Custom Ethereum vanity address generator made in Rust



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Custom Ethereum address generator

Get a shiny ethereum address and stand out from the crowd!

asciicast Disclaimer: Do not use the private key shown in this demo; it's public, strangers could steal your Eth. Never share your private key with anyone. It's your and only your responsibility to keep your private key in secret.


  • Regex support (--regex/-e): Use regex pattern matching
  • Quiet mode (--quiet/-q): Output only the results
  • Stream mode (--stream/-s): Keep outputting results
  • Color settings (--color/-c): Enable/Disable colors
  • Dictionary support: If no patterns are provided as arguments, patterns are read from the standard input


Download the latest release here. To display usage, run ethaddrgen -h or ethaddrgen --help for a longer version. ethaddrgen expects the last arguments to be patterns. If no patterns are provided as arguments, ethaddrgen reads patterns from the standard input where each pattern is on a separate line.


Simple example

The following command will look for an address starting with either c0ffee, deadbeef or c0c0a. If you are on Windows, use ethaddrgen.exe instead of ethaddrgen.

ethaddrgen c0ffee deadbeef c0c0a

Regex example

The following command will look for an address starting with 10 letters. If you are on Windows, use ethaddrgen.exe instead of ethaddrgen.

ethaddrgen -e '^[abcdef]{10}'

Note that while supplying multiple regex patterns is supported, it is not recommended to use a large list of regex patterns.

Using pattern lists (dictionaries)

If no patterns are provided as arguments, patterns are read from the standard input. You can provide data to the standard input in various ways, depending on your platform:

  • Windows:
Get-Content patterns.txt | ethaddrgen.exe
  • Unix (macOS/Linux):
cat patterns.txt | ethaddrgen
# or
ethaddrgen < patterns.txt

where the patterns.txt file is a newline-separated list of patterns, for example:


It is not recommended to use large pattern lists with regex, as combining these features significantly decreases performance.


The easiest way to get ethaddrgen is to download a pre-built binary here. You can also compile it yourself, if you wish so.

  1. Install Rust via
  2. Clone this repository: git clone; cd ethaddrgen
  3. Compile the project: cargo build --release. The binary can then be found at target/release/ethaddrgen or ./target/release/ethaddrgen.exe on Windows machines.
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