A procedural macro for defining nom combinators in simple DSL

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Parsing nom-rule


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A procedural macro for defining nom combinators in simple DSL. Requires nom v5.0+.


nom = "7"
nom-rule = "0.2"


The procedural macro rule! provided by this crate is designed for the ease of writing grammar spec as well as to improve maintainability, it follows these simple rules:

  1. TOKEN: match the token by token kind. You should provide a parser to eat the next token if the token kind matched. it will get expanded into match_token(TOKEN).
  2. ";": match the token by token text. You should provide a parser to eat the next token if the token text matched. it will get expanded into match_text(";") in this example.
  3. #fn_name: an external nom parser function. In the example above, ident is a predefined parser for identifiers.
  4. a ~ b ~ c: a sequence of parsers to take one by one. It'll get expanded into nom::sequence::tuple.
  5. (...)+: one or more repeated patterns. It'll get expanded into nom::multi::many1.
  6. (...)*: zero or more repeated patterns. It'll get expanded into nom::multi::many0.
  7. (...)?: Optional parser. It'll get expanded into nom::combinator::opt.
  8. a | b | c: Choices between a, b, and c. It'll get expanded into nom::branch::alt.
  9. &a: Positive predicate. It'll get expanded into nom::combinator::map(nom::combinator::peek(a), |_| ()). Note that it doesn't consume the input.
  10. !a: Negative predicate. It'll get expanded into nom::combinator::not. Note that it doesn't consume the input.
  11. ... : "description": Context description for error reporting. It'll get expanded into nom::error::context.


Define match_text parser and match_token parser for your custom token type. You can use nom::combinator::fail as match_token if your parser use &str or &[u8] as input because you won't match on token kinds.

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Token<'a> {
    kind: TokenKind,
    text: &'a str,
    span: Span,

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
enum TokenKind {

    // Keywords

    // Symbols


fn match_text<'a, Error: ParseError<'a>>>(
    text: &'a str,
) -> impl FnMut(Input<'a>) -> IResult<'a>, &'a Token<'a>, Error> {
    move |i| satisfy(|token: &Token<'a>| token.text == text)(i)

fn match_token<'a, Error: ParseError<'a>>>(
    kind: TokenKind,
) -> impl FnMut(Input<'a>) -> IResult<'a>, &'a Token<'a>, Error> {
    move |i| satisfy(|token: &Token<'a>| token.kind == kind)(i)

Then give the two parser to nom_rule::rule! by wrapping it into a custom macro:

macro_rules! rule {
    ($($tt:tt)*) => { 
        nom_rule::rule!($crate::match_text, $crate::match_token, $($tt)*)

To define a parser for the SQL of creating table:

let mut rule = rule!(
    CREATE ~ TABLE ~ #ident ~ "(" ~ (#ident ~ #ident ~ ","?)* ~ ")" ~ ";" : "CREATE TABLE statement"

It will get expanded into:

let mut rule = 
        "CREATE TABLE statement",

Auto Sequence (nightly only)

nom-rule is able to automatically insert ~ in the rule when necessary so that you get the example above working the same as the following:

let mut rule = rule!(
    CREATE TABLE #ident "(" (#ident #ident ","?)* ")" ";" : "CREATE TABLE statement"

To enable this feature, you need to use a nightly channel rust complier, and add this to the Cargo.toml:

nom-rule = { version = "0.2", features = ["auto-sequence"] }
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  • Complete example

    Complete example

    Is there any way that you could put the example into a separate module? I can't get either the example in the readme or the tests module to compile.

    error: proc macro panicked
      --> src/main.rs:71:9
    71 |           nom_rule::rule!($crate::match_text, $crate::match_token, $($tt)*)
       |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    76 |       let mut rule = rule!(
       |  ____________________-
    77 | |         CREATE ~ TABLE ~ #ident ~ ^"(" ~ (#ident ~ #ident ~ ","?)* ~ ")" ~ ";" : "CREATE TABLE statement"
    78 | |     );
       | |_____- in this macro invocation
       = help: message: called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value
       = note: this error originates in the macro `rule` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

    Also is it possible to use rules inside of other rules?

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