Implemented modulo function using a "Mod" trait, has worked in my tests. Followed the code style of the other ops in just wrapping the opcode in a callable function with an explicit return type.
Adding tests here in case its helpful for CI
abi TestContract {
fn sqrtu64(gas_: u64, amount_: u64, coin_: b256, amount: u64) -> u64;
fn sqrtu32(gas_: u64, amount_: u64, coin_: b256, amount: u32) -> u64;
fn sqrtu16(gas_: u64, amount_: u64, coin_: b256, amount: u16) -> u64;
fn sqrtu8(gas_: u64, amount_: u64, coin_: b256, amount: u8) -> u64;
impl TestContract for Contract {
fn sqrtu64(gas_: u64, amount_: u64, color_: b256, amount: u64) -> u64 {
let value:u64 = amount % 10;
fn sqrtu32(gas_: u64, amount_: u64, color_: b256, amount: u32) -> u64 {
let value:u32 = amount % 10;
fn sqrtu16(gas_: u64, amount_: u64, color_: b256, amount: u16) -> u64 {
let value:u16 = amount % 10;
fn sqrtu8(gas_: u64, amount_: u64, color_: b256, amount: u8) -> u64 {
let value:u8 = amount % 10;
use fuel_tx::Salt;
use fuels_abigen_macro::abigen;
use fuels_rs::contract::Contract;
use rand::rngs::StdRng;
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
// Generate Rust bindings from our contract JSON ABI
abigen!(MyContract, "./my-contract-abi.json");
async fn harness() {
let rng = &mut StdRng::seed_from_u64(2322u64);
// Build the contract
let salt: [u8; 32] = rng.gen();
let salt = Salt::from(salt);
let compiled = Contract::compile_sway_contract("./", salt).unwrap();
// Launch a local network and deploy the contract
let (client, contract_id) = Contract::launch_and_deploy(&compiled).await.unwrap();
let contract_instance = MyContract::new(compiled, client);
// Call `initialize_counter()` method in our deployed contract.
// Note that, here, you get type-safety for free!
let result = contract_instance
assert_eq!(0, result);
// Call `increment_counter()` method in our deployed contract.
let result = contract_instance
assert_eq!(5, result);
tested on forc version v0.1.9