMessage {
    pub token: Key, // token of the message, crafted from source addr and timestamp
    pub src: String,
    pub dst: String,
    pub msg: Message,


Creates a new RPC around a node without starting communications:

pub fn new(node: Node) -> Self


Starts listening and sending modes:

pub fn open(rpc: Rpc, sender: mpsc::Sender<ReqWrapper>) {

Where ReqWrapper is a wrapper around the Request enum, used to keep track of metadata about the request (who sent it):

pub struct ReqWrapper {
    pub token: Key,
    pub src: String,
    pub payload: Request,

In this method, as soon as we receive a request we send that through the channel to the module, which handles it.


Forwards a RpcMessage to another node using the UdpSocket:

pub fn send_msg(&self, msg: &RpcMessage)


Method used to handle incoming responses from other nodes:

pub fn handle_response(self, token: Key, res: Response)

Here we keep track of the pending HashMap.


Makes a Request to a dst node that is then forwared to the module, also waits for the corresponding Response from the contacted node. It also handles the pending HashMap

pub fn make_request(&self, req: Request, dst: Node) -> mpsc::Receiver<Option<Response>>

Kademlia interface creation

The interface has the following structure:

pub struct Protocol {
    pub routes: Arc<Mutex<routing::RoutingTable>>,
    pub store: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<String, String>>>,
    pub rpc: Arc<network::Rpc>,
    pub node: Node,

It includes the routing table, the store (HashMap used to store <key, value> pairs), the rpc coming from the network module and the current active node.

The module exposes the following methods:


pub fn new(ip: String, port: u16, bootstrap: Option<Node>) -> Self

Creates an interface to use Kademlia on a given address and port. A bootstrap node is a node that we already know in the network.

With bootstrap node:

// some already existing node
let root = Node::new("", 8080);

// cloning the node it's not mandatory
let root_interface = Protocol::new("".to_string(), 8081, Some(root.clone()));

Without bootstrap node:

let interface = Protocol::new("", 8080, None);

In this method we also establish communications with the module and the one by using channels, after of course creating them.


Used internally to forward requests issued by the Routing table:

fn rt_forwarder(
    sender: crossbeam_channel::Sender<utils::ChannelPayload>,
    receiver: crossbeam_channel::Receiver<utils::ChannelPayload>,
) {


Used to handle incoming requests thorugh the mpsc channel. Here we send (see reply) responses to the requests.

fn requests_handler(self, receiver: mpsc::Receiver<network::ReqWrapper>) {


Simply crafts responses for requests and executes RPCs coming from those requests (this means that we mutate the routing table and the store).

fn craft_res(&self, req: network::ReqWrapper) -> (network::Response, network::ReqWrapper) {


Used to reply to requests. Calls send_msg.

fn reply(&self, packet_details: (network::Response, network::ReqWrapper)) {

Kademlia API

Here there are the implementations for the needed API calls:

pub fn ping(&self, dst: Node) -> bool // pings a node, returns true in case of response

pub fn store(&self, dst: Node, key: String, val: String) -> bool // rpc to store a <key, value> pair on a given destination. Returns true in case of response

pub fn find_node(
    dst: Node,
    id: super::key::Key,
) -> Option<Vec<routing::NodeAndDistance>> // finds a node given the current node id. Returns a NodeAndDistance struct for that node or None in case it doesnt get a response

pub fn find_value(&self, dst: Node, k: String) -> Option<routing::FindValueResult> // finds a given value using the provided key on a given node. Returns a FindValueResult or None in case it doesnt get a response


Method used to lookup nodes given a starting ID.

pub fn nodes_lookup(&self, id: &super::key::Key) -> Vec<routing::NodeAndDistance> {


Method used to lookup a value given a String key:

pub fn value_lookup(&self, k: String) -> (Option<String>, Vec<routing::NodeAndDistance>) {


Method used to put a <key, value> pair into the network. It calls nodes_lookup and store.

pub fn put(&self, k: String, v: String)


Method used to extract a value from the network given a key. It calls value_lookup but also store.

pub fn get(&self, k: String) -> Option<String>

State dumping

There are two methods used to dump the internal state of a Kademlia node:

pub fn dump_interface_state(interface: &Protocol, path: &str)

Dumps the Protocol object to a given file path (must be dumps/<name>.json, where you choose name). It dumps it as json and as plantuml.

