Libraries and tools for the SMT-LIB-2 standard.

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smt2utils: Libraries and tools for the SMT-LIB-2 standard

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This project aims to develop Rust libraries and tools around the SMT-LIB-2 standard.

The SMT-LIB-2 format (SMT2 for short) is the reference input format for many SMT solvers such as Z3 and CVC4.


  • smt2parser is generic parsing library for SMT2 commands.

  • smt2proxy is an experimental tool to intercept and pre-process SMT2 commands before they are sent to an SMT solver.

  • z3tracer is an experimental library and tool to process Z3 logs obtained by passing the options trace=true proof=true.

  • smt2patch is an experimental library and tool to modify SMT files.

The code in this repository is still under active development.


See the CONTRIBUTING file for how to help out.


This project is available under the terms of either the Apache 2.0 license or the MIT license.

  • More generic versions of concrete types

    More generic versions of concrete types

    Would it be possible to add generic versions of the following concrete types to smt2parser::visitors similar to how Identifier, Index, and the *Dec types are defined?

    • SExpr (generic over Constant, Symbol, Keyword)
    • QualIdentifier (generic over Identifier, Sort)
    • Command (generic over Symbol, Sort, Keyword, Term)
    opened by max-heller 4
  • Make smt2parser::concrete types more generic and use default type parameters

    Make smt2parser::concrete types more generic and use default type parameters

    Made the following types generic over the values they contain:

    • SExpr
    • Sort
    • QualIdentifier
    • Term
    • Command

    Replaced type aliases filling in standard type parameters with default type parameters in the definitions.

    Fixes #36

    CLA Signed 
    opened by max-heller 2
  • [z3 tracer] make the demo tool create charts

    [z3 tracer] make the demo tool create charts

    • The charts are similar to Jupyter notebooks.
    • Code is (mostly) shared between the tool and the notebook(s).
    z3 trace=true proof=true path/to/file.smt2
    cargo run --release -p z3tracer -- --plot-all z3.log
    # Creates several z3.log.*.png files
    CLA Signed 
    opened by ma2bd 1
  • [smt2parser] add support for name randomization

    [smt2parser] add support for name randomization

    Improve renaming::SymbolNormalizer:

    • add a configuration object and support the randomization of variables (up to a maximum number of variables per kind, after which indices are just sequential).
    • expose the number of distinct variables of each kind after normalization
    • update the demo tool smt2bin
    • update the tool smt2proxy


    # Demo tool in this repo:
    cargo run --release -p smt2parser -- print --normalize-symbols --max-randomized-symbols 1024 --symbol-randomization-seed 5 path/to/file.smt2
    # Proxy in the diem repo:
    BOOGIE_EXE=`which boogie` Z3_EXE=path/to/target/release/smt2proxy \
    cargo run --release -p move-prover -- --cores 1 -d language/diem-framework/modules -d language/move-stdlib/modules language/diem-framework/modules/DiemSystem.move
    CLA Signed 
    opened by ma2bd 0
  • [smt2parser] handle push, pop, reset and respect kinds while renaming symbols

    [smt2parser] handle push, pop, reset and respect kinds while renaming symbols

    This allows reusing symbol names after a (push) or a (reset) and is generally more correct in case of name clashes with globals.

    Additionally, we now use a different prefix for each symbol kind: "f" for functions, "T" for datatypes, etc.

    CLA Signed 
    opened by ma2bd 0
  • [smt2proxy] Support symbol normalization

    [smt2proxy] Support symbol normalization

    Enable normalization of symbols on the fly in the SMT2 proxy.


    • Symbols are renamed x0, x1, etc disregarding their kind (type, function name),
    • Names are assigned in order (no random shuffle yet).

    Assuming that smt2proxy is in the PATH, the proxy can be tested from in the Diem repo like this:

    SMT2PROXY_NORMALIZE_SYMBOLS=true SMT2PROXY_LOG_PATH=logs.smt2 BOOGIE_EXE=`which boogie` Z3_EXE=`which smt2proxy` \
    cargo run --release -p move-prover -- --cores 1 -d language/diem-framework/modules -d language/move-stdlib/modules language/diem-framework/modules/DiemSystem.move
    # Replay logs.
    z3 logs.smt2

    Note that --cores 1 is important for the logs to be meaningful.

