This is an implementation defining standard for client-side-validation


Client-side-validation Foundation Libraries

Build Tests Lints codecov Docs unsafe forbidden Apache-2 licensed

This is an implementation defining standard of client-side-validation representing a set of its Foundation libraries. The standards covered by the libraries include LNPBP-4, LNPBP-7, LNPBP-8, LNPBP-9, LNPBP-42, and LNPBP-81 (see Components section below for more details).

Client-side-validation is a paradigm for distributed computing, based on top of proof-of-publication/commitment medium layer, which may be a bitcoin blockchain or other type of distributed consensus system.

The development of the library is supported by LNP/BP Standards Association. The original idea of client-side-validation was proposed by Peter Todd with its possible applications designed by Giacomo Zucco. It was shaped into a protocol- level design by Dr Maxim Orlovsky with a big input from the community and implemented by him as this set of libraries.


Detailed developer & API documentation for all libraries can be accessed at

To learn about the technologies enabled by the library please check slides from our tech presentations and LNP/BP tech talks videos


This library consists of the following main three components, which define independent parts constituting together client-side-validation API and its core functionality. These are:

  • Strict encoding (LNPBP-7 and LNPBP-42 standards): binary standard of encoding client-side-validated data and network addresses.
  • Commit-verify client-side-validation-specific APIs:
    • consensus commitments (part of LNPBP-8 standard)
    • multi-commitments (LNPBP-4 standard)
    • merklization for client-side-validation (LNPBP-81 standard)
  • Single-use-seals API (LNPBP-8 standard)
  • Client-side-validation API from the library root, linking those components together according to LNPBP-9 standard.


The repository contains rust libraries for client-side validation.

Use library in other projects

To use libraries, you just need latest version of libraries, published to into [dependencies] section of your project Cargo.toml. Here is the full list of available libraries from this repository:

client_side_validation = "1" # "Umbrella" library including all of the tree libraries below
strict_encoding = "1" # Strict encoding API and derivation macros
commit_verify = "1" # Consensus and multi-message commitments
single_use_seals = "1" # Generic (non-bitcoin-specific) API

"Umbrella" client_side_validation library is configured with default set of features enabling all of its functionality (and including all of other libraries from this repository, listed above). If you need to restrict this set, either use specific libraries - or configure main library with a set of features in the following way:

version = "1"
default-features = false
features = [] # Your set of features goes here

The library has four feature flags, all of which are not used by default:

  • rand, providing support for generating random 32-byte sequences of Slice32 type, used in many LNP/BP applications (for instance as hash-lock preimages or during LNPBP-4 multi-commitments);
  • serde, providing support for data structure serialization with serde across all library;
  • bitcoin, providing implementation of strint encoding for bitcoin data types;
  • crypto, adding strict encoding support for Ed25519/X25519, Grin Secp256k1zkp Pedersen commitments and bulletproofs data types.

For specific features which may be enabled for the libraries, please check library-specific guidelines, located in files in each of library subdirectories.

Libraries based on client-side-validation

Most of the developers will be probably interested in a more high-level libraries based on client-side-validation, applying it to a specific commitment mediums (bitcoin transaction graph from blockchain or state channels, or more exotic systems like confidential bitcoin transactions used by elements & liquid, or mimblewimble-based systems). Here is (potentially incomplete) list of such libraries:

  • Bitcoin: BP Core Lib, which contains bitcoin UTXO single-use-seal implementations for pay-to-contract and sign-to-contract types of seals, as well as a library for deterministic bitcoin commitments. This library is maintained by LNP/BP Association.
  • Mimblewimble: MW Core Lib from Pandora Core – a very early prototypes and proofs of concept applying client-side-validation to mimblewimble-types of blockchains.
  • Pandora timechain, an experimental blockchain of Pandora Network, playing with client-side-validation using modified bitcoin consensus rules, extended with eltoo- and covenants-related functionality and with removed native blockchain-level coin.


Contribution guidelines can be found in CONTRIBUTING


The libraries are distributed on the terms of Apache 2.0 opensource license. See LICENCE file for the license details.

  • StrictEncoding issue with enum tuple struct field initialization

    StrictEncoding issue with enum tuple struct field initialization

    When fixing some clippy lints on the descriptor wallet, I ran into an issue here:

    Screenshot from 2022-02-09 12-30-55

    Docs on the linter rule are here:

    Normally I wouldn't file a feature request just to satisfy a linter, but this might be indicative of some sort of oversight. Feel free to close if we're comfortable with using #![allow(clippy::init_numbered_fields)] in all projects using strict encoding.

    bug help wanted 
    opened by cryptoquick 7
  • Fix Taptree Strict Encode/Decode

    Fix Taptree Strict Encode/Decode


    I tried to use strict_decode in the PSBT file with output taptree and the method returns Error::DataIntegrityError.

    This error occurs because the Taptree decode expected a different format. To simplify the process, I changed to use serialize and deserialize taptree provided by rust-bitcoin lib.

    opened by crisdut 6
  • Fix for merging LNPBP4 merkle blocks

    Fix for merging LNPBP4 merkle blocks

    The problem was caused by a very simple oversight: 387af22ccec5fa2cd1142d8d31a84c8a5259ee30

    It took me drawing a lot of charts to finally see the obvious mistake.

    As far as I can see, this fix is not consensus-breaking, so after getting ACKs on this PR to master, I will backport it into v0.8 and v0.9 as well and will release v0.8.3 version.

    Additionally to the fix I made a test in 75fdf50c86a97c456e109de16845a73d98782305 which matches the merkle blocks which fails to merge from the original bug report This test fails before the fix is applied - and after the fix it passes successfully.

