A better rust version of pokeget.



A better rust version of pokeget.


pokeget <pokemon>

for more info, run pokeget --help

Also, if you're using pokeget in your bashrc, then instead of running pokeget <pokemon>, you can just write the output to a file by doing: pokeget <pokemon> > file.txt and then have something like cat file.txt bashrc.

You can also use multiple pokemon like:

pokeget bulbasaur pikachu

and dex id's work too:

pokeget 1 2 3


If you're on arch, you can use the AUR:

yay -S pokeget

You can either use cargo by doing:

cargo install pokeget

and making sure $HOME/.cargo/bin is added to $PATH.

or clone the repository and compiling manually by doing:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/talwat/pokeget-rs.git
cd pokeget-rs
cargo build --release
mv target/release/pokeget ~/.local/bin

and making sure $HOME/.local/bin is added to $PATH.

Adding a directory to $PATH

Bash & Zsh

Append this to your .bashrc or .zshrc:

export PATH="<path>:$PATH"


Run this in your CLI:

fish_add_path <path>


Because the first pokeget was slow, bloated, and super complicated I decided to make a better version in rust.

Now, instead of precomputing all the sprites and uploading them to a repo, pokeget will be able to compute them on the fly which makes everything much more flexible while still retaining performance.

It will also draw the sprites 2x smaller by using half squares.

What about other projects?

pokeget-rs has an edge over projects like the old pokeget, pokeshell, etc... since it's in rust.

It also is significantly (5.5x) faster than krabby which is another very similar project.

For more info, go to OTHER_PROJECTS.md.

Where are the prebuilt binaries?

I cannot figure out how to compile rust to multiple different platforms with a CI pipeline like github actions. If someone knows how, PLEASE make a PR.

What about big sprites?

Gone. Reduced to atoms.

In all seriousness, i've just decided to not deal with them since it's extra work that I don't want to deal with.


This time, the sprites are from pokesprite and pokeget uses them with a submodule.

Sprites are embedded into the binary, so pokeget won't download them.

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