a nom parser combinator that matches a psql statement.



a nom parser combinator that matches a psql statement.

Postgres has a dialect of SQL that I'm going to call pgsql. Postgres also has a client, psql, which recognizes meta-commands and inline-copy syntax that normal pgsql does not. This parser recognizes psql meta-commands and pgsql tokens, allowing the statement combinator to know when a statement has ended. The statement combinator also attaches color commentary on the end of a line to the previous statement, so select 1; -- take a number is matched as one statement.


This is a hack with some tests, a README, and a license.

This parser doesn't understand all the tokens in pgsql and psql, which has its pros:

  • psql_splitter::statement is more likely to split statements out of invalid psql
  • a simpler parser is easier to maintain

but also its cons:

  • a simpler parser is more likely to be missing something about the enormous pgsql language


  • the splitter should match invalid psql, always splitting the input into one or more statements
  • the splitter should treat psql meta-commands as statement terminators, e.g select 1 as foo \gset and \d my_table would both be complete statements.
  • the splitter should ignore statement-terminators inside pgsql strings and parentheses and exotic psql such as \if ... \endif and COPY table_name FROM STDIN; ... \.
  • the splitter should somewhat-reliably split psql and pgsql statements as defined by postgres, but not neccessarily other sql-like dialects derived from postgres's psql and pgsql.
  • the splitter should be correct. Speed, a small binary, and memory efficiency aren't goals, but they're nice to have.


If you find a bug, please submit an issue with a reproduction case. PRs for tooling would also be welcome.


While this library is offered under the attached BSD 3-clause at ./LICENSE, ./src/*.sql are excerpts from the postgres codebase, and so are covered by the postgres license.

Prior art

libpg_query's split_with_scanner codeschool/sqlite-parser's test-suite-extraction tools

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