    Next, I improved code style of merkle block merge in 1e11bd0e183134f2c80728e4e21feb545ba91b85 to ensure that the code is correct and problems like this can't be easily introduced in a future.

    opened by dr-orlovsky 3
  • Temp change of unreachable for known bug

    Temp change of unreachable for known bug

    This PR refers to what has been discussed here

    I know that UnrelatedProof is not the correct error in this case, but trying to change it to something else causes bp-dbc to stop compiling and I don't think we should change everything for a very temporary change. @dr-orlovsky please let me know if I'm missing a simple way to introduce a proper error

    opened by zoedberg 3
  • fix merkle proof conversion

    fix merkle proof conversion

    Description The rgb-node produces an incorrect merkle proof anchor when compiled in release mode.

    This problem occurs because the conversion of the merkle block into a merkle proof was inside the debug_assert method.




    opened by crisdut 1
  • v0.9.0-rc.1(Dec 25, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • feat: feature strict encoding on monero types by @h4sh3d in
    • Strict encoding v0.8.1 fixes by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Upgrade for bitcoin 0.29 & miniscript 8.0 by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Fix Taptree Strict Encode/Decode by @crisdut in
    • Fix merkle proof conversion by @crisdut in
    • Fix for merging LNPBP4 merkle blocks by @dr-orlovsky in

    New Contributors

    • @h4sh3d made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.8.0(Jun 30, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Strict encoding vec types enhancements by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Tagged hash API overhaul by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Enable multiple seal batches in single-use-seals API by @dr-orlovsky in
    • MSRV bump to 1.59 and rust edition 2021
    • Solve clippy init_numbered_fields warning for strict encoding (issue #54)

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.7.0(Jun 13, 2022)

    What's new

    • Commit-convolve scheme
    • Refactored commit-embed schemes
    • Refactored LNPBP4 using merklization
    • Refactored single-use-seals API

    Detailed changelog

    • Async support in single-use-seals by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Fixing missed bulletproof use for commit_encode by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Fixing merklization bug for certain length of data by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Strict encoding advancements: TLVs, derive helpers, test helpers by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Strict encoding: failing on even unknown TLVs, better docs by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Support for non-optional TLV field types by @dr-orlovsky in
    • TLV testing by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Fixing encoding derive helpers bug with TLV non-copy encoding by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Fixing strict encoding for TLV structs without aggregator by @dr-orlovsky in
    • TLV main refactoring by @dr-orlovsky in
    • SigHashType strict encoding by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Strict encoding for rust range types by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Strict encoding for amplify_num u24 type by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Taproot support by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Version bump & updates by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Refactor commit-embed API by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Implement strict en-/decoding with const generics by @KaiWitt in
    • Fix issue with miniscript generic recursion in strict encoding by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Improve commit_embed API by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Fix const generic array strict encoding size limits by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Strict encoding for miniscript descriptor inner types by @dr-orlovsky in
    • RC fixes for strict_encoding 1.8.0 by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Update to bitcoin & miniscript RC2 by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Refactor commitment schemes by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Make EmbedCommitProof::restore_original_container failable by @dr-orlovsky in
    • VerifyEq trait for commitment verification of non-Eq types by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Separate CommitError and VerifyError types in commit-embed-verify scheme by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Completing strict encodings for bitcoin-related transaction types by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Update to bitcoin release 0.28.0 by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Strict encoding 1.8 release by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Strict encoding test release by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Revert strict encoding for rust-bitcoin PSBT type by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Refactor single-use-seal API by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Complete ConvolveCommit API by @dr-orlovsky in
    • API for v0.7 by @dr-orlovsky in
    • LBPNP-4 refactoring into Merkle tree by @dr-orlovsky in
    • LNPBP-4 API enchancements by @dr-orlovsky in
    • LargeVec for strict encoding arrays larger u16::MAX by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Make lnpbp4::MerkleBlock::with public by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Strict encoding of big signed int and float types by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Support ieee::Oct strict encoding by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Strict encoding MediumVec type supporting up to u24 elements by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Support iter_mut for strict_encoding LargeVec and MediumVec types by @dr-orlovsky in

    New Contributors

    • @KaiWitt made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.6.0(May 15, 2022)

    Release based on taproot-enabled rust-bitcoin and rust-miniscript libraries.

    What's Changed

    • Async support in single-use-seals by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Fixing missed bulletproof use for commit_encode by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Fixing merklization bug for certain length of data by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Strict encoding advancements: TLVs, derive helpers, test helpers by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Strict encoding: failing on even unknown TLVs, better docs by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Support for non-optional TLV field types by @dr-orlovsky in
    • TLV testing by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Fixing encoding derive helpers bug with TLV non-copy encoding by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Fixing strict encoding for TLV structs without aggregator by @dr-orlovsky in
    • TLV main refactoring by @dr-orlovsky in
    • SigHashType strict encoding by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Strict encoding for rust range types by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Strict encoding for amplify_num u24 type by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Taproot support by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Version bump & updates by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Refactor commit-embed API by @dr-orlovsky in
    • Implement strict en-/decoding with const generics by @KaiWitt in

    New Contributors

    • @KaiWitt made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.5.0(May 14, 2021)

    This version for the first time represents reference implementation for R1 version of client-side-validation standards, organized in separate sublibraries/rust crates:

    The library represents generalized client-side-validation APIs, abstracted from its bitcoin-specific applications and RGB, with detailed documentation and test coverage.

    This release finalizes all pending work on client-side-validation and is a final release before the library will move to v1.0 version, which will be released upon the final audit of the current release. This will define a milestone when client-side-validation can be used in production environments.

    The library is located at Library documentation 📖 is at

    Supported & tested platforms: Linux (Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 21.04), Mac OS (Mac OS Big Sur and Mac OS Catalina), Windows 2020 Server.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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