    CLA Signed 
    opened by ma2bd 0
  • [smt2parser] Add support for name resolution

    [smt2parser] Add support for name resolution

    Provide a working implementation of name resolution and name normalization for SMT2 files with the following caveats:

    • The old syntax for testers is-Foo is not compatible with name resolution. One needs to replace is-Foo into (_ is Foo) first using the given rewriter renaming::TesterModernizer (see unit tests).
    • Error handling is not fully satisfying yet: visitor APIs do not use Result yet and will panic! in case of unknown symbol. (However, this only affects people using the new name-resolution callbacks, not the parsing.)
    • The LALR parser will attempt to call some of the new callbacks but proper name resolution requires to use SyntaxBuilder first, then visit the concrete syntax again. See the unit test of the utility type renaming::SymbolNormalizer.
    CLA Signed 
    opened by ma2bd 0
  • [z3tracer] add dependency analysis for QIs and conflicts

    [z3tracer] add dependency analysis for QIs and conflicts

    This PR substantially extends the Model abstraction of z3tracer to track dependencies:

    • between conflicts and Quantifier Instantiations (QIs)
    • between QIs.

    Contrary to the algorithm suggested in the Axiom Profiler documentation:

    • We do not ignore [push] and [pop] commands and try to account for backtracking in a precise way (e.g. proofs discovered at one point may go out of scope);
    • The logs do not tell when equations were discovered (only when they are used). To allow limit backtracking, we try to reconstruct a plausible backtracking level for them using their dependencies.
    • We try to model the QI dependencies that caused a conflict. Because conflicts can be seen as progress when trying to prove UNSAT, this could be used to distinguish "useful" QIs.
    • We do not do anything special about "rewrite" and "monotonicity" proofs yet. (EDIT: This should be fine. We propagate dependencies for all proof terms already.)

    See the main notebook for new charts and some examples.



    CLA Signed 
    opened by ma2bd 0
  • [smt2patch] initial commit

    [smt2patch] initial commit

    Explore a new tool to make changes to an SMT2 file. Current features include:

    • tagging asserts with names and inserting a call to get-unsat-core
    • being able to remove clauses not in the unsat core
    • tagging quantified expressions with a QID
    • setting the weight of quantified expressions
    cargo run -p smt2patch -- --get-unsat-core FILE | z3 -in | tail -n 1 > unsat_core.txt
    cargo run -p smt2patch -- --keep-only-clauses "$(cat unsat_core.txt)" -- FILE | z3 -in
    cargo run -p smt2patch -- --tag-quantifiers  FILE | z3 trace=true -in  # z3.log now contains quant!N names
    cargo run -p smt2patch -- --set-weights quant!0=100 -- FILE

    Example of output using --get-unsat-core and --tag-quantifiers:

    (set-option :produce-unsat-cores true)
    (set-info :smt-lib-version  2.6)
    (set-logic ALIA)
    (set-info :source  piVC)
    (set-info :category  "industrial")
    (set-info :status  unsat)
    (declare-fun V_9 () Int)
    (declare-fun a () (Array Int Int))
    (assert (! (let ((?v_0 (and true (>= V_9 0)))) (and (and ?v_0 ?v_0) (and (forall ((?V_7 Int)) (! (=> (and (<= 0 ?V_7) (<= ?V_7 5)) (forall ((?V_8 Int)) (! (let ((?v_1 (store (store a 0 5) 5 7))) (=> (and (<= 0 ?V_8) (<= ?V_8 ?V_7)) (<= (select ?v_1 ?V_8) (select ?v_1 ?V_7)))) :qid quant!0))) :qid quant!1)) (forall ((?V_5 Int)) (! (=> (and (<= 0 ?V_5) (<= ?V_5 5)) (forall ((?V_6 Int)) (! (let ((?v_2 (store (store a 0 1) 5 3))) (=> (and (<= 0 ?V_6) (<= ?V_6 ?V_5)) (<= (select ?v_2 ?V_6) (select ?v_2 ?V_5)))) :qid quant!2))) :qid quant!3))))) :named clause!0))

