JSON-RPC endpoint proxy that dumps requests/responses for debugging



How to build

Ensure you have cargo installed and in your PATH (the easiest way is to visit https://rustup.rs/)


This will create the binary in target/release/json_rpc_snoop.

    json_rpc_snoop [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <RPC_ENDPOINT>

    -h, --help        Prints help information
    -n, --no-color    Do not use terminal colors in output
    -V, --version     Prints version information

    -b, --bind-address <bind-address>       Address to bind to and listen for incoming requests [default:]
    -p, --port <port>                       Port to listen for incoming requests [default: 3000]
    -S, --suppress-all <suppress-all>...    Suppress success or error JSON RPC method calls of this type in output (can
                                            specify more than one)
    -s, --suppress-ok <suppress-ok>...      Suppress successful JSON RPC method calls of this type in output (can
                                            specify more than one)

    <RPC_ENDPOINT>    JSON-RPC endpoint to forward incoming requests

Example Usage

If you have a JSON-RPC endpoint at http://localhost:8545 and you want to run the proxy on port 8560 and suppress successful eth_getBlockByHash requests you would run:

./target/release/json_rpc_snoop -s eth_getBlockByHash -p 8560 http://localhost:8545

Example Output

example output png

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