A "Hello, Rust!" program for the Flipper Zero


"Hello, Rust!" for the Flipper Zero

This is an example of how to build a Rust-based Flipper application that runs from the SD-card.

Note: This depends upon the Flipper Application SDK which is included in the 0.67 release and some Rust-specific fixes which are included in 0.68.1 release.


  1. [Optional] Switch to nightly version of Rust (required if you use flipperzero-alloc)
    rustup default nightly
  2. Install the thumbv7em-none-eabihf Rust target:
    rustup target add thumbv7em-none-eabihf
  3. Clone the flipperzero-firmware repository:
    git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware.git && cd flipperzero-firmware
  4. Clone this repository into applications_user:
    git clone https://github.com/dcoles/flipperzero-hello-rust.git applications_user/hello_rust
  5. Build the project as a Rust library:
    (cd applications_user/hello_rust && cargo build --release)
  6. Build, upload and launch the app by executing:
    ./fbt launch_app APPSRC=applications_user/hello_rust
    Or do it manually by calling:
    ./fbt firmware_hello_rust
    ./scripts/storage.py mkdir /ext/apps/Misc
    ./scripts/storage.py send build/f7-firmware-D/hello_rust.fap /ext/apps/Misc/hello_rust.fap
    And after that launch the app on Flipper via Menu->Applications->Misc->Hello, Rust.

Build Tasks

This project uses cargo-make to help automate some common tasks.

cargo make build

Builds application by running cargo build and then fbt.

cargo make install

Copy most recent build of application to connected Flipper Zero.

cargo make build-install

Shorthand for cargo make build followed by cargo make install.

cargo make build-run

Build and launch most recent build of application on connected Flipper Zero.

cargo make cli

Connect to the Flipper Zero's serial command-line interface.


Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.

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  • Broken on head

    Broken on head

    I imagine theyve redone a bunch of the build system, but yeah the instructions no longer work:

    (venv) flipperzero-chrootenv:xxx@xxx:/tmp/flipperzero-firmware$ ./fbt firmware_hello_rust
    	LINK	build/f7-firmware-D/.extapps/hello_rust_d.elf
    /nix/store/6gvjdldjgwxbyiwzj5awzhs1nm2my0bv-gcc-arm-embedded-10.3.1/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/10.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: --gc-sections requires a defined symbol root specified by -e or -u
    collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
    scons: *** [build/f7-firmware-D/.extapps/hello_rust_d.elf] Error 1
    ********** ERRORS **********
    Failed building build/f7-firmware-D/.extapps/hello_rust_d.elf: Error 1
    (venv) flipperzero-chrootenv:xxx@xxx:/tmp/flipperzero-firmware$ readelf -h build/f7-firmware-D/.extapps/hello_rust_d.elf
    readelf: Error: 'build/f7-firmware-D/.extapps/hello_rust_d.elf': No such file
    opened by twitchyliquid64 5
  • Cannot build app

    Cannot build app

    hello_rust % cargo build --release            
    error: failed to get `flipperzero` as a dependency of package `hello_rust v0.1.0 (/Users/drzlo/work/flipperzero-firmware/applications_user/hello_rust)`
    Caused by:
      failed to load source for dependency `flipperzero`
    Caused by:
      Unable to update /Users/drzlo/work/flipperzero-rs/crates/flipperzero
    Caused by:
      failed to read `/Users/drzlo/work/flipperzero-rs/crates/flipperzero/Cargo.toml`
    Caused by:
      No such file or directory (os error 2)

    Looks like it caused by:

    flipperzero = { version = "0.2.0-alpha", path = "../../../flipperzero-rs/crates/flipperzero" }
    flipperzero-sys = { version = "0.2.0-alpha", path = "../../../flipperzero-rs/crates/sys" }
    opened by DrZlo13 1
  • Updates


    1. Added cargo make build-run command.
    2. README.md has been updated to accommodate the latest changes to the flipperzero-firmware.
    3. README.md has been updated to use unstable rust features.
    opened by DrZlo13 0
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