    Original file:

    (set-info :smt-lib-version 2.6)
    (set-logic ALIA)
    (set-info :source |piVC|)
    (set-info :category "industrial")
    (set-info :status unsat)
    (declare-fun V_9 () Int)
    (declare-fun a () (Array Int Int))
    (assert (let ((?v_0 (and true (>= V_9 0)))) (and (and ?v_0 ?v_0) (and (forall ((?V_7 Int)) (=> (and (<= 0 ?V_7) (<= ?V_7 5)) (forall ((?V_8 Int)) (let ((?v_1 (store (store a 0 5) 5 7))) (=> (and (<= 0 ?V_8) (<= ?V_8 ?V_7)) (<= (select ?v_1 ?V_8) (select ?v_1 ?V_7))))))) (forall ((?V_5 Int)) (=> (and (<= 0 ?V_5) (<= ?V_5 5)) (forall ((?V_6 Int)) (let ((?v_2 (store (store a 0 1) 5 3))) (=> (and (<= 0 ?V_6) (<= ?V_6 ?V_5)) (<= (select ?v_2 ?V_6) (select ?v_2 ?V_5)))))))))))
    CLA Signed 
    opened by ma2bd 0
  • [z3tracer] make parser options accessible

    [z3tracer] make parser options accessible

    • make parser options ParserConfig accessible from CLI tool and existing library API
    • revert to not skipping incorrect lines by default in Model::process
    • make version check the default at the parser level
    • add option to skip version check
    • fix --help: Work around annoying bug with structopt(flatten)
    • fix endless loop on truncated files when skipping incorrect lines
    CLA Signed 
    opened by ma2bd 0
  • Add instantiation timestamps and modify parser to ignore invalid lines

    Add instantiation timestamps and modify parser to ignore invalid lines

    This PR contains two commits:

    • Add a ParserConfig which currently only contains one field: ignore_invalid_lines. When this boolean is true, the parser will ignore lines which don't start with '['.
    • Replace field instantiation_data_len with instantiation_timestamps in struct TermData to store timestamps information. And the length of the instantiation_timestamps is used to sort the terms in most_instantiated_terms. The notebooks have been updated too.
    CLA Signed 
    opened by emmazzz 0
  • Parser bug in get-value

    Parser bug in get-value


    We've just found a bug in your parser related to the get-value command. The SMT-LIB syntax for get-value is

    (get-value ( <terms>+ ))

    (cf. SMT-LIB 2.6 page 45).

    Your rule in get-value in is missing the inner parentheses:

        command ::= LeftParen GetValue terms(xs) RightParen { extra.0.visit_get_value(xs)? }

    It should be like this instead:

        command ::= LeftParen GetValue LeftParen terms(xs) RightParen RightParen { extra.0.visit_get_value(xs)? }

    Thanks (and thanks for producing this parser!).


    opened by BrunoDutertre 0
  • WIP: Support parsing theories

    WIP: Support parsing theories

    Hi, I wanted to take a crack at getting theory parsing working to fix

    Before I went to the trouble of implementing all the parser rules and concrete syntax types, I wanted to validate the approach I'm taking.

    Basically it amounts to:

    • Parser returns an enum ParseResult which could be either a Command or a Theory. (currently, no modesetting is done, we rely on upstream consumers like CommandStream, to provide errors if the parser returns an unexpected result)
    • Extend SmtVisitor with TheoryVisitor. I'm not sure I like this because I imagine there are a lot of tools that will only operate on Commands and not on Theorys but it seemed the least invasive choice. I would welcome some guidance on this point.
    CLA Signed 
    opened by djrenren 0
  • [smt2parser] add parsing rules for SMT2 theories and logics

    [smt2parser] add parsing rules for SMT2 theories and logics

    It should not be too hard to add support for theory and logic definitions. Two options:

    1. add callbacks for "fake" commands: (theory ..) and (logic ..)
    2. modify the Pomelo parser to be multimodal. ~~This can be done by accepting a first token Mode(m) that sets the mode.~~ (EDIT: not needed)

    opened by ma2bd 0
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