server security proxy write by Rust



server security proxy write by Rust

how to use

    1. config toml file
server_addr = ""
to_addr = ""

# see how to configrution simple-log:
path = "./var/log/server_security/server_security.log"
level = "INFO"
size = 200
out_kind = ["file"]
roll_count = 300
  • run exec:./server_security ./config/server_config.toml
use server_security::start;
use std::process::exit;

async fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = std::env::args().map(|x| format!("{}", x)).collect();
    if args.len() < 2 {
        println!("lost config path error");
    start(format!("{}", args[1])).await.unwrap();


  • security validate
  • notify
  • monitor
  • tls
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