This is a Rust implementation of a boid flocking simulation using the ggez graphics crate.



This is a Rust implementation of a boid flocking simulation using the ggez graphics crate.

The CLI for this program is built using the structopt crate.


cargo run --release

cargo run --release -- --zoom-scale 0.7 --visual-range 150 --avoid-range 30 --sight-angle 1. --coherence .7

cargo run --release -- --boid-count 12000 --zoom-scale .35 --visual-range 120 --sight-angle 1.5 --avoid-range 30 --alignment .95 --coherence .45


There are lots of options to change the simulation from its default settings. Here's an example configuration for zooming out with many boids: cargo run --release -- --boid-count 15000 --zoom-scale .3 --visual-range 120 --sight-angle 1.5 --avoid-range 25.

Running cargo run --release -- --help yields a screen with the options shown below:

Boid Flocking Simulation
Andrew Lee
A flocking simulation built in Rust with ggez

    boidflock.exe [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

            Seed to determine initial positions and random rotations applied to boids. This make the simulation
            deterministic. If set to default 0, the seed will be randomly generated : u64 [default: 0]
        --boid-count                             Count of boids to simulate : [0, INF) [default: 2000]
            Coefficient for boid aiming for center of local neighbor mass : [0, 1] [default: 0.035]

            Coefficient for boid avoidance within AVOID_RANGE : [0, 1] [default: 0.25]

            Coefficient for boid alignment of velocity within SIGHT_RANGE : [0, 1] [default: 0.75]

            Pixel distance for a boid to avoid others in line of sight : [0, INF) [default: 21.]

            Pixel sight distance for each boid : [0, INF) [default: 80.]

            Sight pie-slice angle for each boid in radians : [0, 2*PI] [default: 2.3]

            Samples to take get cells within sight angle range : [1, INF) [default: 3]

            Max random velocity rotation angle for boids : [0, 2*PI] [default: 0.3]

            Minimum boid velocity in pixels : [0, MAX_VELOC] [default: 3.]

            Maximum boid velocity in pixels : [MIN_VELOC, INF) [default: 5.]

            Maximum number of boid neighbors within current sight range cell to consider for calculations : [0,
            BOID_COUNT] [default: 30]
            Number of boids in sight range in sight range cell ahead to consider : [0, BOID_COUNT] [default: 10]

            Pixel distance from screen edge for boids to turn away from to stay on screen : [0, INF) [default: 25.]

            Coefficient to turn away from screen edges : [0, 1] [default: 0.2]

        --img-scale                               Scale for boid image : [0, INF) [default: 0.32]
            Scale to zoom. Above 1 zooms in, below 1 down to 0 zooms out : [0, INF) [default: 0.8]


This has been awesome project for me for studying complex behavior generated out of simple rules.

I learned lots about practical applications of algorithmic complexity and optimization tradeoffs, and how to use a graphics library.

Enjoy the show!

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