Here's an example of the rendered dump using PlantUML:


pub fn dump_node_and_distance(
    entries: &Vec<NodeAndDistance>,
    target: &super::key::Key,
    path: &str,
) {

Dumps a vector of NodeAndDistances in json format. Example:

    "found": [
            "distance": "00000000000000000000000000000000",
            "node": {
                "id": "9278733FBB7F4C6914839C98A54912F4F18B3F15EAED15178663AA5FC63",
                "ip": "",
                "port": 1339
            "distance": "3D0C24670ACCA14C1DEE576D7AF2D85486F125E4E0BFD664CCDABA9E532ED2",
            "node": {
                "id": "342BA354F17B558A8CA66EA4F0A6497BC9E99615BE11735CBD2DCA4F6D2B1",
                "ip": "",
                "port": 1338
            "distance": "B8F339EA9FB5DECF23F9C7D754476AD9C6698AC5787281EF371456C766F96C88",
            "node": {
                "id": "B1F14199A0EA18325688FEE9DCD3E48E9269276892C2F3E66135EA15C5C90EB",
                "ip": "",
                "port": 1337
    "target": "9278733FBB7F4C6914839C98A54912F4F18B3F15EAED15178663AA5FC63"

Implemented features

Features specified in the paper that are implemented in this lib

  • Keys

  • XOR Distance between Keys

  • KBuckets

    • represented as a Vec of Vecs. A max of 256 kbuckets is set, each of them containing up to 20 elements
  • PING




  • Node lookup

  • Republishing of <key, value> pairs every hour

    • technically, the original publisher should republish ever 24 hours
  • ability to dump a node internal state to JSON and plantuml

  • ability to dump distances between nodes to JSON

Missing features

  • expiration date on <key, value> pairs

    • this isn't wanted when kademlia is used in a decentralized storage system
  • replicate closest <key, value> pairs when a node joins the network

  • if no lookup has been performed for an hour in a kbucket, that bucket must be refreshed


  • better nodes lookup algorithm, as described in the paper


  • Kademlia: A Peer-to-peer Information System Based on the XOR Metric by Petar Maymounkov and David Mazières PDF

  • Implementation of the Kademlia Distributed Hash Table by Bruno Spori PDF

  • Kademlia: A Design Specification by XLattice project PDF

  • TinyTorrent: Implementing a Kademlia Based DHT for File Sharing by Sierra Kaplan-Nelson, Jestin Ma, Jake Rachleff PDF


Thanks for taking the time to check out my library. If you found this good enough to be on please let me know!

I will also make a small article about Kademlia in general. Check out my blog!

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  • Network module doesn't stream more than 4096 bytes

    Network module doesn't stream more than 4096 bytes


    In Rpc::open (, line 72), we stream only 4096 bytes at the time. This means that if a packet size exceeds this limit, the message will be cut off.

    loop {
        let (len, src_addr) = rpc
            .recv_from(&mut buf)
            .expect("[FAILED] Rpc::open --> Failed to receive data from peer");

    Behavior wanted

    We want to stream the full message before processing it

    We can't use the following method:

    fn stream(...) {
        let (recv, src) = socket.recv_from()
    while stream(...) != 0

    Because this will hang the thread until the sender disconnects completely.

    What we want is:

    1. listener: listens for incoming packets
    2. sender: sends packet
    3. listener: adjusts buffer size to match sender's packet size OR streams with fixed buffer size until bytes recv == bytes sent
    4. listener: processes packet
    5. loop to 1)

    Possible solutions

    1. Attach header to a message where we include the size of the entire message

    EDIT: this doesn't solve the problem as the header can grow beyond the allocated buffer to read it. For example we could read the first 10 digits of the size but if the size is larger than that, problems will occur.

    Something like

    |   size: 5463                                |
    |   --------------------------------------    |
    |    <data>                                   |

    Where the header could be parsed at the start of the stream of bytes:

    message = b'5463                                  0x770xF10xA7'

    By isolating it from the data with some padding.

    2. Send the header as a separate packet, used to announce the next packet.

    In this case the header packet MUST be FIXED size, still don't sure how to make this possible... EDIT: it doesn't seem possible to make it fixed size

        size_of_incoming_msg: 5463
        // other stuff

    3. Set a max size on packets

    I don't like this idea because in large networks many messages would be stopped from being sent, or we would need some checks on the length of, for example, the received NodeAndDistance array to tell when to stop receiving them. This would though make us lose some information.

    4. If one packet isn't enough, then what about 2?

    This is probably the only solution: if a packet is bigger than the receiver's buffer size, we proceed to send 2 or more packets until we stream the full message. In this case we would need some sort of "confirmation" for packets, something like "Wait for more packets/go ahead I'm done". Not sure how to implement this but possible

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